< * -Allow elog() to return error codes, module name, file name, line < number, not just messages (Tom) < * -Add error codes (Tom) < * -Make error messages more consistent 40d35 < * -Add GUC log_statement_and_duration to print statement and >= min duration 51d45 < * -Allow easy display of usernames in a group 53d46 < * -Add start time to pg_stat_activity 55d47 < * -Have standalone backend read postgresql.conf (Tom) 59d50 < * -Allow CIDR format to be used in pg_hba.conf 74d64 < * -Add IPv6 capability to INET/CIDR types 77d66 < * -Change NUMERIC data type to use base 10,000 internally 82d70 < * -Add GUC variables to control floating number output digits (Pedro Ferreira) 90,92d77 < * -Allow current datestyle to restrict dates; prevent month/day swapping < from making invalid dates valid < * -Prevent month/day swapping of ISO dates to make invalid dates valid 102d86 < o -Allow arrays to be ORDER'ed 104d87 < o -Support construction of array result values in expressions (Joe) 128d110 < * -Remove Cyrillic recode support 146,147d127 < * -Allow CREATE INDEX zman_index ON test (date_trunc( 'day', zman ) datetime_ops) < fails index can't store constant parameters 155d134 < * -Add btree index support for reltime, tinterval, regproc (Tom) 157d135 < * -Certain indexes will not shrink, e.g. indexes on ever-increasing 161d138 < * -Allow LIKE indexing optimization for non-ASCII locales using special index 173d149 < * -Improve concurrency of hash indexes (Tom) 181d156 < * -Allow LIMIT/OFFSET to use expressions (Tom) 187d161 < * -Return proper effected tuple count from complex commands [return] 191d164 < * -Make a transaction-safe TRUNCATE (Rod) 196,197d168 < * -Allow UPDATE to use SET col = DEFAULT < * -Add config variable to prevent auto-adding missing FROM-clause tables 199d169 < * -Have SELECT '13 minutes'::interval display zero seconds in ISO datestyle 224,225d193 < o -Add ALTER TABLE tab SET WITHOUT OIDS (Rod) < o -Add ALTER SEQUENCE to modify min/max/increment/cache/cycle values 237d204 < o -Allow CLUSTER to cluster all tables (Alvaro Herrera) 248d214 < o -MOVE 0 should not move to end of cursor (Bruce) 252d217 < o -Allow cursors outside transactions 264,265d228 < o -Allow EXPLAIN EXECUTE to see prepared plans < o -Allow SHOW of some non-modifiable variables, like pg_controldata 280d242 < o -Allow array declarations and other data types in PL/PgSQL DECLARE 282,283d243 < o -Make PL/PgSQL %TYPE schema-aware < o -Allow PL/PgSQL to support array element assignment (Joe) 294,298d253 < * -Allow psql to show transaction status if backend protocol changes made < * -Add schema, cast, and conversion backslash commands to psql (Christopher) < * -Allow pg_dump to dump a specific schema (Neil Conway) < * -Allow psql to do table completion for SELECT * FROM schema_part and < table completion for SELECT * FROM schema_name. 300,302d254 < * -Allow SSL-enabled clients to turn off SSL transfers < * -Modify pg_get_triggerdef() to take a boolean to pretty-print, < and use that as part of pg_dump along with psql 327d278 < o -Add SQLSTATE 330d280 < o -Make casts work in variable initializations 334,336d283 < o -Allow multi-threaded use of SQLCA < o -Understand structure definitions outside a declare section < o -Allow :var[:index] or :var[<integer>] as cvariable for an array var 356d302 < * -Support statement-level triggers (Neil) 460,461d405 < * -Add checkpoint_min_warning postgresql.conf option to warn about checkpoints < that are too frequent (Bruce) 472,476d415 < * -Improve Subplan list handling < * -Allow Subplans to use efficient joins(hash, merge) with upper variable < * -Add hash for evaluating GROUP BY aggregates (Tom) < * -Allow merge and hash joins on expressions not just simple variables (Tom) < * -Make IN/NOT IN have similar performance to EXISTS/NOT EXISTS (Tom) 480d418 < * -Inline simple SQL functions to avoid overhead (Tom) 495d432 < * -Get faster regex() code from Henry Spencer <henry@zoo.utoronto.ca> 511,512d447 < * -Modify regression tests to prevent failures do to minor numeric rounding < * -Add OpenBSD's getpeereid() call for local socket authentication 537,542d471 < o -Show transaction status in psql < o -Allow binding of query parameters, support for prepared queries < o -Remove hard-coded limits on user/db/password names < o -Remove unused elements of startup packet (unused, tty, passlength) < o -Fix COPY/fastpath protocol < o -Error codes 544d472 < o -Special passing of binary values in platform-neutral format (bytea?) 547d474 < o -Report server version number, database encoding, client encoding
PostgreSQL Database Management System ===================================== This directory contains the source code distribution of the PostgreSQL database management system. PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of the SQL standard, including transactions, foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, user-defined types and functions. This distribution also contains several language bindings, including C, Perl, Python, and Tcl, as well as a JDBC driver. The ODBC and C++ interfaces have been moved to the PostgreSQL Projects Web Site at http://gborg.postgresql.org for separate maintenance. See the file INSTALL for instructions on how to build and install PostgreSQL. That file also lists supported operating systems and hardware platforms and contains information regarding any other software packages that are required to build or run the PostgreSQL system. Changes between all PostgreSQL releases are recorded in the file HISTORY. Copyright and license information can be found in the file COPYRIGHT. A comprehensive documentation set is included in this distribution; it can be read as described in the installation instructions. The latest version of this software may be obtained at ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/. For more information look at our web site located at http://www.postgresql.org/.