Hstore - contrib module for storing (key,value) pairs [Online version] (http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/oddmuse/index.cgi?Hstore) Motivation Many attributes rarely searched, semistructural data, lazy DBA Authors * Oleg Bartunov <oleg@sai.msu.su>, Moscow, Moscow University, Russia * Teodor Sigaev <teodor@sigaev.ru>, Moscow, Delta-Soft Ltd.,Russia LEGAL NOTICES: This module is released under BSD license (as PostgreSQL itself) Operations * hstore -> text - get value , perl analogy $h{key} select 'a=>q, b=>g'->'a'; ? ------ q * hstore || hstore - concatenation, perl analogy %a=( %b, %c ); regression=# select 'a=>b'::hstore || 'c=>d'::hstore; ?column? -------------------- "a"=>"b", "c"=>"d" (1 row) but, notice regression=# select 'a=>b'::hstore || 'a=>d'::hstore; ?column? ---------- "a"=>"d" (1 row) * text => text - creates hstore type from two text strings select 'a'=>'b'; ?column? ---------- "a"=>"b" * hstore @ hstore - contains operation, check if left operand contains right. regression=# select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @ 'a=>c'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) regression=# select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @ 'b=>1'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) * hstore ~ hstore - contained operation, check if left operand is contained in right Functions * akeys(hstore) - returns all keys from hstore as array regression=# select akeys('a=>1,b=>2'); akeys ------- {a,b} * skeys(hstore) - returns all keys from hstore as strings regression=# select skeys('a=>1,b=>2'); skeys ------- a b * avals(hstore) - returns all values from hstore as array regression=# select avals('a=>1,b=>2'); avals ------- {1,2} * svals(hstore) - returns all values from hstore as strings regression=# select svals('a=>1,b=>2'); svals ------- 1 2 * delete (hstore,text) - delete (key,value) from hstore if key matches argument. regression=# select delete('a=>1,b=>2','b'); delete ---------- "a"=>"1" * each(hstore) return (key, value) pairs regression=# select * from each('a=>1,b=>2'); key | value -----+------- a | 1 b | 2 * isexists (hstore,text) - returns 'true if key is exists in hstore and false otherwise. regression=# select isexists('a=>1','a'); isexists ---------- t * isdefined (hstore,text) - returns true if key is exists in hstore and its value is not NULL. regression=# select isdefined('a=>NULL','a'); isdefined ----------- f Indices Module provides index support for '@' and '~' operations. create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h); Note Use parenthesis in select below, because priority of 'is' is higher than that of '->' select id from entrants where (info->'education_period') is not null; Examples * add key update tt set h=h||'c=>3'; * delete key update tt set h=delete(h,'k1'); * Statistics hstore type, because of its intrinsic liberality, could contain a lot of different keys. Checking for valid keys is the task of application. Examples below demonstrate several techniques how to check keys statistics. o simple example select * from each('aaa=>bq, b=>NULL, ""=>1 '); o using table select (each(h)).key, (each(h)).value into stat from testhstore ; o online stat select key, count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as stat group by key order by count desc, key; key | count -----------+------- line | 883 query | 207 pos | 203 node | 202 space | 197 status | 195 public | 194 title | 190 org | 189 ...................