makes all utilities honour --verbose command line option. -- Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of RDW.ru
58 lines
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58 lines
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# -*- perl -*-
# GetSyncID
# Vadim Mikheev, (c) 2000, PostgreSQL Inc.
eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
& eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
if 0;
use lib "@LIBDIR@";
use Pg;
use Getopt::Long;
use RServ;
$| = 1;
my $verbose = 1;
$result = GetOptions("debug!", "verbose!", "help",
"host=s", "user=s", "password=s");
my $debug = $opt_debug || 0;
my $verbose = $opt_verbose if (defined($opt_verbose));
if (defined($opt_help) || (scalar(@ARGV) < 1)) {
print "Usage: $0 --host=name --user=name --password=string slavedb\n";
exit ((scalar(@ARGV) < 1)? 1: 0);
my $dbname = $ARGV[0];
my $sinfo = "dbname=$dbname";
$sinfo = "$sinfo host=$opt_host" if (defined($opt_host));
$sinfo = "$sinfo user=$opt_user" if (defined($opt_user));
$sinfo = "$sinfo password=$opt_password" if (defined($opt_password));
print("Connecting to '$sinfo'\n") if ($debug || $verbose);
my $conn = Pg::connectdb($sinfo);
$RServ::quiet = !$verbose;
$res = GetSyncID($conn);
die "ERROR\n" if $res < 0;
if (! defined $res)
printf STDERR "No SyncID found\n";
print("Last SyncID applied: ") if ($verbose);
printf "%d", $res;
print("\n") if ($verbose);