in a non-safe interpreter, so with full OS access! Language is
restricted to be used by DB superusers.
Added "argisnull n" and "return_null" commands to gain full control
over NULL values from new FMGR capabilities.
type different from input type but are expecting ExecAgg to insert the
first non-null input as the starting transition value. This has always
been verboten, but wasn't checked for until now...
NOTE: this implementation of tcl_avg() fails with 'divide by zero'
for zero input rows. It ought to return NULL, but pltcl does not
currently provide a way to do that, so I'm leaving the problem unsolved
for now.
documentation. Therefore it's now installed by default. If there is no
documentation to be found (i.e., you are not using the distribution)
then this step is skipped.
Add --docdir option to configure to control installation directory.
There's now only one transition value and transition function.
NULL handling in aggregates is a lot cleaner. Also, use Numeric
accumulators instead of integer accumulators for sum/avg on integer
datatypes --- this avoids overflow at the cost of being a little slower.
Implement VARIANCE() and STDDEV() aggregates in the standard backend.
Also, enable new LIKE selectivity estimators by default. Unrelated
change, but as long as I had to force initdb anyway...
AlterTableAddConstraint. The major changes from the last patch
are that it should hopefully check for references to temp tables
(not in the shadow case, but at defination time) from permanent tables in
foreign keys and refuse them and that it doesn't allow the table(s)
being constrained to be views (because those cases don't currently
Stephan SzaboThis should be a slighly more complete patch for commands/command.c
AlterTableAddConstraint. The major changes from the last patch
are that it should hopefully check for references to temp tables
(not in the shadow case, but at defination time) from permanent tables in
foreign keys and refuse them and that it doesn't allow the table(s)
being constrained to be views (because those cases don't currently
Stephan Szabo
pass-by-ref data types --- eg, an index on lower(textfield) --- no longer
leak memory during index creation or update. Clean up a lot of redundant
code ... did you know that copy, vacuum, truncate, reindex, extend index,
and bootstrap each basically duplicated the main executor's logic for
extracting information about an index and preparing index entries?
Functional indexes should be a little faster now too, due to removal
of repeated function lookups.
CREATE INDEX 'opt_type' clause is deimplemented by these changes,
but I haven't removed it from the parser yet (need to merge with
Thomas' latest change set first).
Include updates for the comment.sql regression test.
Implement SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS and SET DefaultXactIsoLevel.
and SET AutoCommit in the parser only.
Need to add code to actually do something.
Implement WITHOUT TIME ZONE type qualifier.
Define SCHEMA keyword, along with stubbed-out grammar.
Implement "[IN|INOUT|OUT] [varname] type" function arguments
in parser only; INOUT and OUT throws an elog(ERROR).
Add PATH as a type-specific token, since PATH is in SQL99
to support schema resource search and resolution.
them, but forgot to attach relevant restriction clauses, so that the
plan represented a scan over the whole table with restrictions applied
as qpquals not indexquals. Another day, another bug...
* the result is not recorded anywhere
* the result is not used anywhere
* the result is only used in some places, whereas others have been getting away with it
* the result is used improperly
Also make command line options handling a little better (e.g., --disable-locale,
while redundant, should really still *dis*able).
memory contexts. Currently, only leaks in expressions executed as
quals or projections are handled. Clean up some old dead cruft in
executor while at it --- unused fields in state nodes, that sort of thing.
in-chunk leaks, overwrite-next-chunk leaks and overwrite block-freeptr leaks.
A in-chunk leak --- if something overwrite space after wanted (via palloc()
size, but it is still inside chunk. For example
x = palloc(12); /* create 16b chunk */
memset(x, '#', 13);
this leak is in the current source total invisible, because chunk is 16b and
leak is in the "align space".
For this feature I add data_size to StandardChunk, and all memory which go
from AllocSetAlloc() is marked as 0x7F.
The MemoryContextCheck() is compiled '#ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING'.
I add this checking to 'tcop/postgres.c' and is active after each backend
query, but it is probably not sufficient, because some MemoryContext exist
only during memory processing --- will good if someone who known where
it is needful (Tom:-) add it for others contexts;
A problem in the current source is that we have still some malloc()
allocation that is not needful and this allocation is total invisible for
all context routines. For example Dllist in backend (pretty dirty it is in
catcache where values in Dllist are palloc-ed, but list is malloc-ed).
--- and BTW. this Dllist design stand in the way for query cache :-)
Tom, if you agree I start replace some mallocs.
BTW. --- Tom, have you idea for across transaction presistent allocation for
SQL functions? (like regex - now it is via malloc)
I almost forget. I add one if() to AllocSetAlloc(), for 'size' that are
greater than ALLOC_BIGCHUNK_LIMIT is not needful check AllocSetFreeIndex(),
because 'fidx' is always 'ALLOCSET_NUM_FREELISTS - 1'. It a little brisk up
allocation for very large chunks. Right?