Rewrite plancache.c so that a "cached plan" (which is rather a misnomer at this point) can support generation of custom, parameter-value-dependent plans, and can make an intelligent choice between using custom plans and the traditional generic-plan approach. The specific choice algorithm implemented here can probably be improved in future, but this commit is all about getting the mechanism in place, not the policy. In addition, restructure the API to greatly reduce the amount of extraneous data copying needed. The main compromise needed to make that possible was to split the initial creation of a CachedPlanSource into two steps. It's worth noting in particular that SPI_saveplan is now deprecated in favor of SPI_keepplan, which accomplishes the same end result with zero data copying, and no need to then spend even more cycles throwing away the original SPIPlan. The risk of long-term memory leaks while manipulating SPIPlans has also been greatly reduced. Most of this improvement is based on use of the recently-added MemoryContextSetParent primitive.
646 lines
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646 lines
18 KiB
* contrib/spi/refint.c
* refint.c -- set of functions to define referential integrity
* constraints using general triggers.
#include "postgres.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
extern Datum check_primary_key(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum check_foreign_key(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
typedef struct
char *ident;
int nplans;
SPIPlanPtr *splan;
} EPlan;
static EPlan *FPlans = NULL;
static int nFPlans = 0;
static EPlan *PPlans = NULL;
static int nPPlans = 0;
static EPlan *find_plan(char *ident, EPlan **eplan, int *nplans);
* check_primary_key () -- check that key in tuple being inserted/updated
* references existing tuple in "primary" table.
* Though it's called without args You have to specify referenced
* table/keys while creating trigger: key field names in triggered table,
* referenced table name, referenced key field names:
* check_primary_key ('Fkey1', 'Fkey2', 'Ptable', 'Pkey1', 'Pkey2').
TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
Trigger *trigger; /* to get trigger name */
int nargs; /* # of args specified in CREATE TRIGGER */
char **args; /* arguments: column names and table name */
int nkeys; /* # of key columns (= nargs / 2) */
Datum *kvals; /* key values */
char *relname; /* referenced relation name */
Relation rel; /* triggered relation */
HeapTuple tuple = NULL; /* tuple to return */
TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple description */
EPlan *plan; /* prepared plan */
Oid *argtypes = NULL; /* key types to prepare execution plan */
bool isnull; /* to know is some column NULL or not */
char ident[2 * NAMEDATALEN]; /* to identify myself */
int ret;
int i;
elog(DEBUG4, "check_primary_key: Enter Function");
* Some checks first...
/* Called by trigger manager ? */
if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: not fired by trigger manager");
/* Should be called for ROW trigger */
if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: must be fired for row");
/* If INSERTion then must check Tuple to being inserted */
if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
tuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
/* Not should be called for DELETE */
else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: cannot process DELETE events");
/* If UPDATion the must check new Tuple, not old one */
tuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;
trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger;
nargs = trigger->tgnargs;
args = trigger->tgargs;
if (nargs % 2 != 1) /* odd number of arguments! */
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: odd number of arguments should be specified");
nkeys = nargs / 2;
relname = args[nkeys];
rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
/* Connect to SPI manager */
if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
* We use SPI plan preparation feature, so allocate space to place key
* values.
kvals = (Datum *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(Datum));
* Construct ident string as TriggerName $ TriggeredRelationId and try to
* find prepared execution plan.
snprintf(ident, sizeof(ident), "%s$%u", trigger->tgname, rel->rd_id);
plan = find_plan(ident, &PPlans, &nPPlans);
/* if there is no plan then allocate argtypes for preparation */
if (plan->nplans <= 0)
argtypes = (Oid *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(Oid));
/* For each column in key ... */
for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
/* get index of column in tuple */
int fnumber = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i]);
/* Bad guys may give us un-existing column in CREATE TRIGGER */
if (fnumber < 0)
errmsg("there is no attribute \"%s\" in relation \"%s\"",
args[i], SPI_getrelname(rel))));
/* Well, get binary (in internal format) value of column */
kvals[i] = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, fnumber, &isnull);
* If it's NULL then nothing to do! DON'T FORGET call SPI_finish ()!
* DON'T FORGET return tuple! Executor inserts tuple you're returning!
* If you return NULL then nothing will be inserted!
if (isnull)
return PointerGetDatum(tuple);
if (plan->nplans <= 0) /* Get typeId of column */
argtypes[i] = SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, fnumber);
* If we have to prepare plan ...
if (plan->nplans <= 0)
SPIPlanPtr pplan;
char sql[8192];
* Construct query: SELECT 1 FROM _referenced_relation_ WHERE Pkey1 =
* $1 [AND Pkey2 = $2 [...]]
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select 1 from %s where ", relname);
for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql), "%s = $%d %s",
args[i + nkeys + 1], i + 1, (i < nkeys - 1) ? "and " : "");
/* Prepare plan for query */
pplan = SPI_prepare(sql, nkeys, argtypes);
if (pplan == NULL)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_prepare returned %d", SPI_result);
* Remember that SPI_prepare places plan in current memory context -
* so, we have to save plan in Top memory context for later use.
if (SPI_keepplan(pplan))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_keepplan failed");
plan->splan = (SPIPlanPtr *) malloc(sizeof(SPIPlanPtr));
*(plan->splan) = pplan;
plan->nplans = 1;
* Ok, execute prepared plan.
ret = SPI_execp(*(plan->splan), kvals, NULL, 1);
/* we have no NULLs - so we pass ^^^^ here */
if (ret < 0)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_execp returned %d", ret);
* If there are no tuples returned by SELECT then ...
if (SPI_processed == 0)
errmsg("tuple references non-existent key"),
errdetail("Trigger \"%s\" found tuple referencing non-existent key in \"%s\".", trigger->tgname, relname)));
return PointerGetDatum(tuple);
* check_foreign_key () -- check that key in tuple being deleted/updated
* is not referenced by tuples in "foreign" table(s).
* Though it's called without args You have to specify (while creating trigger):
* number of references, action to do if key referenced
* ('restrict' | 'setnull' | 'cascade'), key field names in triggered
* ("primary") table and referencing table(s)/keys:
* check_foreign_key (2, 'restrict', 'Pkey1', 'Pkey2',
* 'Ftable1', 'Fkey11', 'Fkey12', 'Ftable2', 'Fkey21', 'Fkey22').
TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
Trigger *trigger; /* to get trigger name */
int nargs; /* # of args specified in CREATE TRIGGER */
char **args; /* arguments: as described above */
char **args_temp;
int nrefs; /* number of references (== # of plans) */
char action; /* 'R'estrict | 'S'etnull | 'C'ascade */
int nkeys; /* # of key columns */
Datum *kvals; /* key values */
char *relname; /* referencing relation name */
Relation rel; /* triggered relation */
HeapTuple trigtuple = NULL; /* tuple to being changed */
HeapTuple newtuple = NULL; /* tuple to return */
TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple description */
EPlan *plan; /* prepared plan(s) */
Oid *argtypes = NULL; /* key types to prepare execution plan */
bool isnull; /* to know is some column NULL or not */
bool isequal = true; /* are keys in both tuples equal (in UPDATE) */
char ident[2 * NAMEDATALEN]; /* to identify myself */
int is_update = 0;
int ret;
int i,
elog(DEBUG4, "check_foreign_key: Enter Function");
* Some checks first...
/* Called by trigger manager ? */
if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: not fired by trigger manager");
/* Should be called for ROW trigger */
if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: must be fired for row");
/* Not should be called for INSERT */
if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: cannot process INSERT events");
/* Have to check tg_trigtuple - tuple being deleted */
trigtuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
* But if this is UPDATE then we have to return tg_newtuple. Also, if key
* in tg_newtuple is the same as in tg_trigtuple then nothing to do.
is_update = 0;
if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
newtuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;
is_update = 1;
trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger;
nargs = trigger->tgnargs;
args = trigger->tgargs;
if (nargs < 5) /* nrefs, action, key, Relation, key - at
* least */
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: too short %d (< 5) list of arguments", nargs);
nrefs = pg_atoi(args[0], sizeof(int), 0);
if (nrefs < 1)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: %d (< 1) number of references specified", nrefs);
action = tolower((unsigned char) *(args[1]));
if (action != 'r' && action != 'c' && action != 's')
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: invalid action %s", args[1]);
nargs -= 2;
args += 2;
nkeys = (nargs - nrefs) / (nrefs + 1);
if (nkeys <= 0 || nargs != (nrefs + nkeys * (nrefs + 1)))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: invalid number of arguments %d for %d references",
nargs + 2, nrefs);
rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
/* Connect to SPI manager */
if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
* We use SPI plan preparation feature, so allocate space to place key
* values.
kvals = (Datum *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(Datum));
* Construct ident string as TriggerName $ TriggeredRelationId and try to
* find prepared execution plan(s).
snprintf(ident, sizeof(ident), "%s$%u", trigger->tgname, rel->rd_id);
plan = find_plan(ident, &FPlans, &nFPlans);
/* if there is no plan(s) then allocate argtypes for preparation */
if (plan->nplans <= 0)
argtypes = (Oid *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(Oid));
* else - check that we have exactly nrefs plan(s) ready
else if (plan->nplans != nrefs)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "%s: check_foreign_key: # of plans changed in meantime",
/* For each column in key ... */
for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
/* get index of column in tuple */
int fnumber = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i]);
/* Bad guys may give us un-existing column in CREATE TRIGGER */
if (fnumber < 0)
errmsg("there is no attribute \"%s\" in relation \"%s\"",
args[i], SPI_getrelname(rel))));
/* Well, get binary (in internal format) value of column */
kvals[i] = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, fnumber, &isnull);
* If it's NULL then nothing to do! DON'T FORGET call SPI_finish ()!
* DON'T FORGET return tuple! Executor inserts tuple you're returning!
* If you return NULL then nothing will be inserted!
if (isnull)
return PointerGetDatum((newtuple == NULL) ? trigtuple : newtuple);
* If UPDATE then get column value from new tuple being inserted and
* compare is this the same as old one. For the moment we use string
* presentation of values...
if (newtuple != NULL)
char *oldval = SPI_getvalue(trigtuple, tupdesc, fnumber);
char *newval;
/* this shouldn't happen! SPI_ERROR_NOOUTFUNC ? */
if (oldval == NULL)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: SPI_getvalue returned %d", SPI_result);
newval = SPI_getvalue(newtuple, tupdesc, fnumber);
if (newval == NULL || strcmp(oldval, newval) != 0)
isequal = false;
if (plan->nplans <= 0) /* Get typeId of column */
argtypes[i] = SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, fnumber);
args_temp = args;
nargs -= nkeys;
args += nkeys;
* If we have to prepare plans ...
if (plan->nplans <= 0)
SPIPlanPtr pplan;
char sql[8192];
char **args2 = args;
plan->splan = (SPIPlanPtr *) malloc(nrefs * sizeof(SPIPlanPtr));
for (r = 0; r < nrefs; r++)
relname = args2[0];
* For 'R'estrict action we construct SELECT query:
* FROM _referencing_relation_
* WHERE Fkey1 = $1 [AND Fkey2 = $2 [...]]
* to check is tuple referenced or not.
if (action == 'r')
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select 1 from %s where ", relname);
* For 'C'ascade action we construct DELETE query
* FROM _referencing_relation_
* WHERE Fkey1 = $1 [AND Fkey2 = $2 [...]]
* to delete all referencing tuples.
* Max : Cascade with UPDATE query i create update query that
* updates new key values in referenced tables
else if (action == 'c')
if (is_update == 1)
int fn;
char *nv;
int k;
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "update %s set ", relname);
for (k = 1; k <= nkeys; k++)
int is_char_type = 0;
char *type;
fn = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args_temp[k - 1]);
nv = SPI_getvalue(newtuple, tupdesc, fn);
type = SPI_gettype(tupdesc, fn);
if ((strcmp(type, "text") && strcmp(type, "varchar") &&
strcmp(type, "char") && strcmp(type, "bpchar") &&
strcmp(type, "date") && strcmp(type, "timestamp")) == 0)
is_char_type = 1;
elog(DEBUG4, "check_foreign_key Debug value %s type %s %d",
nv, type, is_char_type);
* is_char_type =1 i set ' ' for define a new value
snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql),
" %s = %s%s%s %s ",
args2[k], (is_char_type > 0) ? "'" : "",
nv, (is_char_type > 0) ? "'" : "", (k < nkeys) ? ", " : "");
is_char_type = 0;
strcat(sql, " where ");
/* DELETE */
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "delete from %s where ", relname);
* For 'S'etnull action we construct UPDATE query - UPDATE
* _referencing_relation_ SET Fkey1 null [, Fkey2 null [...]]
* WHERE Fkey1 = $1 [AND Fkey2 = $2 [...]] - to set key columns in
* all referencing tuples to NULL.
else if (action == 's')
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "update %s set ", relname);
for (i = 1; i <= nkeys; i++)
snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql),
"%s = null%s",
args2[i], (i < nkeys) ? ", " : "");
strcat(sql, " where ");
/* Construct WHERE qual */
for (i = 1; i <= nkeys; i++)
snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql), "%s = $%d %s",
args2[i], i, (i < nkeys) ? "and " : "");
/* Prepare plan for query */
pplan = SPI_prepare(sql, nkeys, argtypes);
if (pplan == NULL)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: SPI_prepare returned %d", SPI_result);
* Remember that SPI_prepare places plan in current memory context
* - so, we have to save plan in Top memory context for later
* use.
if (SPI_keepplan(pplan))
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "check_foreign_key: SPI_keepplan failed");
plan->splan[r] = pplan;
args2 += nkeys + 1; /* to the next relation */
plan->nplans = nrefs;
elog(DEBUG4, "check_foreign_key Debug Query is : %s ", sql);
* If UPDATE and key is not changed ...
if (newtuple != NULL && isequal)
return PointerGetDatum(newtuple);
* Ok, execute prepared plan(s).
for (r = 0; r < nrefs; r++)
* For 'R'estrict we may to execute plan for one tuple only, for other
* actions - for all tuples.
int tcount = (action == 'r') ? 1 : 0;
relname = args[0];
snprintf(ident, sizeof(ident), "%s$%u", trigger->tgname, rel->rd_id);
plan = find_plan(ident, &FPlans, &nFPlans);
ret = SPI_execp(plan->splan[r], kvals, NULL, tcount);
/* we have no NULLs - so we pass ^^^^ here */
if (ret < 0)
errmsg("SPI_execp returned %d", ret)));
/* If action is 'R'estrict ... */
if (action == 'r')
/* If there is tuple returned by SELECT then ... */
if (SPI_processed > 0)
errmsg("\"%s\": tuple is referenced in \"%s\"",
trigger->tgname, relname)));
elog(NOTICE, "%s: %d tuple(s) of %s are %s",
trigger->tgname, SPI_processed, relname,
(action == 'c') ? "deleted" : "set to null");
args += nkeys + 1; /* to the next relation */
return PointerGetDatum((newtuple == NULL) ? trigtuple : newtuple);
static EPlan *
find_plan(char *ident, EPlan **eplan, int *nplans)
EPlan *newp;
int i;
if (*nplans > 0)
for (i = 0; i < *nplans; i++)
if (strcmp((*eplan)[i].ident, ident) == 0)
if (i != *nplans)
return (*eplan + i);
*eplan = (EPlan *) realloc(*eplan, (i + 1) * sizeof(EPlan));
newp = *eplan + i;
newp = *eplan = (EPlan *) malloc(sizeof(EPlan));
(*nplans) = i = 0;
newp->ident = (char *) malloc(strlen(ident) + 1);
strcpy(newp->ident, ident);
newp->nplans = 0;
newp->splan = NULL;
return (newp);