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<DT><A NAME="DATE93"><B>[DATE93]</B></A><DD>Date, C. J. and Darwen, Hugh, A Guide to The
SQL Standard, 3rd Edition, Reading, MA, June
<DT><A NAME="MELT93"><B>[MELT93]</B></A><DD>Melton, J. Understanding the New SQL, 1994.
<DT><A NAME="ONG90"><B>[ONG90]</B></A><DD>Ong, L. and Goh, J., ``A Unified Framework
for Version Modeling Using Production Rules
in a Database System," Electronics Research
Laboratory, University of California, ERL
Technical Memorandum M90/33, Berkeley, CA,
April 1990.
<DT><A NAME="ROWE87"><B>[ROWE87]</B></A><DD>Rowe, L. and Stonebraker, M., ``The POSTGRES
Data Model,'' Proc. 1987 VLDB Conference,
Brighton, England, Sept. 1987.
<DT><A NAME="STON86"><B>[STON86]</B></A><DD>Stonebraker, M. and Rowe, L., ``The Design
of POSTGRES,'' Proc. 1986 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Washington, DC,
May 1986.
<DT><A NAME="STON87a"><B>[STON87a]</B></A><DD>Stonebraker, M., Hanson, E. and Hong, C.-H.,
``The Design of the POSTGRES Rules System,''
Proc. 1987 IEEE Conference on Data Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 1987.
<DT><A NAME="STON87b"><B>[STON87b]</B></A><DD>Stonebraker, M., ``The POSTGRES Storage System,'' Proc. 1987 VLDB Conference, Brighton,
England, Sept. 1987.
<DT><A NAME="STON89"><B>[STON89]</B></A><DD>Stonebraker, M., Hearst, M., and Potamianos,
S., ``A Commentary on the POSTGRES Rules
System,'' SIGMOD Record 18(3), Sept. 1989.
<DT><A NAME="STON90a"><B>[STON90a]</B></A><DD>Stonebraker, M., Rowe, L. A., and Hirohama,
M., ``The Implementation of POSTGRES,'' IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2(1), March 1990.
<DT><A NAME="STON90b"><B>[STON90b]</B></A><DD>Stonebraker, M. et al., ``On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Database Systems,'' Proc. 1990 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on
Management of Data, Atlantic City, N.J.,
June 1990.
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