When handling failover, COLO processes differently according to the different stage of failover process, here we introduce a global atomic variable to record the status of failover. We add four failover status to indicate the different stage of failover process. You should use the helpers to get and set the value. Signed-off-by: zhanghailiang <zhang.zhanghailiang@huawei.com> Reviewed-by: Dr. David Alan Gilbert <dgilbert@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Amit Shah <amit.shah@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Amit Shah <amit@amitshah.net>
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216 lines
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# See docs/tracing.txt for syntax documentation.
# migration/savevm.c
qemu_loadvm_state_section(unsigned int section_type) "%d"
qemu_loadvm_state_section_command(int ret) "%d"
qemu_loadvm_state_section_partend(uint32_t section_id) "%u"
qemu_loadvm_state_main(void) ""
qemu_loadvm_state_main_quit_parent(void) ""
qemu_loadvm_state_post_main(int ret) "%d"
qemu_loadvm_state_section_startfull(uint32_t section_id, const char *idstr, uint32_t instance_id, uint32_t version_id) "%u(%s) %u %u"
qemu_savevm_send_packaged(void) ""
loadvm_handle_cmd_packaged(unsigned int length) "%u"
loadvm_handle_cmd_packaged_main(int ret) "%d"
loadvm_handle_cmd_packaged_received(int ret) "%d"
loadvm_postcopy_handle_advise(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_handle_listen(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_handle_run(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_handle_run_cpu_sync(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_handle_run_vmstart(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_ram_handle_discard(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_ram_handle_discard_end(void) ""
loadvm_postcopy_ram_handle_discard_header(const char *ramid, uint16_t len) "%s: %ud"
loadvm_process_command(uint16_t com, uint16_t len) "com=0x%x len=%d"
loadvm_process_command_ping(uint32_t val) "%x"
postcopy_ram_listen_thread_exit(void) ""
postcopy_ram_listen_thread_start(void) ""
qemu_savevm_send_postcopy_advise(void) ""
qemu_savevm_send_postcopy_ram_discard(const char *id, uint16_t len) "%s: %ud"
savevm_command_send(uint16_t command, uint16_t len) "com=0x%x len=%d"
savevm_section_start(const char *id, unsigned int section_id) "%s, section_id %u"
savevm_section_end(const char *id, unsigned int section_id, int ret) "%s, section_id %u -> %d"
savevm_section_skip(const char *id, unsigned int section_id) "%s, section_id %u"
savevm_send_open_return_path(void) ""
savevm_send_ping(uint32_t val) "%x"
savevm_send_postcopy_listen(void) ""
savevm_send_postcopy_run(void) ""
savevm_state_begin(void) ""
savevm_state_header(void) ""
savevm_state_iterate(void) ""
savevm_state_cleanup(void) ""
savevm_state_complete_precopy(void) ""
vmstate_save(const char *idstr, const char *vmsd_name) "%s, %s"
vmstate_load(const char *idstr, const char *vmsd_name) "%s, %s"
qemu_announce_self_iter(const char *mac) "%s"
# migration/vmstate.c
vmstate_load_field_error(const char *field, int ret) "field \"%s\" load failed, ret = %d"
vmstate_load_state(const char *name, int version_id) "%s v%d"
vmstate_load_state_end(const char *name, const char *reason, int val) "%s %s/%d"
vmstate_load_state_field(const char *name, const char *field) "%s:%s"
vmstate_n_elems(const char *name, int n_elems) "%s: %d"
vmstate_subsection_load(const char *parent) "%s"
vmstate_subsection_load_bad(const char *parent, const char *sub, const char *sub2) "%s: %s/%s"
vmstate_subsection_load_good(const char *parent) "%s"
# migration/qemu-file.c
qemu_file_fclose(void) ""
# migration/ram.c
get_queued_page(const char *block_name, uint64_t tmp_offset, uint64_t ram_addr) "%s/%" PRIx64 " ram_addr=%" PRIx64
get_queued_page_not_dirty(const char *block_name, uint64_t tmp_offset, uint64_t ram_addr, int sent) "%s/%" PRIx64 " ram_addr=%" PRIx64 " (sent=%d)"
migration_bitmap_sync_start(void) ""
migration_bitmap_sync_end(uint64_t dirty_pages) "dirty_pages %" PRIu64
migration_throttle(void) ""
ram_load_postcopy_loop(uint64_t addr, int flags) "@%" PRIx64 " %x"
ram_postcopy_send_discard_bitmap(void) ""
ram_save_queue_pages(const char *rbname, size_t start, size_t len) "%s: start: %zx len: %zx"
# migration/migration.c
await_return_path_close_on_source_close(void) ""
await_return_path_close_on_source_joining(void) ""
migrate_set_state(int new_state) "new state %d"
migrate_fd_cleanup(void) ""
migrate_fd_error(const char *error_desc) "error=%s"
migrate_fd_cancel(void) ""
migrate_handle_rp_req_pages(const char *rbname, size_t start, size_t len) "in %s at %zx len %zx"
migrate_pending(uint64_t size, uint64_t max, uint64_t post, uint64_t nonpost) "pending size %" PRIu64 " max %" PRIu64 " (post=%" PRIu64 " nonpost=%" PRIu64 ")"
migrate_send_rp_message(int msg_type, uint16_t len) "%d: len %d"
migration_completion_file_err(void) ""
migration_completion_postcopy_end(void) ""
migration_completion_postcopy_end_after_complete(void) ""
migration_completion_postcopy_end_before_rp(void) ""
migration_completion_postcopy_end_after_rp(int rp_error) "%d"
migration_thread_after_loop(void) ""
migration_thread_file_err(void) ""
migration_thread_setup_complete(void) ""
open_return_path_on_source(void) ""
open_return_path_on_source_continue(void) ""
postcopy_start(void) ""
postcopy_start_set_run(void) ""
source_return_path_thread_bad_end(void) ""
source_return_path_thread_end(void) ""
source_return_path_thread_entry(void) ""
source_return_path_thread_loop_top(void) ""
source_return_path_thread_pong(uint32_t val) "%x"
source_return_path_thread_shut(uint32_t val) "%x"
migrate_global_state_post_load(const char *state) "loaded state: %s"
migrate_global_state_pre_save(const char *state) "saved state: %s"
migration_thread_low_pending(uint64_t pending) "%" PRIu64
migrate_state_too_big(void) ""
migrate_transferred(uint64_t tranferred, uint64_t time_spent, double bandwidth, uint64_t size) "transferred %" PRIu64 " time_spent %" PRIu64 " bandwidth %g max_size %" PRId64
process_incoming_migration_co_end(int ret, int ps) "ret=%d postcopy-state=%d"
process_incoming_migration_co_postcopy_end_main(void) ""
migration_set_incoming_channel(void *ioc, const char *ioctype) "ioc=%p ioctype=%s"
migration_set_outgoing_channel(void *ioc, const char *ioctype, const char *hostname) "ioc=%p ioctype=%s hostname=%s"
# migration/rdma.c
qemu_rdma_accept_incoming_migration(void) ""
qemu_rdma_accept_incoming_migration_accepted(void) ""
qemu_rdma_accept_pin_state(bool pin) "%d"
qemu_rdma_accept_pin_verbsc(void *verbs) "Verbs context after listen: %p"
qemu_rdma_block_for_wrid_miss(const char *wcompstr, int wcomp, const char *gcompstr, uint64_t req) "A Wanted wrid %s (%d) but got %s (%" PRIu64 ")"
qemu_rdma_block_for_wrid_miss_b(const char *wcompstr, int wcomp, const char *gcompstr, uint64_t req) "B Wanted wrid %s (%d) but got %s (%" PRIu64 ")"
qemu_rdma_cleanup_disconnect(void) ""
qemu_rdma_cleanup_waiting_for_disconnect(void) ""
qemu_rdma_close(void) ""
qemu_rdma_connect_pin_all_requested(void) ""
qemu_rdma_connect_pin_all_outcome(bool pin) "%d"
qemu_rdma_dest_init_trying(const char *host, const char *ip) "%s => %s"
qemu_rdma_dump_gid(const char *who, const char *src, const char *dst) "%s Source GID: %s, Dest GID: %s"
qemu_rdma_exchange_get_response_start(const char *desc) "CONTROL: %s receiving..."
qemu_rdma_exchange_get_response_none(const char *desc, int type) "Surprise: got %s (%d)"
qemu_rdma_exchange_send_issue_callback(void) ""
qemu_rdma_exchange_send_waiting(const char *desc) "Waiting for response %s"
qemu_rdma_exchange_send_received(const char *desc) "Response %s received."
qemu_rdma_fill(size_t control_len, size_t size) "RDMA %zd of %zd bytes already in buffer"
qemu_rdma_init_ram_blocks(int blocks) "Allocated %d local ram block structures"
qemu_rdma_poll_recv(const char *compstr, int64_t comp, int64_t id, int sent) "completion %s #%" PRId64 " received (%" PRId64 ") left %d"
qemu_rdma_poll_write(const char *compstr, int64_t comp, int left, uint64_t block, uint64_t chunk, void *local, void *remote) "completions %s (%" PRId64 ") left %d, block %" PRIu64 ", chunk: %" PRIu64 " %p %p"
qemu_rdma_poll_other(const char *compstr, int64_t comp, int left) "other completion %s (%" PRId64 ") received left %d"
qemu_rdma_post_send_control(const char *desc) "CONTROL: sending %s.."
qemu_rdma_register_and_get_keys(uint64_t len, void *start) "Registering %" PRIu64 " bytes @ %p"
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_compress(int64_t length, int index, int64_t offset) "Zapping zero chunk: %" PRId64 " bytes, index %d, offset %" PRId64
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_finished(void) ""
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_ram_blocks(void) ""
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_ram_blocks_loop(const char *name, uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, void *local_host_addr, unsigned int src_index) "%s: @%" PRIx64 "/%" PRIu64 " host:@%p src_index: %u"
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_register(int requests) "%d requests"
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_register_loop(int req, int index, uint64_t addr, uint64_t chunks) "Registration request (%d): index %d, current_addr %" PRIu64 " chunks: %" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_register_rkey(int rkey) "%x"
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_unregister(int requests) "%d requests"
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_unregister_loop(int count, int index, uint64_t chunk) "Unregistration request (%d): index %d, chunk %" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_unregister_success(uint64_t chunk) "%" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_registration_handle_wait(void) ""
qemu_rdma_registration_start(uint64_t flags) "%" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_registration_stop(uint64_t flags) "%" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_registration_stop_ram(void) ""
qemu_rdma_resolve_host_trying(const char *host, const char *ip) "Trying %s => %s"
qemu_rdma_signal_unregister_append(uint64_t chunk, int pos) "Appending unregister chunk %" PRIu64 " at position %d"
qemu_rdma_signal_unregister_already(uint64_t chunk) "Unregister chunk %" PRIu64 " already in queue"
qemu_rdma_unregister_waiting_inflight(uint64_t chunk) "Cannot unregister inflight chunk: %" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_unregister_waiting_proc(uint64_t chunk, int pos) "Processing unregister for chunk: %" PRIu64 " at position %d"
qemu_rdma_unregister_waiting_send(uint64_t chunk) "Sending unregister for chunk: %" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_unregister_waiting_complete(uint64_t chunk) "Unregister for chunk: %" PRIu64 " complete."
qemu_rdma_write_flush(int sent) "sent total: %d"
qemu_rdma_write_one_block(int count, int block, uint64_t chunk, uint64_t current, uint64_t len, int nb_sent, int nb_chunks) "(%d) Not clobbering: block: %d chunk %" PRIu64 " current %" PRIu64 " len %" PRIu64 " %d %d"
qemu_rdma_write_one_post(uint64_t chunk, long addr, long remote, uint32_t len) "Posting chunk: %" PRIu64 ", addr: %lx remote: %lx, bytes %" PRIu32
qemu_rdma_write_one_queue_full(void) ""
qemu_rdma_write_one_recvregres(int mykey, int theirkey, uint64_t chunk) "Received registration result: my key: %x their key %x, chunk %" PRIu64
qemu_rdma_write_one_sendreg(uint64_t chunk, int len, int index, int64_t offset) "Sending registration request chunk %" PRIu64 " for %d bytes, index: %d, offset: %" PRId64
qemu_rdma_write_one_top(uint64_t chunks, uint64_t size) "Writing %" PRIu64 " chunks, (%" PRIu64 " MB)"
qemu_rdma_write_one_zero(uint64_t chunk, int len, int index, int64_t offset) "Entire chunk is zero, sending compress: %" PRIu64 " for %d bytes, index: %d, offset: %" PRId64
rdma_add_block(const char *block_name, int block, uint64_t addr, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, uint64_t end, uint64_t bits, int chunks) "Added Block: '%s':%d, addr: %" PRIu64 ", offset: %" PRIu64 " length: %" PRIu64 " end: %" PRIu64 " bits %" PRIu64 " chunks %d"
rdma_block_notification_handle(const char *name, int index) "%s at %d"
rdma_delete_block(void *block, uint64_t addr, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, uint64_t end, uint64_t bits, int chunks) "Deleted Block: %p, addr: %" PRIu64 ", offset: %" PRIu64 " length: %" PRIu64 " end: %" PRIu64 " bits %" PRIu64 " chunks %d"
rdma_start_incoming_migration(void) ""
rdma_start_incoming_migration_after_dest_init(void) ""
rdma_start_incoming_migration_after_rdma_listen(void) ""
rdma_start_outgoing_migration_after_rdma_connect(void) ""
rdma_start_outgoing_migration_after_rdma_source_init(void) ""
# migration/postcopy-ram.c
postcopy_discard_send_finish(const char *ramblock, int nwords, int ncmds) "%s mask words sent=%d in %d commands"
postcopy_discard_send_range(const char *ramblock, unsigned long start, unsigned long length) "%s:%lx/%lx"
postcopy_ram_discard_range(void *start, size_t length) "%p,+%zx"
postcopy_cleanup_range(const char *ramblock, void *host_addr, size_t offset, size_t length) "%s: %p offset=%zx length=%zx"
postcopy_init_range(const char *ramblock, void *host_addr, size_t offset, size_t length) "%s: %p offset=%zx length=%zx"
postcopy_nhp_range(const char *ramblock, void *host_addr, size_t offset, size_t length) "%s: %p offset=%zx length=%zx"
postcopy_place_page(void *host_addr) "host=%p"
postcopy_place_page_zero(void *host_addr) "host=%p"
postcopy_ram_enable_notify(void) ""
postcopy_ram_fault_thread_entry(void) ""
postcopy_ram_fault_thread_exit(void) ""
postcopy_ram_fault_thread_quit(void) ""
postcopy_ram_fault_thread_request(uint64_t hostaddr, const char *ramblock, size_t offset) "Request for HVA=%" PRIx64 " rb=%s offset=%zx"
postcopy_ram_incoming_cleanup_closeuf(void) ""
postcopy_ram_incoming_cleanup_entry(void) ""
postcopy_ram_incoming_cleanup_exit(void) ""
postcopy_ram_incoming_cleanup_join(void) ""
# migration/exec.c
migration_exec_outgoing(const char *cmd) "cmd=%s"
migration_exec_incoming(const char *cmd) "cmd=%s"
# migration/fd.c
migration_fd_outgoing(int fd) "fd=%d"
migration_fd_incoming(int fd) "fd=%d"
# migration/socket.c
migration_socket_incoming_accepted(void) ""
migration_socket_outgoing_connected(const char *hostname) "hostname=%s"
migration_socket_outgoing_error(const char *err) "error=%s"
# migration/tls.c
migration_tls_outgoing_handshake_start(const char *hostname) "hostname=%s"
migration_tls_outgoing_handshake_error(const char *err) "err=%s"
migration_tls_outgoing_handshake_complete(void) ""
migration_tls_incoming_handshake_start(void) ""
migration_tls_incoming_handshake_error(const char *err) "err=%s"
migration_tls_incoming_handshake_complete(void) ""
# migration/colo.c
colo_vm_state_change(const char *old, const char *new) "Change '%s' => '%s'"
colo_send_message(const char *msg) "Send '%s' message"
colo_receive_message(const char *msg) "Receive '%s' message"
colo_failover_set_state(const char *new_state) "new state %s"