Add byteweight implementation into extra

This commit is contained in:
Tiffany Bao 2014-10-15 00:26:19 -04:00
parent f90584139a
commit 8d0206023b
11 changed files with 708 additions and 0 deletions

extra/byteweight/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ByteWeight is a function identification project for cross platforms. It is based
on CMU Binary Analysis Platform.
Current code contains both training and testing implementation. To train out
signature file, one should use train by:
./train -bin-dir [training binary] -sig [output signature file]

extra/byteweight/_oasis Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
OASISFormat: 0.4
Name: byteweight
Version: 0.1
Synopsis: Function Identification Tool
Authors: Tiffany Bao
License: MIT
Plugins: META (0.4), DevFiles (0.4)
BuildTools: ocamlbuild
BuildDepends: str,
Library "byteweight"
Path: .
BuildTools: ocamlbuild
Modules: Byteweight
CompiledObject: best
Executable "byteweight"
Path: .
CompiledObject: best
Executable "train"
Path: .
CompiledObject: best

extra/byteweight/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
let generate_keys bytes =
let rec rec_g res bytes =
let len = String.length bytes in
if len == 0 then res
let tl_bytes =
String.sub bytes 0 (len-1)
rec_g (bytes :: res) tl_bytes
rec_g [] bytes
(*consecutive : addr -> addr -> int -> Exec_container.t -> string *)
let consecutive addr end_addr len container =
let real_end =
let max_addr = addr (Bitvector.lit len 32) in
if Bitvector.bool_of ( end_addr max_addr) then end_addr
else max_addr
Exec_container.Reader.get_bytes container addr real_end

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
(* TODO: convert to Core_list? *)
module DismTrie = Dism.Trie
let usage = "./match [binary file]"
let k = 10
let g_wpt = Filename.concat (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) "signatures/sig_arm"
let threshold = ref 0.5
let d_bin = ref None
let d_out = ref None
let bin = ref None
let out = ref stdout
let f_wpt = ref g_wpt
(* let arch = ref None *)
let arg_specs =
("-wpt", Arg.String(fun s -> f_wpt := s), "weighted prefix tree file")
:: ("-bin-dir", Arg.String(fun s -> d_bin := Some s), "test binary directory")
(* :: ("-bin", Arg.String(fun s -> bin := Some s), "test binary") *)
:: ("-o-dir", Arg.String(fun s -> d_out := Some s; try Unix.mkdir s 0o755 with _ -> ()), "output directory")
:: ("-o", Arg.String(fun s -> out := open_out s), "output file")
:: ("-t", Arg.Float(fun f -> threshold := f), "threshold")
(* Question: can BAP infer architecture from binaries? *)
:: []
let anon_fun s = bin := Some s
(* fsi_container : Trie.t -> Container.exec_container -> addr list -> addr list *)
let fsi_container trie container codes =
let fs_sec = (fun (start_addr, end_addr) ->
(* score : Trie.t -> addr -> float *)
let score addr =
let disms = Dism.consecutive addr end_addr k container in
DismTrie.find trie disms
let rec rec_score addr fs =
if (Bitvector.bool_of ( end_addr addr)) then fs
let s = score addr in
if s > !threshold then
rec_score (Bitvector.incr addr) (addr :: fs)
rec_score (Bitvector.incr addr) fs
rec_score start_addr []
) codes in
(* List.concat fs_sec *)
(* List.concat is not tail-recursive, so I use List.fold_left instead *)
(List.fold_left (fun res l -> List.rev_append (List.rev res) l) [] fs_sec)
(* output: out_channel -> addr list -> unit *)
let output oc fsi =
List.iter (fun addr ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" (Bitvector.to_hex addr)
) fsi;
close_out oc
let get_code_segments container =
let sections = Exec_container.Reader.get_sections container in
List.fold_left (
fun res {Exec_container.start_addr=start_addr;
Exec_container.permissions=permissions} ->
if List.mem Exec_container.X permissions then
(start_addr, end_addr) :: res
) [] sections
(* fsi_bin : string -> Trie.t -> addr list *)
let fsi_bin bin trie =
let exec_container = Dism.get_container bin in
match exec_container with
| None -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Binary Load Error %s" bin)
| Some container ->
(* codes: (addr * addr) list *)
let codes = get_code_segments container in
(* List.iter (fun (st, en) -> Printf.printf "%s %s\n%!"
(Bitvector.to_hex st) (Bitvector.to_hex en)) codes; *)
fsi_container trie container codes
(* main *)
let () =
let () = Arg.parse arg_specs anon_fun usage in
match !bin, !d_bin with
| None, Some d_i -> (
match !d_out with
| None ->
let err =
Printf.sprintf "Output directory is required.\n" ^ usage
raise (Arg.Bad err)
| Some d_o ->
let trie = Dism.load !f_wpt in
let bins =
(Filename.concat d_i)
(Array.to_list (Sys.readdir d_i))
List.iter (fun bin ->
let fs = fsi_bin bin trie in
let oc =
let bin_out = Filename.concat d_o (Filename.basename bin) in
open_out bin_out
output oc fs
) bins
| Some i, None ->
let trie = Dism.load !f_wpt in
let fs = fsi_bin i trie in
output !out fs
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad usage)
(* get_functions: exec_container -> addr list *)
let get_functions container =
let trie = Dism.load g_wpt in
let codes = get_code_segments container in
fsi_container trie container codes

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
val get_functions : Exec_container.t -> Exec_container.addr list

extra/byteweight/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
exception No_Dism
module Instr = struct
type t = string
let equal i j = i = j
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module M = struct
module D = Hashtbl.Make(Instr)
include D
let format a = a
module Trie = Trie.Make(M)
let sep = ";"
(* read_from_ic : in_channel -> string list * float *)
let read_from_ic ic =
let to_dism_score line =
let words = Str.split (Str.regexp "->") line in
match words with
| [disms_str; counts] ->
let disms = Str.split (Str.regexp ";") disms_str in
let p, n =
let p_n = Str.split (Str.regexp ",") counts in
match p_n with
| [p;n] -> float_of_string p, float_of_string n
| _ -> failwith "WPT File Format error"
disms, (p /. (p +. n))
| _ -> failwith "WPT File Format error"
let sigs = ref [] in
while true; do
let line = input_line ic in
let disms, score = to_dism_score line in
sigs := (disms, score) :: !sigs
with End_of_file ->
close_in ic;
let load file =
let ic = open_in file in
(* sigs : string list * float *)
let sigs = read_from_ic ic in
let trie = Trie.init 0.0 in
List.iter (fun (k, v) ->
Trie.add trie k v
) sigs;
let get_disasm container addr =
let module ARM = Arch_arm.ARM in
(* Printf.printf "%s\n" (Bitvector.to_hex addr); *)
let _, _, fallthrough, dism =
ARM.disasm ARM.init_state (fun addr ->
(Exec_container.Reader.get_bytes container addr (Bitvector.incr addr)) 0
) addr
match dism with
| None -> raise No_Dism
| Some d -> d, fallthrough
(* consecutive: addr -> addr -> int -> Container.exec_container -> asm list *)
let consecutive addr end_addr len container =
let rec rec_consecutive addr i disms =
if (i >= len) || (Bitvector.bool_of ( end_addr addr)) then
List.rev disms
else try (
let dism, fallthrough = get_disasm container addr in
rec_consecutive fallthrough (i + 1) (Normalize.normalize dism :: disms)
with _ -> List.rev disms
rec_consecutive addr 0 []
let get_container bin =
let ic = open_in_bin bin in
let buf = String.create (in_channel_length ic) in
let () = really_input ic buf 0 (String.length buf) in
let () = close_in ic in
Elf_container.load_executable buf
let generate_keys disms =
let rec rec_g res prefix = function
| [] -> res
| hd :: tl ->
let new_key =
if prefix = "" then hd
else Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" prefix sep hd
rec_g (new_key :: res) new_key tl
rec_g [] "" disms

extra/byteweight/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
open Core_kernel.Std
open Or_error
open Dwarf
module Buffer = Dwarf_data.Buffer
let fb bin =
let tmp_file = Filename.temp_file bin ".tmp" in
let command =
"arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -t %s | grep \"F .text\" | \
gawk `{ \
start=strtonum(\"0x\"$1); \
size=strtonum(\"0x\"$5); \
printf(\"%%x %%x\\n\", start, start+size)}` | sort -u > %s"
bin tmp_file
let () = Sys.command command in
read_fb tmp_file
let read_fs filename =
let lines = In_channel.read_lines filename in lines ~f: (fun line ->
let addr_int = int_of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%s" line) in
Bitvector.lit addr_int 32
let fs bin =
let tmp_file = Filename.temp_file (Filename.basename bin) ".tmp" in
let command =
"arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -t %s | grep \"F .text\" | \
awk '{print $1}' | sort -u > %s"
bin tmp_file
(* Printf.printf "%s%!" command; *)
let _ = Sys.command command in
read_fs tmp_file
let fs_dwarf filename =
let filedata = In_channel.read_all filename in
match Elf.parse filedata with
| None -> (*errorf "%s is not an elf file\n" filename *) []
| Some elf ->
let open Elf in
let endian = match elf.e_data with
| ELFDATA2LSB -> LittleEndian
| ELFDATA2MSB -> BigEndian in
let create name s = Some (name, Buffer.create s.sh_data) in
let sections = List.filter_map elf.e_sections ~f:(fun s ->
match s.sh_name with
| ".debug_info" -> create Section.Info s
| ".debug_abbrev" -> create Section.Abbrev s
| ".debug_str" -> create Section.Str s
| _ -> None) in
match Dwarf_data.create endian sections with
| Ok data ->
(match Dff.create data with
| Ok dff ->
let seq = (Dff.functions dff) ~f:(fun (_, fn) ->
match Dff.Fn.pc_lo fn with
| Dwarf.Addr.Int64 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int64 x) 64
| Dwarf.Addr.Int32 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int32 x) 32
) in
Sequence.to_list seq
| Error err -> (* eprintf "error" @@ Error.to_string_hum err; *) [])
| _ -> []
let dwarf_to_bitvector = function
| Dwarf.Addr.Int64 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int64 x) 64
| Dwarf.Addr.Int32 x -> Bitvector.litz (Z.of_int32 x) 32
let fs_dwarf filename =
let filedata = In_channel.read_all filename in
let res =
match Elf.parse filedata with
| None -> errorf "%s is not an elf file\n" filename
| Some elf ->
let open Elf in
let endian = match elf.e_data with
| ELFDATA2LSB -> LittleEndian
| ELFDATA2MSB -> BigEndian in
let create name s = Some (name, Buffer.create s.sh_data) in
let sections = List.filter_map elf.e_sections ~f:(fun s ->
match s.sh_name with
| ".debug_info" -> create Section.Info s
| ".debug_abbrev" -> create Section.Abbrev s
| ".debug_str" -> create Section.Str s
| _ -> None) in
Dwarf_data.create endian sections >>= fun data ->
Dff.create data >>| fun dff ->
let seq = (Dff.functions dff) ~f:(fun (_, fn) ->
dwarf_to_bitvector (Dff.Fn.pc_lo fn)
) in
Sequence.to_list seq
in match res with
| Ok x ->
let gt = Filename.concat "gt_dwarf" (Filename.basename filename) in
Out_channel.write_lines gt ( x ~f:Bitvector.to_hex);
| Error err -> Printf.printf "dwarf error %s: %s\n" filename
(Error.to_string_hum err); []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
type t_arch =
| Arm
| X86
| X86_64
let replace_patt str patt =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp patt) patt str
let normalize ?(arch=None) s =
let s_trimmed = String.trim s in
let s_normalized =
match arch with
| None | Some Arm ->
let norm_const =
let neg = "#-[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*"
and pos = "#[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*"
and zero = "#0+" in
List.fold_left replace_patt s_trimmed [neg;pos;zero]
let norm_branch =
let bl = "^b\\(l\\)?[ \t]+[1-9a-f]+" in
replace_patt norm_const bl
| Some X86
| Some X86_64 ->
let norm_const =
let neg = "-\\(\\$\\)?\\(0x\\)?[0-9a-f]+"
and pos = "\\(\\$\\)?\\(0x\\)?[0-9a-f]+"
and zero = "\\(\\$\\)?\\(0x\\)?0+" in
List.fold_left replace_patt s_trimmed [neg;pos;zero]
let norm_branch =
let jump = "^j[a-z]+[ \t]+\\(\\*\\)?[0-9a-f]+"
and call = "^call[a-z]+[ \t]+\\(\\*\\)?[0-9a-f]+" in
List.fold_left replace_patt norm_const [jump;call]
let s_stripped =
let s_splitted = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") s_normalized in
String.concat "" s_splitted
(* Printf.printf "====\n%s\n%s\n====\n%!" s s_stripped; *)

extra/byteweight/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
module I = Dism.Instr
module Sigs = Hashtbl.Make(I)
let usage = "Train: ./train -bin-dir [test binary directory] -sig [output signature file]"
let d_bin = ref None
let sig_out = ref None
let k = 20
let arg_specs =
("-bin-dir", Arg.String(fun s -> d_bin := Some s), "train binary directory")
:: ("-sig", Arg.String(fun s -> sig_out := Some s), "output signature file")
:: []
let anon_fun _ = raise (Arg.Bad usage)
let parse_command =
Arg.parse arg_specs anon_fun usage;
match !d_bin, !sig_out with
| Some d, Some out -> d, out
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad usage)
(* build_sigs : (addr list * Container.exec_container) list -> string Hashtbl.t *)
let build_sigs info =
let sigs = Sigs.create 1000 in
List.iter (fun (fs, sections, container) ->
List.iter (fun addr ->
let keys =
let sec_end =
let rec rec_sec_end addr = function
| (st, nd) :: tl ->
if (Bitvector.bool_of (Bitvector.le addr nd))
&& (Bitvector.bool_of (Bitvector.le st addr))
then nd
else rec_sec_end addr tl
| [] ->
failwith (
Printf.sprintf "Function %s is not in executable segment"
(Bitvector.to_hex addr))
rec_sec_end addr sections
(* let disms = Dism.consecutive addr sec_end k container in
Dism.generate_keys disms *)
let bytes = Byte.consecutive addr sec_end k container in
Byte.generate_keys bytes
List.iter (fun key ->
(* Printf.printf "%s\n%!" key; *)
let (p, n) = Sigs.find sigs key in
Sigs.replace sigs key (p + 1, n)
with Not_found ->
Sigs.add sigs key (1, 0)
) keys
) fs
) info;
(* update_sigs :
* string Hashtbl.t -> (addr list * Container.section) list -> unit
let update_sigs sigs info =
List.iter (fun (fs, sections, container) ->
List.iter (fun (start_addr, end_addr) ->
let rec rec_update addr =
if addr > end_addr then ()
else if List.mem addr fs then
rec_update (Bitvector.incr addr)
else (
let keys =
(* let disms = Dism.consecutive addr end_addr k container in
Dism.generate_keys disms *)
let bytes = Byte.consecutive addr end_addr k container in
Byte.generate_keys bytes
List.iter (fun key ->
let (p, n) = Sigs.find sigs key in
Sigs.replace sigs key (p, n + 1)
with Not_found -> ()
) keys;
rec_update (Bitvector.incr addr)
rec_update start_addr
) sections
) info
let train d =
let bins = (Filename.concat d) (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir d))
let info = List.rev_map (fun bin ->
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" bin;
let exec_container = Dism.get_container bin in
match exec_container with
| None -> failwith "Binary Load Error"
| Some container ->
(* let fs = Mock.fs bin *)
let fs = Mock.fs_dwarf bin
and codes =
(* TODO: currently they are segments, not sections
* What we really want is sections *)
let sections = Exec_container.Reader.get_sections container in
List.fold_left (
fun res {Exec_container.start_addr=start_addr;
Exec_container.permissions=permissions} ->
if List.mem Exec_container.X permissions then
(start_addr, end_addr) :: res
) [] sections
List.iter (fun (st, en) ->
Printf.printf "%s %s\n%!" (Bitvector.to_hex st) (Bitvector.to_hex en))
List.iter (fun addr ->
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Bitvector.to_hex addr)
) fs; *)
fs, codes, container
) bins in
let sigs = build_sigs info in
update_sigs sigs info;
let output sigs file =
let oc = open_out_bin file in
Sigs.iter (fun k (p, n) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s->%d,%d\n" k p n
) sigs;
close_out oc
let () =
let d, out = parse_command in
let sigs = train d in
output sigs out

extra/byteweight/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
module type M = sig
type 'a t
type key
val create : int -> 'a t
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
val format : key -> string
module type TRIE = sig
type 'a t
type key
val init : 'a -> 'a t
val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
val output : 'a t -> string -> ('a -> string) -> unit
module Make (M : M) : (TRIE with type key = M.key list) = struct
type key = M.key list
type 'a t = Node of 'a * 'a t M.t
let init v = Node (v, M.create 10)
(* add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit *)
let rec add trie k v = match k with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: [] -> (
match trie with
| Node (_, m) ->
match (M.find m hd) with
| Node (_, sub) -> M.replace m hd (Node (v, sub))
with Not_found ->
(* If this is a new node, add to its father node's map *)
let subtrie_init = init v in
M.add m hd subtrie_init
| hd :: tl ->
match trie with
| Node (_, m) ->
let subtrie =
M.find m hd
with Not_found -> (
(* If this is a new node, add to its father node's map *)
let subtrie_init = init v in
M.add m hd subtrie_init;
add subtrie tl v
(* find : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> 'a *)
(* find : return the longest match *)
let find trie k =
let rec rec_find trie k t_v = match k with
| [] -> t_v
| hd :: tl ->
match trie with
| Node (_, m) ->
(* let subtrie = M.find m hd in
match subtrie with *)
match M.find m hd with
| Node (v, _) as subtrie ->
rec_find subtrie tl v
(* Not_found means reach the longest match, so return t_v *)
with Not_found ->
let root_v = match trie with
| Node (v, _) -> v
rec_find trie k root_v
(* output : 'a t -> string -> ('a -> string) -> unit *)
let output trie file format_v =
let oc = open_out file in
let rec rec_output prefix = function
| Node (v, m) ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s->%s\n" (String.concat ";" (List.rev prefix)) (format_v v);
M.iter (fun k v ->
rec_output (M.format k :: prefix) v
) m
rec_output [] trie;
close_out oc
module type DISM = sig
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module Dism : DISM = struct
type t = string
let equal i j = i = j
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module M = struct
module D = Hashtbl.Make(Dism)
include D
let format a = a
module DismTrie = Make(M) *)

extra/byteweight/trie.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module type M = sig
type 'a t
type key
val create : int -> 'a t
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
val format : key -> string
module type TRIE = sig
type 'a t
type key
val init : 'a -> 'a t
val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
val output : 'a t -> string -> ('a -> string) -> unit
module Make (M : M) : (TRIE with type key = M.key list)