Here is a patch bringing oid2name into the 21st century.
Alvaro Herrera
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,126 +1,180 @@
This utility allows administrators to view the file structure used by
PostgreSQL. Databases are placed in directories based on their OIDs in
pg_database, and the tables in that directory are named by original
OIDs, stored in pg_class.relfilenode. Oid2name connects to the database
and extracts the OID and table name information.
This utility allows administrators to examine the file structure used by
Databases are placed in directories named after their OIDs in pg_database,
and the table files within a database's directory are named by "filenode"
numbers, which are stored in pg_class.relfilenode.
It can be used in four ways:
Note that while a table's filenode often matches its OID, this is *not*
necessarily the case; some operations, like TRUNCATE, REINDEX, CLUSTER
and some forms of ALTER TABLE, can change the filenode while preserving
the OID. Avoid assuming that filenode and table OID are the same.
When a table exceeds 1Gb, it is divided into gigabyte-sized "segments".
The first segment's file name is the same as the filenode; subsequent
segments are named filenode.1, filenode.2, etc.
Tablespaces make the scenario more complicated. Each non-default
tablespace has a symlink inside the pg_tblspc directory, which points to
the physical tablespace directory (as specified in its CREATE TABLESPACE
command). The symlink is named after the tablespace's OID. Inside the
physical tablespace directory there is another directory for each database
that has elements in the tablespace, named after the database's OID.
Tables within that directory follow the filenode naming scheme. The
"pg_default" tablespace is not addressed via pg_tblspc, but corresponds to
This will connect to the template1 database and display all databases
in the system:
Oid2name connects to the database and extracts OID, filenode, and table
name information. You can also have it show database OIDs and tablespace
$ oid2name
All databases:
18720 = test1
1 = template1
18719 = template0
18721 = test
18735 = postgres
18736 = cssi
When displaying specific tables, you can select which tables to show by
using -o, -f and -t. The first switch takes an OID, the second takes
a filenode, and the third takes a tablename (actually, it's a LIKE
pattern, so you can use things like "foo%"). Note that you can use as many
of these switches as you like, and the listing will include all objects
matched by any of the switches. Also note that these switches can only
show objects in the database given in -d.
If you don't give any of -o, -f or -t it will dump all the tables in the
database given in -d. If you don't give -d, it will show a database
listing. Alternatively you can give -s to get a tablespace listing.
oid2name -d test [-x]
This connects to the database test and shows all tables and their OIDs:
$ oid2name -d test
All tables from database "test":
18766 = dns
18737 = ips
18722 = testdate
oid2name -d test -o 18737
oid2name -d test -t testdate
This will connect to the database test and display the table name for oid
18737 and the oid for table name testdate respectively:
$ oid2name -d test -o 18737
Tablename of oid 18737 from database "test":
18737 = ips
$ oid2name -d test -t testdate
Oid of table testdate from database "test":
18722 = testdate
Keep in mind tables over one gigabyte will be split into separate files
with numeric file extensions.
Additional switches:
-i include indexes and sequences in the database listing.
-x display more information about each object shown:
tablespace name, schema name, OID.
-S also show system objects
(those in information_schema, pg_toast and pg_catalog schemas)
-q don't display headers
(useful for scripting)
Sample session:
$ cd /u/pg/data/base
$ oid2name
All databases:
16817 = test2
16578 = x
16756 = test
1 = template1
16569 = template0
16818 = test3
16811 = floattest
Oid Database Name Tablespace
17228 alvherre pg_default
17255 regression pg_default
17227 template0 pg_default
1 template1 pg_default
$ cd 16756
$ ls 1873*
18730 18731 18732 18735 18736 18737 18738 18739
$ oid2name -s
All tablespaces:
Oid Tablespace Name
1663 pg_default
1664 pg_global
155151 fastdisk
155152 bigdisk
$ oid2name -d test -o 18737
Tablename of oid 18737 from database "test":
18737 = ips
$ cd $PGDATA/17228
$ oid2name -d test -t ips
Oid of table ips from database "test":
18737 = ips
$ # get top 10 db objects in the default tablespace, ordered by size
$ ls -lS * | head -10
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 136536064 sep 14 09:51 155173
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 17965056 sep 14 09:51 1155291
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 1204224 sep 14 09:51 16717
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 581632 sep 6 17:51 1255
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 237568 sep 14 09:50 16674
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 212992 sep 14 09:51 1249
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 204800 sep 14 09:51 16684
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 196608 sep 14 09:50 16700
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 163840 sep 14 09:50 16699
-rw------- 1 alvherre alvherre 122880 sep 6 17:51 16751
$ oid2name -d alvherre -f 155173
From database "alvherre":
Filenode Table Name
155173 accounts
$ # you can ask for more than one object
$ oid2name -d alvherre -f 155173 -f 1155291
From database "alvherre":
Filenode Table Name
155173 accounts
1155291 accounts_pkey
$ # you can also mix the options, and have more details
$ oid2name -d alvherre -t accounts -f 1155291 -x
From database "alvherre":
Filenode Table Name Oid Schema Tablespace
155173 accounts 155173 public pg_default
1155291 accounts_pkey 1155291 public pg_default
$ # show disk space for every db object
$ du * | while read SIZE OID
$ du [0-9]* |
> while read SIZE FILENODE
> do
> echo "$SIZE `oid2name -q -d test -o $OID`"
> echo "$SIZE `oid2name -q -d alvherre -i -f $FILENODE`"
> done
24 18737 = ips
36 18722 = cities
16 1155287 branches_pkey
16 1155289 tellers_pkey
17561 1155291 accounts_pkey
$ # same as above, but sort by largest first
$ du * | while read SIZE OID
$ # same, but sort by size
$ du [0-9]* | sort -rn | while read SIZE FN
> do
> echo "$SIZE `oid2name -q -d test -o $OID`"
> done |
> sort -rn
2048 19324 = bigtable
1950 23903 = customers
> echo "$SIZE `oid2name -q -d alvherre -f $FN`"
> done
133466 155173 accounts
17561 1155291 accounts_pkey
1177 16717 pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index
$ # show disk usage per database
$ cd /u/pg/data/base
$ du -s * |
> while read SIZE OID
> do
> echo "$SIZE `aspg oid2name -q | grep ^$OID' '`"
> done |
> sort -rn
2256 18721 = test
2135 18735 = postgres
$ # If you want to see what's in tablespaces, use the pg_tblspc directory
$ cd $PGDATA/pg_tblspc
$ oid2name -s
All tablespaces:
Oid Tablespace Name
1663 pg_default
1664 pg_global
155151 fastdisk
155152 bigdisk
This can be done in psql with:
$ # what databases have objects in tablespace "fastdisk"?
$ ls -d 155151/*
155151/17228/ 155151/PG_VERSION
test=> SELECT relpages, relfilenode, relname FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC;
$ # Oh, what was database 17228 again?
$ oid2name
All databases:
Oid Database Name Tablespace
17228 alvherre pg_default
17255 regression pg_default
17227 template0 pg_default
1 template1 pg_default
$ # Let's see what objects does this database have in the tablespace.
$ cd 155151/17228
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 sep 13 23:20 155156
$ # OK, this is a pretty small table ... but which one is it?
$ oid2name -d alvherre -f 155156
From database "alvherre":
Filenode Table Name
155156 foo
$ # end of sample session.
You can also get approximate size data for each object using psql. For
SELECT relpages, relfilenode, relname FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC;
Each page is typically 8k. Relpages is updated by VACUUM.
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
oid2name; a postgresql 7.1 (+?) app to map OIDs on the filesystem
to table and database names.
b. palmer, 1-17-2001
* oid2name, a PostgreSQL app to map OIDs on the filesystem
* to table and database names.
* Originally by
* B. Palmer, 1-17-2001
#include "postgres_fe.h"
@ -14,41 +14,46 @@
#include "libpq-fe.h"
/* an extensible array to keep track of elements to show */
typedef struct
char **array;
int num;
int alloc;
} eary;
/* these are the opts structures for command line params */
struct options
int getdatabase;
int gettable;
int getoid;
eary *tables;
eary *oids;
eary *filenodes;
int quiet;
bool quiet;
bool systables;
bool indexes;
bool nodb;
bool extended;
bool tablespaces;
int systables;
int remotehost;
int remoteport;
int remoteuser;
int remotepass;
int _oid;
char _dbname[128];
char _tbname[128];
char _hostname[128];
char _port[6];
char _username[128];
char _password[128];
char *dbname;
char *hostname;
char *port;
char *username;
char *password;
/* function prototypes */
void get_opts(int, char **, struct options *);
PGconn *sql_conn(const char *, struct options *);
void sql_exec_error(int);
int sql_exec(PGconn *, const char *, int);
void sql_exec_dumpdb(PGconn *);
void sql_exec_dumptable(PGconn *, int);
void sql_exec_searchtable(PGconn *, const char *);
void sql_exec_searchoid(PGconn *, int);
void *myalloc(size_t size);
void add_one_elt(char *eltname, eary *eary);
char *get_comma_elts(eary *eary);
PGconn *sql_conn(struct options *);
int sql_exec(PGconn *, const char *sql, bool quiet);
void sql_exec_dumpalldbs(PGconn *, struct options *);
void sql_exec_dumpalltables(PGconn *, struct options *);
void sql_exec_searchtables(PGconn *, struct options *);
void sql_exec_dumpalltbspc(PGconn *, struct options *);
/* function to parse command line options and check for some usage errors. */
@ -57,239 +62,237 @@ get_opts(int argc, char **argv, struct options * my_opts)
int c;
/* set the defaults */
my_opts->getdatabase = 0;
my_opts->gettable = 0;
my_opts->getoid = 0;
my_opts->quiet = 0;
my_opts->systables = 0;
my_opts->remotehost = 0;
my_opts->remoteport = 0;
my_opts->remoteuser = 0;
my_opts->remotepass = 0;
my_opts->quiet = false;
my_opts->systables = false;
my_opts->indexes = false;
my_opts->nodb = false;
my_opts->extended = false;
my_opts->tablespaces = false;
/* get opts */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "H:p:U:P:d:t:o:qxh?")) != -1)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "H:p:U:P:d:t:o:f:qSxish?")) != -1)
switch (c)
/* specify the database */
case 'd':
my_opts->getdatabase = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->_dbname);
my_opts->dbname = (char *) myalloc(strlen(optarg));
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->dbname);
/* specify the table name */
/* specify one tablename to show */
case 't':
/* make sure we set the database first */
if (!my_opts->getdatabase)
fprintf(stderr, "You must specify a database to dump from.\n");
/* make sure we don't try to do a -o also */
if (my_opts->getoid)
fprintf(stderr, "You can only specify either oid or table\n");
my_opts->gettable = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->_tbname);
add_one_elt(optarg, my_opts->tables);
/* specify the oid int */
/* specify one Oid to show */
case 'o':
/* make sure we set the database first */
if (!my_opts->getdatabase)
fprintf(stderr, "You must specify a database to dump from.\n");
/* make sure we don't try to do a -t also */
if (my_opts->gettable)
fprintf(stderr, "You can only specify either oid or table\n");
my_opts->getoid = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%i", &my_opts->_oid);
add_one_elt(optarg, my_opts->oids);
/* specify one filenode to show*/
case 'f':
add_one_elt(optarg, my_opts->filenodes);
/* don't show headers */
case 'q':
my_opts->quiet = 1;
my_opts->quiet = true;
/* host to connect to */
case 'H':
my_opts->remotehost = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->_hostname);
my_opts->hostname = (char *) myalloc(strlen(optarg));
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->hostname);
/* port to connect to on remote host */
case 'p':
my_opts->remoteport = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->_port);
my_opts->port = (char *) myalloc(strlen(optarg));
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->port);
/* username */
case 'U':
my_opts->remoteuser = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->_username);
my_opts->username = (char *) myalloc(strlen(optarg));
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->username);
/* password */
case 'P':
my_opts->remotepass = 1;
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->_password);
my_opts->password = (char *) myalloc(strlen(optarg));
sscanf(optarg, "%s", my_opts->password);
/* display system tables */
case 'S':
my_opts->systables = true;
/* also display indexes */
case 'i':
my_opts->indexes = true;
/* display extra columns */
case 'x':
my_opts->systables = 1;
my_opts->extended = true;
/* dump tablespaces only */
case 's':
my_opts->tablespaces = true;
/* help! (ugly in code for easier editing) */
case '?':
case 'h':
fprintf(stderr, "\
Usage: oid2name [-d database [-x] ] [-t table | -o oid]\n\
default action display all databases\n\
-d database database to oid2name\n\
-x display system tables\n\
-t table | -o oid search for table name (-t) or\n\
oid (-o) in -d database\n\
-q quiet\n\
-H host connect to remote host\n\
-p port host port to connect to\n\
-U username username to connect with\n\
-P password password for username\n\
"Usage: oid2name [-s|-d database] [-S][-i][-q][-x] [-t table|-o oid|-f file] ...\n"
" default action show all database Oids\n"
" -d database database to connect to\n"
" -s show all tablespaces\n"
" -S show system objects too\n"
" -i show indexes and sequences too\n"
" -x extended (show additional columns)\n"
" -q quiet (don't show headers)\n"
" -t <table> show info for table named <table>\n"
" -o <oid> show info for table with Oid <oid>\n"
" -f <filenode> show info for table with filenode <filenode>\n"
" -H host connect to remote host\n"
" -p port host port to connect to\n"
" -U username username to connect with\n"
" -P password password for username\n"
" (see also $PGPASSWORD and ~/.pgpass)\n"
void *
myalloc(size_t size)
void *ptr = malloc(size);
if (!ptr)
fprintf(stderr, "out of memory");
return ptr;
* add_one_elt
* Add one element to a (possibly empty) eary struct.
add_one_elt(char *eltname, eary *eary)
if (eary->alloc == 0)
eary->alloc = 8;
eary->array = (char **) myalloc(8 * sizeof(char *));
else if (eary->num >= eary->alloc)
eary->alloc *= 2;
eary->array = (char **)
realloc(eary->array, eary->alloc * sizeof(char *));
if (!eary->array)
fprintf(stderr, "out of memory");
eary->array[eary->num] = strdup(eltname);
* get_comma_elts
* Return the elements of an eary as a (freshly allocated) single string, in
* single quotes, separated by commas and properly escaped for insertion in an
* SQL statement.
char *
get_comma_elts(eary *eary)
char *ret,
int i, length = 0;
if (eary->num == 0)
return "";
* PQescapeString wants 2 * length + 1 bytes of breath space. Add two
* chars per element for the single quotes and one for the comma.
for (i = 0; i < eary->num; i++)
length += strlen(eary->array[i]);
ret = (char *) myalloc(length * 2 + 4 * eary->num);
ptr = ret;
for (i = 0; i < eary->num; i++)
if (i != 0)
sprintf(ptr++, ",");
sprintf(ptr++, "'");
ptr += PQescapeString(ptr, eary->array[i], strlen(eary->array[i]));
sprintf(ptr++, "'");
return ret;
/* establish connection with database. */
PGconn *
sql_conn(const char *dbName, struct options * my_opts)
sql_conn(struct options * my_opts)
char *pghost,
char *pgoptions,
char *pguser,
PGconn *conn;
pghost = NULL;
pgport = NULL;
pgoptions = NULL; /* special options to start up the backend
* server */
pgtty = NULL; /* debugging tty for the backend server */
pguser = NULL;
pgpass = NULL;
/* override the NULLs with the user params if passed */
if (my_opts->remotehost)
pghost = (char *) malloc(128);
sscanf(my_opts->_hostname, "%s", pghost);
if (my_opts->remoteport)
pgport = (char *) malloc(6);
sscanf(my_opts->_port, "%s", pgport);
if (my_opts->remoteuser)
pguser = (char *) malloc(128);
sscanf(my_opts->_username, "%s", pguser);
if (my_opts->remotepass)
pgpass = (char *) malloc(128);
sscanf(my_opts->_password, "%s", pgpass);
/* login */
conn = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbName, pguser, pgpass);
conn = PQsetdbLogin(my_opts->hostname,
NULL, /* options */
NULL, /* tty */
/* deal with errors */
if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "Connection to database '%s' failed.\n", dbName);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: connection to database '%s' failed.\n", "oid2name", my_opts->dbname);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
/* free data structures: not strictly necessary */
if (pghost != NULL)
if (pgport != NULL)
if (pguser != NULL)
if (pgpass != NULL)
sql_exec(conn, "SET search_path = public;", 0);
/* return the conn if good */
return conn;
/* If the sql_ command has an error, this function looks up the error number and prints it out. */
sql_exec_error(int error_number)
fprintf(stderr, "Error number %i.\n", error_number);
switch (error_number)
case 3:
fprintf(stderr, "Error: PGRES_COPY_OUT\n");
case 4:
fprintf(stderr, "Error: PGRES_COPY_IN\n");
case 5:
fprintf(stderr, "Error: PGRES_BAD_RESPONCE\n");
case 6:
fprintf(stderr, "Error: PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR\n");
case 7:
fprintf(stderr, "Error: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR\n");
/* actual code to make call to the database and print the output data */
* Actual code to make call to the database and print the output data.
sql_exec(PGconn *conn, const char *todo, int match)
sql_exec(PGconn *conn, const char *todo, bool quiet)
PGresult *res;
int numbfields;
int error_number;
int i,
int nfields;
int nrows;
int i, j, l;
int *length;
char *pad;
/* make the call */
res = PQexec(conn, todo);
@ -297,10 +300,8 @@ sql_exec(PGconn *conn, const char *todo, int match)
/* check and deal with errors */
if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) > 2)
error_number = PQresultStatus(res);
fprintf(stderr, "There was an error in the SQL command:\n%s\n", todo);
fprintf(stderr, "PQerrorMessage = %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
fprintf(stderr, "oid2name: query failed: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
fprintf(stderr, "oid2name: query was: %s\n", todo);
@ -308,97 +309,179 @@ sql_exec(PGconn *conn, const char *todo, int match)
/* get the number of fields */
numbfields = PQntuples(res);
nrows = PQntuples(res);
nfields = PQnfields(res);
/* if we only expect 1 and there mode than, return -2 */
if (match == 1 && numbfields > 1)
return -2;
/* for each field, get the needed width */
length = (int *) myalloc(sizeof(int) * nfields);
for (j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
length[j] = strlen(PQfname(res, j));
/* return -1 if there aren't any returns */
if (match == 1 && numbfields < 1)
return -1;
/* for each row, dump the information */
for (i = 0; i < numbfields; i++)
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
len = strlen(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0));
fprintf(stdout, "%-6s = %s\n", PQgetvalue(res, i, 0), PQgetvalue(res, i, 1));
for (j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
l = strlen(PQgetvalue(res, i, j));
if (l > length[j])
length[j] = strlen(PQgetvalue(res, i, j));
/* clean the PGconn once done */
/* print a header */
if (!quiet)
for (j = 0, l = 0; j < nfields; j++)
fprintf(stdout, "%*s", length[j] + 2, PQfname(res, j));
l += length[j] + 2;
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
pad = (char *) myalloc(l + 1);
MemSet(pad, '-', l);
pad[l] = '\0';
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", pad);
/* for each row, dump the information */
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
fprintf(stdout, "%*s", length[j] + 2, PQgetvalue(res, i, j));
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* cleanup */
return 0;
/* dump all databases known by the system table */
* Dump all databases. There are no system objects to worry about.
sql_exec_dumpdb(PGconn *conn)
sql_exec_dumpalldbs(PGconn *conn, struct options *opts)
char todo[1024];
/* get the oid and database name from the system pg_database table */
snprintf(todo, 1024, "select oid,datname from pg_database");
snprintf(todo, 1024, "SELECT d.oid AS \"Oid\", datname AS \"Database Name\", "
"spcname AS \"Tablespace\" FROM pg_database d JOIN pg_tablespace t ON "
"(dattablespace = t.oid) ORDER BY 2");
sql_exec(conn, todo, 0);
sql_exec(conn, todo, opts->quiet);
/* display all tables in whatever db we are connected to. don't display the
system tables by default */
* Dump all tables, indexes and sequences in the current database.
sql_exec_dumptable(PGconn *conn, int systables)
sql_exec_dumpalltables(PGconn *conn, struct options *opts)
char todo[1024];
char *addfields = ",c.oid AS \"Oid\", nspname AS \"Schema\", spcname as \"Tablespace\" ";
/* don't exclude the systables if this is set */
if (systables == 1)
snprintf(todo, 1024, "select relfilenode,relname from pg_class order by relname");
snprintf(todo, 1024, "select relfilenode,relname from pg_class "
"where relkind not in ('v','s', 'c') and "
"relname not like 'pg_%%' order by relname");
snprintf(todo, 1024,
"SELECT relfilenode as \"Filenode\", relname as \"Table Name\" %s "
"FROM pg_class c "
" LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
" LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d ON d.datname = current_database(),"
" pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t "
"WHERE relkind IN ('r'%s) AND "
" %s"
" t.oid = CASE"
" WHEN reltablespace <> 0 THEN reltablespace"
" WHEN n.nsptablespace <> 0 THEN nsptablespace"
" WHEN d.dattablespace <> 0 THEN dattablespace"
" END "
"ORDER BY relname",
opts->extended ? addfields : "",
opts->indexes ? ", 'i', 'S', 't'" : "",
opts->systables ? "" : "n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast', 'information_schema') AND");
sql_exec(conn, todo, 0);
sql_exec(conn, todo, opts->quiet);
/* display the oid for a given tablename for whatever db we are connected
to. do we want to allow %bar% in the search? Not now. */
* Show oid, relfilenode, name, schema and tablespace for each of the
* given objects in the current database.
sql_exec_searchtable(PGconn *conn, const char *tablename)
sql_exec_searchtables(PGconn *conn, struct options *opts)
int returnvalue;
char todo[1024];
char *todo;
char *qualifiers, *ptr;
char *comma_oids, *comma_filenodes, *comma_tables;
bool written = false;
char *addfields = ",c.oid AS \"Oid\", nspname AS \"Schema\", spcname as \"Tablespace\" ";
/* get the oid and tablename where the name matches tablename */
snprintf(todo, 1024, "select relfilenode,relname from pg_class where relname = '%s'", tablename);
/* get tables qualifiers, whether names, relfilenodes, or OIDs */
comma_oids = get_comma_elts(opts->oids);
comma_tables = get_comma_elts(opts->tables);
comma_filenodes = get_comma_elts(opts->filenodes);
returnvalue = sql_exec(conn, todo, 1);
/* 80 extra chars for SQL expression */
qualifiers = (char *) myalloc(strlen(comma_oids) + strlen(comma_tables) +
strlen(comma_filenodes) + 80);
ptr = qualifiers;
/* deal with the return errors */
if (returnvalue == -1)
printf("No tables with that name found\n");
if (opts->oids->num > 0)
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "c.oid IN (%s)", comma_oids);
written = true;
if (opts->filenodes->num > 0)
if (written)
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " OR ");
ptr += sprintf(ptr, "c.relfilenode IN (%s)", comma_filenodes);
written = true;
if (opts->tables->num > 0)
if (written)
ptr += sprintf(ptr, " OR ");
sprintf(ptr, "c.relname ~~ ANY (ARRAY[%s])", comma_tables);
if (returnvalue == -2)
printf("VERY scary: more than one table with that name found!!\n");
/* now build the query */
todo = (char *) myalloc(650 + strlen(qualifiers));
snprintf(todo, 1024,
"SELECT relfilenode as \"Filenode\", relname as \"Table Name\" %s\n"
"FROM pg_class c \n"
" LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace \n"
" LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d ON d.datname = current_database(),\n"
" pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t \n"
"WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'i', 'S', 't') AND \n"
" t.oid = CASE\n"
" WHEN reltablespace <> 0 THEN reltablespace\n"
" WHEN n.nsptablespace <> 0 THEN nsptablespace\n"
" WHEN d.dattablespace <> 0 THEN dattablespace\n"
" END AND \n"
" (%s) \n"
"ORDER BY relname\n",
opts->extended ? addfields : "",
sql_exec(conn, todo, opts->quiet);
/* same as above */
sql_exec_searchoid(PGconn *conn, int oid)
sql_exec_dumpalltbspc(PGconn *conn, struct options *opts)
int returnvalue;
char todo[1024];
char todo[1024];
snprintf(todo, 1024, "select relfilenode,relname from pg_class where oid = %i", oid);
snprintf(todo, 1024, "SELECT oid AS \"Oid\", spcname as \"Tablespace Name\"\n"
"FROM pg_tablespace");
returnvalue = sql_exec(conn, todo, 1);
if (returnvalue == -1)
printf("No tables with that oid found\n");
if (returnvalue == -2)
printf("VERY scary: more than one table with that oid found!!\n");
sql_exec(conn, todo, opts->quiet);
@ -407,65 +490,66 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
struct options *my_opts;
PGconn *pgconn;
my_opts = (struct options *) malloc(sizeof(struct options));
my_opts = (struct options *) myalloc(sizeof(struct options));
my_opts->oids = (eary *) myalloc(sizeof(eary));
my_opts->tables = (eary *) myalloc(sizeof(eary));
my_opts->filenodes = (eary *) myalloc(sizeof(eary));
my_opts->oids->num = my_opts->oids->alloc = 0;
my_opts->tables->num = my_opts->tables->alloc = 0;
my_opts->filenodes->num = my_opts->filenodes->alloc = 0;
/* parse the opts */
get_opts(argc, argv, my_opts);
/* display all the tables in the database */
if (my_opts->getdatabase & my_opts->gettable)
if (my_opts->dbname == NULL)
my_opts->dbname = "template1";
my_opts->nodb = true;
pgconn = sql_conn(my_opts);
/* display only tablespaces */
if (my_opts->tablespaces)
if (!my_opts->quiet)
printf("Oid of table %s from database \"%s\":\n", my_opts->_tbname, my_opts->_dbname);
pgconn = sql_conn(my_opts->_dbname, my_opts);
sql_exec_searchtable(pgconn, my_opts->_tbname);
printf("All tablespaces:\n");
sql_exec_dumpalltbspc(pgconn, my_opts);
/* search for the tablename of the given OID */
if (my_opts->getdatabase & my_opts->getoid)
/* display the given elements in the database */
if (my_opts->oids->num > 0 ||
my_opts->tables->num > 0 ||
my_opts->filenodes->num > 0)
if (!my_opts->quiet)
printf("Tablename of oid %i from database \"%s\":\n", my_opts->_oid, my_opts->_dbname);
pgconn = sql_conn(my_opts->_dbname, my_opts);
sql_exec_searchoid(pgconn, my_opts->_oid);
printf("From database \"%s\":\n", my_opts->dbname);
sql_exec_searchtables(pgconn, my_opts);
/* search for the oid for the given tablename */
if (my_opts->getdatabase)
/* no elements given; dump the given database */
if (my_opts->dbname && !my_opts->nodb)
if (!my_opts->quiet)
printf("All tables from database \"%s\":\n", my_opts->_dbname);
pgconn = sql_conn(my_opts->_dbname, my_opts);
sql_exec_dumptable(pgconn, my_opts->systables);
printf("From database \"%s\":\n", my_opts->dbname);
sql_exec_dumpalltables(pgconn, my_opts);
/* display all the databases for the server we are connected to.. */
/* no database either; dump all databases */
if (!my_opts->quiet)
printf("All databases:\n");
pgconn = sql_conn("template1", my_opts);
sql_exec_dumpalldbs(pgconn, my_opts);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user