Conversions between IEEE floating-point formats should convert signaling NaNs to quiet NaNs. Most of those in QEMU's softfloat code do so, but those for floatx80 fail to. Fix those conversions to silence signaling NaNs as well. Signed-off-by: Joseph Myers <joseph@codesourcery.com> Message-Id: <alpine.DEB.2.21.2005042336170.22972@digraph.polyomino.org.uk> Signed-off-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
64 lines
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64 lines
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/* Test conversions of signaling NaNs to and from long double. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
volatile float f_res;
volatile double d_res;
volatile long double ld_res;
volatile float f_snan = __builtin_nansf("");
volatile double d_snan = __builtin_nans("");
volatile long double ld_snan = __builtin_nansl("");
int issignaling_f(float x)
union { float f; uint32_t u; } u = { .f = x };
return (u.u & 0x7fffffff) > 0x7f800000 && (u.u & 0x400000) == 0;
int issignaling_d(double x)
union { double d; uint64_t u; } u = { .d = x };
return (((u.u & UINT64_C(0x7fffffffffffffff)) >
UINT64_C(0x7ff0000000000000)) &&
(u.u & UINT64_C(0x8000000000000)) == 0);
int issignaling_ld(long double x)
union {
long double ld;
struct { uint64_t sig; uint16_t sign_exp; } s;
} u = { .ld = x };
return ((u.s.sign_exp & 0x7fff) == 0x7fff &&
(u.s.sig >> 63) != 0 &&
(u.s.sig & UINT64_C(0x4000000000000000)) == 0);
int main(void)
int ret = 0;
ld_res = f_snan;
if (issignaling_ld(ld_res)) {
printf("FAIL: float -> long double\n");
ret = 1;
ld_res = d_snan;
if (issignaling_ld(ld_res)) {
printf("FAIL: double -> long double\n");
ret = 1;
f_res = ld_snan;
if (issignaling_d(f_res)) {
printf("FAIL: long double -> float\n");
ret = 1;
d_res = ld_snan;
if (issignaling_d(d_res)) {
printf("FAIL: long double -> double\n");
ret = 1;
return ret;