at the top level of the column's old default expression before adding
an implicit coercion to the new column type. This seems to satisfy the
principle of least surprise, as per discussion of bug #1290.
NO ACTION check is deferrable. This seems to be a closer approximation
to what the SQL spec says than what we were doing before, and it prevents
some anomalous behaviors that are possible now that triggers can fire
during the execution of PL functions.
Stephan Szabo.
< The proper solution to this will probably the use of a master/slave
< replication solution like Sloney and a connection pooling tool like
< pgpool.
> The proper solution to this will probably the use of a master/slave
> replication solution like Sloney and a connection pooling tool like
> pgpool.
< You can use any of the master/slave replication servers to use a
< standby server for data warehousing. To allow read/write queries to
< multiple servers, you need multi-master replication like pgcluster.
> You can use any of the master/slave replication servers to use a
> standby server for data warehousing. To allow read/write queries to
> multiple servers, you need multi-master replication like pgcluster.
< Currently large objects entries do not have owners. Permissions can
< only be set at the pg_largeobject table level.
> Currently large objects entries do not have owners. Permissions can
> only be set at the pg_largeobject table level.
< This requires the TOAST column to be stored EXTERNAL.
> This requires the TOAST column to be stored EXTERNAL.
< One complexity is whether moving a schema should move all existing
< schema objects or just define the location for future object creation.
> One complexity is whether moving a schema should move all existing
> schema objects or just define the location for future object creation.
< Currently non-global system tables must be in the default database
< schema. Global system tables can never be moved.
> Currently non-global system tables must be in the default database
> schema. Global system tables can never be moved.
< This might require some background daemon to maintain clustering
< during periods of low usage. It might also require tables to be only
< paritally filled for easier reorganization. Another idea would
< be to create a merged heap/index data file so an index lookup would
< automatically access the heap data too.
> This might require some background daemon to maintain clustering
> during periods of low usage. It might also require tables to be only
> paritally filled for easier reorganization. Another idea would
> be to create a merged heap/index data file so an index lookup would
> automatically access the heap data too.
< To do this, determine the ideal cluster index for each system
< table and set the cluster setting during initdb.
> To do this, determine the ideal cluster index for each system
> table and set the cluster setting during initdb.
< This requires the use of a savepoint before each COPY line is
< processed, with ROLLBACK on COPY failure.
> This requires the use of a savepoint before each COPY line is
> processed, with ROLLBACK on COPY failure.
< This requires using the row ctid to map cursor rows back to the
< original heap row. This become more complicated if WITH HOLD cursors
< are to be supported because WITH HOLD cursors have a copy of the row
< and no FOR UPDATE lock.
> This requires using the row ctid to map cursor rows back to the
> original heap row. This become more complicated if WITH HOLD cursors
> are to be supported because WITH HOLD cursors have a copy of the row
> and no FOR UPDATE lock.
< Because WITH HOLD cursors exist outside transactions, this allows
< them to be listed so they can be closed.
> Because WITH HOLD cursors exist outside transactions, this allows
> them to be listed so they can be closed.
< This is useful for returning the auto-generated key for an INSERT.
< One complication is how to handle rules that run as part of
< the insert.
> This is useful for returning the auto-generated key for an INSERT.
> One complication is how to handle rules that run as part of
> the insert.
< This is basically the same as SET search_path.
> This is basically the same as SET search_path.
< This requires a checking function to be called after the server
< configuration file is read.
> This requires a checking function to be called after the server
> configuration file is read.
< Currently only constants are supported.
> Currently only constants are supported.
< This requires the cached PL/PgSQL byte code to be invalidated when
< an object referenced in the function is changed.
> This requires the cached PL/PgSQL byte code to be invalidated when
> an object referenced in the function is changed.
< Document differences between ecpg and the SQL standard and
< information about the Informix-compatibility module.
> Document differences between ecpg and the SQL standard and
> information about the Informix-compatibility module.
* Allow a database in tablespace t1 with tables created in tablespace t2
to be used as a template for a new database created with default
tablespace t2
All objects in the default database tablespace must have default tablespace
specifications. This is because new databases are created by copying
directories. If you mix default tablespace tables and tablespace-specified
tables in the same directory, creating a new database from such a mixed
directory would create a new database with tables that had incorrect
explicit tablespaces. To fix this would require modifying pg_class in the
newly copied database, which we don't currently do.
> * Allow a database in tablespace t1 with tables created in tablespace t2
> to be used as a template for a new database created with default
> tablespace t2
> All objects in the default database tablespace must have default tablespace
> specifications. This is because new databases are created by copying
> directories. If you mix default tablespace tables and tablespace-specified
> tables in the same directory, creating a new database from such a mixed
> directory would create a new database with tables that had incorrect
> explicit tablespaces. To fix this would require modifying pg_class in the
> newly copied database, which we don't currently do.
This does not disable the bgwriter process: it still has to wake up often
enough to collect fsync requests from backends in a timely fashion. But
it responds to the recent gripe about not being able to prevent the disk
from being spun up constantly.
> * Add RESET CONNECTION command to reset all session state
> This would include resetting of all variables (RESET ALL), dropping of
> all temporary tables, removal of any NOTIFYs, etc. This could be used
> for connection pooling. We could also change RESET ALL to have this
> functionality.
parent table's tablespace, as per gripe from Michael Kleiser. Choose
a more plausible column order for this view and pg_tables. Update
documentation of these views, which was missed in original patch.
The vars are renamed to data_directory, config_file, hba_file, and
ident_file, and are guaranteed to be set to accurate absolute paths
during postmaster startup.
This commit does not yet do anything about hiding path values from
> * Win32
> o Remove per-backend parameter file and move into shared memory?
> o Remove check for link failure when cause is found
> o Remove readdir() errno patch when runtime/mingwex/dirent.c rev
> 1.4 is released
> o Remove psql newline patch when we find out why mingw outputs an
> extra newline
> o Allow psql to use readline once non-US code pages work with
> backslashes
Refactor code into something reasonably understandable, cause
use of the feature to not fail in standalone backends or in
EXEC_BACKEND case, fix sloppy guc.c table entries, make the
documentation minimally usable.