Options -M memory-backend and -numa memdev are mutually exclusive, and if used together, it might lead to a crash in the worst case. For example when the same backend is used with these options together: -m 4G \ -object memory-backend-ram,id=mem0,size=4G \ -M pc,memory-backend=mem0 \ -numa node,memdev=mem0 QEMU will abort with: exec.c:2006: qemu_ram_set_idstr: Assertion `!new_block->idstr[0]' failed. and following backtrace: abort () qemu_ram_set_idstr () vmstate_register_ram () vmstate_register_ram_global () machine_consume_memdev () numa_init_memdev_container () numa_complete_configuration () machine_run_board_init () add a check to error out in case the user tries to use both options at the same time. Signed-off-by: Igor Mammedov <imammedo@redhat.com> Message-Id: <20200511141103.43768-3-imammedo@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>