When docs are explicitly requested, require Sphinx>=1.6.0. When docs are explicitly disabled, don't bother to check for Sphinx at all. If docs are set to "auto", attempt to locate Sphinx, but continue onward if it wasn't located. Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com> Message-Id: <20230511035435.734312-22-jsnow@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
102 lines
3.9 KiB
102 lines
3.9 KiB
sphinx_build = find_program(fs.parent(python.full_path()) / 'sphinx-build',
required: get_option('docs'))
# Check if tools are available to build documentation.
build_docs = false
if sphinx_build.found()
SPHINX_ARGS = ['env', 'CONFDIR=' + qemu_confdir, sphinx_build, '-q']
# If we're making warnings fatal, apply this to Sphinx runs as well
if get_option('werror')
SPHINX_ARGS += [ '-W', '-Dkerneldoc_werror=1' ]
sphinx_version = run_command(SPHINX_ARGS + ['--version'],
check: true).stdout().split()[1]
if sphinx_version.version_compare('>=1.7.0')
SPHINX_ARGS += ['-j', 'auto']
nproc = find_program('nproc')
if nproc.found()
jobs = run_command(nproc, check: true).stdout()
SPHINX_ARGS += ['-j', jobs]
# This is a bit awkward but works: create a trivial document and
# try to run it with our configuration file (which enforces a
# version requirement). This will fail if sphinx-build is too old.
run_command('mkdir', ['-p', tmpdir / 'sphinx'], check: true)
run_command('touch', [tmpdir / 'sphinx/index.rst'], check: true)
sphinx_build_test_out = run_command(SPHINX_ARGS + [
'-c', meson.current_source_dir(),
'-b', 'html', tmpdir / 'sphinx',
tmpdir / 'sphinx/out'], check: false)
build_docs = (sphinx_build_test_out.returncode() == 0)
if not build_docs
warning('@0@: @1@'.format(sphinx_build.full_path(), sphinx_build_test_out.stderr()))
if get_option('docs').enabled()
error('Install a Python 3 version of python-sphinx and the readthedoc theme')
if build_docs
SPHINX_ARGS += ['-Dversion=' + meson.project_version(), '-Drelease=' + get_option('pkgversion')]
man_pages = {
'qemu-ga.8': (have_ga ? 'man8' : ''),
'qemu-ga-ref.7': (have_ga ? 'man7' : ''),
'qemu-qmp-ref.7': 'man7',
'qemu-storage-daemon-qmp-ref.7': (have_tools ? 'man7' : ''),
'qemu-img.1': (have_tools ? 'man1' : ''),
'qemu-nbd.8': (have_tools ? 'man8' : ''),
'qemu-pr-helper.8': (have_tools ? 'man8' : ''),
'qemu-storage-daemon.1': (have_tools ? 'man1' : ''),
'qemu-trace-stap.1': (stap.found() ? 'man1' : ''),
'virtfs-proxy-helper.1': (have_virtfs_proxy_helper ? 'man1' : ''),
'qemu.1': 'man1',
'qemu-block-drivers.7': 'man7',
'qemu-cpu-models.7': 'man7'
sphinxdocs = []
sphinxmans = []
private_dir = meson.current_build_dir() / 'manual.p'
output_dir = meson.current_build_dir() / 'manual'
input_dir = meson.current_source_dir()
this_manual = custom_target('QEMU manual',
build_by_default: build_docs,
output: 'docs.stamp',
input: files('conf.py'),
depfile: 'docs.d',
command: [SPHINX_ARGS, '-Ddepfile=@DEPFILE@',
'-b', 'html', '-d', private_dir,
input_dir, output_dir])
sphinxdocs += this_manual
install_subdir(output_dir, install_dir: qemu_docdir, strip_directory: true)
these_man_pages = []
install_dirs = []
foreach page, section : man_pages
these_man_pages += page
install_dirs += section == '' ? false : get_option('mandir') / section
sphinxmans += custom_target('QEMU man pages',
build_by_default: build_docs,
output: these_man_pages,
input: this_manual,
install: build_docs,
install_dir: install_dirs,
command: [SPHINX_ARGS, '-b', 'man', '-d', private_dir,
input_dir, meson.current_build_dir()])
alias_target('sphinxdocs', sphinxdocs)
alias_target('html', sphinxdocs)
alias_target('man', sphinxmans)