contrib/contrib-global.mk library and _generally_ behave like Makefiles for other contrib modules. Besides it fixes Perl's interpolation of $libdir variable, which should be passed to backend instead. This patch is done against PostgreSQL 7.3b2 Besides, I want to thank Peter Eisentraut for his very friendly and helpful attitude and politely ask him to check whether contrib modules actually continue to work after he implements another major change to their build process. Alexey Borzov
110 lines
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110 lines
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# -*- perl -*-
# MasterInit
# Vadim Mikheev, (c) 2000, PostgreSQL Inc.
eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
& eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
if 0;
use Pg;
use Getopt::Long;
$| = 1;
$result = GetOptions("debug!", "verbose!", "help",
"host=s", "user=s", "password=s");
my $debug = $opt_debug || 0;
my $verbose = $opt_verbose || 0;
if (defined($opt_help) || (scalar(@ARGV) < 1)) {
print "Usage: $0 --host=name --user=name --password=string masterdb\n";
exit ((scalar(@ARGV) < 1)? 1:0);
my $module_filename = '@MODULE_FILENAME@';
my $master = $ARGV[0] || "master";
my $minfo = "dbname=$master";
$minfo = "$minfo host=$opt_host" if (defined($opt_host));
$minfo = "$minfo user=$opt_user" if (defined($opt_user));
$minfo = "$minfo password=$opt_password" if (defined($opt_password));
sub RollbackAndQuit {
$conn = shift @_;
print STDERR "Error in query: ", $conn->errorMessage;
exit (-1);
my $conn = Pg::connectdb($minfo);
if ($conn->status != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) {
print STDERR "Failed opening $minfo\n";
exit 1;
my $result = $conn->exec("BEGIN");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
$result = $conn->exec("set transaction isolation level serializable");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# List of slave servers
$result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_SERVERS_" .
" (server serial, host text, post int4, dbase text)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# List of replicated tables
$result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_TABLES_" .
" (tname name, cname name, reloid oid, key int4)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# Bookkeeping log for row replication
$result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_LOG_" .
" (reloid oid, logid int4, logtime timestamp, deleted int4, key text)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# This is to speedup lookup of deleted tuples
$result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_DLT_ID_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (deleted, logid)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# This is to speedup cleanup
$result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_TM_ID_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (logtime, logid)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# This is to speedup trigger and lookup of updated tuples
$result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_REL_KEY_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (reloid, key)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# Sync point for each slave server
$result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_SYNC_" .
" (server int4, syncid int4, synctime timestamp" .
", status int4, minid int4, maxid int4, active text)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
$result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_SYNC_INDX_SRV_ID_ on _RSERV_SYNC_ (server, syncid)");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
# Sync point reference numbers
$result = $conn->exec("create sequence _rserv_sync_seq_");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_log_() RETURNS trigger" .
" AS '$module_filename' LANGUAGE 'c'");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_sync_(int4) RETURNS int4" .
" AS '$module_filename' LANGUAGE 'c'");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_debug_(int4) RETURNS int4" .
" AS '$module_filename' LANGUAGE 'c'");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
$result = $conn->exec("COMMIT");
RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
exit (0);