Fix pg_dump for better handling of inherited columns.
Revise pg_dump's handling of inherited columns, which was last looked at seriously in 2001, to eliminate several misbehaviors associated with inherited default expressions and NOT NULL flags. In particular make sure that a column is printed in a child table's CREATE TABLE command if and only if it has attislocal = true; the former behavior would sometimes cause a column to become marked attislocal when it was not so marked in the source database. Also, stop relying on textual comparison of default expressions to decide if they're inherited; instead, don't use default-expression inheritance at all, but just install the default explicitly at each level of the hierarchy. This fixes the search-path-related misbehavior recently exhibited by Chester Young, and also removes some dubious assumptions about the order in which ALTER TABLE SET DEFAULT commands would be executed. Back-patch to all supported branches.
This commit is contained in:
@ -281,7 +281,13 @@ flagInhTables(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables,
/* flagInhAttrs -
* for each dumpable table in tblinfo, flag its inherited attributes
* so when we dump the table out, we don't dump out the inherited attributes
* What we need to do here is detect child columns that inherit NOT NULL
* bits from their parents (so that we needn't specify that again for the
* child) and child columns that have DEFAULT NULL when their parents had
* some non-null default. In the latter case, we make up a dummy AttrDefInfo
* object so that we'll correctly emit the necessary DEFAULT NULL clause;
* otherwise the backend will apply an inherited default to the column.
* modifies tblinfo
@ -297,7 +303,6 @@ flagInhAttrs(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
TableInfo *tbinfo = &(tblinfo[i]);
int numParents;
TableInfo **parents;
TableInfo *parent;
/* Sequences and views never have parents */
if (tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE ||
@ -314,132 +319,70 @@ flagInhAttrs(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
if (numParents == 0)
continue; /* nothing to see here, move along */
* For each attr, check the parent info: if no parent has an attr
* with the same name, then it's not inherited. If there *is* an
* attr with the same name, then only dump it if:
* - it is NOT NULL and zero parents are NOT NULL
* OR
* - it has a default value AND the default value does not match
* all parent default values, or no parents specify a default.
* See discussion on -hackers around 2-Apr-2001.
/* For each column, search for matching column names in parent(s) */
for (j = 0; j < tbinfo->numatts; j++)
bool foundAttr; /* Attr was found in a parent */
bool foundNotNull; /* Attr was NOT NULL in a parent */
bool defaultsMatch; /* All non-empty defaults match */
bool defaultsFound; /* Found a default in a parent */
AttrDefInfo *attrDef;
bool foundDefault; /* Found a default in a parent */
/* no point in examining dropped columns */
if (tbinfo->attisdropped[j])
foundAttr = false;
foundNotNull = false;
defaultsMatch = true;
defaultsFound = false;
attrDef = tbinfo->attrdefs[j];
foundDefault = false;
for (k = 0; k < numParents; k++)
TableInfo *parent = parents[k];
int inhAttrInd;
parent = parents[k];
inhAttrInd = strInArray(tbinfo->attnames[j],
if (inhAttrInd != -1)
if (inhAttrInd >= 0)
AttrDefInfo *inhDef = parent->attrdefs[inhAttrInd];
foundAttr = true;
foundNotNull |= parent->notnull[inhAttrInd];
if (inhDef != NULL)
defaultsFound = true;
* If any parent has a default and the child doesn't,
* we have to emit an explicit DEFAULT NULL clause for
* the child, else the parent's default will win.
if (attrDef == NULL)
attrDef = (AttrDefInfo *) pg_malloc(sizeof(AttrDefInfo));
attrDef->dobj.objType = DO_ATTRDEF;
attrDef->dobj.catId.tableoid = 0;
attrDef->dobj.catId.oid = 0;
attrDef->adtable = tbinfo;
attrDef->adnum = j + 1;
attrDef->adef_expr = pg_strdup("NULL");
attrDef-> = pg_strdup(tbinfo->;
attrDef->dobj.namespace = tbinfo->dobj.namespace;
attrDef->dobj.dump = tbinfo->dobj.dump;
attrDef->separate = false;
tbinfo->attrdefs[j] = attrDef;
if (strcmp(attrDef->adef_expr, inhDef->adef_expr) != 0)
defaultsMatch = false;
* Whenever there is a non-matching parent
* default, add a dependency to force the parent
* default to be dumped first, in case the
* defaults end up being dumped as separate
* commands. Otherwise the parent default will
* override the child's when it is applied.
foundDefault |= (parent->attrdefs[inhAttrInd] != NULL);
* Based on the scan of the parents, decide if we can rely on the
* inherited attr
if (foundAttr) /* Attr was inherited */
/* Remember if we found inherited NOT NULL */
tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] = foundNotNull;
/* Manufacture a DEFAULT NULL clause if necessary */
if (foundDefault && tbinfo->attrdefs[j] == NULL)
/* Set inherited flag by default */
tbinfo->inhAttrs[j] = true;
tbinfo->inhAttrDef[j] = true;
tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] = true;
AttrDefInfo *attrDef;
* Clear it if attr had a default, but parents did not, or
* mismatch
if ((attrDef != NULL) && (!defaultsFound || !defaultsMatch))
attrDef = (AttrDefInfo *) pg_malloc(sizeof(AttrDefInfo));
attrDef->dobj.objType = DO_ATTRDEF;
attrDef->dobj.catId.tableoid = 0;
attrDef->dobj.catId.oid = 0;
attrDef-> = pg_strdup(tbinfo->;
attrDef->dobj.namespace = tbinfo->dobj.namespace;
attrDef->dobj.dump = tbinfo->dobj.dump;
attrDef->adtable = tbinfo;
attrDef->adnum = j + 1;
attrDef->adef_expr = pg_strdup("NULL");
/* Will column be dumped explicitly? */
if (shouldPrintColumn(tbinfo, j))
tbinfo->inhAttrs[j] = false;
tbinfo->inhAttrDef[j] = false;
attrDef->separate = false;
/* No dependency needed: NULL cannot have dependencies */
/* column will be suppressed, print default separately */
attrDef->separate = true;
/* ensure it comes out after the table */
* Clear it if NOT NULL and none of the parents were NOT NULL
if (tbinfo->notnull[j] && !foundNotNull)
tbinfo->inhAttrs[j] = false;
tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] = false;
/* Clear it if attr has local definition */
if (tbinfo->attislocal[j])
tbinfo->inhAttrs[j] = false;
tbinfo->attrdefs[j] = attrDef;
@ -5833,6 +5833,9 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
* attstattarget doesn't exist in 7.1. It does exist in 7.2, but
* we don't dump it because we can't tell whether it's been
* explicitly set or was just a default.
* attislocal doesn't exist before 7.3, either; in older databases
* we just assume that inherited columns had no local definition.
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "SELECT a.attnum, a.attname, a.atttypmod, "
"-1 AS attstattarget, a.attstorage, "
@ -5900,14 +5903,12 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
tbinfo->attlen = (int *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(int));
tbinfo->attalign = (char *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(char));
tbinfo->attislocal = (bool *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(bool));
tbinfo->notnull = (bool *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(bool));
tbinfo->attrdefs = (AttrDefInfo **) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(AttrDefInfo *));
tbinfo->attoptions = (char **) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(char *));
tbinfo->attcollation = (Oid *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(Oid));
tbinfo->attfdwoptions = (char **) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(char *));
tbinfo->inhAttrs = (bool *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(bool));
tbinfo->inhAttrDef = (bool *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(bool));
tbinfo->notnull = (bool *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(bool));
tbinfo->inhNotNull = (bool *) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(bool));
tbinfo->attrdefs = (AttrDefInfo **) pg_malloc(ntups * sizeof(AttrDefInfo *));
hasdefaults = false;
for (j = 0; j < ntups; j++)
@ -5936,8 +5937,6 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
if (PQgetvalue(res, j, i_atthasdef)[0] == 't')
hasdefaults = true;
/* these flags will be set in flagInhAttrs() */
tbinfo->inhAttrs[j] = false;
tbinfo->inhAttrDef[j] = false;
tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] = false;
@ -6000,12 +5999,28 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
int adnum;
adnum = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, j, 2));
if (adnum <= 0 || adnum > ntups)
write_msg(NULL, "invalid adnum value %d for table \"%s\"\n",
adnum, tbinfo->;
* dropped columns shouldn't have defaults, but just in case,
* ignore 'em
if (tbinfo->attisdropped[adnum - 1])
attrdefs[j].dobj.objType = DO_ATTRDEF;
attrdefs[j].dobj.catId.tableoid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, j, 0));
attrdefs[j].dobj.catId.oid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, j, 1));
attrdefs[j].adtable = tbinfo;
attrdefs[j].adnum = adnum = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, j, 2));
attrdefs[j].adnum = adnum;
attrdefs[j].adef_expr = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(res, j, 3));
attrdefs[j] = pg_strdup(tbinfo->;
@ -6016,9 +6031,8 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
* Defaults on a VIEW must always be dumped as separate ALTER
* TABLE commands. Defaults on regular tables are dumped as
* part of the CREATE TABLE if possible. To check if it's
* safe, we mark the default as needing to appear before the
* part of the CREATE TABLE if possible, which it won't be
* if the column is not going to be emitted explicitly.
if (tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_VIEW)
@ -6027,19 +6041,27 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
else if (!shouldPrintColumn(tbinfo, adnum - 1))
/* column will be suppressed, print default separately */
attrdefs[j].separate = true;
/* needed in case pre-7.3 DB: */
attrdefs[j].separate = false;
* Mark the default as needing to appear before the table,
* so that any dependencies it has must be emitted before
* the CREATE TABLE. If this is not possible, we'll
* change to "separate" mode while sorting dependencies.
if (adnum <= 0 || adnum > ntups)
write_msg(NULL, "invalid adnum value %d for table \"%s\"\n",
adnum, tbinfo->;
tbinfo->attrdefs[adnum - 1] = &attrdefs[j];
@ -6223,6 +6245,28 @@ getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
* Test whether a column should be printed as part of table's CREATE TABLE.
* Column number is zero-based.
* Normally this is always true, but it's false for dropped columns, as well
* as those that were inherited without any local definition. (If we print
* such a column it will mistakenly get pg_attribute.attislocal set to true.)
* However, in binary_upgrade mode, we must print all such columns anyway and
* fix the attislocal/attisdropped state later, so as to keep control of the
* physical column order.
* This function exists because there are scattered nonobvious places that
* must be kept in sync with this decision.
shouldPrintColumn(TableInfo *tbinfo, int colno)
if (binary_upgrade)
return true;
return (tbinfo->attislocal[colno] && !tbinfo->attisdropped[colno]);
* getTSParsers:
@ -12504,38 +12548,40 @@ dumpTableSchema(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo)
* In case of a binary upgrade, we dump the table normally and attach
* it to the type afterward.
* Attach to type, if reloftype; except in case of a binary upgrade,
* we dump the table normally and attach it to the type afterward.
if (tbinfo->reloftype && !binary_upgrade)
appendPQExpBuffer(q, " OF %s", tbinfo->reloftype);
/* Dump the attributes */
actual_atts = 0;
for (j = 0; j < tbinfo->numatts; j++)
* Normally, dump if it's one of the table's own attrs, and not
* dropped. But for binary upgrade, dump all the columns.
* Normally, dump if it's locally defined in this table, and not
* dropped. But for binary upgrade, we'll dump all the columns,
* and then fix up the dropped and nonlocal cases below.
if ((!tbinfo->inhAttrs[j] && !tbinfo->attisdropped[j]) ||
if (shouldPrintColumn(tbinfo, j))
* Default value --- suppress if inherited (except in
* binary-upgrade case, where we're not doing normal
* inheritance) or if it's to be printed separately.
* Default value --- suppress if to be printed separately.
bool has_default = (tbinfo->attrdefs[j] != NULL
&& (!tbinfo->inhAttrDef[j] || binary_upgrade)
&& !tbinfo->attrdefs[j]->separate);
bool has_default = (tbinfo->attrdefs[j] != NULL &&
* Not Null constraint --- suppress if inherited, except in
* binary-upgrade case.
* binary-upgrade case where that won't work.
bool has_notnull = (tbinfo->notnull[j]
&& (!tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] || binary_upgrade));
bool has_notnull = (tbinfo->notnull[j] &&
(!tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] ||
if (tbinfo->reloftype && !has_default && !has_notnull && !binary_upgrade)
/* Skip column if fully defined by reloftype */
if (tbinfo->reloftype &&
!has_default && !has_notnull && !binary_upgrade)
/* Format properly if not first attr */
@ -12799,16 +12845,36 @@ dumpTableSchema(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo)
/* Loop dumping statistics and storage statements */
* Dump additional per-column properties that we can't handle in the
* main CREATE TABLE command.
for (j = 0; j < tbinfo->numatts; j++)
/* None of this applies to dropped columns */
if (tbinfo->attisdropped[j])
* If we didn't dump the column definition explicitly above, and
* it is NOT NULL and did not inherit that property from a parent,
* we have to mark it separately.
if (!shouldPrintColumn(tbinfo, j) &&
tbinfo->notnull[j] && !tbinfo->inhNotNull[j])
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "ALTER COLUMN %s SET NOT NULL;\n",
* Dump per-column statistics information. We only issue an ALTER
* TABLE statement if the attstattarget entry for this column is
* non-negative (i.e. it's not the default value)
if (tbinfo->attstattarget[j] >= 0 &&
if (tbinfo->attstattarget[j] >= 0)
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ",
@ -12822,7 +12888,7 @@ dumpTableSchema(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo)
* Dump per-column storage information. The statement is only
* dumped if the storage has been changed from the type's default.
if (!tbinfo->attisdropped[j] && tbinfo->attstorage[j] != tbinfo->typstorage[j])
if (tbinfo->attstorage[j] != tbinfo->typstorage[j])
switch (tbinfo->attstorage[j])
@ -12935,18 +13001,18 @@ dumpAttrDef(Archive *fout, AttrDefInfo *adinfo)
PQExpBuffer q;
PQExpBuffer delq;
/* Only print it if "separate" mode is selected */
if (!tbinfo->dobj.dump || !adinfo->separate || dataOnly)
/* Skip if table definition not to be dumped */
if (!tbinfo->dobj.dump || dataOnly)
/* Don't print inherited defaults, either, except for binary upgrade */
if (tbinfo->inhAttrDef[adnum - 1] && !binary_upgrade)
/* Skip if not "separate"; it was dumped in the table's definition */
if (!adinfo->separate)
q = createPQExpBuffer();
delq = createPQExpBuffer();
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "ALTER TABLE %s ",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ",
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT %s;\n",
fmtId(tbinfo->attnames[adnum - 1]),
@ -277,17 +277,9 @@ typedef struct _tableInfo
char **attoptions; /* per-attribute options */
Oid *attcollation; /* per-attribute collation selection */
char **attfdwoptions; /* per-attribute fdw options */
* Note: we need to store per-attribute notnull, default, and constraint
* stuff for all interesting tables so that we can tell which constraints
* were inherited.
bool *notnull; /* Not null constraints on attributes */
struct _attrDefInfo **attrdefs; /* DEFAULT expressions */
bool *inhAttrs; /* true if each attribute is inherited */
bool *inhAttrDef; /* true if attr's default is inherited */
bool *notnull; /* NOT NULL constraints on attributes */
bool *inhNotNull; /* true if NOT NULL is inherited */
struct _attrDefInfo **attrdefs; /* DEFAULT expressions */
struct _constraintInfo *checkexprs; /* CHECK constraints */
@ -300,7 +292,7 @@ typedef struct _tableInfo
typedef struct _attrDefInfo
DumpableObject dobj;
DumpableObject dobj; /* note: is name of table */
TableInfo *adtable; /* link to table of attribute */
int adnum;
char *adef_expr; /* decompiled DEFAULT expression */
@ -556,6 +548,7 @@ extern void getTriggers(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
extern ProcLangInfo *getProcLangs(Archive *fout, int *numProcLangs);
extern CastInfo *getCasts(Archive *fout, int *numCasts);
extern void getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables);
extern bool shouldPrintColumn(TableInfo *tbinfo, int colno);
extern TSParserInfo *getTSParsers(Archive *fout, int *numTSParsers);
extern TSDictInfo *getTSDictionaries(Archive *fout, int *numTSDicts);
extern TSTemplateInfo *getTSTemplates(Archive *fout, int *numTSTemplates);
@ -188,6 +188,15 @@ DOTypeNameCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2)
if (cmpval != 0)
return cmpval;
else if (obj1->objType == DO_ATTRDEF)
AttrDefInfo *adobj1 = *(AttrDefInfo * const *) p1;
AttrDefInfo *adobj2 = *(AttrDefInfo * const *) p2;
cmpval = (adobj1->adnum - adobj2->adnum);
if (cmpval != 0)
return cmpval;
/* Usually shouldn't get here, but if we do, sort by OID */
return oidcmp(obj1->catId.oid, obj2->catId.oid);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user