Paolo Bonzini ca056f4499 Python: Drop support for Python 3.7
Debian 10 is not anymore a supported distro, since Debian 12 was
released on June 10, 2023.  Our supported build platforms as of today
all support at least 3.8 (and all of them except for Ubuntu 20.04
support 3.9):

openSUSE Leap 15.5: 3.6.15 (3.11.2)
CentOS Stream 8:    3.6.8  (3.8.13, 3.9.16, 3.11.4)
CentOS Stream 9:    3.9.17 (3.11.4)
Fedora 37:          3.11.4
Fedora 38:          3.11.4
Debian 11:          3.9.2
Debian 12:          3.11.2
Alpine 3.14, 3.15:  3.9.16
Alpine 3.16, 3.17:  3.10.10
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:   3.8.10
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:   3.10.12
NetBSD 9.3:         3.9.13*
FreeBSD 12.4:       3.9.16
FreeBSD 13.1:       3.9.18
OpenBSD 7.2:        3.9.17

Note: NetBSD does not appear to have a default meta-package, but offers
several options, the lowest of which is 3.7.15. However, "python39"
appears to be a pre-requisite to one of the other packages we request
in tests/vm/netbsd.

Since it is safe under our supported platform policy, bump our
minimum supported version of Python to 3.8.  The two most interesting
features to have by default include:

- the importlib.metadata module, whose lack is responsible for over 100
  lines of code in

- improvements to asyncio, for example asyncio.CancelledError
  inherits from BaseException rather than Exception

In addition, code can now use the assignment operator ':='

Because mypy now learns about importlib.metadata, a small change to is needed to pass type checking.

Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
2023-09-07 13:32:37 +02:00

134 lines
3.8 KiB
.PHONY: help
@echo "python packaging help:"
@echo ""
@echo "make check-minreqs:"
@echo " Run tests in the minreqs virtual environment."
@echo " These tests use the oldest dependencies."
@echo " Requires: Python 3.8"
@echo " Hint (Fedora): 'sudo dnf install python3.8'"
@echo ""
@echo "make check-tox:"
@echo " Run tests against multiple python versions."
@echo " These tests use the newest dependencies."
@echo " Requires: Python 3.8 - 3.11, and tox."
@echo " Hint (Fedora): 'sudo dnf install python3-tox python3.11'"
@echo " The variable QEMU_TOX_EXTRA_ARGS can be use to pass extra"
@echo " arguments to tox".
@echo ""
@echo "make check-dev:"
@echo " Run tests in a venv against your default python3 version."
@echo " These tests use the newest dependencies."
@echo " Requires: Python 3.x"
@echo ""
@echo "make check:"
@echo " Run tests in your *current environment*."
@echo " Performs no environment setup of any kind."
@echo ""
@echo "make develop:"
@echo " Install deps needed for 'make check',"
@echo " and install the qemu package in editable mode."
@echo " (Can be used in or outside of a venv.)"
@echo ""
@echo "make min-venv"
@echo " Creates the minreqs virtual environment ($(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR))"
@echo ""
@echo "make dev-venv"
@echo " Creates a simple venv for check-dev. ($(QEMU_VENV_DIR))"
@echo ""
@echo "make clean:"
@echo " Remove package build output."
@echo ""
@echo "make distclean:"
@echo " remove venv files, qemu package forwarder,"
@echo " built distribution files, and everything from 'make clean'."
@echo ""
@echo -e "Have a nice day ^_^\n"
.PHONY: pipenv check-pipenv
pipenv check-pipenv:
@echo "pipenv was dropped; try 'make check-minreqs' or 'make min-venv'"
@exit 1
PIP_INSTALL = pip install --disable-pip-version-check
.PHONY: min-venv
min-venv: $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR) $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)/bin/activate
$(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR) $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)/bin/activate: setup.cfg tests/minreqs.txt
@python3.8 -m venv $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)
@( \
. $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)/bin/activate; \
echo "INSTALL wheel $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)"; \
$(PIP_INSTALL) wheel 1>/dev/null; \
echo "INSTALL -r tests/minreqs.txt $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)";\
$(PIP_INSTALL) -r tests/minreqs.txt 1>/dev/null; \
echo "INSTALL -e qemu $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)"; \
$(PIP_INSTALL) -e . 1>/dev/null; \
.PHONY: check-minreqs
check-minreqs: min-venv
@( \
. $(QEMU_MINVENV_DIR)/bin/activate; \
make check; \
.PHONY: dev-venv
dev-venv: $(QEMU_VENV_DIR) $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)/bin/activate
$(QEMU_VENV_DIR) $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)/bin/activate: setup.cfg
@python3 -m venv $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)
@( \
. $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)/bin/activate; \
echo "INSTALL qemu[devel] $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)"; \
make develop 1>/dev/null; \
@touch $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)
.PHONY: check-dev
check-dev: dev-venv
@( \
. $(QEMU_VENV_DIR)/bin/activate; \
make check; \
.PHONY: develop
$(PIP_INSTALL) -e .[devel]
.PHONY: check
@avocado --config avocado.cfg run tests/
.PHONY: check-tox
.PHONY: check-coverage
@coverage run -m avocado --config avocado.cfg run tests/*.py
@coverage combine
@coverage html
@coverage report
.PHONY: clean
python3 clean --all
rm -f pyproject.toml
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
rm -rf qemu.egg-info/ .eggs/ dist/
rm -f .coverage .coverage.*
rm -rf htmlcov/