Peter Maydell 7e6c28be27 scripts/decodetree: Implement named field support
Implement support for named fields, i.e.  where one field is defined
in terms of another, rather than directly in terms of bits extracted
from the instruction.

The new method referenced_fields() on all the Field classes returns a
list of fields that this field references.  This just passes through,
except for the new NamedField class.

We can then use referenced_fields() to:
 * construct a list of 'dangling references' for a format or
   pattern, which is the fields that the format/pattern uses but
   doesn't define itself
 * do a topological sort, so that we output "field = value"
   assignments in an order that means that we assign a field before
   we reference it in a subsequent assignment
 * check when we output the code for a pattern whether we need to
   fill in the format fields before or after the pattern fields, and
   do other error checking

Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
Message-Id: <20230523120447.728365-6-peter.maydell@linaro.org>
2023-05-30 10:55:39 -07:00

1652 lines
49 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018 Linaro Limited
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Generate a decoding tree from a specification file.
# See the syntax and semantics in docs/devel/decodetree.rst.
import io
import os
import re
import sys
import getopt
insnwidth = 32
bitop_width = 32
insnmask = 0xffffffff
variablewidth = False
fields = {}
arguments = {}
formats = {}
allpatterns = []
anyextern = False
testforerror = False
translate_prefix = 'trans'
translate_scope = 'static '
input_file = ''
output_file = None
output_fd = None
insntype = 'uint32_t'
decode_function = 'decode'
# An identifier for C.
re_C_ident = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
# Identifiers for Arguments, Fields, Formats and Patterns.
re_arg_ident = '&[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
re_fld_ident = '%[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
re_fmt_ident = '@[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
re_pat_ident = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
# Local implementation of a topological sort. We use the same API that
# the Python graphlib does, so that when QEMU moves forward to a
# baseline of Python 3.9 or newer this code can all be dropped and
# replaced with:
# from graphlib import TopologicalSorter, CycleError
# https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/graphlib.html#graphlib.TopologicalSorter
# We only implement the parts of TopologicalSorter we care about:
# ts = TopologicalSorter(graph=None)
# create the sorter. graph is a dictionary whose keys are
# nodes and whose values are lists of the predecessors of that node.
# (That is, if graph contains "A" -> ["B", "C"] then we must output
# B and C before A.)
# ts.static_order()
# returns a list of all the nodes in sorted order, or raises CycleError
# CycleError
# exception raised if there are cycles in the graph. The second
# element in the args attribute is a list of nodes which form a
# cycle; the first and last element are the same, eg [a, b, c, a]
# (Our implementation doesn't give the order correctly.)
# For our purposes we can assume that the data set is always small
# (typically 10 nodes or less, actual links in the graph very rare),
# so we don't need to worry about efficiency of implementation.
# The core of this implementation is from
# https://code.activestate.com/recipes/578272-topological-sort/
# (but updated to Python 3), and is under the MIT license.
class CycleError(ValueError):
"""Subclass of ValueError raised if cycles exist in the graph"""
class TopologicalSorter:
"""Topologically sort a graph"""
def __init__(self, graph=None):
self.graph = graph
def static_order(self):
# We do the sort right here, unlike the stdlib version
from functools import reduce
data = {}
r = []
if not self.graph:
return []
# This code wants the values in the dict to be specifically sets
for k, v in self.graph.items():
data[k] = set(v)
# Find all items that don't depend on anything.
extra_items_in_deps = (reduce(set.union, data.values())
- set(data.keys()))
# Add empty dependencies where needed
data.update({item:{} for item in extra_items_in_deps})
while True:
ordered = set(item for item, dep in data.items() if not dep)
if not ordered:
data = {item: (dep - ordered)
for item, dep in data.items()
if item not in ordered}
if data:
# This doesn't give as nice results as the stdlib, which
# gives you the cycle by listing the nodes in order. Here
# we only know the nodes in the cycle but not their order.
raise CycleError(f'nodes are in a cycle', list(data.keys()))
return r
# end TopologicalSorter
def error_with_file(file, lineno, *args):
"""Print an error message from file:line and args and exit."""
global output_file
global output_fd
prefix = ''
if file:
prefix += f'{file}:'
if lineno:
prefix += f'{lineno}:'
if prefix:
prefix += ' '
print(prefix, end='error: ', file=sys.stderr)
print(*args, file=sys.stderr)
if output_file and output_fd:
# Do not try to remove e.g. -o /dev/null
if not output_file.startswith("/dev"):
except PermissionError:
exit(0 if testforerror else 1)
# end error_with_file
def error(lineno, *args):
error_with_file(input_file, lineno, *args)
# end error
def output(*args):
global output_fd
for a in args:
def output_autogen():
output('/* This file is autogenerated by scripts/decodetree.py. */\n\n')
def str_indent(c):
"""Return a string with C spaces"""
return ' ' * c
def str_fields(fields):
"""Return a string uniquely identifying FIELDS"""
r = ''
for n in sorted(fields.keys()):
r += '_' + n
return r[1:]
def whex(val):
"""Return a hex string for val padded for insnwidth"""
global insnwidth
return f'0x{val:0{insnwidth // 4}x}'
def whexC(val):
"""Return a hex string for val padded for insnwidth,
and with the proper suffix for a C constant."""
suffix = ''
if val >= 0x100000000:
suffix = 'ull'
elif val >= 0x80000000:
suffix = 'u'
return whex(val) + suffix
def str_match_bits(bits, mask):
"""Return a string pretty-printing BITS/MASK"""
global insnwidth
i = 1 << (insnwidth - 1)
space = 0x01010100
r = ''
while i != 0:
if i & mask:
if i & bits:
r += '1'
r += '0'
r += '.'
if i & space:
r += ' '
i >>= 1
return r
def is_pow2(x):
"""Return true iff X is equal to a power of 2."""
return (x & (x - 1)) == 0
def ctz(x):
"""Return the number of times 2 factors into X."""
assert x != 0
r = 0
while ((x >> r) & 1) == 0:
r += 1
return r
def is_contiguous(bits):
if bits == 0:
return -1
shift = ctz(bits)
if is_pow2((bits >> shift) + 1):
return shift
return -1
def eq_fields_for_args(flds_a, arg):
if len(flds_a) != len(arg.fields):
return False
# Only allow inference on default types
for t in arg.types:
if t != 'int':
return False
for k, a in flds_a.items():
if k not in arg.fields:
return False
return True
def eq_fields_for_fmts(flds_a, flds_b):
if len(flds_a) != len(flds_b):
return False
for k, a in flds_a.items():
if k not in flds_b:
return False
b = flds_b[k]
if a.__class__ != b.__class__ or a != b:
return False
return True
class Field:
"""Class representing a simple instruction field"""
def __init__(self, sign, pos, len):
self.sign = sign
self.pos = pos
self.len = len
self.mask = ((1 << len) - 1) << pos
def __str__(self):
if self.sign:
s = 's'
s = ''
return str(self.pos) + ':' + s + str(self.len)
def str_extract(self, lvalue_formatter):
global bitop_width
s = 's' if self.sign else ''
return f'{s}extract{bitop_width}(insn, {self.pos}, {self.len})'
def referenced_fields(self):
return []
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.sign == other.sign and self.mask == other.mask
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# end Field
class MultiField:
"""Class representing a compound instruction field"""
def __init__(self, subs, mask):
self.subs = subs
self.sign = subs[0].sign
self.mask = mask
def __str__(self):
return str(self.subs)
def str_extract(self, lvalue_formatter):
global bitop_width
ret = '0'
pos = 0
for f in reversed(self.subs):
ext = f.str_extract(lvalue_formatter)
if pos == 0:
ret = ext
ret = f'deposit{bitop_width}({ret}, {pos}, {bitop_width - pos}, {ext})'
pos += f.len
return ret
def referenced_fields(self):
l = []
for f in self.subs:
return l
def __ne__(self, other):
if len(self.subs) != len(other.subs):
return True
for a, b in zip(self.subs, other.subs):
if a.__class__ != b.__class__ or a != b:
return True
return False
def __eq__(self, other):
return not self.__ne__(other)
# end MultiField
class ConstField:
"""Class representing an argument field with constant value"""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.mask = 0
self.sign = value < 0
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def str_extract(self, lvalue_formatter):
return str(self.value)
def referenced_fields(self):
return []
def __cmp__(self, other):
return self.value - other.value
# end ConstField
class FunctionField:
"""Class representing a field passed through a function"""
def __init__(self, func, base):
self.mask = base.mask
self.sign = base.sign
self.base = base
self.func = func
def __str__(self):
return self.func + '(' + str(self.base) + ')'
def str_extract(self, lvalue_formatter):
return (self.func + '(ctx, '
+ self.base.str_extract(lvalue_formatter) + ')')
def referenced_fields(self):
return self.base.referenced_fields()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.func == other.func and self.base == other.base
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# end FunctionField
class ParameterField:
"""Class representing a pseudo-field read from a function"""
def __init__(self, func):
self.mask = 0
self.sign = 0
self.func = func
def __str__(self):
return self.func
def str_extract(self, lvalue_formatter):
return self.func + '(ctx)'
def referenced_fields(self):
return []
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.func == other.func
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# end ParameterField
class NamedField:
"""Class representing a field already named in the pattern"""
def __init__(self, name, sign, len):
self.mask = 0
self.sign = sign
self.len = len
self.name = name
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def str_extract(self, lvalue_formatter):
global bitop_width
s = 's' if self.sign else ''
lvalue = lvalue_formatter(self.name)
return f'{s}extract{bitop_width}({lvalue}, 0, {self.len})'
def referenced_fields(self):
return [self.name]
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# end NamedField
class Arguments:
"""Class representing the extracted fields of a format"""
def __init__(self, nm, flds, types, extern):
self.name = nm
self.extern = extern
self.fields = flds
self.types = types
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' ' + str(self.fields)
def struct_name(self):
return 'arg_' + self.name
def output_def(self):
if not self.extern:
output('typedef struct {\n')
for (n, t) in zip(self.fields, self.types):
output(f' {t} {n};\n')
output('} ', self.struct_name(), ';\n\n')
# end Arguments
class General:
"""Common code between instruction formats and instruction patterns"""
def __init__(self, name, lineno, base, fixb, fixm, udfm, fldm, flds, w):
self.name = name
self.file = input_file
self.lineno = lineno
self.base = base
self.fixedbits = fixb
self.fixedmask = fixm
self.undefmask = udfm
self.fieldmask = fldm
self.fields = flds
self.width = w
self.dangling = None
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' ' + str_match_bits(self.fixedbits, self.fixedmask)
def str1(self, i):
return str_indent(i) + self.__str__()
def dangling_references(self):
# Return a list of all named references which aren't satisfied
# directly by this format/pattern. This will be either:
# * a format referring to a field which is specified by the
# pattern(s) using it
# * a pattern referring to a field which is specified by the
# format it uses
# * a user error (referring to a field that doesn't exist at all)
if self.dangling is None:
# Compute this once and cache the answer
dangling = []
for n, f in self.fields.items():
for r in f.referenced_fields():
if r not in self.fields:
self.dangling = dangling
return self.dangling
def output_fields(self, indent, lvalue_formatter):
# We use a topological sort to ensure that any use of NamedField
# comes after the initialization of the field it is referencing.
graph = {}
for n, f in self.fields.items():
refs = f.referenced_fields()
graph[n] = refs
ts = TopologicalSorter(graph)
for n in ts.static_order():
# We only want to emit assignments for the keys
# in our fields list, not for anything that ends up
# in the tsort graph only because it was referenced as
# a NamedField.
f = self.fields[n]
output(indent, lvalue_formatter(n), ' = ',
f.str_extract(lvalue_formatter), ';\n')
except KeyError:
except CycleError as e:
# The second element of args is a list of nodes which form
# a cycle (there might be others too, but only one is reported).
# Pretty-print it to tell the user.
cycle = ' => '.join(e.args[1])
error(self.lineno, 'field definitions form a cycle: ' + cycle)
# end General
class Format(General):
"""Class representing an instruction format"""
def extract_name(self):
global decode_function
return decode_function + '_extract_' + self.name
def output_extract(self):
output('static void ', self.extract_name(), '(DisasContext *ctx, ',
self.base.struct_name(), ' *a, ', insntype, ' insn)\n{\n')
self.output_fields(str_indent(4), lambda n: 'a->' + n)
# end Format
class Pattern(General):
"""Class representing an instruction pattern"""
def output_decl(self):
global translate_scope
global translate_prefix
output('typedef ', self.base.base.struct_name(),
' arg_', self.name, ';\n')
output(translate_scope, 'bool ', translate_prefix, '_', self.name,
'(DisasContext *ctx, arg_', self.name, ' *a);\n')
def output_code(self, i, extracted, outerbits, outermask):
global translate_prefix
ind = str_indent(i)
arg = self.base.base.name
output(ind, '/* ', self.file, ':', str(self.lineno), ' */\n')
# We might have named references in the format that refer to fields
# in the pattern, or named references in the pattern that refer
# to fields in the format. This affects whether we extract the fields
# for the format before or after the ones for the pattern.
# For simplicity we don't allow cross references in both directions.
# This is also where we catch the syntax error of referring to
# a nonexistent field.
fmt_refs = self.base.dangling_references()
for r in fmt_refs:
if r not in self.fields:
error(self.lineno, f'format refers to undefined field {r}')
pat_refs = self.dangling_references()
for r in pat_refs:
if r not in self.base.fields:
error(self.lineno, f'pattern refers to undefined field {r}')
if pat_refs and fmt_refs:
error(self.lineno, ('pattern that uses fields defined in format '
'cannot use format that uses fields defined '
'in pattern'))
if fmt_refs:
# pattern fields first
self.output_fields(ind, lambda n: 'u.f_' + arg + '.' + n)
assert not extracted, "dangling fmt refs but it was already extracted"
if not extracted:
output(ind, self.base.extract_name(),
'(ctx, &u.f_', arg, ', insn);\n')
if not fmt_refs:
# pattern fields last
self.output_fields(ind, lambda n: 'u.f_' + arg + '.' + n)
output(ind, 'if (', translate_prefix, '_', self.name,
'(ctx, &u.f_', arg, ')) return true;\n')
# Normal patterns do not have children.
def build_tree(self):
def prop_masks(self):
def prop_format(self):
def prop_width(self):
# end Pattern
class MultiPattern(General):
"""Class representing a set of instruction patterns"""
def __init__(self, lineno):
self.file = input_file
self.lineno = lineno
self.pats = []
self.base = None
self.fixedbits = 0
self.fixedmask = 0
self.undefmask = 0
self.width = None
def __str__(self):
r = 'group'
if self.fixedbits is not None:
r += ' ' + str_match_bits(self.fixedbits, self.fixedmask)
return r
def output_decl(self):
for p in self.pats:
def prop_masks(self):
global insnmask
fixedmask = insnmask
undefmask = insnmask
# Collect fixedmask/undefmask for all of the children.
for p in self.pats:
fixedmask &= p.fixedmask
undefmask &= p.undefmask
# Widen fixedmask until all fixedbits match
repeat = True
fixedbits = 0
while repeat and fixedmask != 0:
fixedbits = None
for p in self.pats:
thisbits = p.fixedbits & fixedmask
if fixedbits is None:
fixedbits = thisbits
elif fixedbits != thisbits:
fixedmask &= ~(fixedbits ^ thisbits)
repeat = False
self.fixedbits = fixedbits
self.fixedmask = fixedmask
self.undefmask = undefmask
def build_tree(self):
for p in self.pats:
def prop_format(self):
for p in self.pats:
def prop_width(self):
width = None
for p in self.pats:
if width is None:
width = p.width
elif width != p.width:
error_with_file(self.file, self.lineno,
'width mismatch in patterns within braces')
self.width = width
# end MultiPattern
class IncMultiPattern(MultiPattern):
"""Class representing an overlapping set of instruction patterns"""
def output_code(self, i, extracted, outerbits, outermask):
global translate_prefix
ind = str_indent(i)
for p in self.pats:
if outermask != p.fixedmask:
innermask = p.fixedmask & ~outermask
innerbits = p.fixedbits & ~outermask
output(ind, f'if ((insn & {whexC(innermask)}) == {whexC(innerbits)}) {{\n')
output(ind, f' /* {str_match_bits(p.fixedbits, p.fixedmask)} */\n')
p.output_code(i + 4, extracted, p.fixedbits, p.fixedmask)
output(ind, '}\n')
p.output_code(i, extracted, p.fixedbits, p.fixedmask)
def build_tree(self):
if not self.pats:
error_with_file(self.file, self.lineno, 'empty pattern group')
#end IncMultiPattern
class Tree:
"""Class representing a node in a decode tree"""
def __init__(self, fm, tm):
self.fixedmask = fm
self.thismask = tm
self.subs = []
self.base = None
def str1(self, i):
ind = str_indent(i)
r = ind + whex(self.fixedmask)
if self.format:
r += ' ' + self.format.name
r += ' [\n'
for (b, s) in self.subs:
r += ind + f' {whex(b)}:\n'
r += s.str1(i + 4) + '\n'
r += ind + ']'
return r
def __str__(self):
return self.str1(0)
def output_code(self, i, extracted, outerbits, outermask):
ind = str_indent(i)
# If we identified all nodes below have the same format,
# extract the fields now. But don't do it if the format relies
# on named fields from the insn pattern, as those won't have
# been initialised at this point.
if not extracted and self.base and not self.base.dangling_references():
output(ind, self.base.extract_name(),
'(ctx, &u.f_', self.base.base.name, ', insn);\n')
extracted = True
# Attempt to aid the compiler in producing compact switch statements.
# If the bits in the mask are contiguous, extract them.
sh = is_contiguous(self.thismask)
if sh > 0:
# Propagate SH down into the local functions.
def str_switch(b, sh=sh):
return f'(insn >> {sh}) & {b >> sh:#x}'
def str_case(b, sh=sh):
return hex(b >> sh)
def str_switch(b):
return f'insn & {whexC(b)}'
def str_case(b):
return whexC(b)
output(ind, 'switch (', str_switch(self.thismask), ') {\n')
for b, s in sorted(self.subs):
assert (self.thismask & ~s.fixedmask) == 0
innermask = outermask | self.thismask
innerbits = outerbits | b
output(ind, 'case ', str_case(b), ':\n')
output(ind, ' /* ',
str_match_bits(innerbits, innermask), ' */\n')
s.output_code(i + 4, extracted, innerbits, innermask)
output(ind, ' break;\n')
output(ind, '}\n')
# end Tree
class ExcMultiPattern(MultiPattern):
"""Class representing a non-overlapping set of instruction patterns"""
def output_code(self, i, extracted, outerbits, outermask):
# Defer everything to our decomposed Tree node
self.tree.output_code(i, extracted, outerbits, outermask)
def __build_tree(pats, outerbits, outermask):
# Find the intersection of all remaining fixedmask.
innermask = ~outermask & insnmask
for i in pats:
innermask &= i.fixedmask
if innermask == 0:
# Edge condition: One pattern covers the entire insnmask
if len(pats) == 1:
t = Tree(outermask, innermask)
t.subs.append((0, pats[0]))
return t
text = 'overlapping patterns:'
for p in pats:
text += '\n' + p.file + ':' + str(p.lineno) + ': ' + str(p)
error_with_file(pats[0].file, pats[0].lineno, text)
fullmask = outermask | innermask
# Sort each element of pats into the bin selected by the mask.
bins = {}
for i in pats:
fb = i.fixedbits & innermask
if fb in bins:
bins[fb] = [i]
# We must recurse if any bin has more than one element or if
# the single element in the bin has not been fully matched.
t = Tree(fullmask, innermask)
for b, l in bins.items():
s = l[0]
if len(l) > 1 or s.fixedmask & ~fullmask != 0:
s = ExcMultiPattern.__build_tree(l, b | outerbits, fullmask)
t.subs.append((b, s))
return t
def build_tree(self):
self.tree = self.__build_tree(self.pats, self.fixedbits,
def __prop_format(tree):
"""Propagate Format objects into the decode tree"""
# Depth first search.
for (b, s) in tree.subs:
if isinstance(s, Tree):
# If all entries in SUBS have the same format, then
# propagate that into the tree.
f = None
for (b, s) in tree.subs:
if f is None:
f = s.base
if f is None:
if f is not s.base:
tree.base = f
def prop_format(self):
# end ExcMultiPattern
def parse_field(lineno, name, toks):
"""Parse one instruction field from TOKS at LINENO"""
global fields
global insnwidth
global re_C_ident
# A "simple" field will have only one entry;
# a "multifield" will have several.
subs = []
width = 0
func = None
for t in toks:
if re.match('^!function=', t):
if func:
error(lineno, 'duplicate function')
func = t.split('=')
func = func[1]
if re.fullmatch(re_C_ident + ':s[0-9]+', t):
# Signed named field
subtoks = t.split(':')
n = subtoks[0]
le = int(subtoks[1])
f = NamedField(n, True, le)
width += le
if re.fullmatch(re_C_ident + ':[0-9]+', t):
# Unsigned named field
subtoks = t.split(':')
n = subtoks[0]
le = int(subtoks[1])
f = NamedField(n, False, le)
width += le
if re.fullmatch('[0-9]+:s[0-9]+', t):
# Signed field extract
subtoks = t.split(':s')
sign = True
elif re.fullmatch('[0-9]+:[0-9]+', t):
# Unsigned field extract
subtoks = t.split(':')
sign = False
error(lineno, f'invalid field token "{t}"')
po = int(subtoks[0])
le = int(subtoks[1])
if po + le > insnwidth:
error(lineno, f'field {t} too large')
f = Field(sign, po, le)
width += le
if width > insnwidth:
error(lineno, 'field too large')
if len(subs) == 0:
if func:
f = ParameterField(func)
error(lineno, 'field with no value')
if len(subs) == 1:
f = subs[0]
mask = 0
for s in subs:
if mask & s.mask:
error(lineno, 'field components overlap')
mask |= s.mask
f = MultiField(subs, mask)
if func:
f = FunctionField(func, f)
if name in fields:
error(lineno, 'duplicate field', name)
fields[name] = f
# end parse_field
def parse_arguments(lineno, name, toks):
"""Parse one argument set from TOKS at LINENO"""
global arguments
global re_C_ident
global anyextern
flds = []
types = []
extern = False
for n in toks:
if re.fullmatch('!extern', n):
extern = True
anyextern = True
if re.fullmatch(re_C_ident + ':' + re_C_ident, n):
(n, t) = n.split(':')
elif re.fullmatch(re_C_ident, n):
t = 'int'
error(lineno, f'invalid argument set token "{n}"')
if n in flds:
error(lineno, f'duplicate argument "{n}"')
if name in arguments:
error(lineno, 'duplicate argument set', name)
arguments[name] = Arguments(name, flds, types, extern)
# end parse_arguments
def lookup_field(lineno, name):
global fields
if name in fields:
return fields[name]
error(lineno, 'undefined field', name)
def add_field(lineno, flds, new_name, f):
if new_name in flds:
error(lineno, 'duplicate field', new_name)
flds[new_name] = f
return flds
def add_field_byname(lineno, flds, new_name, old_name):
return add_field(lineno, flds, new_name, lookup_field(lineno, old_name))
def infer_argument_set(flds):
global arguments
global decode_function
for arg in arguments.values():
if eq_fields_for_args(flds, arg):
return arg
name = decode_function + str(len(arguments))
arg = Arguments(name, flds.keys(), ['int'] * len(flds), False)
arguments[name] = arg
return arg
def infer_format(arg, fieldmask, flds, width):
global arguments
global formats
global decode_function
const_flds = {}
var_flds = {}
for n, c in flds.items():
if c is ConstField:
const_flds[n] = c
var_flds[n] = c
# Look for an existing format with the same argument set and fields
for fmt in formats.values():
if arg and fmt.base != arg:
if fieldmask != fmt.fieldmask:
if width != fmt.width:
if not eq_fields_for_fmts(flds, fmt.fields):
return (fmt, const_flds)
name = decode_function + '_Fmt_' + str(len(formats))
if not arg:
arg = infer_argument_set(flds)
fmt = Format(name, 0, arg, 0, 0, 0, fieldmask, var_flds, width)
formats[name] = fmt
return (fmt, const_flds)
# end infer_format
def parse_generic(lineno, parent_pat, name, toks):
"""Parse one instruction format from TOKS at LINENO"""
global fields
global arguments
global formats
global allpatterns
global re_arg_ident
global re_fld_ident
global re_fmt_ident
global re_C_ident
global insnwidth
global insnmask
global variablewidth
is_format = parent_pat is None
fixedmask = 0
fixedbits = 0
undefmask = 0
width = 0
flds = {}
arg = None
fmt = None
for t in toks:
# '&Foo' gives a format an explicit argument set.
if re.fullmatch(re_arg_ident, t):
tt = t[1:]
if arg:
error(lineno, 'multiple argument sets')
if tt in arguments:
arg = arguments[tt]
error(lineno, 'undefined argument set', t)
# '@Foo' gives a pattern an explicit format.
if re.fullmatch(re_fmt_ident, t):
tt = t[1:]
if fmt:
error(lineno, 'multiple formats')
if tt in formats:
fmt = formats[tt]
error(lineno, 'undefined format', t)
# '%Foo' imports a field.
if re.fullmatch(re_fld_ident, t):
tt = t[1:]
flds = add_field_byname(lineno, flds, tt, tt)
# 'Foo=%Bar' imports a field with a different name.
if re.fullmatch(re_C_ident + '=' + re_fld_ident, t):
(fname, iname) = t.split('=%')
flds = add_field_byname(lineno, flds, fname, iname)
# 'Foo=number' sets an argument field to a constant value
if re.fullmatch(re_C_ident + '=[+-]?[0-9]+', t):
(fname, value) = t.split('=')
value = int(value)
flds = add_field(lineno, flds, fname, ConstField(value))
# Pattern of 0s, 1s, dots and dashes indicate required zeros,
# required ones, or dont-cares.
if re.fullmatch('[01.-]+', t):
shift = len(t)
fms = t.replace('0', '1')
fms = fms.replace('.', '0')
fms = fms.replace('-', '0')
fbs = t.replace('.', '0')
fbs = fbs.replace('-', '0')
ubm = t.replace('1', '0')
ubm = ubm.replace('.', '0')
ubm = ubm.replace('-', '1')
fms = int(fms, 2)
fbs = int(fbs, 2)
ubm = int(ubm, 2)
fixedbits = (fixedbits << shift) | fbs
fixedmask = (fixedmask << shift) | fms
undefmask = (undefmask << shift) | ubm
# Otherwise, fieldname:fieldwidth
elif re.fullmatch(re_C_ident + ':s?[0-9]+', t):
(fname, flen) = t.split(':')
sign = False
if flen[0] == 's':
sign = True
flen = flen[1:]
shift = int(flen, 10)
if shift + width > insnwidth:
error(lineno, f'field {fname} exceeds insnwidth')
f = Field(sign, insnwidth - width - shift, shift)
flds = add_field(lineno, flds, fname, f)
fixedbits <<= shift
fixedmask <<= shift
undefmask <<= shift
error(lineno, f'invalid token "{t}"')
width += shift
if variablewidth and width < insnwidth and width % 8 == 0:
shift = insnwidth - width
fixedbits <<= shift
fixedmask <<= shift
undefmask <<= shift
undefmask |= (1 << shift) - 1
# We should have filled in all of the bits of the instruction.
elif not (is_format and width == 0) and width != insnwidth:
error(lineno, f'definition has {width} bits')
# Do not check for fields overlapping fields; one valid usage
# is to be able to duplicate fields via import.
fieldmask = 0
for f in flds.values():
fieldmask |= f.mask
# Fix up what we've parsed to match either a format or a pattern.
if is_format:
# Formats cannot reference formats.
if fmt:
error(lineno, 'format referencing format')
# If an argument set is given, then there should be no fields
# without a place to store it.
if arg:
for f in flds.keys():
if f not in arg.fields:
error(lineno, f'field {f} not in argument set {arg.name}')
arg = infer_argument_set(flds)
if name in formats:
error(lineno, 'duplicate format name', name)
fmt = Format(name, lineno, arg, fixedbits, fixedmask,
undefmask, fieldmask, flds, width)
formats[name] = fmt
# Patterns can reference a format ...
if fmt:
# ... but not an argument simultaneously
if arg:
error(lineno, 'pattern specifies both format and argument set')
if fixedmask & fmt.fixedmask:
error(lineno, 'pattern fixed bits overlap format fixed bits')
if width != fmt.width:
error(lineno, 'pattern uses format of different width')
fieldmask |= fmt.fieldmask
fixedbits |= fmt.fixedbits
fixedmask |= fmt.fixedmask
undefmask |= fmt.undefmask
(fmt, flds) = infer_format(arg, fieldmask, flds, width)
arg = fmt.base
for f in flds.keys():
if f not in arg.fields:
error(lineno, f'field {f} not in argument set {arg.name}')
if f in fmt.fields.keys():
error(lineno, f'field {f} set by format and pattern')
for f in arg.fields:
if f not in flds.keys() and f not in fmt.fields.keys():
error(lineno, f'field {f} not initialized')
pat = Pattern(name, lineno, fmt, fixedbits, fixedmask,
undefmask, fieldmask, flds, width)
# Validate the masks that we have assembled.
if fieldmask & fixedmask:
error(lineno, 'fieldmask overlaps fixedmask ',
f'({whex(fieldmask)} & {whex(fixedmask)})')
if fieldmask & undefmask:
error(lineno, 'fieldmask overlaps undefmask ',
f'({whex(fieldmask)} & {whex(undefmask)})')
if fixedmask & undefmask:
error(lineno, 'fixedmask overlaps undefmask ',
f'({whex(fixedmask)} & {whex(undefmask)})')
if not is_format:
allbits = fieldmask | fixedmask | undefmask
if allbits != insnmask:
error(lineno, 'bits left unspecified ',
f'({whex(allbits ^ insnmask)})')
# end parse_general
def parse_file(f, parent_pat):
"""Parse all of the patterns within a file"""
global re_arg_ident
global re_fld_ident
global re_fmt_ident
global re_pat_ident
# Read all of the lines of the file. Concatenate lines
# ending in backslash; discard empty lines and comments.
toks = []
lineno = 0
nesting = 0
nesting_pats = []
for line in f:
lineno += 1
# Expand and strip spaces, to find indent.
line = line.rstrip()
line = line.expandtabs()
len1 = len(line)
line = line.lstrip()
len2 = len(line)
# Discard comments
end = line.find('#')
if end >= 0:
line = line[:end]
t = line.split()
if len(toks) != 0:
# Next line after continuation
# Allow completely blank lines.
if len1 == 0:
indent = len1 - len2
# Empty line due to comment.
if len(t) == 0:
# Indentation must be correct, even for comment lines.
if indent != nesting:
error(lineno, 'indentation ', indent, ' != ', nesting)
start_lineno = lineno
toks = t
# Continuation?
if toks[-1] == '\\':
name = toks[0]
del toks[0]
# End nesting?
if name == '}' or name == ']':
if len(toks) != 0:
error(start_lineno, 'extra tokens after close brace')
# Make sure { } and [ ] nest properly.
if (name == '}') != isinstance(parent_pat, IncMultiPattern):
error(lineno, 'mismatched close brace')
parent_pat = nesting_pats.pop()
error(lineno, 'extra close brace')
nesting -= 2
if indent != nesting:
error(lineno, 'indentation ', indent, ' != ', nesting)
toks = []
# Everything else should have current indentation.
if indent != nesting:
error(start_lineno, 'indentation ', indent, ' != ', nesting)
# Start nesting?
if name == '{' or name == '[':
if len(toks) != 0:
error(start_lineno, 'extra tokens after open brace')
if name == '{':
nested_pat = IncMultiPattern(start_lineno)
nested_pat = ExcMultiPattern(start_lineno)
parent_pat = nested_pat
nesting += 2
toks = []
# Determine the type of object needing to be parsed.
if re.fullmatch(re_fld_ident, name):
parse_field(start_lineno, name[1:], toks)
elif re.fullmatch(re_arg_ident, name):
parse_arguments(start_lineno, name[1:], toks)
elif re.fullmatch(re_fmt_ident, name):
parse_generic(start_lineno, None, name[1:], toks)
elif re.fullmatch(re_pat_ident, name):
parse_generic(start_lineno, parent_pat, name, toks)
error(lineno, f'invalid token "{name}"')
toks = []
if nesting != 0:
error(lineno, 'missing close brace')
# end parse_file
class SizeTree:
"""Class representing a node in a size decode tree"""
def __init__(self, m, w):
self.mask = m
self.subs = []
self.base = None
self.width = w
def str1(self, i):
ind = str_indent(i)
r = ind + whex(self.mask) + ' [\n'
for (b, s) in self.subs:
r += ind + f' {whex(b)}:\n'
r += s.str1(i + 4) + '\n'
r += ind + ']'
return r
def __str__(self):
return self.str1(0)
def output_code(self, i, extracted, outerbits, outermask):
ind = str_indent(i)
# If we need to load more bytes to test, do so now.
if extracted < self.width:
output(ind, f'insn = {decode_function}_load_bytes',
f'(ctx, insn, {extracted // 8}, {self.width // 8});\n')
extracted = self.width
# Attempt to aid the compiler in producing compact switch statements.
# If the bits in the mask are contiguous, extract them.
sh = is_contiguous(self.mask)
if sh > 0:
# Propagate SH down into the local functions.
def str_switch(b, sh=sh):
return f'(insn >> {sh}) & {b >> sh:#x}'
def str_case(b, sh=sh):
return hex(b >> sh)
def str_switch(b):
return f'insn & {whexC(b)}'
def str_case(b):
return whexC(b)
output(ind, 'switch (', str_switch(self.mask), ') {\n')
for b, s in sorted(self.subs):
innermask = outermask | self.mask
innerbits = outerbits | b
output(ind, 'case ', str_case(b), ':\n')
output(ind, ' /* ',
str_match_bits(innerbits, innermask), ' */\n')
s.output_code(i + 4, extracted, innerbits, innermask)
output(ind, '}\n')
output(ind, 'return insn;\n')
# end SizeTree
class SizeLeaf:
"""Class representing a leaf node in a size decode tree"""
def __init__(self, m, w):
self.mask = m
self.width = w
def str1(self, i):
return str_indent(i) + whex(self.mask)
def __str__(self):
return self.str1(0)
def output_code(self, i, extracted, outerbits, outermask):
global decode_function
ind = str_indent(i)
# If we need to load more bytes, do so now.
if extracted < self.width:
output(ind, f'insn = {decode_function}_load_bytes',
f'(ctx, insn, {extracted // 8}, {self.width // 8});\n')
extracted = self.width
output(ind, 'return insn;\n')
# end SizeLeaf
def build_size_tree(pats, width, outerbits, outermask):
global insnwidth
# Collect the mask of bits that are fixed in this width
innermask = 0xff << (insnwidth - width)
innermask &= ~outermask
minwidth = None
onewidth = True
for i in pats:
innermask &= i.fixedmask
if minwidth is None:
minwidth = i.width
elif minwidth != i.width:
onewidth = False;
if minwidth < i.width:
minwidth = i.width
if onewidth:
return SizeLeaf(innermask, minwidth)
if innermask == 0:
if width < minwidth:
return build_size_tree(pats, width + 8, outerbits, outermask)
pnames = []
for p in pats:
pnames.append(p.name + ':' + p.file + ':' + str(p.lineno))
error_with_file(pats[0].file, pats[0].lineno,
f'overlapping patterns size {width}:', pnames)
bins = {}
for i in pats:
fb = i.fixedbits & innermask
if fb in bins:
bins[fb] = [i]
fullmask = outermask | innermask
lens = sorted(bins.keys())
if len(lens) == 1:
b = lens[0]
return build_size_tree(bins[b], width + 8, b | outerbits, fullmask)
r = SizeTree(innermask, width)
for b, l in bins.items():
s = build_size_tree(l, width, b | outerbits, fullmask)
r.subs.append((b, s))
return r
# end build_size_tree
def prop_size(tree):
"""Propagate minimum widths up the decode size tree"""
if isinstance(tree, SizeTree):
min = None
for (b, s) in tree.subs:
width = prop_size(s)
if min is None or min > width:
min = width
assert min >= tree.width
tree.width = min
min = tree.width
return min
# end prop_size
def main():
global arguments
global formats
global allpatterns
global translate_scope
global translate_prefix
global output_fd
global output_file
global input_file
global insnwidth
global insntype
global insnmask
global decode_function
global bitop_width
global variablewidth
global anyextern
global testforerror
decode_scope = 'static '
long_opts = ['decode=', 'translate=', 'output=', 'insnwidth=',
'static-decode=', 'varinsnwidth=', 'test-for-error']
(opts, args) = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'o:vw:', long_opts)
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
error(0, err)
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-o', '--output'):
output_file = a
elif o == '--decode':
decode_function = a
decode_scope = ''
elif o == '--static-decode':
decode_function = a
elif o == '--translate':
translate_prefix = a
translate_scope = ''
elif o in ('-w', '--insnwidth', '--varinsnwidth'):
if o == '--varinsnwidth':
variablewidth = True
insnwidth = int(a)
if insnwidth == 16:
insntype = 'uint16_t'
insnmask = 0xffff
elif insnwidth == 64:
insntype = 'uint64_t'
insnmask = 0xffffffffffffffff
bitop_width = 64
elif insnwidth != 32:
error(0, 'cannot handle insns of width', insnwidth)
elif o == '--test-for-error':
testforerror = True
assert False, 'unhandled option'
if len(args) < 1:
error(0, 'missing input file')
toppat = ExcMultiPattern(0)
for filename in args:
input_file = filename
f = open(filename, 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
parse_file(f, toppat)
# We do not want to compute masks for toppat, because those masks
# are used as a starting point for build_tree. For toppat, we must
# insist that decode begins from naught.
for i in toppat.pats:
if variablewidth:
for i in toppat.pats:
stree = build_size_tree(toppat.pats, 8, 0, 0)
if output_file:
output_fd = open(output_file, 'wt', encoding='utf-8')
output_fd = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,
for n in sorted(arguments.keys()):
f = arguments[n]
# A single translate function can be invoked for different patterns.
# Make sure that the argument sets are the same, and declare the
# function only once.
# If we're sharing formats, we're likely also sharing trans_* functions,
# but we can't tell which ones. Prevent issues from the compiler by
# suppressing redundant declaration warnings.
if anyextern:
output("#pragma GCC diagnostic push\n",
"#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wredundant-decls\"\n",
"#ifdef __clang__\n"
"# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wtypedef-redefinition\"\n",
out_pats = {}
for i in allpatterns:
if i.name in out_pats:
p = out_pats[i.name]
if i.base.base != p.base.base:
error(0, i.name, ' has conflicting argument sets')
out_pats[i.name] = i
if anyextern:
output("#pragma GCC diagnostic pop\n\n")
for n in sorted(formats.keys()):
f = formats[n]
output(decode_scope, 'bool ', decode_function,
'(DisasContext *ctx, ', insntype, ' insn)\n{\n')
i4 = str_indent(4)
if len(allpatterns) != 0:
output(i4, 'union {\n')
for n in sorted(arguments.keys()):
f = arguments[n]
output(i4, i4, f.struct_name(), ' f_', f.name, ';\n')
output(i4, '} u;\n\n')
toppat.output_code(4, False, 0, 0)
output(i4, 'return false;\n')
if variablewidth:
output('\n', decode_scope, insntype, ' ', decode_function,
'_load(DisasContext *ctx)\n{\n',
' ', insntype, ' insn = 0;\n\n')
stree.output_code(4, 0, 0, 0)
if output_file:
exit(1 if testforerror else 0)
# end main
if __name__ == '__main__':