1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
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1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
1998-04-22 04:16:46 +00:00
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1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
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1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
1999-05-25 16:15:34 +00:00
1999-05-10 04:19:30 +00:00

This directory contains the contribution functions or tools.


apache_logging -
	Getting Apache to log to PostgreSQL
	by Terry Mackintosh <terry@terrym.com>

array -
	Array iterator functions
	by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>

datetime -
	Date & time functions
	by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>

earthdistance -
	Operator for computing earth distance for two points
	by Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>

findoidjoins -
	Finds the joins used by oid columns by examining the actual
	values in the oid columns and row oids.
	by Bruce Momjian <root@candle.pha.pa.us>

fulltextindex -
	Full text indexing using triggers
	by Maarten Boekhold <maartenb@dutepp0.et.tudelft.nl>

int8 -
	64-bit integer arithmetic for Postgres
	by Thomas G. Lockhart <Thomas.Lockhart@jpl.nasa.gov>

isbn_issn -
	PostgreSQL type extensions for ISBN (books) and ISSN (serials)
	by Garrett A. Wollman <wollman@khavrinen.lcs.mit.edu>

linux -
	Start postgres back end system
	by Thomas Lockhart <lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu>

lo -
	Large Object maintenance
	by Peter Mount <peter@retep.org.uk> 

miscutil -
	Postgres assert checking and various utility functions
	by Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>

mSQL-interface -
	mSQL API translation library
	by Aldrin Leal <aldrin@americasnet.com>

noupdate -
	trigger to prevent updates on single columns

plpgsql - 
	Postgres procedural language
	by Jan Wieck <jwieck@debis.com>

pginterface -
	A crude C/4GL
	by Bruce Momjian <root@candle.pha.pa.us>

soundex -
	Prototype for soundex function

spi -
	A general trigger function autoinc() and so on.

string -
	C-like input/output conversion routines for strings
	by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>

unixdate -
	Conversions from integer to datetime
	by Thomas Lockhart <lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu>

userlock -
	User locks
	by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>

vacuumlo -
	Remove orphaned large objects
	by Peter T Mount <peter@retep.org.uk>