Add handler for fatal errors. Moves device into error state where it stops responding until the guest resets it. Guest can send illegal requests where scsi command and usb packet transfer directions are inconsistent. Use the new usb_msd_fatal_error() function instead of assert() in that case. Reported-by: Qiang Liu <cyruscyliu@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@redhat.com> Tested-by: Qiang Liu <cyruscyliu@gmail.com> Message-Id: <20220830063827.813053-3-kraxel@redhat.com>
365 lines
25 KiB
365 lines
25 KiB
# See docs/devel/tracing.rst for syntax documentation.
# core.c
usb_packet_state_change(int bus, const char *port, int ep, void *p, const char *o, const char *n) "bus %d, port %s, ep %d, packet %p, state %s -> %s"
usb_packet_state_fault(int bus, const char *port, int ep, void *p, const char *o, const char *n) "bus %d, port %s, ep %d, packet %p, state %s, expected %s"
# bus.c
usb_port_claim(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
usb_port_attach(int bus, const char *port, const char *devspeed, const char *portspeed) "bus %d, port %s, devspeed %s, portspeed %s"
usb_port_detach(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
usb_port_release(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
# hcd-ohci-pci.c
usb_ohci_exit(const char *s) "%s"
# hcd-ohci.c
usb_ohci_iso_td_read_failed(uint32_t addr) "ISO_TD read error at 0x%x"
usb_ohci_iso_td_head(uint32_t head, uint32_t tail, uint32_t flags, uint32_t bp, uint32_t next, uint32_t be, uint32_t framenum, uint32_t startframe, uint32_t framecount, int rel_frame_num) "ISO_TD ED head 0x%.8x tailp 0x%.8x\n0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x\nframe_number 0x%.8x starting_frame 0x%.8x\nframe_count 0x%.8x relative %d"
usb_ohci_iso_td_head_offset(uint32_t o0, uint32_t o1, uint32_t o2, uint32_t o3, uint32_t o4, uint32_t o5, uint32_t o6, uint32_t o7) "0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x"
usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_neg(int rel) "ISO_TD R=%d < 0"
usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_big(int rel, int count) "ISO_TD R=%d > FC=%d"
usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_direction(int dir) "Bad direction %d"
usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_bp_be(uint32_t bp, uint32_t be) "ISO_TD bp 0x%.8x be 0x%.8x"
usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_cc_not_accessed(uint32_t start, uint32_t next) "ISO_TD cc != not accessed 0x%.8x 0x%.8x"
usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_cc_overrun(uint32_t start, uint32_t next) "ISO_TD start_offset=0x%.8x > next_offset=0x%.8x"
usb_ohci_iso_td_so(uint32_t so, uint32_t eo, uint32_t s, uint32_t e, const char *str, ssize_t len, int ret) "0x%.8x eo 0x%.8x\nsa 0x%.8x ea 0x%.8x\ndir %s len %zu ret %d"
usb_ohci_iso_td_data_overrun(int ret, ssize_t len) "DataOverrun %d > %zu"
usb_ohci_iso_td_data_underrun(int ret) "DataUnderrun %d"
usb_ohci_iso_td_nak(int ret) "got NAK/STALL %d"
usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_response(int ret) "Bad device response %d"
usb_ohci_port_attach(int index) "port #%d"
usb_ohci_port_detach(int index) "port #%d"
usb_ohci_port_wakeup(int index) "port #%d"
usb_ohci_port_suspend(int index) "port #%d"
usb_ohci_port_reset(int index) "port #%d"
usb_ohci_remote_wakeup(const char *s) "%s: SUSPEND->RESUME"
usb_ohci_reset(const char *s) "%s"
usb_ohci_start(const char *s) "%s: USB Operational"
usb_ohci_resume(const char *s) "%s: USB Resume"
usb_ohci_stop(const char *s) "%s: USB Suspended"
usb_ohci_set_ctl(const char *s, uint32_t new_state) "%s: new state 0x%x"
usb_ohci_td_underrun(void) ""
usb_ohci_td_dev_error(void) ""
usb_ohci_td_nak(void) ""
usb_ohci_td_stall(void) ""
usb_ohci_td_babble(void) ""
usb_ohci_td_bad_device_response(int rc) "%d"
usb_ohci_td_read_error(uint32_t addr) "TD read error at 0x%x"
usb_ohci_td_bad_direction(int dir) "Bad direction %d"
usb_ohci_td_skip_async(void) ""
usb_ohci_td_pkt_hdr(uint32_t addr, int64_t pktlen, int64_t len, const char *s, int flag_r, uint32_t cbp, uint32_t be) " TD @ 0x%.8x %" PRId64 " of %" PRId64 " bytes %s r=%d cbp=0x%.8x be=0x%.8x"
usb_ohci_td_pkt_short(const char *dir, const char *buf) "%s data: %s"
usb_ohci_td_pkt_full(const char *dir, const char *buf) "%s data: %s"
usb_ohci_td_too_many_pending(int ep) "ep=%d"
usb_ohci_td_packet_status(int status) "status=%d"
usb_ohci_ed_read_error(uint32_t addr) "ED read error at 0x%x"
usb_ohci_ed_pkt(uint32_t cur, int h, int c, uint32_t head, uint32_t tail, uint32_t next) "ED @ 0x%.8x h=%u c=%u\n head=0x%.8x tailp=0x%.8x next=0x%.8x"
usb_ohci_ed_pkt_flags(uint32_t fa, uint32_t en, uint32_t d, int s, int k, int f, uint32_t mps) "fa=%u en=%u d=%u s=%u k=%u f=%u mps=%u"
usb_ohci_hcca_read_error(uint32_t addr) "HCCA read error at 0x%x"
usb_ohci_mem_read_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at 0x%x"
usb_ohci_mem_read_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "0x%x"
usb_ohci_mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at 0x%x"
usb_ohci_mem_write_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "0x%x"
usb_ohci_process_lists(uint32_t head, uint32_t cur) "head 0x%x, cur 0x%x"
usb_ohci_set_frame_interval(const char *name, uint16_t fi_x, uint16_t fi_u) "%s: FrameInterval = 0x%x (%u)"
usb_ohci_hub_power_up(void) "powered up all ports"
usb_ohci_hub_power_down(void) "powered down all ports"
usb_ohci_init_time(int64_t frametime, int64_t bittime) "usb_bit_time=%" PRId64 " usb_frame_time=%" PRId64
usb_ohci_die(void) ""
usb_ohci_async_complete(void) ""
# hcd-ehci.c
usb_ehci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
usb_ehci_unrealize(void) "=== UNREALIZE ==="
usb_ehci_opreg_read(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "rd mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x"
usb_ehci_opreg_write(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "wr mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x"
usb_ehci_opreg_change(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x (old: 0x%x)"
usb_ehci_portsc_read(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "rd mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x"
usb_ehci_portsc_write(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "wr mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x"
usb_ehci_portsc_change(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x (old: 0x%x)"
usb_ehci_usbsts(const char *sts, int state) "usbsts %s %d"
usb_ehci_state(const char *schedule, const char *state) "%s schedule %s"
usb_ehci_qh_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t c_qtd, uint32_t n_qtd, uint32_t a_qtd) "q %p - QH @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x qtds 0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x"
usb_ehci_qh_fields(uint32_t addr, int rl, int mplen, int eps, int ep, int devaddr) "QH @ 0x%08x - rl %d, mplen %d, eps %d, ep %d, dev %d"
usb_ehci_qh_bits(uint32_t addr, int c, int h, int dtc, int i) "QH @ 0x%08x - c %d, h %d, dtc %d, i %d"
usb_ehci_qtd_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t altnext) "q %p - QTD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x altnext 0x%08x"
usb_ehci_qtd_fields(uint32_t addr, int tbytes, int cpage, int cerr, int pid) "QTD @ 0x%08x - tbytes %d, cpage %d, cerr %d, pid %d"
usb_ehci_qtd_bits(uint32_t addr, int ioc, int active, int halt, int babble, int xacterr) "QTD @ 0x%08x - ioc %d, active %d, halt %d, babble %d, xacterr %d"
usb_ehci_itd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t mplen, uint32_t mult, uint32_t ep, uint32_t devaddr) "ITD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x - mplen %d, mult %d, ep %d, dev %d"
usb_ehci_sitd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t active) "ITD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x - active %d"
usb_ehci_port_attach(uint32_t port, const char *owner, const char *device) "attach port #%d, owner %s, device %s"
usb_ehci_port_detach(uint32_t port, const char *owner) "detach port #%d, owner %s"
usb_ehci_port_reset(uint32_t port, int enable) "reset port #%d - %d"
usb_ehci_port_suspend(uint32_t port) "port #%d"
usb_ehci_port_wakeup(uint32_t port) "port #%d"
usb_ehci_port_resume(uint32_t port) "port #%d"
usb_ehci_queue_action(void *q, const char *action) "q %p: %s"
usb_ehci_packet_action(void *q, void *p, const char *action) "q %p p %p: %s"
usb_ehci_irq(uint32_t level, uint32_t frindex, uint32_t sts, uint32_t mask) "level %d, frindex 0x%04x, sts 0x%x, mask 0x%x"
usb_ehci_guest_bug(const char *reason) "%s"
usb_ehci_doorbell_ring(void) ""
usb_ehci_doorbell_ack(void) ""
usb_ehci_dma_error(void) ""
# hcd-uhci.c
usb_uhci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
usb_uhci_exit(void) "=== EXIT ==="
usb_uhci_schedule_start(void) ""
usb_uhci_schedule_stop(void) ""
usb_uhci_frame_start(uint32_t num) "nr %d"
usb_uhci_frame_stop_bandwidth(void) ""
usb_uhci_frame_loop_stop_idle(void) ""
usb_uhci_frame_loop_continue(void) ""
usb_uhci_mmio_readw(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) "addr 0x%04x, ret 0x%04x"
usb_uhci_mmio_writew(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) "addr 0x%04x, val 0x%04x"
usb_uhci_queue_add(uint32_t token) "token 0x%x"
usb_uhci_queue_del(uint32_t token, const char *reason) "token 0x%x: %s"
usb_uhci_packet_add(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_link_async(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_unlink_async(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_cancel(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr, int done) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x, done %d"
usb_uhci_packet_complete_success(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_complete_shortxfer(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_complete_stall(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_complete_babble(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_complete_error(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_packet_del(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_qh_load(uint32_t qh) "qh 0x%x"
usb_uhci_td_load(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td, uint32_t ctrl, uint32_t token) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x, ctrl 0x%x, token 0x%x"
usb_uhci_td_queue(uint32_t td, uint32_t ctrl, uint32_t token) "td 0x%x, ctrl 0x%x, token 0x%x"
usb_uhci_td_nextqh(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_td_async(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x"
usb_uhci_td_complete(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x"
# hcd-xhci.c
usb_xhci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
usb_xhci_exit(void) "=== EXIT ==="
usb_xhci_run(void) ""
usb_xhci_stop(void) ""
usb_xhci_cap_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_oper_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_port_read(uint32_t port, uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "port %d, off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_runtime_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_doorbell_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_oper_write(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_port_write(uint32_t port, uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "port %d, off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_runtime_write(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_doorbell_write(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_irq_intx(uint32_t level) "level %d"
usb_xhci_irq_msi(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
usb_xhci_irq_msix(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
usb_xhci_irq_msix_use(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
usb_xhci_irq_msix_unuse(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
usb_xhci_queue_event(uint32_t vector, uint32_t idx, const char *trb, const char *evt, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "v %d, idx %d, %s, %s, p 0x%016" PRIx64 ", s 0x%08x, c 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_fetch_trb(uint64_t addr, const char *name, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "addr 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %s, p 0x%016" PRIx64 ", s 0x%08x, c 0x%08x"
usb_xhci_port_reset(uint32_t port, bool warm) "port %d, warm %d"
usb_xhci_port_link(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, pls %d"
usb_xhci_port_notify(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, bits 0x%x"
usb_xhci_slot_enable(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
usb_xhci_slot_disable(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
usb_xhci_slot_address(uint32_t slotid, const char *port) "slotid %d, port %s"
usb_xhci_slot_configure(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
usb_xhci_slot_evaluate(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
usb_xhci_slot_reset(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
usb_xhci_ep_enable(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
usb_xhci_ep_disable(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
usb_xhci_ep_set_dequeue(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid, uint64_t param) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d, ptr 0x%016" PRIx64
usb_xhci_ep_kick(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d"
usb_xhci_ep_stop(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
usb_xhci_ep_reset(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
usb_xhci_ep_state(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, const char *os, const char *ns) "slotid %d, epid %d, %s -> %s"
usb_xhci_xfer_start(void *xfer, uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid) "%p: slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d"
usb_xhci_xfer_async(void *xfer) "%p"
usb_xhci_xfer_nak(void *xfer) "%p"
usb_xhci_xfer_retry(void *xfer) "%p"
usb_xhci_xfer_success(void *xfer, uint32_t bytes) "%p: len %d"
usb_xhci_xfer_error(void *xfer, uint32_t ret) "%p: ret %d"
usb_xhci_unimplemented(const char *item, int nr) "%s (0x%x)"
usb_xhci_enforced_limit(const char *item) "%s"
# hcd-dwc2.c
usb_dwc2_update_irq(uint32_t level) "level=%d"
usb_dwc2_raise_global_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_lower_global_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_raise_host_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%04x"
usb_dwc2_lower_host_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%04x"
usb_dwc2_sof(int64_t next) "next SOF %" PRId64
usb_dwc2_bus_start(void) "start SOFs"
usb_dwc2_bus_stop(void) "stop SOFs"
usb_dwc2_find_device(uint8_t addr) "%d"
usb_dwc2_port_disabled(uint32_t pnum) "port %d disabled"
usb_dwc2_device_found(uint32_t pnum) "device found on port %d"
usb_dwc2_device_not_found(void) "device not found"
usb_dwc2_handle_packet(uint32_t chan, void *dev, void *pkt, uint32_t ep, const char *type, const char *dir, uint32_t mps, uint32_t len, uint32_t pcnt) "ch %d dev %p pkt %p ep %d type %s dir %s mps %d len %d pcnt %d"
usb_dwc2_memory_read(uint32_t addr, uint32_t len) "addr %d len %d"
usb_dwc2_packet_status(const char *status, uint32_t len) "status %s len %d"
usb_dwc2_packet_error(const char *status) "ERROR %s"
usb_dwc2_async_packet(void *pkt, uint32_t chan, void *dev, uint32_t ep, const char *dir, uint32_t len) "pkt %p ch %d dev %p ep %d %s len %d"
usb_dwc2_memory_write(uint32_t addr, uint32_t len) "addr %d len %d"
usb_dwc2_packet_done(const char *status, uint32_t actual, uint32_t len, uint32_t pcnt) "status %s actual %d len %d pcnt %d"
usb_dwc2_packet_next(const char *status, uint32_t len, uint32_t pcnt) "status %s len %d pcnt %d"
usb_dwc2_attach(void *port) "port %p"
usb_dwc2_attach_speed(const char *speed) "%s-speed device attached"
usb_dwc2_detach(void *port) "port %p"
usb_dwc2_child_detach(void *port, void *child) "port %p child %p"
usb_dwc2_wakeup(void *port) "port %p"
usb_dwc2_async_packet_complete(void *port, void *pkt, uint32_t chan, void *dev, uint32_t ep, const char *dir, uint32_t len) "port %p packet %p ch %d dev %p ep %d %s len %d"
usb_dwc2_work_bh(void) ""
usb_dwc2_work_bh_service(uint32_t first, uint32_t current, void *dev, uint32_t ep) "first %d servicing %d dev %p ep %d"
usb_dwc2_work_bh_next(uint32_t chan) "next %d"
usb_dwc2_enable_chan(uint32_t chan, void *dev, void *pkt, uint32_t ep) "ch %d dev %p pkt %p ep %d"
usb_dwc2_glbreg_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_glbreg_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) "0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
usb_dwc2_fszreg_read(uint64_t addr, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " HPTXFSIZ val 0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_fszreg_write(uint64_t addr, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) "0x%04" PRIx64 " HPTXFSIZ val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
usb_dwc2_hreg0_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_hreg0_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
usb_dwc2_hreg1_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t chan, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s%" PRId64 " val 0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_hreg1_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t chan, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s%" PRId64 " val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
usb_dwc2_pcgreg_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_pcgreg_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) "0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
usb_dwc2_hreg2_read(uint64_t addr, uint64_t fifo, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " FIFO%" PRId64 " val 0x%08x"
usb_dwc2_hreg2_write(uint64_t addr, uint64_t fifo, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " FIFO%" PRId64 " val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
usb_dwc2_hreg0_action(const char *s) "%s"
usb_dwc2_wakeup_endpoint(void *ep, uint32_t stream) "endp %p stream %d"
usb_dwc2_work_timer(void) ""
usb_dwc2_reset_enter(void) "=== RESET enter ==="
usb_dwc2_reset_hold(void) "=== RESET hold ==="
usb_dwc2_reset_exit(void) "=== RESET exit ==="
# desc.c
usb_desc_device(int addr, int len, int ret) "dev %d query device, len %d, ret %d"
usb_desc_device_qualifier(int addr, int len, int ret) "dev %d query device qualifier, len %d, ret %d"
usb_desc_config(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d query config %d, len %d, ret %d"
usb_desc_other_speed_config(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d query config %d, len %d, ret %d"
usb_desc_string(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d query string %d, len %d, ret %d"
usb_desc_bos(int addr, int len, int ret) "dev %d bos, len %d, ret %d"
usb_desc_msos(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d msos, index 0x%x, len %d, ret %d"
usb_set_addr(int addr) "dev %d"
usb_set_config(int addr, int config, int ret) "dev %d, config %d, ret %d"
usb_set_interface(int addr, int iface, int alt, int ret) "dev %d, interface %d, altsetting %d, ret %d"
usb_clear_device_feature(int addr, int feature, int ret) "dev %d, feature %d, ret %d"
usb_set_device_feature(int addr, int feature, int ret) "dev %d, feature %d, ret %d"
# dev-hub.c
usb_hub_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
usb_hub_control(int addr, int request, int value, int index, int length) "dev %d, req 0x%x, value %d, index %d, langth %d"
usb_hub_get_port_status(int addr, int nr, int status, int changed) "dev %d, port %d, status 0x%x, changed 0x%x"
usb_hub_set_port_feature(int addr, int nr, const char *f) "dev %d, port %d, feature %s"
usb_hub_clear_port_feature(int addr, int nr, const char *f) "dev %d, port %d, feature %s"
usb_hub_attach(int addr, int nr) "dev %d, port %d"
usb_hub_detach(int addr, int nr) "dev %d, port %d"
usb_hub_status_report(int addr, int status) "dev %d, status 0x%x"
# dev-storage.c
usb_msd_reset(void) ""
usb_msd_maxlun(unsigned maxlun) "%d"
usb_msd_send_status(unsigned status, unsigned tag, size_t size) "status %d, tag 0x%x, len %zd"
usb_msd_data_in(unsigned packet, unsigned remaining, unsigned total) "%d/%d (scsi %d)"
usb_msd_data_out(unsigned packet, unsigned remaining) "%d/%d"
usb_msd_packet_async(void) ""
usb_msd_packet_complete(void) ""
usb_msd_cmd_submit(unsigned lun, unsigned tag, unsigned flags, unsigned len, unsigned data_len) "lun %u, tag 0x%x, flags 0x%08x, len %d, data-len %d"
usb_msd_cmd_complete(unsigned status, unsigned tag) "status %d, tag 0x%x"
usb_msd_cmd_cancel(unsigned tag) "tag 0x%x"
usb_msd_fatal_error(void) ""
# dev-uas.c
usb_uas_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
usb_uas_command(int addr, uint16_t tag, int lun, uint32_t lun64_1, uint32_t lun64_2) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, lun %d, lun64 0x%08x-0x%08x"
usb_uas_response(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint8_t code) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, code 0x%x"
usb_uas_sense(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint8_t status) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, status 0x%x"
usb_uas_read_ready(int addr, uint16_t tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x"
usb_uas_write_ready(int addr, uint16_t tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x"
usb_uas_xfer_data(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t copy, uint32_t uoff, uint32_t usize, uint32_t soff, uint32_t ssize) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, copy %d, usb-pkt %d/%d, scsi-buf %d/%d"
usb_uas_scsi_data(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t bytes) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, bytes %d"
usb_uas_scsi_complete(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t status, uint32_t resid) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, status 0x%x, residue %d"
usb_uas_tmf_abort_task(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint16_t task_tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, task-tag 0x%x"
usb_uas_tmf_logical_unit_reset(int addr, uint16_t tag, int lun) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, lun %d"
usb_uas_tmf_unsupported(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t function) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, function 0x%x"
# dev-mtp.c
usb_mtp_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
usb_mtp_command(int dev, uint16_t code, uint32_t trans, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2, uint32_t arg3, uint32_t arg4) "dev %d, code 0x%x, trans 0x%x, args 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x"
usb_mtp_success(int dev, uint32_t trans, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1) "dev %d, trans 0x%x, args 0x%x, 0x%x"
usb_mtp_error(int dev, uint16_t code, uint32_t trans, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1) "dev %d, code 0x%x, trans 0x%x, args 0x%x, 0x%x"
usb_mtp_data_in(int dev, uint32_t trans, uint32_t len) "dev %d, trans 0x%x, len %d"
usb_mtp_xfer(int dev, uint32_t ep, uint32_t dlen, uint32_t plen) "dev %d, ep %d, %d/%d"
usb_mtp_nak(int dev, uint32_t ep) "dev %d, ep %d"
usb_mtp_stall(int dev, const char *reason) "dev %d, reason: %s"
usb_mtp_op_get_device_info(int dev) "dev %d"
usb_mtp_op_open_session(int dev) "dev %d"
usb_mtp_op_close_session(int dev) "dev %d"
usb_mtp_op_get_storage_ids(int dev) "dev %d"
usb_mtp_op_get_storage_info(int dev) "dev %d"
usb_mtp_op_get_num_objects(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_op_get_object_handles(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_op_get_object_info(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_op_get_object(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_op_get_partial_object(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s, off %d, len %d"
usb_mtp_op_unknown(int dev, uint32_t code) "dev %d, command code 0x%x"
usb_mtp_object_alloc(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_object_free(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_add_child(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
usb_mtp_file_monitor_event(int dev, const char *path, const char *s) "dev %d, path %s event %s"
# host-libusb.c
usb_host_open_started(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
usb_host_open_hostfd(int hostfd) "hostfd %d"
usb_host_open_success(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
usb_host_open_failure(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
usb_host_close(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
usb_host_attach_kernel(int bus, int addr, int interface) "dev %d:%d, if %d"
usb_host_detach_kernel(int bus, int addr, int interface) "dev %d:%d, if %d"
usb_host_set_address(int bus, int addr, int config) "dev %d:%d, address %d"
usb_host_set_config(int bus, int addr, int config) "dev %d:%d, config %d"
usb_host_set_interface(int bus, int addr, int interface, int alt) "dev %d:%d, interface %d, alt %d"
usb_host_claim_interface(int bus, int addr, int config, int interface) "dev %d:%d, config %d, if %d"
usb_host_release_interface(int bus, int addr, int interface) "dev %d:%d, if %d"
usb_host_req_control(int bus, int addr, void *p, int req, int value, int index) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, req 0x%x, value %d, index %d"
usb_host_req_data(int bus, int addr, void *p, int in, int ep, int size) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, in %d, ep %d, size %d"
usb_host_req_complete(int bus, int addr, void *p, int status, int length) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, status %d, length %d"
usb_host_req_emulated(int bus, int addr, void *p, int status) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, status %d"
usb_host_req_canceled(int bus, int addr, void *p) "dev %d:%d, packet %p"
usb_host_iso_start(int bus, int addr, int ep) "dev %d:%d, ep %d"
usb_host_iso_stop(int bus, int addr, int ep) "dev %d:%d, ep %d"
usb_host_iso_out_of_bufs(int bus, int addr, int ep) "dev %d:%d, ep %d"
usb_host_reset(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
usb_host_parse_config(int bus, int addr, int value, int active) "dev %d:%d, value %d, active %d"
usb_host_parse_interface(int bus, int addr, int num, int alt, int active) "dev %d:%d, num %d, alt %d, active %d"
usb_host_parse_endpoint(int bus, int addr, int ep, const char *dir, const char *type, int active) "dev %d:%d, ep %d, %s, %s, active %d"
usb_host_parse_error(int bus, int addr, const char *errmsg) "dev %d:%d, msg %s"
usb_host_remote_wakeup_removed(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
# dev-serial.c
usb_serial_reset(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%u reset"
usb_serial_handle_control(int bus, int addr, int request, int value) "dev %d:%u got control 0x%x, value 0x%x"
usb_serial_unsupported_parity(int bus, int addr, int value) "dev %d:%u unsupported parity %d"
usb_serial_unsupported_stopbits(int bus, int addr, int value) "dev %d:%u unsupported stop bits %d"
usb_serial_unsupported_control(int bus, int addr, int request, int value) "dev %d:%u got unsupported/bogus control 0x%x, value 0x%x"
usb_serial_unsupported_data_bits(int bus, int addr, int value) "dev %d:%u unsupported data bits %d, falling back to 8"
usb_serial_bad_token(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%u bad token"
usb_serial_set_baud(int bus, int addr, int baud) "dev %d:%u baud rate %d"
usb_serial_set_data(int bus, int addr, int parity, int data, int stop) "dev %d:%u parity %c, data bits %d, stop bits %d"
usb_serial_set_flow_control(int bus, int addr, int index) "dev %d:%u flow control %d"
usb_serial_set_xonxoff(int bus, int addr, uint8_t xon, uint8_t xoff) "dev %d:%u xon 0x%x xoff 0x%x"
# canokey.c
canokey_emu_stall_ep(uint8_t ep) "ep %d"
canokey_emu_set_address(uint8_t addr) "addr %d"
canokey_emu_prepare_receive(uint8_t ep, uint16_t size) "ep %d size %d"
canokey_emu_transmit(uint8_t ep, uint16_t size) "ep %d size %d"
canokey_handle_control_setup(int request, int value, int index, int length) "request 0x%04X value 0x%04X index 0x%04X length 0x%04X"
canokey_handle_control_in(int actual_len) "len %d"
canokey_handle_data_out(uint8_t ep_out, uint32_t out_len) "ep %d len %d"
canokey_handle_data_in(uint8_t ep_in, uint32_t in_len) "ep %d len %d"