The standard Sphinx/RTD HTML page footer gives a copyright line (based on the 'copyright' variable set in conf.py) and a line "Built with Sphinx using a theme provided by Read the Docs" (which can be disabled via the html_show_sphinx variable, but we leave it enabled). As a free software project, we'd like to also mention the license QEMU and its manual are released under. Add a template footer.html which defines the 'extrafooter' block that the RtD theme provides for this purpose. The new line of text will go below the existing copyright and sphinx-acknowledgement lines. (Unfortunately the RTD footer template does not permit putting it after the copyright but before the sphinx-acknowledgement.) We use the templating functionality to make the new text also be a hyperlink to the about/license.html page of the manual. Unlike rst files, HTML template files are not reported to our depfile plugin, so we maintain a manual list in meson.build. New template files should be rare, so not being able to auto-generate the dependency info is not too awkward. Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org> Acked-by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange@redhat.com> Message-id: 20210705095547.15790-7-peter.maydell@linaro.org
108 lines
4.4 KiB
108 lines
4.4 KiB
if get_option('sphinx_build') == ''
sphinx_build = find_program(['sphinx-build-3', 'sphinx-build'],
required: get_option('docs'))
sphinx_build = find_program(get_option('sphinx_build'),
required: get_option('docs'))
# Check if tools are available to build documentation.
build_docs = false
if sphinx_build.found()
SPHINX_ARGS = ['env', 'CONFDIR=' + qemu_confdir, sphinx_build]
# If we're making warnings fatal, apply this to Sphinx runs as well
if get_option('werror')
SPHINX_ARGS += [ '-W' ]
# This is a bit awkward but works: create a trivial document and
# try to run it with our configuration file (which enforces a
# version requirement). This will fail if sphinx-build is too old.
run_command('mkdir', ['-p', tmpdir / 'sphinx'])
run_command('touch', [tmpdir / 'sphinx/index.rst'])
sphinx_build_test_out = run_command(SPHINX_ARGS + [
'-c', meson.current_source_dir(),
'-b', 'html', tmpdir / 'sphinx',
tmpdir / 'sphinx/out'])
build_docs = (sphinx_build_test_out.returncode() == 0)
if not build_docs
warning('@0@: @1@'.format(sphinx_build.full_path(), sphinx_build_test_out.stderr()))
if get_option('docs').enabled()
error('Install a Python 3 version of python-sphinx and the readthedoc theme')
if build_docs
SPHINX_ARGS += ['-Dversion=' + meson.project_version(), '-Drelease=' + config_host['PKGVERSION']]
sphinx_extn_depends = [ meson.source_root() / 'docs/sphinx/depfile.py',
meson.source_root() / 'docs/sphinx/hxtool.py',
meson.source_root() / 'docs/sphinx/kerneldoc.py',
meson.source_root() / 'docs/sphinx/kernellog.py',
meson.source_root() / 'docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py',
meson.source_root() / 'docs/sphinx/qmp_lexer.py',
qapi_gen_depends ]
sphinx_template_files = [ meson.source_root() / 'docs/_templates/footer.html' ]
have_ga = have_tools and config_host.has_key('CONFIG_GUEST_AGENT')
man_pages = {
'qemu-ga.8': (have_ga ? 'man8' : ''),
'qemu-ga-ref.7': (have_ga ? 'man7' : ''),
'qemu-qmp-ref.7': 'man7',
'qemu-storage-daemon-qmp-ref.7': (have_tools ? 'man7' : ''),
'qemu-img.1': (have_tools ? 'man1' : ''),
'qemu-nbd.8': (have_tools ? 'man8' : ''),
'qemu-pr-helper.8': (have_tools ? 'man8' : ''),
'qemu-storage-daemon.1': (have_tools ? 'man1' : ''),
'qemu-trace-stap.1': (config_host.has_key('CONFIG_TRACE_SYSTEMTAP') ? 'man1' : ''),
'virtfs-proxy-helper.1': (have_virtfs_proxy_helper ? 'man1' : ''),
'virtiofsd.1': (have_virtiofsd ? 'man1' : ''),
'qemu.1': 'man1',
'qemu-block-drivers.7': 'man7',
'qemu-cpu-models.7': 'man7'
sphinxdocs = []
sphinxmans = []
private_dir = meson.current_build_dir() / 'manual.p'
output_dir = meson.current_build_dir() / 'manual'
input_dir = meson.current_source_dir()
this_manual = custom_target('QEMU manual',
build_by_default: build_docs,
output: 'docs.stamp',
input: files('conf.py'),
depfile: 'docs.d',
depend_files: [ sphinx_extn_depends, sphinx_template_files ],
command: [SPHINX_ARGS, '-Ddepfile=@DEPFILE@',
'-b', 'html', '-d', private_dir,
input_dir, output_dir])
sphinxdocs += this_manual
install_subdir(output_dir, install_dir: qemu_docdir, strip_directory: true)
these_man_pages = []
install_dirs = []
foreach page, section : man_pages
these_man_pages += page
install_dirs += section == '' ? false : get_option('mandir') / section
sphinxmans += custom_target('QEMU man pages',
build_by_default: build_docs,
output: these_man_pages,
input: this_manual,
install: build_docs,
install_dir: install_dirs,
command: [SPHINX_ARGS, '-b', 'man', '-d', private_dir,
input_dir, meson.current_build_dir()])
alias_target('sphinxdocs', sphinxdocs)
alias_target('html', sphinxdocs)
alias_target('man', sphinxmans)