This test, borrowed from the GDB simulator test suite, checks that every syscall increments the time returned by gettimeofday() by exactly 1 ms. This is not guaranteed or even desirable on QEMU so remove this test. Reviewed-by: Edgar E. Iglesias <edgar.iglesias@xilinx.com> Signed-off-by: Rabin Vincent <rabinv@axis.com> Signed-off-by: Edgar E. Iglesias <edgar.iglesias@xilinx.com>
154 lines
4.0 KiB
154 lines
4.0 KiB
-include ../../../config-host.mak
SIM=../../../cris-linux-user/qemu-cris -L ./
SIMG=cris-axis-linux-gnu-run --sysroot=./
CC = $(CROSS)gcc
#AS = $(CROSS)as
AS = $(CC) -x assembler-with-cpp
SIZE = $(CROSS)size
LD = $(CC)
OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)objcopy
# we rely on GCC inline:ing the stuff we tell it to in many places here.
CFLAGS = -Winline -Wall -g -O2 -static
NOSTDFLAGS = -nostartfiles -nostdlib
ASFLAGS += -g -Wa,-I,$(SRC_PATH)/tests/tcg/cris/
CRT = crt.o
SYS = sys.o
TESTCASES += check_abs.tst
TESTCASES += check_addc.tst
TESTCASES += check_addcm.tst
TESTCASES += check_addo.tst
TESTCASES += check_addoq.tst
TESTCASES += check_addi.tst
TESTCASES += check_addiv32.tst
TESTCASES += check_addm.tst
TESTCASES += check_addr.tst
TESTCASES += check_addq.tst
TESTCASES += check_addxc.tst
TESTCASES += check_addxm.tst
TESTCASES += check_addxr.tst
TESTCASES += check_andc.tst
TESTCASES += check_andm.tst
TESTCASES += check_andr.tst
TESTCASES += check_andq.tst
TESTCASES += check_asr.tst
TESTCASES += check_ba.tst
TESTCASES += check_bas.tst
TESTCASES += check_bcc.tst
TESTCASES += check_bound.tst
TESTCASES += check_boundc.tst
TESTCASES += check_boundr.tst
TESTCASES += check_btst.tst
TESTCASES += check_clearfv32.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmpc.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmpr.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmpq.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmpm.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmpxc.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmpxm.tst
TESTCASES += check_cmp-2.tst
TESTCASES += check_clrjmp1.tst
TESTCASES += check_dstep.tst
TESTCASES += check_ftag.tst
TESTCASES += check_int64.tst
# check_jsr is broken.
#TESTCASES += check_jsr.tst
TESTCASES += check_mcp.tst
TESTCASES += check_movei.tst
TESTCASES += check_mover.tst
TESTCASES += check_moverm.tst
TESTCASES += check_moveq.tst
TESTCASES += check_movemr.tst
TESTCASES += check_movemrv32.tst
TESTCASES += check_movecr.tst
TESTCASES += check_movmp.tst
TESTCASES += check_movpr.tst
TESTCASES += check_movprv32.tst
TESTCASES += check_movdelsr1.tst
TESTCASES += check_movpmv32.tst
TESTCASES += check_movsr.tst
TESTCASES += check_movsm.tst
TESTCASES += check_movscr.tst
TESTCASES += check_movur.tst
TESTCASES += check_movum.tst
TESTCASES += check_movucr.tst
TESTCASES += check_mulx.tst
TESTCASES += check_mulv32.tst
TESTCASES += check_neg.tst
TESTCASES += check_not.tst
TESTCASES += check_lz.tst
TESTCASES += check_lapc.tst
TESTCASES += check_lsl.tst
TESTCASES += check_lsr.tst
TESTCASES += check_orc.tst
TESTCASES += check_orm.tst
TESTCASES += check_orr.tst
TESTCASES += check_orq.tst
TESTCASES += check_ret.tst
TESTCASES += check_swap.tst
TESTCASES += check_scc.tst
TESTCASES += check_subc.tst
TESTCASES += check_subq.tst
TESTCASES += check_subr.tst
TESTCASES += check_subm.tst
TESTCASES += check_glibc_kernelversion.tst
TESTCASES += check_xarith.tst
TESTCASES += check_hello.ctst
TESTCASES += check_stat1.ctst
TESTCASES += check_stat2.ctst
TESTCASES += check_stat3.ctst
TESTCASES += check_stat4.ctst
TESTCASES += check_openpf1.ctst
TESTCASES += check_openpf2.ctst
TESTCASES += check_openpf3.ctst
TESTCASES += check_openpf5.ctst
TESTCASES += check_mapbrk.ctst
TESTCASES += check_mmap1.ctst
TESTCASES += check_mmap2.ctst
TESTCASES += check_mmap3.ctst
TESTCASES += check_sigalrm.ctst
TESTCASES += check_time2.ctst
TESTCASES += check_settls1.ctst
TESTCASES += check_gcctorture_pr28634-1.ctst
#TESTCASES += check_gcctorture_pr28634.ctst
all: build
%.o: $(SRC_PATH)/tests/tcg/cris/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.o: $(SRC_PATH)/tests/tcg/cris/%.s
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.tst: %.o
%.ctst: %.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) $< -o $@
build: $(CRT) $(SYS) $(TESTCASES)
check: $(CRT) $(SYS) $(TESTCASES)
@echo -e "\nQEMU simulator."
for case in $(TESTCASES); do \
echo -n "$$case "; \
$(SIM) ./$$case; \
check-g: $(CRT) $(SYS) $(TESTCASES)
@echo -e "\nGDB simulator."
@for case in $(TESTCASES); do \
echo -n "$$case "; \
$(SIMG) $$case; \
$(RM) -fr $(TESTCASES) $(CRT) $(SYS)