diff --git a/src/tools/backend/index.html b/src/tools/backend/index.html
index f068e671e4..6aff709af6 100644
--- a/src/tools/backend/index.html
+++ b/src/tools/backend/index.html
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ HREF="../../include/nodes/parsenodes.h">SelectStmt.</A>
 The query is then identified as a <I>Utility</I> query or a more complex
 query.  A <I>Utility</I> query is processed by a query-specific function
 in <A HREF="../../backend/commands"> commands.</A> A complex query, like
-<CODE>DELETE</CODE> requires much more handling.
+<I>DELETE</I> requires much more handling.
 The parser takes a complex query, and creates a
 <A HREF="../../include/nodes/parsenodes.h">Query</A> structure that
 contains all the elements used by complex queries.  Query.qual holds the
-<CODE>WHERE</CODE> clause qualification, which is filled in by
+<I>WHERE</I> clause qualification, which is filled in by
 <A HREF="../../backend/parser/parse_clause.c">transformWhereClause().</A>
 Each table referenced in the query is represented by a <A
 HREF="../../include/nodes/parsenodes.h"> RangeTableEntry,</A> and they
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ are linked together to form the <I>range table</I> of the query, which is
 generated by <A HREF="../../backend/parser/parse_clause.c">
 makeRangeTable().</A>  Query.rtable holds the query's range table.
-Certain queries, like <CODE>SELECT,</CODE> return columns of data.  Other
-queries, like <CODE>INSERT</CODE> and <CODE>UPDATE,</CODE> specify the columns
+Certain queries, like <I>SELECT,</I> return columns of data.  Other
+queries, like <I>INSERT</I> and <I>UPDATE,</I> specify the columns
 modified by the query.  These column references are converted to <A
 HREF="../../include/nodes/primnodes.h">Resdom</A> entries, which are
 linked together to make up the <I>target list</I> of the query. The
 target list is stored in Query.targetList, which is generated by
 <A HREF="../../backend/parser/parse_target.c">transformTargetList().</A>
-Other query elements, like aggregates(<CODE>SUM()</CODE>), <CODE>GROUP BY,</CODE>
-and <CODE>ORDER BY</CODE> are also stored in their own Query fields.
+Other query elements, like aggregates(<I>SUM()</I>), <I>GROUP BY,</I>
+and <I>ORDER BY</I> are also stored in their own Query fields.
-The next step is for the Query to be modified by any <CODE>VIEWS</CODE> or
-<CODE>RULES</CODE> that may apply to the query.  This is performed by the <A
+The next step is for the Query to be modified by any <I>VIEWS</I> or
+<I>RULES</I> that may apply to the query.  This is performed by the <A
 HREF="../../backend/rewrite">rewrite</A> system.
 The <A HREF="../../backend/optimizer">optimizer</A> takes the Query
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ HREF="../..//include/nodes/plannodes.h">Plan,</A> which contains the
 operations to be performed to execute the query.  The <A
 HREF="../../backend/optimizer/path">path</A> module determines the best
 table join order and join type of each table in the RangeTable, using
-Query.qual(<CODE>WHERE</CODE> clause) to consider optimal index usage.
+Query.qual(<I>WHERE</I> clause) to consider optimal index usage.
 The Plan is then passed to the <A
 HREF="../../backend/executor">executor</A> for execution, and the result