Add to java mention of pl/j.

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Bruce Momjian 2002-01-03 17:18:19 +00:00
parent b9da4b726c
commit 85974a75fc

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Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 14:03:51 +0100
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Happy new year for all!
I would like to tell you about the results of my work on pl/j.
memo: Java and postgres must run in a separate address space. First I
wanted to use the sys v ipc, which was a bad idea becouse of some
problems with java VM-s. Many hackers told me about its bad sides, and
the good sides of the sockets, so I droped the whole code and started a
new one.
I started to write the java side first, which is maybe almost 10% ready :))
-we have is a communication protocol between the two process. I know
noone will like it, so there is an API for protocols, so it is plugable.
The current implementation is receiveing calls,sends exceptions, but
sending the results is not implemented yet.
-the Postgres side is not yet done. It sends function calls without
arguments, it doesn`t receive sql queries, exceptions or results at all,
and there is no API for it, it is an uggly hardcoded thing.
-there is no JDBC implementation, and I have never written JDBC driver,
so it may take for a while...
But it says "hello world" :))
Todo for me:
-learn more about postgres, jdbc drivers, etc, etc
-develop api for the postgres side of the communication.
This will take for a good while becouse of other todos but I hope next
time I can tell you good news.
Laszlo Hornyak
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