- Support for TAR output
- Support for BLOB output from pg_dump and input via pg_restore - Support for direct DB connection in pg_restore - Fixes in support for --insert flag - pg_dump now outputs in modified OID order
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
#include <unistd.h> /* for getopt() */
#include <ctype.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include <termios.h>
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "catalog/pg_language.h"
#include "catalog/pg_trigger.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include <libpq/libpq-fs.h>
#include "strdup.h"
#include "pg_dump.h"
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
#include "pg_backup_db.h"
static const char *progname = "Archiver(db)";
static void _prompt_for_password(char *username, char *password);
static void _check_database_version(ArchiveHandle *AH, bool ignoreVersion);
static void
_prompt_for_password(char *username, char *password)
char buf[512];
int length;
struct termios t_orig,
fprintf(stderr, "Username: ");
fgets(username, 100, stdin);
length = strlen(username);
/* skip rest of the line */
if (length > 0 && username[length - 1] != '\n')
fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
} while (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n');
if (length > 0 && username[length - 1] == '\n')
username[length - 1] = '\0';
tcgetattr(0, &t);
t_orig = t;
t.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t);
fprintf(stderr, "Password: ");
fgets(password, 100, stdin);
tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t_orig);
length = strlen(password);
/* skip rest of the line */
if (length > 0 && password[length - 1] != '\n')
fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
} while (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n');
if (length > 0 && password[length - 1] == '\n')
password[length - 1] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
static void
_check_database_version(ArchiveHandle *AH, bool ignoreVersion)
PGresult *res;
double myversion;
const char *remoteversion_str;
double remoteversion;
PGconn *conn = AH->connection;
myversion = strtod(PG_VERSION, NULL);
res = PQexec(conn, "SELECT version()");
if (!res ||
PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ||
PQntuples(res) != 1)
die_horribly(AH, "check_database_version(): command failed. "
"Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
remoteversion_str = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0);
remoteversion = strtod(remoteversion_str + 11, NULL);
if (myversion != remoteversion)
fprintf(stderr, "Database version: %s\n%s version: %s\n",
progname, remoteversion_str, PG_VERSION);
if (ignoreVersion)
fprintf(stderr, "Proceeding despite version mismatch.\n");
die_horribly(AH, "Aborting because of version mismatch.\n"
"Use --ignore-version if you think it's safe to proceed anyway.\n");
PGconn* ConnectDatabase(Archive *AHX,
const char* dbname,
const char* pghost,
const char* pgport,
const int reqPwd,
const int ignoreVersion)
ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle*)AHX;
char connect_string[512] = "";
char tmp_string[128];
char password[100];
if (AH->connection)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: already connected to database\n", progname);
if (!dbname && !(dbname = getenv("PGDATABASE")) )
die_horribly(AH, "%s: no database name specified\n", progname);
AH->dbname = strdup(dbname);
if (pghost != NULL)
AH->pghost = strdup(pghost);
sprintf(tmp_string, "host=%s ", AH->pghost);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
AH->pghost = NULL;
if (pgport != NULL)
AH->pgport = strdup(pgport);
sprintf(tmp_string, "port=%s ", AH->pgport);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
AH->pgport = NULL;
sprintf(tmp_string, "dbname=%s ", AH->dbname);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
if (reqPwd)
_prompt_for_password(AH->username, password);
strcat(connect_string, "authtype=password ");
sprintf(tmp_string, "user=%s ", AH->username);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
sprintf(tmp_string, "password=%s ", password);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
MemSet(tmp_string, 0, sizeof(tmp_string));
MemSet(password, 0, sizeof(password));
AH->connection = PQconnectdb(connect_string);
MemSet(connect_string, 0, sizeof(connect_string));
/* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
if (PQstatus(AH->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD)
die_horribly(AH, "Connection to database '%s' failed.\n%s\n",
AH->dbname, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection));
/* check for version mismatch */
_check_database_version(AH, ignoreVersion);
return AH->connection;
/* Convenience function to send a query. Monitors result to handle COPY statements */
int ExecuteSqlCommand(ArchiveHandle* AH, PQExpBuffer qry, char *desc)
PGresult *res;
/* fprintf(stderr, "Executing: '%s'\n\n", qry->data); */
res = PQexec(AH->connection, qry->data);
if (!res)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: %s. No result from backend.\n", progname, desc);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COPY_IN)
AH->pgCopyIn = 1;
die_horribly(AH, "%s: %s. Code = %d. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n",
progname, desc, PQresultStatus(res), PQerrorMessage(AH->connection));
return strlen(qry->data);
/* Convenience function to send one or more queries. Monitors result to handle COPY statements */
int ExecuteSqlCommandBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void *qryv, int bufLen)
int loc;
int pos = 0;
int sPos = 0;
char *qry = (char*)qryv;
int isEnd = 0;
char *eos = qry + bufLen;
/* fprintf(stderr, "\n\n*****\n Buffer:\n\n%s\n*******************\n\n", qry); */
/* If we're in COPY IN mode, then just break it into lines and send... */
if (AH->pgCopyIn) {
for(;;) {
/* Find a lf */
loc = strcspn(&qry[pos], "\n") + pos;
pos = 0;
/* If no match, then wait */
if (loc >= (eos - qry)) /* None found */
appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf, qry, (eos - qry));
/* fprintf(stderr, "Found cr at %d, prev char was %c, next was %c\n", loc, qry[loc-1], qry[loc+1]); */
/* Count the number of preceding slashes */
sPos = loc;
while (sPos > 0 && qry[sPos-1] == '\\')
sPos = loc - sPos;
/* If an odd number of preceding slashes, then \n was escaped
* so set the next search pos, and restart (if any left).
if ((sPos & 1) == 1)
/* fprintf(stderr, "cr was escaped\n"); */
pos = loc + 1;
if (pos >= (eos - qry))
appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf, qry, (eos - qry));
/* We got a good cr */
qry[loc] = '\0';
appendPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf, "%s\n", qry);
qry += loc + 1;
isEnd = (strcmp(AH->pgCopyBuf->data, "\\.\n") == 0);
/* fprintf(stderr, "Sending '%s' via COPY (at end = %d)\n\n", AH->pgCopyBuf->data, isEnd); */
PQputline(AH->connection, AH->pgCopyBuf->data);
/* fprintf(stderr, "Buffer is '%s'\n", AH->pgCopyBuf->data); */
if(isEnd) {
AH->pgCopyIn = 0;
/* Make sure we're not past the original buffer end */
if (qry >= eos)
/* We may have finished Copy In, and have a non-empty buffer */
if (!AH->pgCopyIn) {
* The following is a mini state machine to assess then of of an SQL statement.
* It really only needs to parse good SQL, or at least that's the theory...
* End-of-statement is assumed to be an unquoted, un commented semi-colon.
/* fprintf(stderr, "Buffer at start is: '%s'\n\n", AH->sqlBuf->data); */
for(pos=0; pos < (eos - qry); pos++)
appendPQExpBufferChar(AH->sqlBuf, qry[pos]);
/* fprintf(stderr, " %c",qry[pos]); */
switch (AH->sqlparse.state) {
case SQL_SCAN: /* Default state == 0, set in _allocAH */
if (qry[pos] == ';')
/* Send It & reset the buffer */
/* fprintf(stderr, " sending: '%s'\n\n", AH->sqlBuf->data); */
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, AH->sqlBuf, "Could not execute query");
AH->sqlparse.lastChar = '\0';
if (qry[pos] == '"' || qry[pos] == '\'')
/* fprintf(stderr,"[startquote]\n"); */
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_QUOTE;
AH->sqlparse.quoteChar = qry[pos];
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = 0;
else if (qry[pos] == '-' && AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '-')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_SQL_COMMENT;
else if (qry[pos] == '*' && AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '/')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_EXT_COMMENT;
AH->sqlparse.lastChar = qry[pos];
if (qry[pos] == '\n')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN;
if (AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '*' && qry[pos] == '/')
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN;
if (!AH->sqlparse.backSlash && AH->sqlparse.quoteChar == qry[pos])
/* fprintf(stderr,"[endquote]\n"); */
AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN;
if (qry[pos] == '\\')
if (AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '\\')
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = !AH->sqlparse.backSlash;
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = 1;
} else {
AH->sqlparse.backSlash = 0;
AH->sqlparse.lastChar = qry[pos];
/* fprintf(stderr, "\n"); */
return 1;
void FixupBlobRefs(ArchiveHandle *AH, char *tablename)
PQExpBuffer tblQry = createPQExpBuffer();
PGresult *res, *uRes;
int i, n;
char *attr;
for(i=0 ; i < strlen(tablename) ; i++)
tablename[i] = tolower(tablename[i]);
if (strcmp(tablename, BLOB_XREF_TABLE) == 0)
appendPQExpBuffer(tblQry, "SELECT a.attname FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t "
" WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid "
" AND t.typname = 'oid' AND c.relname = '%s';", tablename);
res = PQexec(AH->connection, tblQry->data);
if (!res)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not find OID attrs of %s. Explanation from backend '%s'\n",
progname, tablename, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection));
if ((n = PQntuples(res)) == 0) {
/* We're done */
ahlog(AH, 1, "No OID attributes in table %s\n", tablename);
for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
attr = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
ahlog(AH, 1, " - %s.%s\n", tablename, attr);
appendPQExpBuffer(tblQry, "Update \"%s\" Set \"%s\" = x.newOid From %s x "
"Where x.oldOid = \"%s\".\"%s\";",
tablename, attr, BLOB_XREF_TABLE, tablename, attr);
ahlog(AH, 10, " - sql = %s\n", tblQry->data);
uRes = PQexec(AH->connection, tblQry->data);
if (!uRes)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not update attr %s of table %s. Explanation from backend '%s'\n",
progname, attr, tablename, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection));
if ( PQresultStatus(uRes) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
die_horribly(AH, "%s: error while updating attr %s of table %s. Explanation from backend '%s'\n",
progname, attr, tablename, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection));
* Convenient SQL calls
void CreateBlobXrefTable(ArchiveHandle* AH)
PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer();
ahlog(AH, 1, "Creating table for BLOBS xrefs\n");
appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Create Temporary Table %s(oldOid oid, newOid oid);", BLOB_XREF_TABLE);
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not create BLOB xref table '" BLOB_XREF_TABLE "'");
appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Create Unique Index %s_ix on %s(oldOid)", BLOB_XREF_TABLE, BLOB_XREF_TABLE);
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not create index on BLOB xref table '" BLOB_XREF_TABLE "'");
void InsertBlobXref(ArchiveHandle* AH, int old, int new)
PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer();
appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Insert Into %s(oldOid, newOid) Values (%d, %d);", BLOB_XREF_TABLE, old, new);
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not create BLOB xref entry");
void StartTransaction(ArchiveHandle* AH)
PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer();
appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Begin;");
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not start database transaction");
void CommitTransaction(ArchiveHandle* AH)
PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer();
appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Commit;");
ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not commit database transaction");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Definitions for pg_backup_db.c
#define BLOB_XREF_TABLE "dump_blob_xref" /* MUST be lower case */
extern void FixupBlobRefs(ArchiveHandle *AH, char *tablename);
extern int ExecuteSqlCommand(ArchiveHandle* AH, PQExpBuffer qry, char *desc);
extern int ExecuteSqlCommandBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void *qry, int bufLen);
extern void CreateBlobXrefTable(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InsertBlobXref(ArchiveHandle* AH, int old, int new);
extern void StartTransaction(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void CommitTransaction(ArchiveHandle* AH);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* pg_backup_null.c
* Implementation of an archive that is never saved; it is used by
* pg_dump to output output a plain text SQL script instead of save
* a real archive.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 09-Jul-2000 - pjw@rhyme.com.au
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for dup */
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
* Initializer
void InitArchiveFmt_Null(ArchiveHandle* AH)
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
* Now prevent reading...
if (AH->mode == archModeRead)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: This format can not be read\n");
* - Start a new TOC entry
* Called by dumper via archiver from within a data dump routine
* As at V1.3, this is only called for COPY FROM dfata, and BLOB data
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
/* Just send it to output */
ahwrite(data, 1, dLen, AH);
return dLen;
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
ahprintf(AH, "\n\n");
* Called as part of a RestoreArchive call; for the NULL archive, this
* just sends the data for a given TOC entry to the output.
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
if (*te->dataDumper)
AH->currToc = te;
(*te->dataDumper)((Archive*)AH, te->oid, te->dataDumperArg);
AH->currToc = NULL;
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
/* Don't do anything */
return 0;
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
/* Don't do anything */
return len;
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
/* Nothing to do */
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* Header
Offset Length Contents
0 100 bytes File name ('\0' terminated, 99 maxmum length)
100 8 bytes File mode (in octal ascii)
108 8 bytes User ID (in octal ascii)
116 8 bytes Group ID (in octal ascii)
124 12 bytes File size (s) (in octal ascii)
136 12 bytes Modify time (in octal ascii)
148 8 bytes Header checksum (in octal ascii)
156 1 bytes Link flag
157 100 bytes Linkname ('\0' terminated, 99 maxmum length)
257 8 bytes Magic ("ustar \0")
265 32 bytes User name ('\0' terminated, 31 maxmum length)
297 32 bytes Group name ('\0' terminated, 31 maxmum length)
329 8 bytes Major device ID (in octal ascii)
337 8 bytes Minor device ID (in octal ascii)
345 167 bytes Padding
512 (s+p)bytes File contents (s+p) := (((s) + 511) & ~511), round up to 512 bytes
/* The linkflag defines the type of file */
#define LF_OLDNORMAL '\0' /* Normal disk file, Unix compatible */
#define LF_NORMAL '0' /* Normal disk file */
#define LF_LINK '1' /* Link to previously dumped file */
#define LF_SYMLINK '2' /* Symbolic link */
#define LF_CHR '3' /* Character special file */
#define LF_BLK '4' /* Block special file */
#define LF_DIR '5' /* Directory */
#define LF_FIFO '6' /* FIFO special file */
#define LF_CONTIG '7' /* Contiguous file */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user