Add reporting of disk serial number on Linux guests. The feature depends on libudev. Example: { "name": "dm-2", "mountpoint": "/", ... "disk": [ { "serial": "SAMSUNG_MZ7LN512HCHP-000L1_S1ZKNXAG822493", ... } ], } Signed-off-by: Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Michael Roth <mdroth@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
10 lines
448 B
10 lines
448 B
commands-posix.o-libs := $(LIBUDEV_LIBS)
qga-obj-y = commands.o guest-agent-command-state.o main.o
qga-obj-$(CONFIG_POSIX) += commands-posix.o channel-posix.o
qga-obj-$(CONFIG_WIN32) += commands-win32.o channel-win32.o service-win32.o
qga-obj-$(CONFIG_WIN32) += vss-win32.o
qga-obj-y += qapi-generated/qga-qapi-types.o qapi-generated/qga-qapi-visit.o
qga-obj-y += qapi-generated/qga-qapi-commands.o
qga-vss-dll-obj-$(CONFIG_QGA_VSS) += vss-win32/