Running an iotests-based Python test directly might appear to work, but may fail in subtle ways and is insecure: - It creates files with predictable file names in a world-writable location (/var/tmp). - Tests expect the environment to be set up by check. E.g. 041 and 055 may take the wrong code paths if QEMU_DEFAULT_MACHINE is not set. This can lead to false negatives. Instead fail hard and tell the user we want to be run via "check". The actual environment expected by the tests is currently only defined by the implementation of "check". We use two of the environment variables set by "check" as indication of whether we're being run via "check". Anyone writing their own test runner (replacing "check") will need to replicate the full environment (in a broader sense, not just environment variables) provided by "check" anyway, including setting the two environment variables we check. Whereas a regular developer just trying to invoke the tests usually won't have both of these defined in their environment so we can catch their mistake and give out useful advice. Signed-off-by: Sascha Silbe <silbe@linux.vnet.ibm.com> Reviewed-by: Bo Tu <tubo@linux.vnet.ibm.com> Message-id: 1461094442-16014-1-git-send-email-silbe@linux.vnet.ibm.com Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mreitz@redhat.com>
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# Common utilities and Python wrappers for qemu-iotests
# Copyright (C) 2012 IBM Corp.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import errno
import os
import re
import subprocess
import string
import unittest
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'scripts'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'scripts', 'qmp'))
import qmp
import qtest
import struct
import json
# This will not work if arguments contain spaces but is necessary if we
# want to support the override options that ./check supports.
qemu_img_args = [os.environ.get('QEMU_IMG_PROG', 'qemu-img')]
if os.environ.get('QEMU_IMG_OPTIONS'):
qemu_img_args += os.environ['QEMU_IMG_OPTIONS'].strip().split(' ')
qemu_io_args = [os.environ.get('QEMU_IO_PROG', 'qemu-io')]
if os.environ.get('QEMU_IO_OPTIONS'):
qemu_io_args += os.environ['QEMU_IO_OPTIONS'].strip().split(' ')
qemu_args = [os.environ.get('QEMU_PROG', 'qemu')]
if os.environ.get('QEMU_OPTIONS'):
qemu_args += os.environ['QEMU_OPTIONS'].strip().split(' ')
imgfmt = os.environ.get('IMGFMT', 'raw')
imgproto = os.environ.get('IMGPROTO', 'file')
test_dir = os.environ.get('TEST_DIR')
output_dir = os.environ.get('OUTPUT_DIR', '.')
cachemode = os.environ.get('CACHEMODE')
qemu_default_machine = os.environ.get('QEMU_DEFAULT_MACHINE')
socket_scm_helper = os.environ.get('SOCKET_SCM_HELPER', 'socket_scm_helper')
def qemu_img(*args):
'''Run qemu-img and return the exit code'''
devnull = open('/dev/null', 'r+')
exitcode = subprocess.call(qemu_img_args + list(args), stdin=devnull, stdout=devnull)
if exitcode < 0:
sys.stderr.write('qemu-img received signal %i: %s\n' % (-exitcode, ' '.join(qemu_img_args + list(args))))
return exitcode
def qemu_img_verbose(*args):
'''Run qemu-img without suppressing its output and return the exit code'''
exitcode = subprocess.call(qemu_img_args + list(args))
if exitcode < 0:
sys.stderr.write('qemu-img received signal %i: %s\n' % (-exitcode, ' '.join(qemu_img_args + list(args))))
return exitcode
def qemu_img_pipe(*args):
'''Run qemu-img and return its output'''
subp = subprocess.Popen(qemu_img_args + list(args),
exitcode = subp.wait()
if exitcode < 0:
sys.stderr.write('qemu-img received signal %i: %s\n' % (-exitcode, ' '.join(qemu_img_args + list(args))))
return subp.communicate()[0]
def qemu_io(*args):
'''Run qemu-io and return the stdout data'''
args = qemu_io_args + list(args)
subp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
exitcode = subp.wait()
if exitcode < 0:
sys.stderr.write('qemu-io received signal %i: %s\n' % (-exitcode, ' '.join(args)))
return subp.communicate()[0]
def compare_images(img1, img2):
'''Return True if two image files are identical'''
return qemu_img('compare', '-f', imgfmt,
'-F', imgfmt, img1, img2) == 0
def create_image(name, size):
'''Create a fully-allocated raw image with sector markers'''
file = open(name, 'w')
i = 0
while i < size:
sector = struct.pack('>l504xl', i / 512, i / 512)
i = i + 512
def image_size(img):
'''Return image's virtual size'''
r = qemu_img_pipe('info', '--output=json', '-f', imgfmt, img)
return json.loads(r)['virtual-size']
test_dir_re = re.compile(r"%s" % test_dir)
def filter_test_dir(msg):
return test_dir_re.sub("TEST_DIR", msg)
win32_re = re.compile(r"\r")
def filter_win32(msg):
return win32_re.sub("", msg)
qemu_io_re = re.compile(r"[0-9]* ops; [0-9\/:. sec]* \([0-9\/.inf]* [EPTGMKiBbytes]*\/sec and [0-9\/.inf]* ops\/sec\)")
def filter_qemu_io(msg):
msg = filter_win32(msg)
return qemu_io_re.sub("X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec)", msg)
chown_re = re.compile(r"chown [0-9]+:[0-9]+")
def filter_chown(msg):
return chown_re.sub("chown UID:GID", msg)
def log(msg, filters=[]):
for flt in filters:
msg = flt(msg)
print msg
# Test if 'match' is a recursive subset of 'event'
def event_match(event, match=None):
if match is None:
return True
for key in match:
if key in event:
if isinstance(event[key], dict):
if not event_match(event[key], match[key]):
return False
elif event[key] != match[key]:
return False
return False
return True
class VM(object):
'''A QEMU VM'''
def __init__(self):
self._monitor_path = os.path.join(test_dir, 'qemu-mon.%d' % os.getpid())
self._qemu_log_path = os.path.join(test_dir, 'qemu-log.%d' % os.getpid())
self._qtest_path = os.path.join(test_dir, 'qemu-qtest.%d' % os.getpid())
self._args = qemu_args + ['-chardev',
'socket,id=mon,path=' + self._monitor_path,
'-mon', 'chardev=mon,mode=control',
'-qtest', 'unix:path=' + self._qtest_path,
'-machine', 'accel=qtest',
'-display', 'none', '-vga', 'none']
self._num_drives = 0
self._events = []
# This can be used to add an unused monitor instance.
def add_monitor_telnet(self, ip, port):
args = 'tcp:%s:%d,server,nowait,telnet' % (ip, port)
def add_drive_raw(self, opts):
return self
def add_drive(self, path, opts='', interface='virtio'):
'''Add a virtio-blk drive to the VM'''
options = ['if=%s' % interface,
'id=drive%d' % self._num_drives]
if path is not None:
options.append('file=%s' % path)
options.append('format=%s' % imgfmt)
options.append('cache=%s' % cachemode)
if opts:
self._num_drives += 1
return self
def pause_drive(self, drive, event=None):
'''Pause drive r/w operations'''
if not event:
self.pause_drive(drive, "read_aio")
self.pause_drive(drive, "write_aio")
command_line='qemu-io %s "break %s bp_%s"' % (drive, event, drive))
def resume_drive(self, drive):
command_line='qemu-io %s "remove_break bp_%s"' % (drive, drive))
def hmp_qemu_io(self, drive, cmd):
'''Write to a given drive using an HMP command'''
return self.qmp('human-monitor-command',
command_line='qemu-io %s "%s"' % (drive, cmd))
def add_fd(self, fd, fdset, opaque, opts=''):
'''Pass a file descriptor to the VM'''
options = ['fd=%d' % fd,
'set=%d' % fdset,
'opaque=%s' % opaque]
if opts:
return self
def send_fd_scm(self, fd_file_path):
# In iotest.py, the qmp should always use unix socket.
assert self._qmp.is_scm_available()
bin = socket_scm_helper
if os.path.exists(bin) == False:
print "Scm help program does not present, path '%s'." % bin
return -1
fd_param = ["%s" % bin,
"%d" % self._qmp.get_sock_fd(),
"%s" % fd_file_path]
devnull = open('/dev/null', 'rb')
p = subprocess.Popen(fd_param, stdin=devnull, stdout=sys.stdout,
return p.wait()
def launch(self):
'''Launch the VM and establish a QMP connection'''
devnull = open('/dev/null', 'rb')
qemulog = open(self._qemu_log_path, 'wb')
self._qmp = qmp.QEMUMonitorProtocol(self._monitor_path, server=True)
self._qtest = qtest.QEMUQtestProtocol(self._qtest_path, server=True)
self._popen = subprocess.Popen(self._args, stdin=devnull, stdout=qemulog,
def shutdown(self):
'''Terminate the VM and clean up'''
if not self._popen is None:
exitcode = self._popen.wait()
if exitcode < 0:
sys.stderr.write('qemu received signal %i: %s\n' % (-exitcode, ' '.join(self._args)))
self._popen = None
underscore_to_dash = string.maketrans('_', '-')
def qmp(self, cmd, conv_keys=True, **args):
'''Invoke a QMP command and return the result dict'''
qmp_args = dict()
for k in args.keys():
if conv_keys:
qmp_args[k.translate(self.underscore_to_dash)] = args[k]
qmp_args[k] = args[k]
return self._qmp.cmd(cmd, args=qmp_args)
def qtest(self, cmd):
'''Send a qtest command to guest'''
return self._qtest.cmd(cmd)
def get_qmp_event(self, wait=False):
'''Poll for one queued QMP events and return it'''
if len(self._events) > 0:
return self._events.pop(0)
return self._qmp.pull_event(wait=wait)
def get_qmp_events(self, wait=False):
'''Poll for queued QMP events and return a list of dicts'''
events = self._qmp.get_events(wait=wait)
del self._events[:]
return events
def event_wait(self, name='BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED', timeout=60.0, match=None):
# Search cached events
for event in self._events:
if (event['event'] == name) and event_match(event, match):
return event
# Poll for new events
while True:
event = self._qmp.pull_event(wait=timeout)
if (event['event'] == name) and event_match(event, match):
return event
return None
index_re = re.compile(r'([^\[]+)\[([^\]]+)\]')
class QMPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
'''Abstract base class for QMP test cases'''
def dictpath(self, d, path):
'''Traverse a path in a nested dict'''
for component in path.split('/'):
m = index_re.match(component)
if m:
component, idx = m.groups()
idx = int(idx)
if not isinstance(d, dict) or component not in d:
self.fail('failed path traversal for "%s" in "%s"' % (path, str(d)))
d = d[component]
if m:
if not isinstance(d, list):
self.fail('path component "%s" in "%s" is not a list in "%s"' % (component, path, str(d)))
d = d[idx]
except IndexError:
self.fail('invalid index "%s" in path "%s" in "%s"' % (idx, path, str(d)))
return d
def assert_qmp_absent(self, d, path):
result = self.dictpath(d, path)
except AssertionError:
self.fail('path "%s" has value "%s"' % (path, str(result)))
def assert_qmp(self, d, path, value):
'''Assert that the value for a specific path in a QMP dict matches'''
result = self.dictpath(d, path)
self.assertEqual(result, value, 'values not equal "%s" and "%s"' % (str(result), str(value)))
def assert_no_active_block_jobs(self):
result = self.vm.qmp('query-block-jobs')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', [])
def assert_has_block_node(self, node_name=None, file_name=None):
"""Issue a query-named-block-nodes and assert node_name and/or
file_name is present in the result"""
def check_equal_or_none(a, b):
return a == None or b == None or a == b
assert node_name or file_name
result = self.vm.qmp('query-named-block-nodes')
for x in result["return"]:
if check_equal_or_none(x.get("node-name"), node_name) and \
check_equal_or_none(x.get("file"), file_name):
self.assertTrue(False, "Cannot find %s %s in result:\n%s" % \
(node_name, file_name, result))
def cancel_and_wait(self, drive='drive0', force=False, resume=False):
'''Cancel a block job and wait for it to finish, returning the event'''
result = self.vm.qmp('block-job-cancel', device=drive, force=force)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
if resume:
cancelled = False
result = None
while not cancelled:
for event in self.vm.get_qmp_events(wait=True):
if event['event'] == 'BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED' or \
event['event'] == 'BLOCK_JOB_CANCELLED':
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/device', drive)
result = event
cancelled = True
return result
def wait_until_completed(self, drive='drive0', check_offset=True):
'''Wait for a block job to finish, returning the event'''
completed = False
while not completed:
for event in self.vm.get_qmp_events(wait=True):
if event['event'] == 'BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED':
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/device', drive)
self.assert_qmp_absent(event, 'data/error')
if check_offset:
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/offset', event['data']['len'])
completed = True
return event
def wait_ready(self, drive='drive0'):
'''Wait until a block job BLOCK_JOB_READY event'''
f = {'data': {'type': 'mirror', 'device': drive } }
event = self.vm.event_wait(name='BLOCK_JOB_READY', match=f)
def wait_ready_and_cancel(self, drive='drive0'):
event = self.cancel_and_wait(drive=drive)
self.assertEquals(event['event'], 'BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED')
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/type', 'mirror')
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/offset', event['data']['len'])
def complete_and_wait(self, drive='drive0', wait_ready=True):
'''Complete a block job and wait for it to finish'''
if wait_ready:
result = self.vm.qmp('block-job-complete', device=drive)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
event = self.wait_until_completed(drive=drive)
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/type', 'mirror')
def _remove_if_exists(path):
'''Remove file object at path if it exists'''
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno == errno.ENOENT:
def notrun(reason):
'''Skip this test suite'''
# Each test in qemu-iotests has a number ("seq")
seq = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
open('%s/%s.notrun' % (output_dir, seq), 'wb').write(reason + '\n')
print '%s not run: %s' % (seq, reason)
def verify_image_format(supported_fmts=[]):
if supported_fmts and (imgfmt not in supported_fmts):
notrun('not suitable for this image format: %s' % imgfmt)
def verify_platform(supported_oses=['linux']):
if True not in [sys.platform.startswith(x) for x in supported_oses]:
notrun('not suitable for this OS: %s' % sys.platform)
def verify_quorum():
'''Skip test suite if quorum support is not available'''
if 'quorum' not in qemu_img_pipe('--help'):
notrun('quorum support missing')
def main(supported_fmts=[], supported_oses=['linux']):
'''Run tests'''
# We are using TEST_DIR and QEMU_DEFAULT_MACHINE as proxies to
# indicate that we're not being run via "check". There may be
# other things set up by "check" that individual test cases rely
# on.
if test_dir is None or qemu_default_machine is None:
sys.stderr.write('Please run this test via the "check" script\n')
debug = '-d' in sys.argv
verbosity = 1
# We need to filter out the time taken from the output so that qemu-iotest
# can reliably diff the results against master output.
import StringIO
if debug:
output = sys.stdout
verbosity = 2
output = StringIO.StringIO()
class MyTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner):
def __init__(self, stream=output, descriptions=True, verbosity=verbosity):
unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity)
# unittest.main() will use sys.exit() so expect a SystemExit exception
if not debug:
sys.stderr.write(re.sub(r'Ran (\d+) tests? in [\d.]+s', r'Ran \1 tests', output.getvalue()))