For command line options which permit '?' meaning 'please list the permitted values', add support for 'help' as a synonym, by abstracting the check out into a helper function. This change means that in some cases where we were being lazy in our string parsing, "?junk" will now be rejected as an invalid option rather than being (undocumentedly) treated the same way as "?". Update the documentation to use 'help' rather than '?', since '?' is a shell metacharacter and thus prone to fail confusingly if there is a single character filename in the current working directory and the '?' has not been escaped. It's therefore better to steer users towards 'help', though '?' is retained for backwards compatibility. We do not, however, update the output of the system emulator's -help (or any documentation autogenerated from the qemu-options.hx which is the source of the -help text) because libvirt parses our -help output and will break. At a later date when QEMU provides a better interface so libvirt can avoid having to do this, we can update the -help text too. Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Anthony Liguori <aliguori@us.ibm.com>
617 lines
16 KiB
617 lines
16 KiB
* Dynamic device configuration and creation.
* Copyright (c) 2009 CodeSourcery
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "qdev.h"
#include "monitor.h"
#include "qmp-commands.h"
#include "arch_init.h"
* Aliases were a bad idea from the start. Let's keep them
* from spreading further.
typedef struct QDevAlias
const char *typename;
const char *alias;
uint32_t arch_mask;
} QDevAlias;
static const QDevAlias qdev_alias_table[] = {
{ "virtio-blk-pci", "virtio-blk", QEMU_ARCH_ALL & ~QEMU_ARCH_S390X },
{ "virtio-net-pci", "virtio-net", QEMU_ARCH_ALL & ~QEMU_ARCH_S390X },
{ "virtio-serial-pci", "virtio-serial", QEMU_ARCH_ALL & ~QEMU_ARCH_S390X },
{ "virtio-balloon-pci", "virtio-balloon",
{ "virtio-blk-s390", "virtio-blk", QEMU_ARCH_S390X },
{ "virtio-net-s390", "virtio-net", QEMU_ARCH_S390X },
{ "virtio-serial-s390", "virtio-serial", QEMU_ARCH_S390X },
{ "lsi53c895a", "lsi" },
{ "ich9-ahci", "ahci" },
{ }
static const char *qdev_class_get_alias(DeviceClass *dc)
const char *typename = object_class_get_name(OBJECT_CLASS(dc));
int i;
for (i = 0; qdev_alias_table[i].typename; i++) {
if (qdev_alias_table[i].arch_mask &&
!(qdev_alias_table[i].arch_mask & arch_type)) {
if (strcmp(qdev_alias_table[i].typename, typename) == 0) {
return qdev_alias_table[i].alias;
return NULL;
static bool qdev_class_has_alias(DeviceClass *dc)
return (qdev_class_get_alias(dc) != NULL);
static void qdev_print_devinfo(ObjectClass *klass, void *opaque)
DeviceClass *dc;
bool *show_no_user = opaque;
dc = (DeviceClass *)object_class_dynamic_cast(klass, TYPE_DEVICE);
if (!dc || (show_no_user && !*show_no_user && dc->no_user)) {
error_printf("name \"%s\"", object_class_get_name(klass));
if (dc->bus_type) {
error_printf(", bus %s", dc->bus_type);
if (qdev_class_has_alias(dc)) {
error_printf(", alias \"%s\"", qdev_class_get_alias(dc));
if (dc->desc) {
error_printf(", desc \"%s\"", dc->desc);
if (dc->no_user) {
error_printf(", no-user");
static int set_property(const char *name, const char *value, void *opaque)
DeviceState *dev = opaque;
if (strcmp(name, "driver") == 0)
return 0;
if (strcmp(name, "bus") == 0)
return 0;
if (qdev_prop_parse(dev, name, value) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
static const char *find_typename_by_alias(const char *alias)
int i;
for (i = 0; qdev_alias_table[i].alias; i++) {
if (qdev_alias_table[i].arch_mask &&
!(qdev_alias_table[i].arch_mask & arch_type)) {
if (strcmp(qdev_alias_table[i].alias, alias) == 0) {
return qdev_alias_table[i].typename;
return NULL;
int qdev_device_help(QemuOpts *opts)
const char *driver;
Property *prop;
ObjectClass *klass;
driver = qemu_opt_get(opts, "driver");
if (driver && is_help_option(driver)) {
bool show_no_user = false;
object_class_foreach(qdev_print_devinfo, TYPE_DEVICE, false, &show_no_user);
return 1;
if (!driver || !qemu_opt_has_help_opt(opts)) {
return 0;
klass = object_class_by_name(driver);
if (!klass) {
const char *typename = find_typename_by_alias(driver);
if (typename) {
driver = typename;
klass = object_class_by_name(driver);
if (!klass) {
return 0;
do {
for (prop = DEVICE_CLASS(klass)->props; prop && prop->name; prop++) {
* TODO Properties without a parser are just for dirty hacks.
* qdev_prop_ptr is the only such PropertyInfo. It's marked
* for removal. This conditional should be removed along with
* it.
if (!prop->info->set) {
continue; /* no way to set it, don't show */
error_printf("%s.%s=%s\n", driver, prop->name,
prop->info->legacy_name ?: prop->info->name);
klass = object_class_get_parent(klass);
} while (klass != object_class_by_name(TYPE_DEVICE));
return 1;
static Object *qdev_get_peripheral(void)
static Object *dev;
if (dev == NULL) {
dev = container_get(qdev_get_machine(), "/peripheral");
return dev;
static Object *qdev_get_peripheral_anon(void)
static Object *dev;
if (dev == NULL) {
dev = container_get(qdev_get_machine(), "/peripheral-anon");
return dev;
static void qbus_list_bus(DeviceState *dev)
BusState *child;
const char *sep = " ";
error_printf("child busses at \"%s\":",
dev->id ? dev->id : object_get_typename(OBJECT(dev)));
QLIST_FOREACH(child, &dev->child_bus, sibling) {
error_printf("%s\"%s\"", sep, child->name);
sep = ", ";
static void qbus_list_dev(BusState *bus)
BusChild *kid;
const char *sep = " ";
error_printf("devices at \"%s\":", bus->name);
QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &bus->children, sibling) {
DeviceState *dev = kid->child;
error_printf("%s\"%s\"", sep, object_get_typename(OBJECT(dev)));
if (dev->id)
error_printf("/\"%s\"", dev->id);
sep = ", ";
static BusState *qbus_find_bus(DeviceState *dev, char *elem)
BusState *child;
QLIST_FOREACH(child, &dev->child_bus, sibling) {
if (strcmp(child->name, elem) == 0) {
return child;
return NULL;
static DeviceState *qbus_find_dev(BusState *bus, char *elem)
BusChild *kid;
* try to match in order:
* (1) instance id, if present
* (2) driver name
* (3) driver alias, if present
QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &bus->children, sibling) {
DeviceState *dev = kid->child;
if (dev->id && strcmp(dev->id, elem) == 0) {
return dev;
QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &bus->children, sibling) {
DeviceState *dev = kid->child;
if (strcmp(object_get_typename(OBJECT(dev)), elem) == 0) {
return dev;
QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &bus->children, sibling) {
DeviceState *dev = kid->child;
DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_GET_CLASS(dev);
if (qdev_class_has_alias(dc) &&
strcmp(qdev_class_get_alias(dc), elem) == 0) {
return dev;
return NULL;
static BusState *qbus_find_recursive(BusState *bus, const char *name,
const char *bus_typename)
BusChild *kid;
BusState *child, *ret;
int match = 1;
if (name && (strcmp(bus->name, name) != 0)) {
match = 0;
if (bus_typename &&
(strcmp(object_get_typename(OBJECT(bus)), bus_typename) != 0)) {
match = 0;
if (match) {
return bus;
QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &bus->children, sibling) {
DeviceState *dev = kid->child;
QLIST_FOREACH(child, &dev->child_bus, sibling) {
ret = qbus_find_recursive(child, name, bus_typename);
if (ret) {
return ret;
return NULL;
static BusState *qbus_find(const char *path)
DeviceState *dev;
BusState *bus;
char elem[128];
int pos, len;
/* find start element */
if (path[0] == '/') {
bus = sysbus_get_default();
pos = 0;
} else {
if (sscanf(path, "%127[^/]%n", elem, &len) != 1) {
elem[0] = len = 0;
bus = qbus_find_recursive(sysbus_get_default(), elem, NULL);
if (!bus) {
qerror_report(QERR_BUS_NOT_FOUND, elem);
return NULL;
pos = len;
for (;;) {
assert(path[pos] == '/' || !path[pos]);
while (path[pos] == '/') {
if (path[pos] == '\0') {
return bus;
/* find device */
if (sscanf(path+pos, "%127[^/]%n", elem, &len) != 1) {
elem[0] = len = 0;
pos += len;
dev = qbus_find_dev(bus, elem);
if (!dev) {
qerror_report(QERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, elem);
if (!monitor_cur_is_qmp()) {
return NULL;
assert(path[pos] == '/' || !path[pos]);
while (path[pos] == '/') {
if (path[pos] == '\0') {
/* last specified element is a device. If it has exactly
* one child bus accept it nevertheless */
switch (dev->num_child_bus) {
case 0:
qerror_report(QERR_DEVICE_NO_BUS, elem);
return NULL;
case 1:
return QLIST_FIRST(&dev->child_bus);
qerror_report(QERR_DEVICE_MULTIPLE_BUSSES, elem);
if (!monitor_cur_is_qmp()) {
return NULL;
/* find bus */
if (sscanf(path+pos, "%127[^/]%n", elem, &len) != 1) {
elem[0] = len = 0;
pos += len;
bus = qbus_find_bus(dev, elem);
if (!bus) {
qerror_report(QERR_BUS_NOT_FOUND, elem);
if (!monitor_cur_is_qmp()) {
return NULL;
DeviceState *qdev_device_add(QemuOpts *opts)
ObjectClass *obj;
DeviceClass *k;
const char *driver, *path, *id;
DeviceState *qdev;
BusState *bus;
driver = qemu_opt_get(opts, "driver");
if (!driver) {
qerror_report(QERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "driver");
return NULL;
/* find driver */
obj = object_class_by_name(driver);
if (!obj) {
const char *typename = find_typename_by_alias(driver);
if (typename) {
driver = typename;
obj = object_class_by_name(driver);
if (!obj) {
qerror_report(QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "driver", "device type");
return NULL;
k = DEVICE_CLASS(obj);
/* find bus */
path = qemu_opt_get(opts, "bus");
if (path != NULL) {
bus = qbus_find(path);
if (!bus) {
return NULL;
if (strcmp(object_get_typename(OBJECT(bus)), k->bus_type) != 0) {
driver, object_get_typename(OBJECT(bus)));
return NULL;
} else {
bus = qbus_find_recursive(sysbus_get_default(), NULL, k->bus_type);
if (!bus) {
driver, k->bus_type);
return NULL;
if (qdev_hotplug && !bus->allow_hotplug) {
qerror_report(QERR_BUS_NO_HOTPLUG, bus->name);
return NULL;
if (!bus) {
bus = sysbus_get_default();
/* create device, set properties */
qdev = DEVICE(object_new(driver));
qdev_set_parent_bus(qdev, bus);
id = qemu_opts_id(opts);
if (id) {
qdev->id = id;
if (qemu_opt_foreach(opts, set_property, qdev, 1) != 0) {
return NULL;
if (qdev->id) {
object_property_add_child(qdev_get_peripheral(), qdev->id,
OBJECT(qdev), NULL);
} else {
static int anon_count;
gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("device[%d]", anon_count++);
object_property_add_child(qdev_get_peripheral_anon(), name,
OBJECT(qdev), NULL);
if (qdev_init(qdev) < 0) {
qerror_report(QERR_DEVICE_INIT_FAILED, driver);
return NULL;
qdev->opts = opts;
return qdev;
#define qdev_printf(fmt, ...) monitor_printf(mon, "%*s" fmt, indent, "", ## __VA_ARGS__)
static void qbus_print(Monitor *mon, BusState *bus, int indent);
static void qdev_print_props(Monitor *mon, DeviceState *dev, Property *props,
int indent)
if (!props)
for (; props->name; props++) {
Error *err = NULL;
char *value;
char *legacy_name = g_strdup_printf("legacy-%s", props->name);
if (object_property_get_type(OBJECT(dev), legacy_name, NULL)) {
value = object_property_get_str(OBJECT(dev), legacy_name, &err);
} else {
value = object_property_print(OBJECT(dev), props->name, &err);
if (err) {
qdev_printf("%s = %s\n", props->name,
value && *value ? value : "<null>");
static void bus_print_dev(BusState *bus, Monitor *mon, DeviceState *dev, int indent)
BusClass *bc = BUS_GET_CLASS(bus);
if (bc->print_dev) {
bc->print_dev(mon, dev, indent);
static void qdev_print(Monitor *mon, DeviceState *dev, int indent)
ObjectClass *class;
BusState *child;
qdev_printf("dev: %s, id \"%s\"\n", object_get_typename(OBJECT(dev)),
dev->id ? dev->id : "");
indent += 2;
if (dev->num_gpio_in) {
qdev_printf("gpio-in %d\n", dev->num_gpio_in);
if (dev->num_gpio_out) {
qdev_printf("gpio-out %d\n", dev->num_gpio_out);
class = object_get_class(OBJECT(dev));
do {
qdev_print_props(mon, dev, DEVICE_CLASS(class)->props, indent);
class = object_class_get_parent(class);
} while (class != object_class_by_name(TYPE_DEVICE));
bus_print_dev(dev->parent_bus, mon, dev, indent + 2);
QLIST_FOREACH(child, &dev->child_bus, sibling) {
qbus_print(mon, child, indent);
static void qbus_print(Monitor *mon, BusState *bus, int indent)
BusChild *kid;
qdev_printf("bus: %s\n", bus->name);
indent += 2;
qdev_printf("type %s\n", object_get_typename(OBJECT(bus)));
QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &bus->children, sibling) {
DeviceState *dev = kid->child;
qdev_print(mon, dev, indent);
#undef qdev_printf
void do_info_qtree(Monitor *mon)
if (sysbus_get_default())
qbus_print(mon, sysbus_get_default(), 0);
void do_info_qdm(Monitor *mon)
object_class_foreach(qdev_print_devinfo, TYPE_DEVICE, false, NULL);
int do_device_add(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict, QObject **ret_data)
Error *local_err = NULL;
QemuOpts *opts;
opts = qemu_opts_from_qdict(qemu_find_opts("device"), qdict, &local_err);
if (error_is_set(&local_err)) {
return -1;
if (!monitor_cur_is_qmp() && qdev_device_help(opts)) {
return 0;
if (!qdev_device_add(opts)) {
return -1;
return 0;
void qmp_device_del(const char *id, Error **errp)
DeviceState *dev;
dev = qdev_find_recursive(sysbus_get_default(), id);
if (NULL == dev) {
error_set(errp, QERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, id);
qdev_unplug(dev, errp);
void qdev_machine_init(void)