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From: The Hermit Hacker <scrappy@hub.org>
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Subject: [HACKERS] postgresql bug report (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:50:58 -0400
From: Jack Howarth <howarth@nitro.med.uc.edu>
To: scrappy@hub.org
Subject: postgresql bug report
In porting the RedHat 6.0 srpm set for a linuxppc release we
believe a bug has been identified in
the postgresql source for 6.5-0.beta1. Our development tools are as
glibc 2.1.1 pre 2
linux 2.2.6
egcs 1.1.2
the latest binutils snapshot
The bug that we see is that when egcs compiles postgresql at -O1 or
higher (-O0 is fine),
postgresql creates incorrectly formed databases such that when the user
does a destroydb
the database can not be destroyed. Franz Sirl has identified the problem
as follows...
it seems that this problem is a type casting/promotion bug in the
source. The
routine _bt_checkkeys() in backend/access/nbtree/nbtutils.c calls
int2eq() in
backend/utils/adt/int.c via a function pointer
*fmgr_faddr(&key[0].sk_func). As
the type information for int2eq is lost via the function pointer,
the compiler
passes 2 ints, but int2eq expects 2 (preformatted in a 32bit reg)
This particular bug goes away, if I for example change int2eq to:
int2eq(int32 arg1, int32 arg2)
return (int16)arg1 == (int16)arg2;
This moves away the type casting/promotion "work" from caller to the
callee and
is probably the right thing to do for functions used via function
...because of the large number of changes required to do this, Franz
thought we should
pass this on to the postgresql maintainers for correction. Please feel
free to contact
Franz Sirl (Franz.Sirl-kernel@lauterbach.com) if you have any questions
on this bug
Jack W. Howarth, Ph.D. 231 Bethesda Avenue
NMR Facility Director Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0524
Dept. of Molecular Genetics phone: (513) 558-4420
Univ. of Cincinnati College of Medicine fax: (513) 558-8474