Two fixes are needed. First, mingw does not have -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE, hence --enable-debug disables optimization. This is not acceptable for ROMs, which should override CFLAGS to force inclusion of -O2. Second, PE stores global constructors and destructors using the following linker script snippet: ___CTOR_LIST__ = .; __CTOR_LIST__ = . ; LONG (-1);*(.ctors); *(.ctor); *(SORT(.ctors.*)); LONG (0); ___DTOR_LIST__ = .; __DTOR_LIST__ = . ; LONG (-1); *(.dtors); *(.dtor); *(SORT(.dtors.*)); LONG (0); The LONG directives cause the .img files to be 16 bytes too large; the recently added check to signrom.py catches this. To fix this, replace -T and -e options with a linker script. Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
7 lines
70 B
7 lines
70 B
. = 0;
.text : { *(.text) *(.text.$) }