#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Clean up include guards in headers # # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Authors: # Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com> # # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or # (at your option) any later version. See the COPYING file in the # top-level directory. # # Usage: scripts/clean-header-guards.pl [OPTION]... [FILE]... # -c CC Use a compiler other than cc # -n Suppress actual cleanup # -v Show which files are cleaned up, and which are skipped # # Does the following: # - Header files without a recognizable header guard are skipped. # - Clean up any untidy header guards in-place. Warn if the cleanup # renames guard symbols, and explain how to find occurrences of these # symbols that may have to be updated manually. # - Warn about duplicate header guard symbols. To make full use of # this warning, you should clean up *all* headers in one run. # - Warn when preprocessing a header with its guard symbol defined # produces anything but whitespace. The preprocessor is run like # "cc -E -DGUARD_H -c -P -", and fed the test program on stdin. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; # Stuff we don't want to clean because we import it into our tree: my $exclude = qr,^(include/standard-headers/|linux-headers/ |pc-bios/|tests/tcg/|tests/multiboot/),x; # Stuff that is expected to fail the preprocessing test: my $exclude_cpp = qr,^include/libdecnumber/decNumberLocal.h,; my %guarded = (); my %old_guard = (); our $opt_c = "cc"; our $opt_n = 0; our $opt_v = 0; getopts("c:nv"); sub skipping { my ($fname, $msg, $line1, $line2) = @_; return if !$opt_v or $fname =~ $exclude; print "$fname skipped: $msg\n"; print " $line1" if defined $line1; print " $line2" if defined $line2; } sub gripe { my ($fname, $msg) = @_; return if $fname =~ $exclude; print STDERR "$fname: warning: $msg\n"; } sub slurp { my ($fname) = @_; local $/; # slurp open(my $in, "<", $fname) or die "can't open $fname for reading: $!"; return <$in>; } sub unslurp { my ($fname, $contents) = @_; open (my $out, ">", $fname) or die "can't open $fname for writing: $!"; print $out $contents or die "error writing $fname: $!"; close $out or die "error writing $fname: $!"; } sub fname2guard { my ($fname) = @_; $fname =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $fname =~ tr/A-Z0-9/_/cs; return $fname; } sub preprocess { my ($fname, $guard) = @_; open(my $pipe, "-|", "$opt_c -E -D$guard -c -P - <$fname") or die "can't run $opt_c: $!"; while (<$pipe>) { if ($_ =~ /\S/) { gripe($fname, "not blank after preprocessing"); last; } } close $pipe or gripe($fname, "preprocessing failed ($opt_c exit status $?)"); } for my $fname (@ARGV) { my $text = slurp($fname); $text =~ m,\A(\s*\n|\s*//\N*\n|\s*/\*.*?\*/\s*\n)*|,sg; my $pre = $&; unless ($text =~ /\G(.*\n)/g) { $text =~ /\G.*/; skipping($fname, "no recognizable header guard", "$&\n"); next; } my $line1 = $1; unless ($text =~ /\G(.*\n)/g) { $text =~ /\G.*/; skipping($fname, "no recognizable header guard", "$&\n"); next; } my $line2 = $1; my $body = substr($text, pos($text)); unless ($line1 =~ /^\s*\#\s*(if\s*\!\s*defined(\s*\()?|ifndef)\s* ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/x) { skipping($fname, "no recognizable header guard", $line1, $line2); next; } my $guard = $3; unless ($line2 =~ /^\s*\#\s*define\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/) { skipping($fname, "no recognizable header guard", $line1, $line2); next; } my $guard2 = $1; unless ($guard2 eq $guard) { skipping($fname, "mismatched header guard ($guard vs. $guard2) ", $line1, $line2); next; } unless ($body =~ m,\A((.*\n)*) ([ \t]*\#[ \t]*endif([ \t]*\N*)\n) ((?s)(\s*\n|\s*//\N*\n|\s*/\*.*?\*/\s*\n)*) \Z,x) { skipping($fname, "can't find end of header guard"); next; } $body = $1; my $line3 = $3; my $endif_comment = $4; my $post = $5; my $oldg = $guard; unless ($fname =~ $exclude) { my @issues = (); $guard =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ and push @issues, "contains lowercase letters"; $guard =~ s/^_+// and push @issues, "is a reserved identifier"; $guard =~ s/(_H)?_*$/_H/ and $& ne "_H" and push @issues, "doesn't end with _H"; unless ($guard =~ /^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*_H/) { skipping($fname, "can't clean up odd guard symbol $oldg\n", $line1, $line2); next; } my $exp = fname2guard($fname =~ s,.*/,,r); unless ($guard =~ /\Q$exp\E\Z/) { $guard = fname2guard($fname =~ s,^include/,,r); push @issues, "doesn't match the file name"; } if (@issues and $opt_v) { print "$fname guard $oldg needs cleanup:\n ", join(", ", @issues), "\n"; } } $old_guard{$guard} = $oldg if $guard ne $oldg; if (exists $guarded{$guard}) { gripe($fname, "guard $guard also used by $guarded{$guard}"); } else { $guarded{$guard} = $fname; } unless ($fname =~ $exclude) { my $newl1 = "#ifndef $guard\n"; my $newl2 = "#define $guard\n"; my $newl3 = "#endif\n"; $newl3 =~ s,\Z, /* $guard */, if $endif_comment; if ($line1 ne $newl1 or $line2 ne $newl2 or $line3 ne $newl3) { $pre =~ s/\n*\Z/\n\n/ if $pre =~ /\N/; $body =~ s/\A\n*/\n/; if ($opt_n) { print "$fname would be cleaned up\n" if $opt_v; } else { unslurp($fname, "$pre$newl1$newl2$body$newl3$post"); print "$fname cleaned up\n" if $opt_v; } } } preprocess($fname, $opt_n ? $oldg : $guard) unless $fname =~ $exclude or $fname =~ $exclude_cpp; } if (%old_guard) { print STDERR "warning: guard symbol renaming may break things\n"; for my $guard (sort keys %old_guard) { print STDERR " $old_guard{$guard} -> $guard\n"; } print STDERR "To find uses that may have to be updated try:\n"; print STDERR " git grep -Ew '", join("|", sort values %old_guard), "'\n"; }