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% Copyright (c) 1997-2000 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
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This chapter defines the I/O-related COM interfaces
which are defined by header files in the \texttt{oskit/io} directory.
Most of these interfaces are fairly generic
and can be used in a wide variety of situations.
Some of these interfaces, such as the \texttt{bufio} interface,
are extensions to other more primitive interfaces,
and allow objects to export the same functionality in different forms,
permitting clients to select the service that most directly meets their needs
thereby reducing interface crossing overhead
and increasing overall performance.
\apiintf{oskit_absio}{Absolute I/O Interface}
The {\tt oskit_absio} interface supports reading from and writing to
objects at specified absolute offsets, with no concept of a seek
pointer. The {\tt oskit_absio} interface is identical to the
{\tt oskit_blkio} COM interface, except that the block size is always one,
since absolute IO is byte-oriented.
In fact, an object that supports byte-granularity reads and writes
can easily export both {\tt oskit_blkio} and {\tt oskit_absio}
using exactly the same function pointer table,
simply by implementing an {\tt oskit_blkio} interface
that always returns one from \texttt{getblocksize},
and then returning a pointer to that interface
on queries for either {\tt oskit_blkio} or {\tt oskit_absio}.
The {\tt oskit_absio} COM interface inherits from {\tt IUnknown},
and has the following additional methods:
Read from this object, starting at the specified offset.
Write to this object, starting at the specified offset.
Get the current size of this object.
Set the current size of this object.
\api{read}{Read from this object, starting at specified offset}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_absio_read(oskit_absio_t *f,
void *buf,
oskit_off_t offset,
oskit_size_t amount,
\outparam oskit_size_t *out_actual);
This method reads no more than {\tt amount} bytes into
{\tt buf} from this object, starting at {\tt offset}.
{\tt out_actual} is set to the actual number of bytes read.
The object from which to read.
The buffer into which the data is to be copied.
The offset in this object at which to start reading.
The maximum number of bytes to read.
The actual number of bytes read.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{write}{Write to this object, starting at specified offset}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_absio_write(oskit_absio_t *f,
const~void *buf,
oskit_off_t offset,
oskit_size_t amount,
\outparam oskit_size_t *out_actual);
This method writes no more than {\tt amount} bytes from
{\tt buf} into this object, starting at {\tt offset}.
{\tt out_actual} is set to the actual number of bytes written.
The object to which to write.
The buffer from which the data is to be copied.
The offset in this object at which to start writing.
The maximum number of bytes to write.
The actual number of bytes written.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{getsize}{Get the size of this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_absio_getsize(oskit_absio_t *f,
\outparam oskit_off_t *out_size);
This method returns the current size of this object
in bytes.
The object whose size is desired.
The current size in bytes of this object.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{setsize}{Set the size of this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_absio_setsize(oskit_absio_t *f,
oskit_off_t new_size);
This method sets the size of this object to
{\tt new_size} bytes. If {\tt new_size}
is larger than the former size of this object,
then the contents of the object between its
former end and its new end are undefined.
Note that some absolute I/O objects may be fixed-size,
such as objects representing preallocated memory buffers;
in such cases,
this method will always return \texttt{OSKIT_E_NOTIMPL}.
The object whose size is to be changed.
The new size in bytes for this object.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\apiintf{oskit_asyncio}{Asynchronous I/O Interface}
The {\tt oskit_asyncio} interface provides interfaces in support
of basic asynchronous I/O, based on registered callback objects
(see Section~\ref{oskit-listener}).
This can be used, for example, to implement Unix {\tt SIGIO} or {\tt select}
or {\tt POSIX.1b aio}.
This interface supports a notion of three kinds of interesting events:
readability, writeability, and ``other'' exceptional conditions.
These are defined via the flags:
which are passed and returned in a mask in the various methods.
The {\tt oskit_asyncio} COM interface inherits from {\tt IUnknown},
and has the following additional methods:
Poll for currently pending asynchronous I/O conditions.
Add a callback object for async I/O events.
Remove a previously registered callback object.
Returns the number of bytes that can be read.
\api{poll}{Poll for pending asynchronous I/O conditions on this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_asyncio_poll(oskit_asyncio_t *io);
Poll for currently pending asynchronous I/O conditions,
returning a mask indicating which conditions are currently present.
The async I/O object.
If successful, returns a mask of the \texttt{OSKIT_ASYNCIO} flags above.
Otherwise, returns an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}.
\api{add_listener}{Associate a callback with this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_asyncio_add_listener(oskit_asyncio_t *io, oskit_listener_t *l,
oskit_s32_t mask);
Add a callback listener object to handle asynchronous I/O events.
When an event of interest occurs on this I/O object
(i.e., when one of the one to three I/O conditions becomes true),
\emph{all} registered listeners will be called.
The \texttt{mask} parameter is an OR'ed combination of the
\texttt{OSKIT_ASYNCIO} flags above.
It specifies which events the listener is interested in.
Note that spurious notifications are possible, the listener
must use \texttt{oskit_asyncio_poll} to determine the actual state
of affairs.
Also, if successful, this method returns a mask
describing which of the \texttt{OSKIT_ASYNCIO} conditions are
already true,
which the caller must check in order to avoid missing events
that occur just before the listener is registered.
The async I/O object.
The \texttt{oskit_listener} object to call.
A mask of flags indicating which events are of interest.
If successful, returns a mask of the \texttt{OSKIT_ASYNCIO}
currently pending.
Otherwise, returns an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}.
\api{remove_listener}{Disassociate a callback from this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_asyncio_remove_listener(oskit_asyncio_t *io, oskit_listener_t *l);
Remove a previously registered listener callback object.
Returns an error if the specified callback has not been registered.
The async I/O object.
The \texttt{oskit_listener} object to call.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{readable}{Return the number of bytes available for reading from this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_asyncio_readable(oskit_asyncio_t *io);
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from the I/O object.
The async I/O object.
The number of bytes available for reading.
\apiintf{oskit_blkio}{Block I/O Interface}
The {\tt oskit_blkio} interface supports reading and writing of raw data
in units of fixed-sized blocks which are some power of two.
This interface is identical to the {\tt oskit_absio} interface
except for the addition of a \texttt{getblocksize} method;
in fact, an object that supports byte-granularity reads and writes
can easily export both {\tt oskit_blkio} and {\tt oskit_absio}
using exactly the same function pointer table,
simply by implementing an {\tt oskit_blkio} interface
that always returns one from \texttt{getblocksize},
and then returning a pointer to that interface
on queries for either {\tt oskit_blkio} or {\tt oskit_absio}.
The {\tt oskit_blkio} interface inherits from {\tt IUnknown},
and has the following additional methods:
Return the minimum block size of this block I/O object.
Read from this object, starting at the specified offset.
Write to this object, starting at the specified offset.
Get the current size of this object.
Set the current size of this object.
\api{getblocksize}{Return the minimum block size of this block I/O object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL_U
oskit_blkio_getblocksize(oskit_blkio_t *f);
This method simply returns the block size of the object,
which must be a power of two.
Calls by the client to read from or write to the object
must only use offsets and sizes
that are evenly divisible by this block size.
The block I/O object.
Returns the block size of the object.
\api{read}{Read from this object, starting at specified offset}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_blkio_read(oskit_blkio_t *f,
void *buf,
oskit_off_t offset,
oskit_size_t amount,
\outparam oskit_size_t *out_actual);
This method reads no more than {\tt amount} bytes into
{\tt buf} from this object, starting at {\tt offset}.
{\tt out_actual} is set to the actual number of bytes read.
The object from which to read.
The buffer into which the data is to be copied.
The offset in this object at which to start reading.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
The maximum number of bytes to read.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
The actual number of bytes read.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{write}{Write to this object, starting at specified offset}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_blkio_write(oskit_blkio_t *f,
const~void *buf,
oskit_off_t offset,
oskit_size_t amount,
\outparam oskit_size_t *out_actual);
This method writes no more than {\tt amount} bytes from
{\tt buf} into this object, starting at {\tt offset}.
{\tt out_actual} is set to the actual number of bytes written.
The object to which to write.
The buffer from which the data is to be copied.
The offset in this object at which to start writing.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
The maximum number of bytes to write.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
The actual number of bytes written.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{getsize}{Get the size of this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_blkio_getsize(oskit_blkio_t *f,
\outparam oskit_off_t *out_size);
This method returns the current size of this object
in bytes.
The object whose size is desired.
The current size in bytes of this object.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{setsize}{Set the size of this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_blkio_setsize(oskit_blkio_t *f,
oskit_off_t new_size);
This method sets the size of this object to
{\tt new_size} bytes. If {\tt new_size}
is larger than the former size of this object,
then the contents of the object between its
former end and its new end are undefined.
Note that some block I/O objects may be fixed-size,
such as objects representing physical disks or partitions;
in such cases,
this method will always return \texttt{OSKIT_E_NOTIMPL}.
The object whose size is to be changed.
The new size in bytes for this object.
Must be a multiple of the object's block size.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\apiintf{oskit_bufio}{Buffer-based I/O interface}
The \texttt{oskit_bufio} interface extends the \texttt{oskit_absio} interface,
providing additional alternative methods of accessing the object's data.
In particular,
for objects whose data is stored in an in-memory buffer of some kind,
this interface allows clients to obtain direct access to the buffer itself
so that they can read and write data using
% the former is a bizzare way to describe it, I prefer the latter --mike
%ordinary C pointer arithmetic,
loads and stores,
rather than having to copy data into and out of the buffer
using the \texttt{read} and \texttt{write} methods.
In addition, this interface provides similar methods
to allow clients to ``wire'' the buffer's contents to physical memory,
enabling DMA-based hardware devices to access the buffer directly.
However, note that only the read/write methods,
inherited from \texttt{oskit_absio}, are mandatory;
the others may consistently fail with \texttt{OSKIT_E_NOTIMPL}
if they cannot be implemented efficiently in a particular situation.
In that case, the caller must use
the basic \texttt{read} and \texttt{write} methods instead to copy the data.
In other words,
\texttt{oskit_bufio} object implementations are not \emph{required}
to implement direct buffer access, either software- or DMA-based;
the purpose of this interface is merely to allow them
to provide this optional functionality easily and consistently.
In general,
the \texttt{map} and \texttt{wire} methods should only be implemented
if they can be done more efficiently than simply copying the data.
Further, even if a buffer I/O implementation
does implement \texttt{map} and/or \texttt{wire}
it may allow only one mapping or wiring to be in effect at once,
failing if the client attempts to map or wire the buffer a second time
before the first mapping is undone.
Similarly, on some buffer I/O implementations,
these operations may only work on certain areas of the buffer
or only when the request has certain size or alignment properties:
for example, a buffer object that stores data in discontiguous segments,
such as BSD's \texttt{mbuf} system,
may only allow a buffer to be mapped
if the requested region happens to fall entirely within one segment.
Thus, the client of a \texttt{bufio} object
should call the \texttt{map} or \texttt{wire} methods
whenever it can take advantage of direct buffer access,
but must always be prepared to fall back to the basic copying methods.
A particular buffer object may be semantically read-only or write-only;
it is assumed that parties passing \texttt{bufio} objects around
will agree upon this as part of their protocols.
For a read-only buffer, the \texttt{write} method may or may not fail,
and a mapping established using the \texttt{map} method
may or may not actually be a read-only memory mapping;
it is the client's responsibility not to attempt to write to the buffer.
Similarly, for a write-only buffer,
the \texttt{read} method may or may not fail;
it is the client's responsibility not to attempt to read from the buffer.
The \texttt{oskit_bufio} interface
extends the \texttt{oskit_absio} interface
with the following additional methods:
\item[map] Map some or all of this buffer into locally accessible memory.
\item[unmap] Release a previously mapped region of this buffer.
\item[wire] Wire a region of this buffer into contiguous physical memory.
\item[unwire] Unwire a previously wired region of this buffer.
\item[copy] Create a copy of the specified portion of this buffer.
\api{map}{Map some or all of this buffer into locally accessible memory}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
map(oskit_bufio_t *io, \outparam void **addr,
oskit_off_t offset, oskit_size_t amount);
This method attempts to map some or all of this buffer
into memory directly accessible to the client,
so that the client can access it using
loads and stores.
%simple pointer arithmetic.
The operation may or may not succeed,
depending on the parameters and the implementation of the object;
if it fails, the client must be prepared
to fall back to the basic \texttt{read} and \texttt{write} methods.
If the mapping operation succeeds,
the pointer returned is not guaranteed to have any particular alignment.
If a call to the \texttt{map} method
requests only a subset of the buffer to be mapped,
the object may actually map more than the requested amount;
however, since no information is passed back
indicating how much of the buffer was actually mapped,
the client must only attempt to access the region it requested.
Note that this method does not necessarily twiddle with virtual memory,
as its name may seem to imply;
in fact in most cases in which it is implemented at all,
it just returns a pointer to a buffer
if the data is already in locally-accessible memory.
The object whose contents are to be mapped.
On success,
the method returns in this parameter
the address at which the client
can directly access the requested buffer region.
The offset into the buffer of the region to be mapped.
The size of the region to be mapped.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{unmap}{Release a previously mapped region of this buffer}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
unmap(oskit_bufio_t *io, void *addr,
oskit_off_t offset, oskit_size_t amount);
After a successful call to the \texttt{map} method,
the client should call this method
after it is finished accessing the buffer directly,
so that the buffer object can clean up
and free any resources that might be associated with the mapping.
The \emph{addr} parameter passed to this method
must be exactly the value returned by the \texttt{map} request,
and the \emph{offset} and \emph{amount} parameters
must be exactly the same as the values previously passed
in the corresponding \texttt{map} call.
In other words,
clients must only attempt to unmap whole regions;
they must not attempt to unmap only part of a region,
or to unmap two previously mapped regions in one call,
even if the two regions appear to be contiguous in memory.
The object whose contents are to be mapped.
The address of the mapped region,
as returned from the corresponding \texttt{map} call.
The offset into the buffer of the mapped region,
as passed to the corresponding \texttt{map} call.
The size of the mapped region,
as passed to the corresponding \texttt{map} call.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{wire}{Wire a region of this buffer into contiguous physical memory}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
wire(oskit_bufio_t *io, \outparam oskit_addr_t *phys_addr,
oskit_off_t offset, oskit_size_t amount);
This method attempts to wire down some or all of this buffer
into memory directly accessible by DMA hardware.
The operation may or may not succeed,
depending on the parameters and the implementation of the object;
if it fails, the client must be prepared
to fall back to the basic \texttt{read} and \texttt{write} methods.
If the wiring operation succeeds,
the physical address of the buffer
is guaranteed not to change or otherwise become invalid
until the region is unwired or the \texttt{bufio} object is released.
The wired buffer is not guaranteed
to have any particular alignment or location properties:
for example, on a PC,
if the device that is going to be accessing the buffer
requires memory below 16MB,
then it must be prepared to use appropriate bounce buffers
if the wired buffer turns out to be above 16MB.
If a call to the \texttt{wire} method
requests only a subset of the buffer to be mapped,
the object may actually wire more than the requested amount;
however, since no information is passed back
indicating how much of the buffer was actually wired,
the client must only attempt to use the region it requested.
The object whose contents are to be wired.
On success,
the method returns in this parameter
the physical address at which DMA hardware
can directly access the requested buffer region.
The offset into the buffer of the region to be wired.
The size of the region to be wired.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{unwire}{Unwire a previously wired region of this buffer}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
unwire(oskit_bufio_t *io, void *addr,
oskit_off_t offset, oskit_size_t amount);
After a successful call to the \texttt{wire} method,
the client should call this method
after the hardware is finished accessing the buffer directly,
so that the buffer object can clean up
and free any resources that might be associated with the wiring.
The \emph{addr} parameter passed to this method
must be exactly the value returned by the \texttt{wire} request,
and the \emph{offset} and \emph{amount} parameters
must be exactly the same as the values previously passed
in the corresponding \texttt{wire} call.
In other words,
clients must only attempt to unwire whole regions;
they must not attempt to unwire only part of a region,
or to unwire two previously wired regions in one call,
even if the two regions appear to be contiguous in physical memory.
The object whose contents are to be wired.
The address of the wired region,
as returned from the corresponding \texttt{map} call.
The offset into the buffer of the wired region,
as passed to the corresponding \texttt{wire} call.
The size of the wired region,
as passed to the corresponding \texttt{wire} call.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{copy}{Create a copy of the specified portion of this buffer}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
copy(oskit_bufio_t *io,
oskit_off_t offset, oskit_size_t amount,
\outparam oskit_bufio_t **out_io);
This method attempts to create
a logical copy of a portion of this buffer object
(possibly the whole buffer),
returning a new \texttt{oskit_bufio} object representing the copy.
As with the \texttt{map} and \texttt{wire} methods,
this method should only be implemented by an object
if it can be done more efficiently
than a simple ``brute-force'' copy using \texttt{read}.
For example, in virtual memory environments,
the object may be able to use copy-on-write optimizations.
Similarly, if the buffer's contents are stored
in special memory not efficiently accessible to the processor,
such as memory on a video or coprocessor board,
this method could use on-board hardware to perform a much faster copy.
% XXX shouldn't there also be a copyto method, as in stream?
The object whose contents are to be copied.
The offset into the buffer of the region to be copied.
The size of the region to be copied.
On success,
this parameter holds the \texttt{bufio} object
representing the newly created copy of the buffer's contents.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\apiintf{oskit_netio}{Network packet I/O interface}
This interface builds on the above interfaces
to provide a clean and simple but powerful interface
for passing network packets between device drivers and protocol stacks,
and possibly between layers of a protocol stack as well.
The \texttt{oskit_netio} interface uses a symmetric sender-driven model
for asynchronous communication.
Each party involved
(e.g., the network device driver and the protocol stack)
must implement a \texttt{netio} object
and pass a reference to its own \texttt{netio} object to the other party.
For example,
in the \texttt{oskit_netdev} interface,
which represents a network device of some kind,
this exchange of \texttt{netio} objects occurs
when the protocol stack or other client opens the device.
The \texttt{oskit_netio} interface defines
only a single additional method
beyond the basic methods inherited from \texttt{oskit_iunknown};
this method, appropriately named \texttt{push},
is used to ``push'' a network packet to the ``other'' party.
For example, when a network device driver receives a packet from the hardware,
the driver calls the \texttt{push} method
on the \texttt{netio} object provided by the protocol stack;
conversely, when the protocol stack needs to send a packet,
it calls the \texttt{netio} object returned by the device driver
at the time the device was opened.
Thus, a \texttt{netio} object essentially represents a ``packet consumer.''
The following section describes the specifics of the \texttt{push} method.
\api{push}{Push a packet through to the packet consumer}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
push(oskit_netio_t *io, oskit_bufio *buf, oskit_size_t size);
This method feeds a network packet
to the packet consumer represented by the \texttt{netio} object;
what the consumer does with the packet
depends entirely on who the consumer is and how it is configured.
The packet is contained in a \texttt{bufio} object
which must be at least the size of the packet,
but may be larger;
the \emph{size} parameter on the \texttt{push} call
indicates the actual size of the packet.
If the consumer needs to hold on to the provided \texttt{bufio} object
after returning from the call,
it must call \texttt{addref} on the \texttt{bufio} object
to obtain its own reference;
then it must release this reference at some later time
when it is done with the buffer.
Otherwise, if the consumer doesn't obtain its own reference,
the caller may recycle the buffer as soon as the call returns.
The passed buffer object is logically read-only;
the consumer must not attempt to write to it.
The size parameter to this call is the actual size of the packet;
the size of the buffer, as returned by the \texttt{getsize} method,
may be larger than the size of the packet.
The \texttt{oskit_netio} interface
representing the packet consumer.
The \texttt{oskit_bufio} interface
to the buffer object containing the packet.
The actual size of the packet;
must be less than or equal to
the size of the buffer object.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\apiintf{oskit_posixio}{\textnormal{\posix{}} I/O interface}
The {\tt oskit_posixio} interface defines the minimal \posix{} I/O
interface that any \posix{} I/O object (file, device, pipe, socket, etc)
can be expected to support. Only per-object methods are provided by
this interface. Additional I/O operations are supported through
separate interfaces, such as the {\tt oskit_stream} interface and
{\tt oskit_absio} COM interface.
The {\tt oskit_posixio} COM interface inherits from {\tt oskit_iunknown},
and has the following additional methods:
Get this object's attributes.
Set this object's attributes.
Get this object's value for a configuration option variable.
\api{stat}{Get attributes of this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_posixio_stat(oskit_posixio_t *f,
\outparam oskit_stat_t *out_stats);
This method returns the attributes of this object.
Depending on the type of object, only some of the attributes
may be meaningful. {\tt out_stats} is a pointer to a
{\tt oskit_stat_t} structure defined as follows:
\com{Cannot use cstruct macro: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=60].}%com
{\par{\tt struct } {\large\bf oskit_stat} \{\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_dev_t}&{\tt dev};&/* device on which inode resides &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_ino_t}&{\tt ino};&/* inode's number &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_mode_t}&{\tt mode};&/* file mode &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_nlink_t}&{\tt nlink};&/* number of hard links to file &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_uid_t}&{\tt uid};&/* user id of owner &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_gid_t}&{\tt gid};&/* group id of owner &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_dev_t}&{\tt rdev};&/* device number, for device files &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_timespec_t}&{\tt atime};&/* time of last access &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_timespec_t}&{\tt mtime};&/* time of last data modification &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_timespec_t}&{\tt ctime};&/* time of last attribute change &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_off_t}&{\tt size};&/* size in bytes &*/\\
\quad&{\tt oskit_u64_t}&{\tt blocks};&/* blocks allocated for file &*/ \\
\quad&{\tt oskit_u32_t}&{\tt blksize};&/* optimal block size in bytes &*/\\
\end{tabular} \\ \}; }
The object whose attributes are desired.
The attributes of the specified object.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{setstat}{Set the attributes of this object}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_posixio_setstat(oskit_posixio_t *f,
oskit_u32_t mask,
const~oskit_stat_t *stat);
This method sets the attributes specified in {\tt mask}
to the values specified in {\tt stat}. {\tt mask} may
be any combination of the following:
Set the file mode, except for the file type bits, as in
the Unix {\tt chmod} system call.
Set the file user id, as in the Unix {\tt chown} system call.
Set the file group id, as in the Unix {\tt chown} system call.
Set the file size, as in the Unix {\tt truncate} system call.
Set the file's last access timestamp to a particular
value, as in the Unix {\tt utimes} system call with
a non-{\tt NULL} parameter.
Set the file's last data modification timestamp to a particular
value, as in the Unix {\tt utimes} system call
with a non-{\tt NULL} parameter.
Set the file's last access timestamp and data modification
timestamp to the current time, as in
the Unix {\tt utimes} system call with a {\tt NULL}
Typically, this method is not supported for symbolic links.
The object whose attributes are to be changed.
The attributes to be changed.
The new attribute values.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{pathconf}{Get value of a configuration option variable}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
oskit_posixio_pathconf(oskit_posixio_t *f,
oskit_s32_t option,
\outparam oskit_s32_t *out_val);
This method returns the value of the specified
configuration option variable for this object.
The value of {\tt option} may be one of the following:
Get the maximum file link count.
Get the maximum size of the terminal input line.
Get the maximum input queue size.
Get the maximum number of bytes in a filename.
Get the maximum number of bytes in a pathname.
Get the maximum atomic write size to a pipe.
Determine whether use of chown is restricted.
Determine whether too-long pathnames produce errors.
Get value to disable special terminal characters.
Determine whether asynchronous IO is supported.
Determine whether prioritized IO is supported.
Determine whether synchronized IO is supported.
The object from which to obtain a configuration option value
The configuration option variable
The value of the configuration option value.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\apiintf{oskit_ttystream}{Interface to Unix TTY-like streams}
This interface extends the standard COM \texttt{IStream} interface
with \posix/Unix TTY functionality,
such as methods to control serial port settings,
enable, disable, and control line editing,
flush the input and output queues, etc.
This interface is currently exported by character-oriented device drivers
incorporated into the \oskit{} from legacy systems such as BSD and Linux,
in which full Unix TTY functionality can be provided easily.
In the future,
these drivers are expected to export more minimal, lower-level interfaces
instead of or in addition to this interface;
however, in the short term,
this interface allows clients
to obtain full Unix terminal functionality quickly and easily.
The {\tt oskit_ttystream} interface inherits from {\tt oskit_stream},
and has the following additional methods:
Get the stream's current TTY attributes.
Set the stream's TTY attributes.
Send a break signal over the line.
Wait until all buffered output has been transmitted.
Discared buffered input and/or output data.
Suspend or resume data transmission or reception.
% XXX more, which aren't used at the moment
In addition,
this header file defines a structure called \texttt{oskit_termios},
corresponding to the standard \posix{} \texttt{termios} structure,
and a set of related definitions
used to specify terminal-related settings.
See the \posix{} and Unix standards
for details on the exact contents and meaning of this structure.
\api{getattr}{Get the stream's current TTY attributes}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
getattr(oskit_ttystream_t *tty,
\outparam struct~oskit_termios *attr);
This method retrieves the current line settings of this stream
and returns them in the specified \texttt{oskit_termios} structure.
This method corresponds to the \posix{} \texttt{tcgetattr} function;
see the \posix{} standard for details.
The TTY stream object to query.
The structure to be filled with the current line settings.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{setattr}{Set the stream's TTY attributes}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
setattr(oskit_ttystream_t *tty,
const~struct~oskit_termios *attr);
This method sets the line settings of this stream
based on the specified \texttt{oskit_termios} structure.
This method corresponds to the \posix{} \texttt{tcsetattr} function;
see the \posix{} standard for details.
The TTY stream object to modify.
The structure containing the new line settings.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{sendbreak}{Send a break signal}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
sendbreak(oskit_ttystream_t *tty, oskit_u32_t duration);
On streams controlling asynchronous serial communication,
this method sends a break signal
(a continuous stream of zero-valued bits)
for a specific duration.
This method corresponds to the \posix{} \texttt{tcsendbreak} function;
see the \posix{} standard for details.
The TTY stream on which to send the break.
% XXX define the meaning of the duration parameter, or axe it.
The duration of the break signal to send.
If this parameter is zero,
then the duration will be
between 0.25 and 0.5 seconds.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{drain}{Wait until all buffered output has been transmitted}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
drain(oskit_ttystream_t *tty);
This method waits until any buffered output data
that has been written to the stream
is successfully transmitted.
This method corresponds to the \posix{} \texttt{tcdrain} function;
see the \posix{} standard for details.
The TTY stream object to drain.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{flush}{Discared buffered input and/or output data}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
flush(oskit_ttystream_t *tty, int queue_selector);
This method discards
any buffered output data that has not yet been transmitted,
and/or any buffered input data that has not yet been read,
depending on the \emph{queue_selector} parameter.
This method corresponds to the \posix{} \texttt{tcflush} function;
see the \posix{} standard for details.
The TTY stream object to flush.
Must be one of the following:
\item[OSKIT_TCIFLUSH] Flush the input buffer.
\item[OSKIT_TCOFLUSH] Flush the output buffer.
\item[OSKIT_TCIOFLUSH] Flush the input and output buffers.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.
\api{flow}{Suspend or resume data transmission or reception}
\funcproto OSKIT_COMDECL
flow(oskit_ttystream_t *tty, int action);
This method controls the transmission or reception of data
on this TTY stream.
This method corresponds to the \posix{} \texttt{tcflow} function;
see the \posix{} standard for details.
The TTY stream object to control.
Must be one of the following:
\item[OSKIT_TCOOFF] Suspend output.
\item[OSKIT_TCOON] Restart output.
\item[OSKIT_TCIOFF] Transmit a STOP character.
\item[OSKIT_TCION] Transmit a START character.
Returns 0 on success, or an error code specified in
{\tt <oskit/error.h>}, on error.