Skip TestBlockdevReopen.test_insert_compress_filter() if the 'compress' driver isn't available. In order to make the test succeed when the case is skipped, we also need to remove any output from it (which would be missing in the case where we skip it). This is done by replacing qemu_io_log() with qemu_io(). In case of failure, qemu_io() raises an exception with the output of the qemu-io binary in its message, so we don't actually lose anything. Signed-off-by: Kevin Wolf <kwolf@redhat.com> Message-Id: <20230511143801.255021-1-kwolf@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Kevin Wolf <kwolf@redhat.com>
1237 lines
52 KiB
Executable File
1237 lines
52 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# group: rw
# Test cases for the QMP 'blockdev-reopen' command
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Igalia, S.L.
# Author: Alberto Garcia <berto@igalia.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import copy
import json
import os
import re
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import iotests
from iotests import qemu_img, qemu_io
hd_path = [
os.path.join(iotests.test_dir, 'hd0.img'),
os.path.join(iotests.test_dir, 'hd1.img'),
os.path.join(iotests.test_dir, 'hd2.img')
def hd_opts(idx):
return {'driver': iotests.imgfmt,
'node-name': 'hd%d' % idx,
'file': {'driver': 'file',
'node-name': 'hd%d-file' % idx,
'filename': hd_path[idx] } }
class TestBlockdevReopen(iotests.QMPTestCase):
total_io_cmds = 0
def setUp(self):
qemu_img('create', '-f', iotests.imgfmt, hd_path[0], '3M')
qemu_img('create', '-f', iotests.imgfmt, '-b', hd_path[0],
'-F', iotests.imgfmt, hd_path[1])
qemu_img('create', '-f', iotests.imgfmt, hd_path[2], '3M')
qemu_io('-f', iotests.imgfmt, '-c', 'write -P 0xa0 0 1M', hd_path[0])
qemu_io('-f', iotests.imgfmt, '-c', 'write -P 0xa1 1M 1M', hd_path[1])
qemu_io('-f', iotests.imgfmt, '-c', 'write -P 0xa2 2M 1M', hd_path[2])
self.vm = iotests.VM()
def tearDown(self):
# The output of qemu-io is not returned by vm.hmp_qemu_io() but
# it's stored in the log and can only be read when the VM has been
# shut down. This function runs qemu-io and keeps track of the
# number of times it's been called.
def run_qemu_io(self, img, cmd):
result = self.vm.hmp_qemu_io(img, cmd)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', '')
self.total_io_cmds += 1
# Once the VM is shut down we can parse the log and see if qemu-io
# ran without errors.
def check_qemu_io_errors(self):
found = 0
log = self.vm.get_log()
for line in log.split("\n"):
if line.startswith("Pattern verification failed"):
raise Exception("%s (command #%d)" % (line, found))
if re.match("(read|wrote) .*/.* bytes at offset", line):
found += 1
self.assertEqual(found, self.total_io_cmds,
"Expected output of %d qemu-io commands, found %d" %
(found, self.total_io_cmds))
# Run blockdev-reopen on a list of block devices
def reopenMultiple(self, opts, errmsg = None):
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-reopen', conv_keys=False, options=opts)
if errmsg:
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc', errmsg)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Run blockdev-reopen on a single block device (specified by
# 'opts') but applying 'newopts' on top of it. The original 'opts'
# dict is unmodified
def reopen(self, opts, newopts = {}, errmsg = None):
opts = copy.deepcopy(opts)
# Apply the changes from 'newopts' on top of 'opts'
for key in newopts:
value = newopts[key]
# If key has the form "foo.bar" then we need to do
# opts["foo"]["bar"] = value, not opts["foo.bar"] = value
subdict = opts
while key.find('.') != -1:
[prefix, key] = key.split('.', 1)
subdict = opts[prefix]
subdict[key] = value
self.reopenMultiple([ opts ], errmsg)
# Run query-named-block-nodes and return the specified entry
def get_node(self, node_name):
result = self.vm.qmp('query-named-block-nodes')
for node in result['return']:
if node['node-name'] == node_name:
return node
return None
# Run 'query-named-block-nodes' and compare its output with the
# value passed by the user in 'graph'
def check_node_graph(self, graph):
result = self.vm.qmp('query-named-block-nodes')
self.assertEqual(json.dumps(graph, sort_keys=True),
json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True))
# This test opens one single disk image (without backing files)
# and tries to reopen it with illegal / incorrect parameters.
def test_incorrect_parameters_single_file(self):
# Open 'hd0' only (no backing files)
opts = hd_opts(0)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
original_graph = self.vm.qmp('query-named-block-nodes')
# We can reopen the image passing the same options
# We can also reopen passing a child reference in 'file'
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'hd0-file'})
# We cannot change any of these
self.reopen(opts, {'node-name': 'not-found'}, "Failed to find node with node-name='not-found'")
self.reopen(opts, {'node-name': ''}, "Failed to find node with node-name=''")
self.reopen(opts, {'node-name': None}, "Invalid parameter type for 'options[0].node-name', expected: string")
self.reopen(opts, {'driver': 'raw'}, "Cannot change the option 'driver'")
self.reopen(opts, {'driver': ''}, "Parameter 'driver' does not accept value ''")
self.reopen(opts, {'driver': None}, "Invalid parameter type for 'options[0].driver', expected: string")
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'not-found'}, "Cannot find device='' nor node-name='not-found'")
self.reopen(opts, {'file': ''}, "Cannot find device='' nor node-name=''")
self.reopen(opts, {'file': None}, "Invalid parameter type for 'file', expected: BlockdevRef")
self.reopen(opts, {'file.node-name': 'newname'}, "Cannot change the option 'node-name'")
self.reopen(opts, {'file.driver': 'host_device'}, "Cannot change the option 'driver'")
self.reopen(opts, {'file.filename': hd_path[1]}, "Cannot change the option 'filename'")
self.reopen(opts, {'file.aio': 'native'}, "Cannot change the option 'aio'")
self.reopen(opts, {'file.locking': 'off'}, "Cannot change the option 'locking'")
self.reopen(opts, {'file.filename': None}, "Invalid parameter type for 'options[0].file.filename', expected: string")
# node-name is optional in BlockdevOptions, but blockdev-reopen needs it
del opts['node-name']
self.reopen(opts, {}, "node-name not specified")
# Check that nothing has changed
# Remove the node
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# This test opens an image with a backing file and tries to reopen
# it with illegal / incorrect parameters.
def test_incorrect_parameters_backing_file(self):
# Open hd1 omitting the backing options (hd0 will be opened
# with the default options)
opts = hd_opts(1)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
original_graph = self.vm.qmp('query-named-block-nodes')
# We can't reopen the image passing the same options, 'backing' is mandatory
self.reopen(opts, {}, "backing is missing for 'hd1'")
# Everything works if we pass 'backing' using the existing node name
for node in original_graph['return']:
if node['drv'] == iotests.imgfmt and node['file'] == hd_path[0]:
backing_node_name = node['node-name']
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': backing_node_name})
# We can't use a non-existing or empty (non-NULL) node as the backing image
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': 'not-found'}, "Cannot find device=\'\' nor node-name=\'not-found\'")
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': ''}, "Cannot find device=\'\' nor node-name=\'\'")
# We can reopen the image just fine if we specify the backing options
opts['backing'] = {'driver': iotests.imgfmt,
'file': {'driver': 'file',
'filename': hd_path[0]}}
# We cannot change any of these options
self.reopen(opts, {'backing.node-name': 'newname'}, "Cannot change the option 'node-name'")
self.reopen(opts, {'backing.driver': 'raw'}, "Cannot change the option 'driver'")
self.reopen(opts, {'backing.file.node-name': 'newname'}, "Cannot change the option 'node-name'")
self.reopen(opts, {'backing.file.driver': 'host_device'}, "Cannot change the option 'driver'")
# Check that nothing has changed since the beginning
# Remove the node
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd1')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Reopen an image several times changing some of its options
def test_reopen(self):
qemu_io('-f', 'raw', '-t', 'none', '-c', 'quit', hd_path[0])
supports_direct = True
except CalledProcessError as exc:
if 'O_DIRECT' in exc.stdout:
supports_direct = False
# Open the hd1 image passing all backing options
opts = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(0)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
original_graph = self.vm.qmp('query-named-block-nodes')
# We can reopen the image passing the same options
# Reopen in read-only mode
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'ro', False)
self.reopen(opts, {'read-only': True})
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'ro', True)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'ro', False)
# Change the cache options
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/writeback', True)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/direct', False)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/no-flush', False)
self.reopen(opts, {'cache': { 'direct': supports_direct, 'no-flush': True }})
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/writeback', True)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/direct', supports_direct)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/no-flush', True)
# Reopen again with the original options
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/writeback', True)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/direct', False)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'cache/no-flush', False)
# Change 'detect-zeroes' and 'discard'
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'detect_zeroes', 'off')
self.reopen(opts, {'detect-zeroes': 'on'})
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'detect_zeroes', 'on')
self.reopen(opts, {'detect-zeroes': 'unmap'},
"setting detect-zeroes to unmap is not allowed " +
"without setting discard operation to unmap")
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'detect_zeroes', 'on')
self.reopen(opts, {'detect-zeroes': 'unmap', 'discard': 'unmap'})
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'detect_zeroes', 'unmap')
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'detect_zeroes', 'off')
# Changing 'force-share' is currently not supported
self.reopen(opts, {'force-share': True}, "Cannot change the option 'force-share'")
# Change some qcow2-specific options
# No way to test for success other than checking the return message
if iotests.imgfmt == 'qcow2':
self.reopen(opts, {'l2-cache-entry-size': 128 * 1024},
"L2 cache entry size must be a power of two "+
"between 512 and the cluster size (65536)")
self.reopen(opts, {'l2-cache-size': 1024 * 1024,
'cache-size': 512 * 1024},
"l2-cache-size may not exceed cache-size")
self.reopen(opts, {'l2-cache-size': 4 * 1024 * 1024,
'refcount-cache-size': 4 * 1024 * 1024,
'l2-cache-entry-size': 32 * 1024})
self.reopen(opts, {'pass-discard-request': True})
# Check that nothing has changed since the beginning
# (from the parameters that we can check)
# Check that the node names (other than the top-level one) are optional
del opts['file']['node-name']
del opts['backing']['node-name']
del opts['backing']['file']['node-name']
# Reopen setting backing = null, this removes the backing image from the chain
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': None})
self.assert_qmp_absent(self.get_node('hd1'), 'image/backing-image')
# Open the 'hd0' image
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **hd_opts(0))
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Reopen the hd1 image setting 'hd0' as its backing image
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': 'hd0'})
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'image/backing-image/filename', hd_path[0])
# Check that nothing has changed since the beginning
self.reopen(hd_opts(0), {'read-only': True})
# The backing file (hd0) is now a reference, we cannot change backing.* anymore
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change the option 'backing.driver'")
# We can't remove 'hd0' while it's a backing image of 'hd1'
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc', "Node 'hd0' is busy: node is used as backing hd of 'hd1'")
# But we can remove both nodes if done in the proper order
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd1')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Reopen a raw image and see the effect of changing the 'offset' option
def test_reopen_raw(self):
opts = {'driver': 'raw', 'node-name': 'hd0',
'file': { 'driver': 'file',
'filename': hd_path[0],
'node-name': 'hd0-file' } }
# First we create a 2MB raw file, and fill each half with a
# different value
qemu_img('create', '-f', 'raw', hd_path[0], '2M')
qemu_io('-f', 'raw', '-c', 'write -P 0xa0 0 1M', hd_path[0])
qemu_io('-f', 'raw', '-c', 'write -P 0xa1 1M 1M', hd_path[0])
# Open the raw file with QEMU
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Read 1MB from offset 0
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
# Reopen the image with a 1MB offset.
# Now the results are different
self.reopen(opts, {'offset': 1024*1024})
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa1 0 1M")
# Reopen again with the original options.
# We get the original results again
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
# Remove the block device
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Omitting an option should reset it to the default value, but if
# an option cannot be changed it shouldn't be possible to reset it
# to its default value either
def test_reset_default_values(self):
opts = {'driver': 'qcow2', 'node-name': 'hd0',
'file': { 'driver': 'file',
'filename': hd_path[0],
'x-check-cache-dropped': True, # This one can be changed
'locking': 'off', # This one can NOT be changed
'node-name': 'hd0-file' } }
# Open the file with QEMU
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# file.x-check-cache-dropped can be changed...
self.reopen(opts, { 'file.x-check-cache-dropped': False })
# ...and dropped completely (resetting to the default value)
del opts['file']['x-check-cache-dropped']
# file.locking cannot be changed nor reset to the default value
self.reopen(opts, { 'file.locking': 'on' }, "Cannot change the option 'locking'")
del opts['file']['locking']
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Option 'locking' cannot be reset to its default value")
# But we can reopen it if we maintain its previous value
self.reopen(opts, { 'file.locking': 'off' })
# Remove the block device
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# This test modifies the node graph a few times by changing the
# 'backing' option on reopen and verifies that the guest data that
# is read afterwards is consistent with the graph changes.
def test_io_with_graph_changes(self):
opts = []
# Open hd0, hd1 and hd2 without any backing image
for i in range(3):
opts[i]['backing'] = None
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts[i])
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd0
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0 2M 1M")
# hd1 <- hd0
self.reopen(opts[0], {'backing': 'hd1'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0 2M 1M")
# hd1 <- hd0 , hd1 <- hd2
self.reopen(opts[2], {'backing': 'hd1'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "read -P 0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "read -P 0xa2 2M 1M")
# hd1 <- hd2 <- hd0
self.reopen(opts[0], {'backing': 'hd2'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa2 2M 1M")
# hd2 <- hd0
self.reopen(opts[2], {'backing': None})
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa2 2M 1M")
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
self.reopen(opts[1], {'backing': 'hd2'})
self.reopen(opts[0], {'backing': 'hd1'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa2 2M 1M")
# Illegal operation: hd2 is a child of hd1
self.reopen(opts[2], {'backing': 'hd1'},
"Making 'hd1' a backing child of 'hd2' would create a cycle")
# hd2 <- hd0, hd2 <- hd1
self.reopen(opts[0], {'backing': 'hd2'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0xa2 2M 1M")
# More illegal operations
self.reopen(opts[2], {'backing': 'hd1'},
"Making 'hd1' a backing child of 'hd2' would create a cycle")
self.reopen(opts[2], {'file': 'hd0-file'},
"Permission conflict on node 'hd0-file': permissions 'write, resize' are both required by node 'hd0' (uses node 'hd0-file' as 'file' child) and unshared by node 'hd2' (uses node 'hd0-file' as 'file' child).")
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd2')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc', "Node 'hd2' is busy: node is used as backing hd of 'hd0'")
# hd1 doesn't have a backing file now
self.reopen(opts[1], {'backing': None})
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0 2M 1M")
# We can't remove the 'backing' option if the image has a
# default backing file
del opts[1]['backing']
self.reopen(opts[1], {}, "backing is missing for 'hd1'")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0 0 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0xa1 1M 1M")
self.run_qemu_io("hd1", "read -P 0 2M 1M")
# This test verifies that we can't change the children of a block
# device during a reopen operation in a way that would create
# cycles in the node graph
def test_graph_cycles(self):
opts = []
# Open all three images without backing file
for i in range(3):
opts[i]['backing'] = None
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts[i])
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd1 <- hd0, hd1 <- hd2
self.reopen(opts[0], {'backing': 'hd1'})
self.reopen(opts[2], {'backing': 'hd1'})
# Illegal: hd2 is backed by hd1
self.reopen(opts[1], {'backing': 'hd2'},
"Making 'hd2' a backing child of 'hd1' would create a cycle")
# hd1 <- hd0 <- hd2
self.reopen(opts[2], {'backing': 'hd0'})
# Illegal: hd2 is backed by hd0, which is backed by hd1
self.reopen(opts[1], {'backing': 'hd2'},
"Making 'hd2' a backing child of 'hd1' would create a cycle")
# Illegal: hd1 cannot point to itself
self.reopen(opts[1], {'backing': 'hd1'},
"Making 'hd1' a backing child of 'hd1' would create a cycle")
# Remove all backing files
# Add a blkverify node using hd0 and hd1 #
bvopts = {'driver': 'blkverify',
'node-name': 'bv',
'test': 'hd0',
'raw': 'hd1'}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **bvopts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# blkverify doesn't currently allow reopening. TODO: implement this
self.reopen(bvopts, {}, "Block format 'blkverify' used by node 'bv'" +
" does not support reopening files")
# Illegal: hd0 is a child of the blkverify node
self.reopen(opts[0], {'backing': 'bv'},
"Making 'bv' a backing child of 'hd0' would create a cycle")
# Delete the blkverify node
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'bv')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Replace the protocol layer ('file' parameter) of a disk image
def test_replace_file(self):
# Create two small raw images and add them to a running VM
qemu_img('create', '-f', 'raw', hd_path[0], '10k')
qemu_img('create', '-f', 'raw', hd_path[1], '10k')
hd0_opts = {'driver': 'file', 'node-name': 'hd0-file', 'filename': hd_path[0] }
hd1_opts = {'driver': 'file', 'node-name': 'hd1-file', 'filename': hd_path[1] }
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **hd0_opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **hd1_opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Add a raw format layer that uses hd0-file as its protocol layer
opts = {'driver': 'raw', 'node-name': 'hd', 'file': 'hd0-file'}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Fill the image with data
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0 0 10k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "write -P 0xa0 0 10k")
# Replace hd0-file with hd1-file and fill it with (different) data
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'hd1-file'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0 0 10k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "write -P 0xa1 0 10k")
# Use hd0-file again and check that it contains the expected data
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'hd0-file'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0xa0 0 10k")
# And finally do the same with hd1-file
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'hd1-file'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0xa1 0 10k")
# Insert (and remove) a throttle filter
def test_insert_throttle_filter(self):
# Add an image to the VM
hd0_opts = hd_opts(0)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **hd0_opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Create a throttle-group object
opts = { 'qom-type': 'throttle-group', 'id': 'group0',
'limits': { 'iops-total': 1000 } }
result = self.vm.qmp('object-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Add a throttle filter with the group that we just created.
# The filter is not used by anyone yet
opts = { 'driver': 'throttle', 'node-name': 'throttle0',
'throttle-group': 'group0', 'file': 'hd0-file' }
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Insert the throttle filter between hd0 and hd0-file
self.reopen(hd0_opts, {'file': 'throttle0'})
# Remove the throttle filter from hd0
self.reopen(hd0_opts, {'file': 'hd0-file'})
# Insert (and remove) a compress filter
def test_insert_compress_filter(self):
# Add an image to the VM: hd (raw) -> hd0 (qcow2) -> hd0-file (file)
opts = {'driver': 'raw', 'node-name': 'hd', 'file': hd_opts(0)}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Add a 'compress' filter
filter_opts = {'driver': 'compress',
'node-name': 'compress0',
'file': 'hd0'}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **filter_opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Unmap the beginning of the image (we cannot write compressed
# data to an allocated cluster)
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "write -z -u 0 128k")
# Write data to the first cluster
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "write -P 0xa0 0 64k")
# Insert the filter then write to the second cluster
# hd -> compress0 -> hd0 -> hd0-file
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'compress0'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "write -P 0xa1 64k 64k")
# Remove the filter then write to the third cluster
# hd -> hd0 -> hd0-file
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'hd0'})
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "write -P 0xa2 128k 64k")
# Verify the data that we just wrote
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0xa0 0 64k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0xa1 64k 64k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd", "read -P 0xa2 128k 64k")
# Check the first byte of the first three L2 entries and verify that
# the second one is compressed (0x40) while the others are not (0x80)
iotests.qemu_io('-f', 'raw', '-c', 'read -P 0x80 0x40000 1',
'-c', 'read -P 0x40 0x40008 1',
'-c', 'read -P 0x80 0x40010 1', hd_path[0])
# Swap the disk images of two active block devices
def test_swap_files(self):
# Add hd0 and hd2 (none of them with backing files)
opts0 = hd_opts(0)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts0)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
opts2 = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts2)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Write different data to both block devices
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "write -P 0xa0 0 1k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "write -P 0xa2 0 1k")
# Check that the data reads correctly
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "read -P 0xa2 0 1k")
# It's not possible to make a block device use an image that
# is already being used by the other device.
self.reopen(opts0, {'file': 'hd2-file'},
"Permission conflict on node 'hd2-file': permissions "
"'write, resize' are both required by node 'hd2' (uses "
"node 'hd2-file' as 'file' child) and unshared by node "
"'hd0' (uses node 'hd2-file' as 'file' child).")
self.reopen(opts2, {'file': 'hd0-file'},
"Permission conflict on node 'hd0-file': permissions "
"'write, resize' are both required by node 'hd0' (uses "
"node 'hd0-file' as 'file' child) and unshared by node "
"'hd2' (uses node 'hd0-file' as 'file' child).")
# But we can swap the images if we reopen both devices at the
# same time
opts0['file'] = 'hd2-file'
opts2['file'] = 'hd0-file'
self.reopenMultiple([opts0, opts2])
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa2 0 1k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "read -P 0xa0 0 1k")
# And we can of course come back to the original state
opts0['file'] = 'hd0-file'
opts2['file'] = 'hd2-file'
self.reopenMultiple([opts0, opts2])
self.run_qemu_io("hd0", "read -P 0xa0 0 1k")
self.run_qemu_io("hd2", "read -P 0xa2 0 1k")
# Misc reopen tests with different block drivers
@iotests.skip_if_unsupported(['quorum', 'throttle'])
def test_misc_drivers(self):
###### quorum ######
for i in range(3):
opts = hd_opts(i)
# Open all three images without backing file
opts['backing'] = None
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
opts = {'driver': 'quorum',
'node-name': 'quorum0',
'children': ['hd0', 'hd1', 'hd2'],
'vote-threshold': 2}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Quorum doesn't currently allow reopening. TODO: implement this
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Block format 'quorum' used by node 'quorum0'" +
" does not support reopening files")
# You can't make quorum0 a backing file of hd0:
# hd0 is already a child of quorum0.
self.reopen(hd_opts(0), {'backing': 'quorum0'},
"Making 'quorum0' a backing child of 'hd0' would create a cycle")
# Delete quorum0
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'quorum0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Delete hd0, hd1 and hd2
for i in range(3):
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True,
node_name = 'hd%d' % i)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
###### blkdebug ######
opts = {'driver': 'blkdebug',
'node-name': 'bd',
'config': '/dev/null',
'image': hd_opts(0)}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# blkdebug allows reopening if we keep the same options
# but it currently does not allow changes
self.reopen(opts, {'image': 'hd1'}, "Cannot change the option 'image'")
self.reopen(opts, {'align': 33554432}, "Cannot change the option 'align'")
self.reopen(opts, {'config': '/non/existent'}, "Cannot change the option 'config'")
del opts['config']
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Option 'config' cannot be reset to its default value")
# Delete the blkdebug node
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'bd')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
###### null ######
opts = {'driver': 'null-co', 'node-name': 'root', 'size': 1024}
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# 1 << 30 is the default value, but we cannot change it explicitly
self.reopen(opts, {'size': (1 << 30)}, "Cannot change the option 'size'")
# We cannot change 'size' back to its default value either
del opts['size']
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Option 'size' cannot be reset to its default value")
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'root')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
###### file ######
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['file']['locking'] = 'on'
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# 'locking' cannot be changed
del opts['file']['locking']
self.reopen(opts, {'file.locking': 'on'})
self.reopen(opts, {'file.locking': 'off'}, "Cannot change the option 'locking'")
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Option 'locking' cannot be reset to its default value")
# Trying to reopen the 'file' node directly does not make a difference
opts = opts['file']
self.reopen(opts, {'locking': 'on'})
self.reopen(opts, {'locking': 'off'}, "Cannot change the option 'locking'")
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Option 'locking' cannot be reset to its default value")
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
###### throttle ######
opts = { 'qom-type': 'throttle-group', 'id': 'group0',
'limits': { 'iops-total': 1000 } }
result = self.vm.qmp('object-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
opts = { 'qom-type': 'throttle-group', 'id': 'group1',
'limits': { 'iops-total': 2000 } }
result = self.vm.qmp('object-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Add a throttle filter with group = group0
opts = { 'driver': 'throttle', 'node-name': 'throttle0',
'throttle-group': 'group0', 'file': hd_opts(0) }
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# We can reopen it if we keep the same options
# We can also reopen if 'file' is a reference to the child
self.reopen(opts, {'file': 'hd0'})
# This is illegal
self.reopen(opts, {'throttle-group': 'notfound'}, "Throttle group 'notfound' does not exist")
# But it's possible to change the group to group1
self.reopen(opts, {'throttle-group': 'group1'})
# Now group1 is in use, it cannot be deleted
result = self.vm.qmp('object-del', id = 'group1')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc', "object 'group1' is in use, can not be deleted")
# Default options, this switches the group back to group0
# So now we cannot delete group0
result = self.vm.qmp('object-del', id = 'group0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc', "object 'group0' is in use, can not be deleted")
# But group1 is free this time, and it can be deleted
result = self.vm.qmp('object-del', id = 'group1')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Let's delete the filter node
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'throttle0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# And we can finally get rid of group0
result = self.vm.qmp('object-del', id = 'group0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# If an image has a backing file then the 'backing' option must be
# passed on reopen. We don't allow leaving the option out in this
# case because it's unclear what the correct semantics would be.
def test_missing_backing_options_1(self):
# hd2
opts = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd0 has no backing file: we can omit the 'backing' option
# hd2 <- hd0
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': 'hd2'})
# hd0 has a backing file: we must set the 'backing' option
self.reopen(opts, {}, "backing is missing for 'hd0'")
# hd2 can't be removed because it's the backing file of hd0
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd2')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/desc', "Node 'hd2' is busy: node is used as backing hd of 'hd0'")
# Detach hd2 from hd0.
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': None})
# Without a backing file, we can omit 'backing' again
# Remove both hd0 and hd2
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd2')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# If an image has default backing file (as part of its metadata)
# then the 'backing' option must be passed on reopen. We don't
# allow leaving the option out in this case because it's unclear
# what the correct semantics would be.
def test_missing_backing_options_2(self):
# hd0 <- hd1
# (hd0 is hd1's default backing file)
opts = hd_opts(1)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd1 has a backing file: we can't omit the 'backing' option
self.reopen(opts, {}, "backing is missing for 'hd1'")
# Let's detach the backing file
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': None})
# No backing file attached to hd1 now, but we still can't omit the 'backing' option
self.reopen(opts, {}, "backing is missing for 'hd1'")
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd1')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Test that making 'backing' a reference to an existing child
# keeps its current options
def test_backing_reference(self):
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = hd_opts(2)
# Enable 'detect-zeroes' on all three nodes
opts['detect-zeroes'] = 'on'
opts['backing']['detect-zeroes'] = 'on'
opts['backing']['backing']['detect-zeroes'] = 'on'
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Reopen the chain passing the minimum amount of required options.
# By making 'backing' a reference to hd1 (instead of a sub-dict)
# we tell QEMU to keep its current set of options.
opts = {'driver': iotests.imgfmt,
'node-name': 'hd0',
'file': 'hd0-file',
'backing': 'hd1' }
# This has reset 'detect-zeroes' on hd0, but not on hd1 and hd2.
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd0'), 'detect_zeroes', 'off')
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd1'), 'detect_zeroes', 'on')
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd2'), 'detect_zeroes', 'on')
# Test what happens if the graph changes due to other operations
# such as block-stream
def test_block_stream_1(self):
# hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = None
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Stream hd1 into hd0 and wait until it's done
result = self.vm.qmp('block-stream', conv_keys = True, job_id = 'stream0', device = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
self.wait_until_completed(drive = 'stream0')
# Now we have only hd0
self.assertEqual(self.get_node('hd1'), None)
# We have backing.* options but there's no backing file anymore
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change the option 'backing.driver'")
# If we remove the 'backing' option then we can reopen hd0 just fine
del opts['backing']
# We can also reopen hd0 if we set 'backing' to null
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': None})
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Another block_stream test
def test_block_stream_2(self):
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Stream hd1 into hd0 and wait until it's done
result = self.vm.qmp('block-stream', conv_keys = True, job_id = 'stream0',
device = 'hd0', base_node = 'hd2')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
self.wait_until_completed(drive = 'stream0')
# The chain is hd2 <- hd0 now. hd1 is missing
self.assertEqual(self.get_node('hd1'), None)
# The backing options in the dict were meant for hd1, but we cannot
# use them with hd2 because hd1 had a backing file while hd2 does not.
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change the option 'backing.driver'")
# If we remove hd1's options from the dict then things work fine
opts['backing'] = opts['backing']['backing']
# We can also reopen hd0 if we use a reference to the backing file
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': 'hd2'})
# But we cannot leave the option out
del opts['backing']
self.reopen(opts, {}, "backing is missing for 'hd0'")
# Now we can delete hd0 (and hd2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-del', conv_keys = True, node_name = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
self.assertEqual(self.get_node('hd2'), None)
# Reopen the chain during a block-stream job (from hd1 to hd0)
def test_block_stream_3(self):
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd2 <- hd0
result = self.vm.qmp('block-stream', conv_keys = True, job_id = 'stream0',
device = 'hd0', base_node = 'hd2',
auto_finalize = False)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# We can remove hd2 while the stream job is ongoing
opts['backing']['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts, {})
# We can't remove hd1 while the stream job is ongoing
opts['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change frozen 'backing' link from 'hd0' to 'hd1'")
self.vm.run_job('stream0', auto_finalize = False, auto_dismiss = True)
# Reopen the chain during a block-stream job (from hd2 to hd1)
def test_block_stream_4(self):
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# hd1 <- hd0
result = self.vm.qmp('block-stream', conv_keys = True, job_id = 'stream0',
device = 'hd1', filter_node_name='cor',
auto_finalize = False)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# We can't reopen with the original options because there is a filter
# inserted by stream job above hd1.
self.reopen(opts, {},
"Cannot change the option 'backing.backing.file.node-name'")
# We can't reopen hd1 to read-only, as block-stream requires it to be
# read-write
self.reopen(opts['backing'], {'read-only': True},
"Read-only block node 'hd1' cannot support read-write users")
# We can't remove hd2 while the stream job is ongoing
opts['backing']['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts['backing'], {'read-only': False},
"Cannot change frozen 'backing' link from 'hd1' to 'hd2'")
# We can detach hd1 from hd0 because it doesn't affect the stream job
opts['backing'] = None
self.vm.run_job('stream0', auto_finalize = False, auto_dismiss = True)
# Reopen the chain during a block-commit job (from hd0 to hd2)
def test_block_commit_1(self):
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('block-commit', conv_keys = True, job_id = 'commit0',
device = 'hd0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# We can't remove hd2 while the commit job is ongoing
opts['backing']['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change frozen 'backing' link from 'hd1' to 'hd2'")
# We can't remove hd1 while the commit job is ongoing
opts['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change frozen 'backing' link from 'hd0' to 'hd1'")
event = self.vm.event_wait(name='BLOCK_JOB_READY')
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/device', 'commit0')
self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/type', 'commit')
self.assert_qmp_absent(event, 'data/error')
result = self.vm.qmp('block-job-complete', device='commit0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
self.wait_until_completed(drive = 'commit0')
# Reopen the chain during a block-commit job (from hd1 to hd2)
def test_block_commit_2(self):
# hd2 <- hd1 <- hd0
opts = hd_opts(0)
opts['backing'] = hd_opts(1)
opts['backing']['backing'] = hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('block-commit', conv_keys = True, job_id = 'commit0',
device = 'hd0', top_node = 'hd1',
auto_finalize = False)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# We can't remove hd2 while the commit job is ongoing
opts['backing']['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot change the option 'backing.driver'")
# We can't remove hd1 while the commit job is ongoing
opts['backing'] = None
self.reopen(opts, {}, "Cannot replace implicit backing child of hd0")
# hd2 <- hd0
self.vm.run_job('commit0', auto_finalize = False, auto_dismiss = True)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd0'), 'ro', False)
self.assertEqual(self.get_node('hd1'), None)
self.assert_qmp(self.get_node('hd2'), 'ro', True)
def run_test_iothreads(self, iothread_a, iothread_b, errmsg = None,
opts_a = None, opts_b = None):
opts = opts_a or hd_opts(0)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
opts2 = opts_b or hd_opts(2)
result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add', conv_keys = False, **opts2)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('object-add', qom_type='iothread', id='iothread0')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('object-add', qom_type='iothread', id='iothread1')
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('device_add', driver='virtio-scsi', id='scsi0',
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
result = self.vm.qmp('device_add', driver='virtio-scsi', id='scsi1',
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
if iothread_a:
result = self.vm.qmp('device_add', driver='scsi-hd', drive='hd0',
share_rw=True, bus="scsi0.0")
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
if iothread_b:
result = self.vm.qmp('device_add', driver='scsi-hd', drive='hd2',
share_rw=True, bus="scsi1.0")
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Attaching the backing file may or may not work
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': 'hd2'}, errmsg)
# But removing the backing file should always work
self.reopen(opts, {'backing': None})
# We don't allow setting a backing file that uses a different AioContext if
# neither of them can switch to the other AioContext
def test_iothreads_error(self):
self.run_test_iothreads('iothread0', 'iothread1',
"Cannot change iothread of active block backend")
def test_iothreads_compatible_users(self):
self.run_test_iothreads('iothread0', 'iothread0')
def test_iothreads_switch_backing(self):
self.run_test_iothreads('iothread0', '')
def test_iothreads_switch_overlay(self):
self.run_test_iothreads('', 'iothread0')
def test_iothreads_with_throttling(self):
# Create a throttle-group object
opts = { 'qom-type': 'throttle-group', 'id': 'group0',
'limits': { 'iops-total': 1000 } }
result = self.vm.qmp('object-add', conv_keys = False, **opts)
self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
# Options with a throttle filter between format and protocol
opts = [
'driver': iotests.imgfmt,
'node-name': f'hd{idx}',
'file' : {
'node-name': f'hd{idx}-throttle',
'driver': 'throttle',
'throttle-group': 'group0',
'file': {
'driver': 'file',
'node-name': f'hd{idx}-file',
'filename': hd_path[idx],
for idx in (0, 2)
self.run_test_iothreads('iothread0', 'iothread0', None,
opts[0], opts[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':