to integer unix system time conflict on the input types. Leave in the conversions from integer unix system time to datetime.
35 lines
931 B
35 lines
931 B
-- unixdate
-- Routines to convert int4 (Unix system time) to datetime
-- and int4 (delta time in seconds) to timespan
-- Thomas Lockhart (lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu)
-- 1997-11-25
-- This cheats and reuses existing code in the standard package.
-- Can not include this directly because built-in functions are optimized
-- into a cache and the duplicate function names abstime_datetime() and
-- reltime_timespan() would result in duplicate constants.
-- This works with Postgres v6.2 and higher.
-- Conversions from integer to datetime
CREATE FUNCTION abstime_datetime(int4)
RETURNS datetime
AS '-' LANGUAGE 'internal';
CREATE FUNCTION datetime(int4)
RETURNS datetime
AS 'select abstime_datetime($1)' LANGUAGE 'SQL';
CREATE FUNCTION reltime_timespan(int4)
RETURNS timespan
AS '-' LANGUAGE 'internal';
CREATE FUNCTION timespan(int4)
RETURNS timespan
AS 'select reltime_timespan($1)' LANGUAGE 'SQL';