Subject: [PATCHES] INSTALL changes
This patch modifies the INSTALL file. The changes are:
- SPARC/Linux-ELF was added to the list of supported platforms.
The special notes for it at the bottom of the file were removed.
- Changed "database server" to "RDBMS database server".
- Modified step 6 so that when you restore your database the
tables will be owned by the original owners instead of the
postgresql superuser.
- Modified step 19 on diagnosing the regression tests for the
SPARC Linux platform with a beta release.
- Other minor changes.
Subject: [PATCHES] pqcomprim.c patch
This is the patch by Robert Bruccoleri to fix the endian problem.
(Actually, it's the reverse of his patch. He must have gotten the
order wrong.)
* RelationFlushRelation () below will flush relation information
* from the cache. We must call smgrclose to flush relation
* information from SMGR & FMGR, too. We assume that for temp
* relations smgrunlink is already called by heap_destroyr
* and we skip smgrclose for them. - vadim 05/22/97
smgrclose(reln->rd_rel->relsmgr, reln);
- it avoids memory leaks in SMGR & VFD.
there is no more call FileInvalidate(RelationGetSystemPort(relation));
- invalid (FileInvalidate() expects File, not SMGR' fd)
- unuseful anyway.
mdunlink() and mdclose() (too !!!) now free MdfdVec for relation
and add it to free list, so it may be re-used for another relation
2. Fix VFD-manager memory leak (found by Massimo ... and me):
mdunlink() has to call FileUnlink() to free allocation for fileName
and add the Vfd slot to the free list.
** You can have as many strategies as you please in GiSTs, as
** long as your consistent method can handle them
#define GISTNStrategies 100
- too big number:
strat.h->StrategyEvaluationData->StrategyExpression expression[12]
- so 12 is real max # of strategies, or StrategyEvaluationIsValid
crashes backend (called if CASSER defined).
Subject: [PATCHES] DROP AGGREGATE gram.y typo...
Somehow I dropped a comma in the gram.y part (line 129) of my
patch for drop aggregate. Here's a correct patch for gram.y.
PS. I hope I got the right comma, manually applied :) (scrappy)
Subject: [PATCHES] AIX make patch resubmitted.
Misc patches for AIX from Darren:
1) New src/makefiles/Makefile.aix This patch should only be
applied if the following patch (4) is applied to backend/Makefile!
Still looking into having configure determine the last line to do
the shared link. The 325 code will work for 41, so I put that in
as the default. Included a commented out 41 line for completeness.
4) Patch the backend Makefile. I've reviewed this patch with respect to the
other ports that use MAKE_EXPORTS (svr4 and univel) as closely as I could
and I don't see where it will break them. If it does, please let me know
and I'll rework it somehow.
Subject: [PATCHES] Re: [PORTS] AIX 6.1 fixes...
Here are the patches for the two things that wouldn't make it thru the AIX
compiler. The geo_ops.c change is harmless I believe. The nbtcompare.c patch
fixes me, but I don't know about any other ports. Maybe wait on that one
until Vadim decides what to do about the unsigned vs signed chars varlena
all local buffers @ xact commit, so accordingly nextFreeLocalBuf
is first local buffer now.
It helps to avoid unnecessary local buffer allocations in LocalBufferAlloc()
latter ("memmory leaks" in 'order by').
2. ResetLocalBufferPool() lost allocated local buffers:
memset(LocalBufferDescriptors, 0, sizeof(BufferDesc) * NLocBuffer);
(local buffers leak @ xact aborts).