python: add avocado-framework and tests
Try using avocado to manage our various tests; even though right now
they're only invoking shell scripts and not really running any
python-native code.
Create tests/, and add shell scripts which call out to mypy, flake8,
pylint and isort to enforce the standards in this directory.
Add avocado-framework to the setup.cfg development dependencies, and add
avocado.cfg to store some preferences for how we'd like the test output
to look.
Finally, add avocado-framework to the Pipfile environment and lock the
new dependencies. We are using avocado >= 87.0 here to take advantage of
some features that Cleber has helpfully added to make the test output
here *very* friendly and easy to read for developers that might chance
upon the output in Gitlab CI.
[Note: ALL of the dependencies get updated to the most modern versions
that exist at the time of this writing. No way around it that I have
seen. Not ideal, but so it goes.]
Provided you have the right development dependencies (mypy, flake8,
isort, pylint, and now avocado-framework) You should be able to run
"avocado --config avocado.cfg run tests/" from the python folder to run
all of these linters with the correct arguments.
(A forthcoming commit adds the much easier 'make check'.)
Signed-off-by: John Snow <>
Reviewed-by: Cleber Rosa <>
Tested-by: Cleber Rosa <>
Signed-off-by: John Snow <>
2021-05-27 17:17:11 -04:00
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