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Laszlo Ersek 6b364d2abf roms/edk2: update submodule from edk2-stable201903 to edk2-stable201905
Update the edk2 submodule from release edk2-stable201903 to
edk2-stable201905. The release notes can be read at


Below is a list of commits in the new release:

    1 c9e1e28b6195 Maintainers.txt: clarify Reviewer requirements and responsibilities
    2 a24a37dba42c StdLib: Update resolv.conf to use Google's DNS servers
    3 690d60c0ada5 MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add V3 64b DMA Support
    4 326598e9b759 StandaloneMmPkg/Library: Install Variable Arch Protocol
    5 56edfb174ad6 StandaloneMmPkg: drop redundant definition of gEfiMmConfigurationProtocolGuid
    6 8edde27a3835 StandaloneMmPkg: switch to NULL DebugLib resolution
    7 4b771927c801 StandaloneMmPkg/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint: drop explicit SerialPortLib call
    8 d65e0e4881b7 StandaloneMmPkg/Core: permit encapsulated firmware volumes
    9 84249babd703 StandaloneMmPkg/Core: dispatch all drivers at init time
   10 094c0bc7d7a5 StandaloneMmPkg/Core: drop support for dispatching FVs into MM
   11 b2877855c7ec StandaloneMmPkg/Core: remove legacy boot support
   12 4d275961d8d6 StandaloneMmPkg: drop unused PCD PcdStandaloneMmEnable
   13 d6253d2f9a33 StandaloneMmPkg: remove redundant StandaloneMmDriverEntryPoint driver
   14 fb94f83131f0 BaseTools: Enable compiler cache support in edk2 build
   15 c8eada5ca07b SecurityPkg: Remove duplicated BSD license
   16 5835c054f4ce Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Remove duplicated BSD license
   17 b2a0a4ffd4d6 ShellPkg/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib: Change the note in uni
   18 d868846a4ecc BaseTool/Build: Add --disable-include-path-check.
   19 dbe05cb1c038 BaseTools: Fixed the issue of BaseTools Make cleanall failed.
   20 b0189eac00a5 BaseTools: Explicitly close files after readlines
   21 c49f298d28cb EmbeddedPkg/MmcDxe: Enable 4-bit mode even if SD_HIGH_SPEED is not supported
   22 34b162d078aa UefiCpuPkg/CpuCommonFeaturesLib: Aesni.c uses BIT0 and BIT1 reversedly
   23 d0abf8bb3e09 MdePkg/MdePkg.uni: Add the prompt and help information
   24 6ef95e4da714 SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.uni: Add the prompt and help information
   25 792396bec919 UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.uni: Add the prompt and help information
   26 43b1be74a8f6 ShellPkg: Correct a parameter's name
   27 2ac896a67b8e MdePkg/PciSegmentLibSegmentInfo: Change parameters type
   28 7681a891cec6 BaseTools: Add missing license and copyright info
   29 432a2ba1a0d7 DynamicTablesPkg: correct LibraryClass dependencies for Arm/DBG2
   30 fbdfef35cb82 DynamicTablesPkg: add package .dsc file
   31 a4712bea79a7 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: ECP Cleanup.
   32 46002a4a379b Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Fix build failure issue after ECP cleanup
   33 2cb2b6d6fa9c Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Fix 32bit BIOS build failure issue
   34 4f93ff22b983 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix protocol section
   35 98a4a7a99bf5 DynamicTablesPkg: Rename enum used for ID Mapping
   36 e12bdeb1c2ad DynamicTablesPkg: Add OEM Info
   37 1018bd4c79a6 DynamicTablesPkg: DGB2: Update DBG2_DEBUG_PORT_DDI
   38 24534823b281 DynamicTablesPkg: Remove GIC Distributor Id field
   39 c606f47291e4 DynamicTablesPkg: Minor updates and fix typos
   40 6c27a4d337d0 MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManangerLib: Fix exception issue
   41 bb2c9ccb3388 MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: Control S3 related functionality through flag.
   42 f4c5200926df SecurityPkg/OpalPassword: Fix incorrect line ending issue.
   43 210bd16aff81 Document: Remove obsolete user manuals
   44 f293841f9335 BaseTools: Remove EDKI related logic from Trim tool
   45 2f2c51acfb70 BaseTools: Remove the logic SourceOverridePath
   46 b669adebd01d Fix links in Maintainers.txt and remove slow outdated sourceforge git mirror
   47 cf85ba23d58c OvmfPkg: retire "create-release.py"
   48 4da419e2deb9 IntelSiliconPkg/IntelSiliconPkg.dsc: Add a driver to build
   49 fa888c7ee9ba PcAtChipsetPkg/PcatChipsetPkg.dsc: Add a driver to build
   50 4a1f6b85c184 MdeModulePkg: add LockBoxNullLib for !IA32/X64 in .dsc
   51 a004d17d01a9 BaseTool: Fixed an issue of Structure PCD
   52 fdebdc961bfd Nt32Pkg/Nt32Pkg.dsc: Remove EdkCompatibilityPkg information
   53 5bca07268aca Maintainers.txt: Remove EdkCompatibilityPkg information
   54 c455bc8c8d78 EdkCompatibilityPkg: Remove EdkCompatibilityPkg
   55 e259ad9b6452 OvmfPkg: Drop the ISA Floppy device support
   56 a5cc178aeb1a OvmfPkg: Add an Super IO bus driver
   57 a06810229618 OvmfPkg: Add a build flag to select ISA driver stack
   58 f67786e38171 BaseTools/TianoCompress: Improve performance of boundary validation
   59 55756c88aec9 BaseTools/C/Common: Improve performance of boundary validation
   60 8028f0303218 MdePkg/BaseUefiDecompressLib: Improve performance of boundary validation
   61 58742d79457e BaseTools:Trim will trig exception when input asl UTF8 format file
   62 1c27ec423635 BaseTools:Coding problems caused by special characters
   63 b02873340b2d Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Remove PACKAGES_PATH
   64 a89fd3a359b8 MdeModulePkg/CapsuleRuntimeDxe: Add cache flush for IA32 and X64
   65 9338e2301785 MdeModulePkg/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe: Remove DoS3 in warm reset
   66 b87a9a76ebc3 MdePkg/DebugLib.h: Add new APIs for DebugLib
   67 b04bdd154add MdePkg/BaseDebugLibNull: Add new APIs for DebugLib
   68 f13202874c9c MdePkg/BaseDebugLibSerialPort: Add new APIs
   69 ec81dba51f0b MdePkg/UefidebugLibConOut: Add new APIs
   70 8055c3d5ee3f MdePkg/UefiDebugLibStdErr: Add new APIs
   71 b22b4f5aeed9 MdePkg/DxeRuntimeDebugLibSerialPort: Add new APIs
   72 27d86bc12b1d MdePkg/UefiDebuglibDebugPortProtocol: Add new APIs
   73 92c0bbd18b8b ArmPkg/SemiHostingDebugLib: Add new APIs
   74 2fe5f2f52918 OvmfPkg/PlatformDebugLibIoPort: Add new APIs
   75 446be24d0bd2 IntelFsp2Pkg/BaseFspDebugLibSerialPort: Add new APIs
   76 0bb4eff6a0bb IntelFspPkg/BaseFspDebugLibSerialPort: Add new APIs
   77 9fb1f7efc90a IntelFramworkModulePkg/PeiDxeDebugLibReportStatusCode: Add new APIs
   78 bd68cddc6b5f MdeModulePkg/PeiDxeDebugLibReportStatusCode: Add new APIs
   79 52e22c60eab7 MdeModulePkg: Add definitions for EDKII DEBUG PPI
   80 2bc82244638a MdeModulePkg: Add a PEIM to install Debug PPI
   81 66f50a4b0d49 MdeModulePkg/PeiDebugLibDebugPpi: Add PEI debug lib
   82 a8ac75b8eeb8 MdeModulePkg: Add PEIM and lib to dsc file
   83 475a4317c037 UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   84 b2d13be506fb UefiCpuPkg/BaseUefiCpuLib: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   85 df6c5f01e182 UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib:Remove.S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   86 4eea7627ef0d MdePkg/BaseCpuLib: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   87 1ee58b7103f3 MdePkg/BaseLib: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   88 f578386cc49d MdePkg/BaseMemoryLibMmx: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   89 fbce3e064cdd MdePkg/BaseMemoryLibOptDxe: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   90 ef008cd706b8 MdePkg/BaseMemoryLibOptPei: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   91 42b7b15d2798 MdePkg/BaseMemoryLibRepStr: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   92 94cf7d235a48 MdePkg/BaseMemoryLibSse2: Remove .S files for IA32 and X64 arch
   93 fcc61ca4b122 CryptoPkg/IntrinsicLib: Remove .S files for IA32 arch
   94 c7d22535f7dc SourceLevelDebugPkg/DebugAgentCommon: Remove .S files
   95 fb5c9ed8439b SourceLevelDebugPkg/PeCoffExtraActionLibDebug: Remove .S files
   96 57b6844503e7 CorebootModulePkg/SecCore: Remove .S files for IA32 arch
   97 7ed72121b753 SourceLevelDebugPkg/DebugAgent: Remove AsmFuncs.S in INF
   98 e4ff6349bf9e UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix MemTest86 failure.
   99 37f9fea5b88d UefiCpuPkg\CpuSmm: Save & restore CR2 on-demand paging in SMM
  100 79be3d27517c UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Remove useless functions.
  101 6214ffb41079 UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Optimize PCD PcdCpuFeaturesUserConfiguration.
  102 001c2c80333f UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Simplify PcdCpuFeaturesSupport.
  103 f664032e063b UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Correct comments.
  104 516e33972f0a UefiCpuPkg/Cpuid.h: Remove duplicated struct definition for leaf 1FH
  105 079141ebe7f1 UefiCpuPkg/Cpuid: Dump leaf 1FH information correctly
  106 7f33d4f22836 UefiCpuPkg/LocalApicLib: Add GetProcessorLocation2ByApicId() API
  107 f8113e25001e UefiCpuPkg/Cpuid.h: Update CPUID.7H.ECX structure for 5-level paging
  108 f53de8aecb12 edk2: Add License-History.txt
  109 304bff7223a8 edk2: Change License.txt from 2-Clause BSD to BSD+Patent
  110 9ca2b9b9abef edk2: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  111 2e351cbe8e19 BaseTools: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  112 4059386c7080 ArmPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  113 f4dfad05dda2 ArmPlatformPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  114 9792fb0e65ff ArmVirtPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  115 a1594be9c788 BeagleBoardPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  116 f3342b7a69bd CorebootModulePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  117 d2e8b7e1462f CorebootPayloadPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  118 2009f6b4c5cb CryptoPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  119 9cd9bdc620b4 DynamicTablesPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  120 878b807a435e EmbeddedPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  121 e3ba31da1cd1 EmulatorPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  122 eb6cb4ce755f FatPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  123 bcef758cbac5 FmpDevicePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  124 c0a00b143853 IntelFrameworkModulePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  125 22a69a5efe1d IntelFrameworkPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  126 9672cd30563b IntelFsp2Pkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  127 512e23a3339d IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  128 16a16ea6e39a IntelFspPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  129 194863604898 IntelFspWrapperPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  130 8f7a05e13966 IntelSiliconPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  131 9d510e61fcee MdeModulePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  132 9344f0921518 MdePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  133 ecf98fbcf858 NetworkPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  134 9d2eedba985b Nt32Pkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  135 538311f7d3f6 Omap35xxPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  136 96ae5934cfc3 OptionRomPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  137 b26f0cf9ee09 OvmfPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  138 e1d302e55472 PcAtChipsetPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  139 0eb3de2edc2a QuarkPlatformPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  140 c9f231d08bdb QuarkSocPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  141 289b714b7700 SecurityPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  142 616bb7577171 ShellBinPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  143 56ba37463a5f ShellPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  144 fbf06957b9fd SignedCapsulePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  145 85f7e11021b3 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  146 86094561f674 StandaloneMmPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  147 0acd869796de UefiCpuPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  148 7ede80607b3f Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  149 9dc8036ddf6f Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  150 bcb966958adc AppPkg: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  151 0a2530ea7f53 StdLib: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  152 be41238497e9 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles: Replace BSD License with BSD+Patent License
  153 75fae505b735 OvmfPkg: Change License.txt from 2-Clause BSD to BSD+Patent
  154 3806e1fd1397 edk2: Remove Contributions.txt and update Readme.md
  155 a281361014de BaseTools/PatchCheck: Generate error if Contributed-under found
  156 ae2fb9ead47b CorebootPayloadPkg/FbGop: Locate correct framebuffer device
  157 b1e27d175abb BaseTools: Fixed issue in MultiThread Genfds function
  158 2914e8153dd3 BaseTools: Fix corner-cases of --hash feature
  159 1b8caf0d87ea BaseTools: Fix corner-cases of --hash feature
  160 f2b5e04acad2 BaseTools: Fix corner-cases of --hash feature
  161 db4d47fd3ae9 BaseTools: Fix corner-cases of --hash feature
  162 746c5b6238f1 ArmVirtPkg: Update UefiDecompressLib instance
  163 4ffc5aa1d14f BeagleBoardPkg: Update UefiDecompressLib instance
  164 0108a91c5526 EmulatorPkg: Update UefiDecompressLib instance
  165 58e8a1d8044f MdeModulePkg: Move BaseUefiTianoCustomDecompressLib to
  166 9c0f90ffe163 Nt32Pkg: Update to use UefiDecompressLib in MdeModulePkg
  167 8c3677c33f59 Quark: Update to use UefiDecompressLib in MdeModulePkg
  168 f9f757fd098a Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Update to use UefiDecompressLib in MdeModulePkg
  169 ddb8cedce7e0 IntelFrameworkModulePkg: Fix comments and improve E820 debug output
  170 9a86fd33e941 OvmfPkg: Copy 8259InterruptControllerDxe driver from PcAtChipsetPkg
  171 10fa47e53829 OvmfPkg: Copy Legacy8259 protocol definitions from IntelFrameworkPkg
  172 460ffed242af OvmfPkg/OvmfPkg.dec: Add 8259-related PCDs in OVMF DEC file
  173 c01852433f37 OvmfPkg/8259InterruptControllerDxe: Update to make it build for OVMF
  174 682888a6d236 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Consume the 8259 PCD defined in OvmfPkg
  175 1a3ffdff82e6 OvmfPkg: Copy 8254TimerDxe driver from PcAtChipsetPkg
  176 e3c787af8c04 OvmfPkg/8254TimerDxe: Update to make it build for OVMF
  177 6d70ade90cab OvmfPkg: Update DSC/FDF files to consume 8259/8254 drivers in OvmfPkg
  178 e0fd9ece26c9 ShellPkg: Clarify the description of acpiview option '-s'
  179 cff96d43730c OvmfPkg/License.txt: remove XenPvBlkDxe from the MIT licensed dir list
  180 07a0f27b0e00 OvmfPkg/License.txt: refresh the MIT license text and include the SPDX ID
  181 6f21d772aa6b OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard/Xen: replace MIT license text with SPDX ID
  182 34131e1b5c09 OvmfPkg/XenBusDxe: replace MIT license text with SPDX ID
  183 174232fa9a90 MdePkg/BaseLib: Remove LongJump.c and SetJump.c
  184 f72f81777b39 MdeModulePkg: introduce PE/COFF image emulator protocol
  185 57df17fe26cd MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: invoke the emulator protocol for foreign images
  186 615a72400bca MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: dispatch option ROMs for foreign architectures
  187 26d60374b87d MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: allow foreign Driver#### images
  188 095fcfc606bd MdeModulePkg/EbcDxe: implement the PE/COFF emulator protocol
  189 431390dc1f7d MdePkg/UefiBaseType.h: treat EBC as a non-native machine type
  190 2e21e8c4b896 MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: remove explicit EBC handling
  191 87fcc6e8634e CorebootPayloadPkg: Remove the dependency of ShellBinPkg
  192 04af8bf262f1 UefiPayloadPkg: Enhance UEFI payload for coreboot and Slim Bootloader
  193 eb33b3994d06 EmulatorPkg/Unix: Rename GdbRun to GdbRun.sh
  194 68d47eea422d IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Perform post FSP-S process.
  195 85b01932765d MdeModulePkg/CapsulePei: Change debug MACRO
  196 42d8be0eaac5 MdeModulePkg/CapsulePei: Update the debug code to print 64bit data
  197 05217d210e8d BaseTools:Enable the /MP option of MSVC compiler
  198 87bfb9bcb744 BaseTools:Coding problems cause can not encode FMP Auth Header
  199 0eccea3fbe2f BaseTools: Hash false success with back to back builds
  200 cfb29d2bda57 BaseTools:update ConvertFceToStructurePcd.py with the char order PCD name.
  201 d43056888790 MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: fix crash on uninitialized ExitData
  202 2980988575c9 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Remove ResetSystem declaration
  203 07accfe398a2 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Retire 8254 timer and 8259 module
  204 e2a673b85336 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib.h: Add new API to get organization name
  205 912e1e1ee27e CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Add new API to get organization name
  206 1796a39493b2 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib.h: Add new API VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature
  207 23c3178c4d45 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Add new API VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature
  208 aed90beee510 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib.h: Add PKCS1v2 (RSAES-OAEP) support.
  209 933f1990f583 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Add PKCS1v2 (RSAES-OAEP) support.
  210 52d229238b2d OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: avoid arithmetic on null pointer
  211 dc5bbf10741c OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: suppress invalid "deref of undef pointer" warning
  212 e30991740d18 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: catch theoretical nullptr deref in Xen code
  213 c2f643479eb3 OvmfPkg/BasePciCapLib: suppress invalid "nullptr deref" warning
  214 b29e6365c37f NetworkPkg/UefiPxeBcDxe:Add two PCD to control PXE.
  215 1dc1da58306f MdeModulePkg: Change the SMM debug lib instance
  216 c0b2816d69a2 SignedCapsulePkg: Change the SMM debug lib instance
  217 2b5778c68b63 MdePkg/UefiDebugLibDebugPortProtocol: Make it runtime safe
  218 452702d0bc51 MdePkg/UefidebugLibConOut: Make it runtime safe
  219 e72920ec617b MdePkg/UefiDebugLibStdErr: Make it runtime safe
  220 0b836855fb4d BaseTools: Sometime write file not immediate to disk
  221 452b5ad61ddd BaseTools: Enhance Bin Cache database to support save the cache
  222 35c2af00d8c3 BaseTools:fixed the incorrect autogen makefile which cause build failure.
  223 56008eb7f68c BaseTools: Hash false success.. minor change in hash invalidation
  224 00e3e4801467 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/FspsWrapperPeim: Fix coding style.
  225 40ffb6dc635d Change package maintainer and reviewer of CryptoPkg.
  226 2c0d39ac4704 MdeModulePkg/DxeCapsuleLibFmp: clone ESRT for runtime access
  227 ab7e02a4f86a MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabaseDxe: Release lock on all error return path
  228 81a8a52a6bb2 ShellBinPkg: Remove ShellBinPkg
  229 e7ee4e0da153 MdePkg/BaseIoLibIntrinsic: Remove IoLibIcc.c
  230 5b7255e3d909 MdePkg/BaseLib: Remove support of INTEL tool chain
  231 36082dffd48d BaseTools: Remove ICC tool chain in tools_def.template
  232 04c7a5febd82 MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Limit max transfer blocknum for 48-bit address
  233 b2b8e872fd1b MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Add PEI BlockIO support
  234 1a734ed85fda CryptoPkg: add issetugid declaration to fix openssl build on FreeBSD
  235 d976f09d99b7 MdePkg/PiFirmwareFile: express IS_SECTION2 in terms of SECTION_SIZE
  236 fc76bbd94df7 MdePkg/PiFirmwareFile: fix undefined behavior in SECTION_SIZE
  237 d3b3ee09a675 BaseTools/PiFirmwareFile: fix undefined behavior in SECTION_SIZE
  238 1fd227dd2607 MdePkg/PiFirmwareFile: fix undefined behavior in FFS_FILE_SIZE
  239 b9d4847ec258 OvmfPkg/Sec: fix out-of-bounds reads
  240 20029ca22baa EmbeddedPkg: Allow DXE_DRIVER to depend on NvVarStoreFormattedLib
  241 dfaa565559ba MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Please static checker for false report
  242 c9b3fe1586eb BaseTools: Support customized compiling command
  243 00d2aef80c9a MdeModulePkg/BMMUiLib: Set Handle to NULL after uninstall protocol
  244 5a4f3a3453e7 MdeModulePkg/FileExplorer: Set Handle to NULL after uninstall protocol
  245 60a86abf95aa MdeModulePkg/HiiDB: Minimize memory allocation times after ReadyToBoot
  246 ec4e1af5b94f BaseTools/tools_def.template: Remove tools chain with ASL tool
  247 228a9c2999bd MdePkg/UefiSpec.h: Change comments of EFI_RESET_SYSTEM
  248 efaed0ab678a MdePkg/PiPeiCis.h: Change comments of EFI_PEI_RESET2_SYSTEM
  249 1abe0959f0ea MdePkg/PeiServicesLib.h: Change comments of PeiServicesResetSystem2
  250 d821151e814f MdePkg/PeiServicesLib.c: Change comments of PeiServicesResetSystem2
  251 930fcd9f3acf SecurityPkg/Tcg2Dxe: Change comments of ShutdownTpmOnReset
  252 173cd4723444 MdeModulePkg/ResetSystemLib.h: Change comments of ResetSystem
  253 2662528d9695 MdeModulePkg/DxeResetSystemLib.c: Change comments of ResetSystem
  254 1cff74bb0f2e MdeModulePkg/BaseResetSystemLibNull.c: Change comments of ResetSystem
  255 32f555385fc8 MdeModulePkg/RuntimeResetSystemLib.c: Change comments
  256 99d7570a7a7f MdeModulePkg/PeiResetSystemlib.c: Change comments of ResetSystem
  257 f69cb1082831 MdeModulePkg/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe: Change comments
  258 3bb9b1fad3c6 MdeModulePkg/ResetSystemPei: Change comments of ResetSystem2
  259 eac49c837b32 MdeModulePkg/PeiMain: Change comments of PeiResetSystem2
  260 c676cf740256 MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressHci.c: Change comments
  261 7701cd048712 BeagleBoardPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  262 446bb6516e94 CorebootPayloadPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  263 96ed5b28f9ab Nt32Pkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  264 84c0b80de716 OvmfPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  265 b700a8271912 PcAtChipsetPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  266 c35bbeebbed2 QuarkSocPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  267 b5fddfaf477a Vlv2TbltdevicePkg/ResetSystemLib: Add new API ResetSystem
  268 bda4d5be7c97 ArmPkg/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib: Add a new API ResetSystem
  269 d943e5ad3b2b ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtPsciResetSystemLib: Add a new API ResetSystem
  270 06aaf2f82cd1 MdeModulePkg/ResetUtilityLib: Add a new API ResetSystemWithSubtype
  271 0851d7a53a1d MdeModulePkg/ResetUtilityLib: Add a new API ResetSystemWithSubtype
  272 a8a8b408b7de OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Remove dependency on Mps.h
  273 f4c874c45dbc ShellPkg/UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib
  274 5a1ca93a1fa1 ShellPkg/UefiHandleParsingLib: Remove some unused Guids
  275 4e1daa60f537 MdePkg: Removed IPF related code
  276 c17e4a2f5371 MdePkg/UefiDebugLibConOut: make global variable static
  277 7eef381378b7 MdePkg/UefiDebugLibDebugPortProtocol: make global variable static
  278 ffe48f4b6c65 MdePkg/UefiDebugLibStdErr: make global variable static
  279 ea305ce3f8b5 IntelFrameworkModulePkg: make global variable static
  280 2410ac023016 MdeModulePkg/FirmwarePerformanceDxe: make global variable static
  281 9ed8c3a8068a IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/FspWrapperNotifyDxe: make global variable static
  282 4e4b23040786 IntelFrameworkModulePkg: make global variable static
  283 af51cb48a22d MdeModulePkg/StatusCodeHandlerRuntimeDxe: make global variable static
  284 d55d9d066436 NetworkPkg: Remove IpSec driver and application
  285 679906d9bd41 NetworkPkg: Add missing string token in NetworkPkg.uni
  286 8a472b1915fb MdeModulePkg: BaseSerialPortLib16550: Add Mmio32 support
  287 038f929c921c CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Remove the blank line in the comments
  288 e2d3a25f1a31 EmbeddedPkg: Extend NvVarStoreFormattedLib LIBRARY_CLASS
  289 964f432b9b0a edk2: Remove AppPkg, StdLib, StdLibPrivateInternalFiles
  290 5c5d8d0b2086 edk2: Update ReadMe.md and Maintainer.txt for edk2-libc repo
  291 137cbff041fc QuarkPlatformPkg/AcpiTables: Resolve iASL warnings
  292 b11636239f84 OvmfPkg: introduce EnrollDefaultKeys application
  293 3defea06b2b7 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: update @file comment blocks
  294 05d7f3c3fce5 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: refresh INF file
  295 034dec6ca19d ArmVirtPkg: build EnrollDefaultKeys.efi
  296 85d96998a470 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: clean up minor whitespace wart
  297 32d1440aaddd OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: clean up global variable name prefixes
  298 e0d612356e84 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: clean up acronym capitalization in identifiers
  299 a2491a6c82e4 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: remove unneeded EFIAPI call. conv. specifiers
  300 1c9418fcafe3 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: extract typedefs to a header file
  301 a79b115adeab OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: split out certificate and signature constants
  302 7eeaa7585a98 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: extract MICROSOFT_VENDOR_GUID
  303 86bf2672a35a OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: describe functions with leading comment blocks
  304 c9727ff1df0d OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: document the steps of the entry point function
  305 392404167fb1 OvmfPkg: introduce OVMF_PK_KEK1_APP_PREFIX_GUID
  306 be9470b3c91f OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: enroll PK/KEK1 from the Type 11 SMBIOS table
  307 9fb2ce2f465d OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: remove Red Hat's hard-coded PK/KEK1
  308 27e4d6ae25a0 OvmfPkg/XenSupport: remove usage of prefetchable PCI host bridge aperture
  309 d63610df60f7 OvmfPkg/XenSupport: use a correct PCI host bridge aperture for BAR64
  310 0c40c9c925ca OvmfPkg/XenSupport: turn off address decoding before BAR sizing
  311 a41b12574ee1 MdePkg: Add PcdSpeculationBarrierType
  312 aec74656893a MdePkg/BaseLib: Use PcdSpeculationBarrierType
  313 24f4547c5c12 QuarkPlatformPkg: Set PcdSpeculationBarrierType to CPUID
  314 6dd88437b1d9 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLibUp: Add uniprocessor MpInitLib
  315 ba1362d882e9 UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei: Add missing CpuLib class
  316 c793d24b0103 QuarkPlatformPkg: Use uniprocessor MpInitLibUp
  317 0edaa8c16204 QuarkSocPkg/SmmAccessDxe: Set region to UC on SMRAM close
  318 80d28ddeb2ce QuarkPlatformPkg/PlatformInit: Resolve ResetSystemLib name collision
  319 0d6de095a5ae BaseTools: split long line into multiple short lines.
  320 c4c8c340ef01 BaseTools: Add GCC flags to Basetool build.
  321 273190e18975 BaseTools:Fixed an issue where the order of GuidS changed in guid.xref
  322 727d7ebaa9f3 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: suppress incorrect compiler warning
  323 d02741225887 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Remove NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe module
  324 fbb0ec7ea4c0 BaseTools: support arm64 as a platform name in addition to aarch64
  325 f5245a1db144 SecurityPkg/OpalPassword: Add warning message for Secure Erase
  326 8b4b2fb9a183 BaseTools:corrected error message for the DatumType error
  327 0cb3f77153b7 BaseTools:ECC report errors on account of analyze special characters
  328 26e2b295ec7a BaseTools:Remove unused BaseTools\Source\Python\UPT\Dll
  329 df7c81b5b219 BaseTools:The code used to test python module is moved to edksetup
  330 a642e2b42ed5 MdeModulePkg/DumpDynPcd: Add application to dump dynamic PCD settings
  331 da815cf390cc NetworkPkg DSC: Add the required ARM library to pass ARM build
  332 1e948802e755 NetworkPkg: Add DSC/FDF include segment files to NetworkPkg.
  333 23ea5bfea2a2 NetworkPkg: Add package level include DSC file
  334 792f0d4f12ad EmulatorPkg: Support a second GOP window
  335 1b72fd5121b5 BaseTools/VfrCompile: Remove framework VFR support
  336 8dc1f4ec0f54 FatPkg/FatPei: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  337 9feffce9c6b5 IntelFrameworkModulePkg: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  338 728c7ffac317 MdeModulePkg/Core: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  339 2e217e402215 MdeModulePkg/CdExpress: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  340 059cf575eb6c MdeModulePkg/Setup: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  341 1df91bb772a1 QuarkPlatformPkg: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  342 868f139b086a SignedCapsulePkg: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  343 3e2ec1891f98 UefiCpuPkg: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  344 2c835dee82a4 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport usage
  345 4acc5750f055 MdeModulePkg: Remove PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport
  346 e0972cfc7df1 SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dec: Change BlockSID default policy
  347 539a6c931884 SecurityPkg/OpalPassword: Change send BlockSID policy
  348 46e696088a0a SecurityPkg/OpalPassword: Fix "Enable Feature" Menu disappear issue
  349 7d83e9e84793 BaseTools:Delete FrameworkDatabase from BaseTools/Conf
  350 c648e9058717 BaseTools: Fix the issue that build report missing Module Size
  351 51e9be0cc3d1 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg:Delete FrameworkDatabase from Vlv2TbltDevicePkg
  352 49693202ec9c Revert "BaseTools:code of test python module is moved to edksetup"
  353 20af3a7a3ec4 FatPkg/FatPei: Remove BootInRecoveryMode PPI DEPEX.
  354 0a506fc7ab8b MdeModulePkg: Remove BootInRecoveryMode PPI
  355 30a888b5a0a0 IntelSiliconPkg/IntelVTdDxe: Do global invalidation before boot
  356 8522ce2c9f88 Maintainers.txt: Update the name of 'Hao Wu' to 'Hao A Wu'
  357 ad9df9377028 EmulatorPkg: Change the cpu frequency to a non-zero value
  358 0e92957eaa50 EmulatorPkg: Make the shell be the first boot option
  359 68cafc7bf057 EmulatorPkg: Save the modified order after rebooting
  360 21d5bf86b223 EmulatorPkg: Remove framework pkgs dependency from EmulatorPkg
  361 3eac7496bef1 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/PlatformFlashAccessLib: Add error return
  362 f635a42e14f4 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/AcpiPlatform: Change Size type to UINTN
  363 24990e84d323 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/AcpiPlatform: Add variable protocols to depex
  364 e5a0cf912531 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/PpmPolicy: Fix call to MP Services Protocol
  365 f4aa56e7cc38 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/SmBiosMiscDxe: Fix GCC build issue
  366 927926f45485 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Find UEFI Shell using gUefiShellFileGuid
  367 5cf0cb1582af Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Build full UEFI Shell from sources
  368 86be1a2eaa8a Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Use CpuDxe from UefiCpuPkg
  369 76386f4292c3 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Add PchInitSmm module
  370 a4390a28b8ac Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Always enable QuietBoot to produce BGRT
  371 ef81f9f12af4 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Stitch/Gcc: Update default setting binary
  372 9d87197edadc Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Remove directory assumptions from build scripts
  373 447597f123c0 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Capsule: Do not clear UEFI varstore
  374 f2197f0d0c3d Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Capsule: Remove path to openssl tools
  375 1bb262ea0440 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Capsule: Add Linux/LVFS generation scripts
  376 62fdb9bbc505 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: Update Readme.md
  377 cd5147734cbe OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Remove dependency on OptionRomPkg
  378 70023bab7efe MdeModulePkg: BaseSerialPortLib16550: Add missing Pcd to UNI
  379 afe8c4110c07 BaseTools: Correct the value assignment for StructurePcd
  380 6b74ccf0f8b5 BaseTools:Enables FFS to support the GUID value format
  381 ae3c247dbc94 BaseTools: Check the fread function and avoid dead loop
  382 f684c3f5eef4 Coreboot*Pkg: Retire CorebootPayloadPkg and CorebootModulePkg
  383 e2aaec4b080c UefiCpuPkg: Remove double \r
  384 4ff689d98277 BaseTools/VfrCompile: clean Framework Vfr support
  385 c4521157bf57 ArmPkg/CompilerIntrinsicsLib: Remove unused sources and clean up .inf
  386 482704df27cc ArmPkg/CompilerIntrinsicsLib: Add memcmp, memmove intrinsics for MSFT
  387 d039044be43d ArmPkg/CompilerIntrinsicsLib: Add lasr ARM assembly source for GCC
  388 96ef5a8e30a8 ArmPkg/CompilerIntrinsicsLib: Add uread, uwrite GCC assembly sources
  389 5347c48016f2 edk2: Remove packages moved to edk2-platforms
  390 83f997e58dca edk2: Update Maintainers.txt for packages moved to edk2-platforms
  391 cf574f0a1838 UefiCpuPkg PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Only support IN/OUT IO save state read (CVE-2018-12182)
  392 4000f249ba5c SecurityPkg: Remove double \r
  393 e90ea9470a88 SecurityPkg/AuthSeriableLib: Always delete variable in certdb
  394 f0b8166505d2 EmbeddedPkg DSC: Use ReportStatusCodeLib (DXE) in MdeModulePkg
  395 32f345eba719 EmbeddedPkg/PrePiLib: Drop dependency on IntelFramework[Module]Pkg
  396 a11d371ef660 OvmfPkg: Remove duplicated library classes in dxe drivers section in DSC
  397 a40f30398ab0 MdePkg: Add ACPI 6.3 header file
  398 3f0055c8de8a MdePkg: Merge TianoCustomDecompress algorithm into
  399 805313dbac3a Nt32Pkg: Update UefiDecompressLib instance path
  400 bf502ae44919 MdeModulePkg/Library: Remove BaseUefiTianoCustomDecompressLib
  401 89d7c543cf71 OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys: import the non-default key into db
  402 631195044ff0 OvmfPkg: Update DSC/FDF to use NetworkPkg's include fragment file.
  403 bc01f4971d63 Nt32Pkg: Update DSC/FDF to use NetworkPkg's include fragment file.
  404 157a3b1aa50f ArmVirtPkg: Update DSC/FDF to use NetworkPkg's include fragment file.
  405 3b7a897cd8e3 EmulatorPkg: Update DSC/FDF to use NetworkPkg's include fragment file.
  406 60e95bf5094f OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: assign PciSize on both i440fx/q35 branches explicitly
  407 9a2e8d7c65ef OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: hoist PciBase assignment above the i440fx/q35 branching
  408 75136b29541b OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: reorder the 32-bit PCI window vs. the PCIEXBAR on q35
  409 39b9a5ffe661 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: fix MTRR for low-RAM sizes that have many bits clear
  410 4d5d7812786d UefiCpuPkg: Remove double \r
  411 7afa0cea8f2c Nt32Pkg: Remove it
  412 147e6e70f2be Maintainers.txt: Remove Nt32Pkg reference after Nt32Pkg is removed
  413 c2eab535c679 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: remove unused code for IPF
  414 fb5573b83007 Maintainers.txt: Add 'Zhichao Gao' for ShellPkg review
  415 8da8daafc905 ShellPkg: acpiview: Add GT Frame Number validation to GTDT parser
  416 1887b995a359 ShellPkg/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib: Fix PPTT cache attributes validation
  417 41ac2076a7c6 UefiCpuPkg CpuCommonFeaturesLib: Remove CPU generation check
  418 59f20e8d7100 ShellPkg: Update DSC to use NetworkPkg's include fragment file
  419 48f43c2c56ee EmbeddedPkg: Update DSC to use NetworkPkg's include fragment file
  420 7b84de939489 ShellPkg: Display VENDOR_ID in ASCII when parsing PPTT
  421 911efe279ec3 ShellPkg: Add NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.dec as the package dependency
  422 110d4729b58e EmulatorPkg: Add NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.dec as the package dependency
  423 cc99ea9422be Maintainers.txt: remove UTF-8 BOM wrongly added in commit 147e6e70
  424 66b845ae06f1 BaseTools: Fix private includes for FILE_GUID override
  425 a7ef158b0752 BaseTools: Library hashing fix and optimization for --hash feature
  426 c1387446edbb BaseTools:Update mailing list address in BaseTools error messages
  427 9ca1f1446a5a BaseTools: Remove './SecMain' from 'run' target
  428 3604174718e2 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/DebugLib: Fix string copy issue
  429 4718129bf94e BaseTools: Update Conf/target.template with the default EmulatorPkg.dsc
  430 01e074bfbcf0 MdeModulePkg: Update MdeModulePkg.dsc to remove Network related modules
  431 e812a812c1a0 BaseTools: Remove './SecMain' from 'run' target
  432 c0fd7f734e2d BaseTools:Change the path of the file that Binary Cache
  433 4542f8b8135f NetworkPkg: Move Network library and drivers from MdeModulePkg to NetworkPkg
  434 07135c122058 NetworkPkg: Move Network library header file from MdeModulePkg to NetworkPkg
  435 ec56fa278428 MdeModulePkg: Remove network library header file from package DEC file
  436 005a5f2dea5c UefiPayloadPkg: Update Package DSC files to refer to NetworkLibs.dsc.inc
  437 da82eb1c93b4 ArmPkg: Update Package DSC to remove unused NetLib
  438 21d9dc21f818 SignedCapsulePkg: Update Package DSC to remove unused network libs
  439 5a9e23ceb991 Maintainers.txt: update mailing list information
  440 4abfc66db088 Maintainers.txt: update UEFI payload information
  441 591b8cb7f3d0 IntelFsp2Pkg/SplitFspBin.py: Support rebasing 1.x binary.
  442 9d73c5608d22 IntelFsp2Pkg/SplitFspBin.py: Revert FSP 1.x support.
  443 e2afc8ab59c3 MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Fix device cannot be found in non-S3 path
  444 3a0b998bf3b5 BaseTools:Extend the binary cache to support library cache
  445 b6cfa686e42d BaseTools:Update binary cache restore time to current time
  446 85af0b8116f3 ArmPkg: import Berkeley Softfloat library as git submodule
  447 3cc57695df5a ArmPkg/ArmSoftFloatLib: switch to new version of softfloat library
  448 99243102b467 ArmPkg/ArmSoftFloatLib: remove source files that are no longer used
  449 8594c2073cdb ArmPkg/ArmLib ARM: set .fpu to let Clang 7 assemble ArmV7Support.S
  450 371e7001e8d5 ArmPkg/ArmSoftFloatLib GCC4x: fix build failure
  451 6fcc3d68eb02 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Modify process_files.pl for upgrading OpenSSL
  452 7eee0488944f CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Exclude unnecessary files in process_files.pl
  453 96dbfad9b00b CryptoPkg/IntrinsicLib: Fix possible unresolved external symbol issue
  454 5db2fbff23ae CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Prepare for upgrading OpenSSL
  455 9c3c5c91ce6d CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Fix cross-build problem for AARCH64
  456 c51f8bae7cab CryptoPkg: Fix possible build problem with Clang
  457 b73967891824 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add functions for upgrading OpenSSL1_1_1b
  458 456dd8b99f00 CryptoPkg: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1b
  459 acfb90911840 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Make HMAC_CTX size backward compatible
  460 f03859ea6c8f CryptoPkg CLANG35: add -std=c99 to dodge OpenSSL C atomics issue
  461 305cd4f783fe Revert "OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: fix MTRR for low-RAM sizes that have many bits clear"
  462 eb4d62b0779c Revert "OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: reorder the 32-bit PCI window vs. the PCIEXBAR on q35"
  463 753d3d6f43b2 Revert "OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: hoist PciBase assignment above the i440fx/q35 branching"
  464 d45349841113 Revert "OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: assign PciSize on both i440fx/q35 branches explicitly"
  465 b07de0974b65 OvmfPkg: raise the PCIEXBAR base to 2816 MB on Q35
  466 49edde15230a OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: set 32-bit UC area at PciBase / PciExBarBase (pc/q35)
  467 466c66341a99 CryptoPkg: Fix build problem with XCODE
  468 4ff8b6b1d8b7 FmpDevicePkg: Add TimerLib to DSC file
  469 7cea4d71a8a8 EmulatorPkg: don't display the cpu current speed
  470 a1539c46958f UefiPayloadPkg: Remove legacy PIC 8259 driver
  471 be689ecc93e5 Revert "EmulatorPkg: don't display the cpu current speed"
  472 cbfdc1b2df65 Maintainers.txt: Remove Network maintainers for MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network
  473 0a1b13fd4d22 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: fix VS2017 build failure
  474 b8993a34ae00 edk2: Update additional licenses in Readme.md
  475 98d8f194e5a6 CryptoPkg/IntrinsicLib: Fix CLANG38 IA32 build problem
  476 b66c4c4ff918 Revert "UefiPayloadPkg: Remove legacy PIC 8259 driver"
  477 20d2e5a125e3 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: fix build break caused by missing library

Cc: Philippe Mathieu-Daud <philmd@redhat.com>
Ref: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1831477
Signed-off-by: Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daud <philmd@redhat.com>
Tested-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daud <philmd@redhat.com>
2019-06-14 21:47:43 +02:00
accel Fix vector arithmetic right shift helpers. 2019-06-13 12:57:04 +01:00
audio Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
authz Include qemu/module.h where needed, drop it from qemu-common.h 2019-06-12 13:18:33 +02:00
backends Include qemu/module.h where needed, drop it from qemu-common.h 2019-06-12 13:18:33 +02:00
block blkdebug: Inject errors on .bdrv_co_block_status() 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
bsd-user Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
capstone@22ead3e0bf disas: Add capstone as submodule 2017-10-26 11:56:20 +02:00
chardev Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
contrib Clean up a header guard symbols (again) 2019-06-12 13:20:21 +02:00
crypto Normalize position of header guard 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
default-configs hw/acpi: Consolidate build_mcfg to pci.c 2019-05-29 18:00:57 -04:00
disas Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
docs qapi: Add feature flags to struct types 2019-06-12 18:34:26 +02:00
dtc@88f18909db Update dtc/libfdt submodule to v1.4.7 2018-10-02 13:53:26 +10:00
fpu hardfloat: fix float32/64 fused multiply-add 2019-03-25 10:35:32 +00:00
fsdev Include qemu/module.h where needed, drop it from qemu-common.h 2019-06-12 13:18:33 +02:00
gdb-xml RISC-V: Add 64-bit gdb xml files. 2019-03-19 05:13:24 -07:00
hw hw/block/fdc: floppy command FIFO memory initialization 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
include vfio/common: Introduce vfio_set_irq_signaling helper 2019-06-13 09:57:37 -06:00
io Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
libdecnumber build: remove CONFIG_LIBDECNUMBER 2017-10-16 18:03:52 +02:00
linux-headers linux headers: update against Linux 5.2-rc1 2019-05-21 16:58:56 +02:00
linux-user semihosting: split console_out into string and char versions 2019-06-12 17:53:22 +01:00
migration Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
nbd nbd/server: Nicer spelling of max BLOCK_STATUS reply length 2019-06-13 08:56:10 -05:00
net Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
pc-bios pc-bios/s390: Update firmware image with "Skip bootmap signature entries" fix 2019-05-08 11:26:01 +02:00
po po/Makefile: Modern shell scripting (use $() instead of ``) 2018-10-24 07:39:10 +01:00
python/qemu event_match: always match on None value 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
qapi blkdebug: Inject errors on .bdrv_co_block_status() 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
qga Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
qobject qemu-common: Move qemu_isalnum() etc. to qemu/ctype.h 2019-06-11 20:22:09 +02:00
qom Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
replay Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
roms roms/edk2: update submodule from edk2-stable201903 to edk2-stable201905 2019-06-14 21:47:43 +02:00
scripts decodetree: Fix comparison of Field 2019-06-13 15:14:03 +01:00
scsi Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
slirp@f0da672620 Update upstream slirp 2019-05-09 09:58:57 +02:00
stubs Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
target target/arm: Fix short-vector increment behaviour 2019-06-13 15:14:06 +01:00
tcg Supply missing header guards 2019-06-12 13:20:21 +02:00
tests iotests: Test qemu-img convert -C --salvage 2019-06-14 15:09:42 +02:00
trace Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
ui ui/cocoa: Fix mouse grabbing in fullscreen mode for relative input device 2019-06-13 11:23:22 +01:00
util Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
.cirrus.yml cirrus / travis: Add gnu-sed and bash for macOS and FreeBSD 2019-05-21 10:12:47 +02:00
.dir-locals.el Add .dir-locals.el file to configure emacs coding style 2015-10-08 19:46:01 +03:00
.editorconfig editorconfig: add setting for shell scripts 2019-06-12 17:53:22 +01:00
.gdbinit .gdbinit: load QEMU sub-commands when gdb starts 2017-06-07 14:38:45 +01:00
.gitignore Makefile: install the edk2 firmware images and their descriptors 2019-04-17 15:38:35 +02:00
.gitlab-ci.yml gitlab-ci.yml: Test the TCG interpreter in a CI pipeline 2019-05-02 16:56:33 +02:00
.gitmodules gitmodules: use qemu.org git mirrors 2019-05-03 13:56:56 +01:00
.gitpublish Add a git-publish configuration file 2018-03-05 09:03:17 +00:00
.mailmap maint: Grammar fix to mailmap 2018-12-11 18:35:54 +01:00
.patchew.yml ci: store Patchew configuration in the tree 2019-06-03 14:03:02 +02:00
.shippable.yml .shippable.yml: disable the win cross tests 2018-12-17 13:02:12 +00:00
.travis.yml .travis.yml: add clang ubsan job 2019-06-12 17:53:22 +01:00
arch_init.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
balloon.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
block.c block: Remove bdrv_set_aio_context() 2019-06-04 16:55:58 +02:00
blockdev-nbd.c nbd: allow authorization with nbd-server-start QMP command 2019-03-06 11:05:27 -06:00
blockdev.c blockdev: Overlays are not snapshots 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
blockjob.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
bootdevice.c fw_cfg: ignore suffixes in the bootdevice list dependent on machine class 2018-08-16 22:27:43 -03:00
bt-host.c all: Clean up includes 2016-02-04 17:41:30 +00:00
bt-vhci.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
Changelog Use HTTPS for qemu.org and other domains 2017-11-21 13:34:13 +00:00
CODING_STYLE CODING_STYLE: indent example code as all others 2019-05-02 18:12:58 +02:00
configure configure: remove tpm_passthrough & tpm_emulator 2019-06-03 14:03:02 +02:00
COPYING.LIB COPYING.LIB: Synchronize the LGPL 2.1 with the version from gnu.org 2019-01-30 11:01:22 +01:00
cpus-common.c qemu/queue.h: simplify reverse access to QTAILQ 2019-01-11 15:46:55 +01:00
cpus.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
device_tree.c device_tree: Fix integer overflowing in load_device_tree() 2019-04-09 16:35:40 -07:00
device-hotplug.c hmp: Fix drive_add ... format=help crash 2019-04-08 17:42:06 +02:00
disas.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
dma-helpers.c block: explicitly acquire aiocontext in bottom halves that need it 2017-02-21 11:39:39 +00:00
dump.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
exec.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
gdbstub.c gdbstub: Implement qemu physical memory mode 2019-06-12 17:53:23 +01:00
gitdm.config contrib: gitdm: add a mapping for Janus Technologies 2019-03-12 19:31:29 +00:00
HACKING HACKING: document preference for g_new instead of g_malloc 2018-05-20 08:32:09 +03:00
hmp-commands-info.hx {hmp, hw/pvrdma}: Expose device internals via monitor interface 2019-03-16 15:52:44 +02:00
hmp-commands.hx hmp: gva2gpa debug command 2019-05-01 10:46:59 +01:00
hmp.c block: Add BlockBackend.ctx 2019-06-04 15:22:22 +02:00
hmp.h Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
ioport.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
iothread.c iothread: document about why we need explicit aio_poll() 2019-03-08 10:20:57 +00:00
job-qmp.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
job.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
Kconfig.host kconfig: add dependencies on CONFIG_MSI_NONBROKEN 2019-03-18 09:39:57 +01:00
LICENSE vfio: move hw/misc/vfio.c to hw/vfio/pci.c Move vfio.h into include/hw/vfio 2014-12-19 15:24:06 -07:00
MAINTAINERS MAINTAINERS: put myself forward for gdbstub 2019-06-12 17:53:23 +01:00
Makefile vga: add vhost-user-gpu. 2019-05-30 13:10:00 +01:00
Makefile.objs vga: add vhost-user-gpu. 2019-05-30 13:10:00 +01:00
Makefile.target Makefile.target: support per-target coverage reports 2019-05-28 10:28:51 +01:00
memory_ldst.inc.c exec: Fix MAP_RAM for cached access 2018-06-28 19:05:30 +02:00
memory_mapping.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
memory.c qemu-common: Move tcg_enabled() etc. to sysemu/tcg.h 2019-06-11 20:22:09 +02:00
module-common.c all: Clean up includes 2016-02-04 17:41:30 +00:00
monitor.c qemu-common: Move qemu_isalnum() etc. to qemu/ctype.h 2019-06-11 20:22:09 +02:00
numa.c numa: improve cpu hotplug error message with a wrong node-id 2019-06-07 15:28:46 -03:00
os-posix.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
os-win32.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
qdev-monitor.c monitor: Simplify how -device/device_add print help 2019-04-18 22:18:59 +02:00
qemu-bridge-helper.c qemu-bridge-helper: Fix misuse of isspace() 2019-05-22 14:57:33 +02:00
qemu-deprecated.texi riscv: spike: Add a generic spike machine 2019-05-24 12:09:24 -07:00
qemu-doc.texi docs: add Security chapter to the documentation 2019-05-10 10:53:52 +01:00
qemu-edid.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
qemu-ga.texi doc: fix the configuration path 2019-05-03 13:03:04 +02:00
qemu-img-cmds.hx qemu-img: Add salvaging mode to convert 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
qemu-img.c qemu-img: Add salvaging mode to convert 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
qemu-img.texi qemu-img: Add salvaging mode to convert 2019-06-14 14:16:57 +02:00
qemu-io-cmds.c qemu-io-cmds: use clock_gettime for benchmarking 2019-06-12 17:53:22 +01:00
qemu-io.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
qemu-keymap.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
qemu-nbd.c qemu-nbd: Do not close stderr 2019-06-13 08:50:47 -05:00
qemu-nbd.texi qemu-nbd: Add --pid-file option 2019-06-13 08:50:47 -05:00
qemu-option-trace.texi qemu-option-trace: -trace enable= is a pattern, not a file 2018-05-20 08:29:01 +03:00
qemu-options-wrapper.h qemu-img: remove references to GEN_DOCS 2018-05-20 08:35:54 +03:00
qemu-options.h Clean up ill-advised or unusual header guards 2016-07-12 16:20:46 +02:00
qemu-options.hx docs: smbios: remove family=x from type2 entry description 2019-05-29 18:00:57 -04:00
qemu-seccomp.c seccomp: report more useful errors from seccomp 2019-03-27 13:11:38 +01:00
qemu-tech.texi cli qmp: Mark --preconfig, exit-preconfig experimental 2018-07-16 15:38:19 +02:00
qemu.nsi Use HTTPS for qemu.org and other domains 2017-11-21 13:34:13 +00:00
qemu.sasl Default to GSSAPI (Kerberos) instead of DIGEST-MD5 for SASL 2017-05-09 14:41:47 +01:00
qmp.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
qtest.c Include qemu/module.h where needed, drop it from qemu-common.h 2019-06-12 13:18:33 +02:00
README README: use 'https://' instead of 'git://' 2018-11-12 11:26:02 +00:00
replication.c replication: Introduce new APIs to do replication operation 2016-09-13 11:00:56 +01:00
replication.h Include qemu/module.h where needed, drop it from qemu-common.h 2019-06-12 13:18:33 +02:00
rules.mak contrib: add vhost-user-gpu 2019-05-29 06:30:45 +02:00
thunk.c thunk: improve readability of allocation loop 2019-03-11 18:48:20 +01:00
tpm.c tpm: Clean up error reporting in tpm_init_tpmdev() 2018-10-19 14:51:34 +02:00
trace-events trace-events: Fix attribution of trace points to source 2019-03-22 16:18:07 +00:00
VERSION Open 4.1 development tree 2019-04-24 10:12:22 +01:00
version.rc Use HTTPS for qemu.org and other domains 2017-11-21 13:34:13 +00:00
vl.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
win_dump.c Include qemu-common.h exactly where needed 2019-06-12 13:20:20 +02:00
win_dump.h dump: move Windows dump structures definitions 2018-10-02 19:09:12 +02:00

         QEMU README

QEMU is a generic and open source machine & userspace emulator and

QEMU is capable of emulating a complete machine in software without any
need for hardware virtualization support. By using dynamic translation,
it achieves very good performance. QEMU can also integrate with the Xen
and KVM hypervisors to provide emulated hardware while allowing the
hypervisor to manage the CPU. With hypervisor support, QEMU can achieve
near native performance for CPUs. When QEMU emulates CPUs directly it is
capable of running operating systems made for one machine (e.g. an ARMv7
board) on a different machine (e.g. an x86_64 PC board).

QEMU is also capable of providing userspace API virtualization for Linux
and BSD kernel interfaces. This allows binaries compiled against one
architecture ABI (e.g. the Linux PPC64 ABI) to be run on a host using a
different architecture ABI (e.g. the Linux x86_64 ABI). This does not
involve any hardware emulation, simply CPU and syscall emulation.

QEMU aims to fit into a variety of use cases. It can be invoked directly
by users wishing to have full control over its behaviour and settings.
It also aims to facilitate integration into higher level management
layers, by providing a stable command line interface and monitor API.
It is commonly invoked indirectly via the libvirt library when using
open source applications such as oVirt, OpenStack and virt-manager.

QEMU as a whole is released under the GNU General Public License,
version 2. For full licensing details, consult the LICENSE file.


QEMU is multi-platform software intended to be buildable on all modern
Linux platforms, OS-X, Win32 (via the Mingw64 toolchain) and a variety
of other UNIX targets. The simple steps to build QEMU are:

  mkdir build
  cd build

Additional information can also be found online via the QEMU website:


Submitting patches

The QEMU source code is maintained under the GIT version control system.

   git clone https://git.qemu.org/git/qemu.git

When submitting patches, one common approach is to use 'git
format-patch' and/or 'git send-email' to format & send the mail to the
qemu-devel@nongnu.org mailing list. All patches submitted must contain
a 'Signed-off-by' line from the author. Patches should follow the
guidelines set out in the HACKING and CODING_STYLE files.

Additional information on submitting patches can be found online via
the QEMU website


The QEMU website is also maintained under source control.

  git clone https://git.qemu.org/git/qemu-web.git

A 'git-publish' utility was created to make above process less
cumbersome, and is highly recommended for making regular contributions,
or even just for sending consecutive patch series revisions. It also
requires a working 'git send-email' setup, and by default doesn't
automate everything, so you may want to go through the above steps
manually for once.

For installation instructions, please go to


The workflow with 'git-publish' is:

  $ git checkout master -b my-feature
  $ # work on new commits, add your 'Signed-off-by' lines to each
  $ git publish

Your patch series will be sent and tagged as my-feature-v1 if you need to refer
back to it in the future.

Sending v2:

  $ git checkout my-feature # same topic branch
  $ # making changes to the commits (using 'git rebase', for example)
  $ git publish

Your patch series will be sent with 'v2' tag in the subject and the git tip
will be tagged as my-feature-v2.

Bug reporting

The QEMU project uses Launchpad as its primary upstream bug tracker. Bugs
found when running code built from QEMU git or upstream released sources
should be reported via:


If using QEMU via an operating system vendor pre-built binary package, it
is preferable to report bugs to the vendor's own bug tracker first. If
the bug is also known to affect latest upstream code, it can also be
reported via launchpad.

For additional information on bug reporting consult:



The QEMU community can be contacted in a number of ways, with the two
main methods being email and IRC

 - qemu-devel@nongnu.org
 - #qemu on irc.oftc.net

Information on additional methods of contacting the community can be
found online via the QEMU website:


-- End