Marc G. Fournier 5b4b3d563d From: Jun Kuwamura <>
This patch fix the Makefiles in contrib/{pginterface, spi,
miscutil, int8, ip_and_mac, sequence, soundex, string, userlock,
array, datetime} to install their modules in one directory(lib/modules/).
1998-04-22 04:16:46 +00:00

65 lines
1.9 KiB

# Makefile--
# Makefile for Postgres 64-bit integer extensions
# Thomas G. Lockhart <>
# This is a first attempt at 64-bit arithmetic for Postgres.
# It takes advantage of "long long int" support in GNU C on 32-bit machines.
# The modules are built and installed as user-defined types,
# so destination directories are pointing away from the standard
# Postgres areas. You will need to modify the paths to fit your machine.
# On my Linux box, I had to find an extra library for the division function (?).
# For Alpha boxes, both the DEC and GNU compilers should need "long int" only.
ifndef PGDIR
PGDIR= ../..
include $(SRCDIR)/
# Comment out this re-declaration of LIBDIR
# if you are installing as the postgres superuser
# into a specific database or into template1.
#LIBDIR= /home/tgl/lib
CFLAGS+= -I$(PGDIR)/include -I$(PGDIR)/src/include -I$(LIBPQDIR)
# This extra library is for the 64-bit division routine on my Linux box
# and probably will need to be commented-out for most other platforms.
#CLIBS+= /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/2.7.2/libgcc.a
TARGETS= int8.sql int8$(DLSUFFIX)
all: $(TARGETS)
int8$(DLSUFFIX): int8.o
$(CC) -shared -o int8$(DLSUFFIX) int8.o $(CLIBS)
$(MAKE) all
cp -p int8$(DLSUFFIX) $(LIBDIR)/modules
%.sql: %.source
if [ -z "$$USER" ]; then USER=$$LOGNAME; fi; \
if [ -z "$$USER" ]; then USER=`whoami`; fi; \
if [ -z "$$USER" ]; then echo 'Cannot deduce $$USER.'; exit 1; fi; \
rm -f $@; \
C=`pwd`; \
O=$C; \
if [ -d ${LIBDIR}/contrib ]; then O=${LIBDIR}/contrib; fi; \
sed -e "s:_CWD_:$$C:g" \
-e "s:_OBJWD_:$$O:g" \
-e "s:_DLSUFFIX_:$(DLSUFFIX):g" \
-e "s/_USER_/$$USER/g" < $< > $@
rm -f $(TARGETS) int8.o