
593 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 1996, 1998-2000 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of the Flux OSKit. The OSKit is free software, also known
* as "open source;" you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2, as published by the Free
* Software Foundation (FSF). To explore alternate licensing terms, contact
* the University of Utah at csl-dist@cs.utah.edu or +1-801-585-3271.
* The OSKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GPL for more details. You should have
* received a copy of the GPL along with the OSKit; see the file COPYING. If
* not, write to the FSF, 59 Temple Place #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Internal definitions for threads package.
#ifndef _PTHREAD_INT_H_
#define _PTHREAD_INT_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Turn on deadlock detection in spinlocks and interrupt mask checks.
* Also turn on stackguards and deadlock detection.
#ifdef DEBUG
#if (defined(SMP) || defined(THREADS_DEBUG)) && !defined(OSKIT_ARM32)
#define OSKIT_INLINE static inline
#include <oskit/compiler.h> /* includes config.h */
#include <oskit/base_critical.h>
#include "machine/pcb.h"
#include <oskit/queue.h>
#include <oskit/debug.h>
#include <oskit/com/listener.h>
#include <oskit/dev/dev.h>
#include <oskit/dev/clock.h>
#include <oskit/dev/timer.h>
#include <oskit/dev/softirq.h>
#include <oskit/threads/pthread.h>
#include <threads/pthread_locking.h>
#include <threads/cpuinherit/pthread_cpuinherit.h>
#ifdef SMP
#include <oskit/smp.h>
#if defined(RTSCHED_STATS) || defined(SCHED_STATS) || defined(IPC_STATS) || defined(THREAD_STATS)
#include "pthread_stats.h"
#define PCOUNT(x)
* Thread structure. The PCB is stored in the thread structure, but
* accessed indirectly to leave room for future expansion.
typedef struct pthread_thread {
queue_chain_t runq; /* Runq/free link */
pcb_t *ppcb; /* Pointer to PCB */
void *pstk; /* Pointer to stack alloc */
void *(*func)(void *);/* Start function */
void *cookie; /* Argument to start func */
size_t ssize; /* Allocated stack size */
size_t guardsize; /* Stack Guard size */
pthread_t tid; /* Thread ID */
oskit_u32_t flags; /* Thread state flags */
pthread_lock_t lock; /* Lock */
queue_chain_t chain; /* Queuing element */
int preempt; /* Preempt this thread */
* The exit code is painful. Use a mutex/cond pair and special dead
* flag. This avoids specialized handling in the cancel and signal
* code (looks just like a condwait).
pthread_mutex_t mutex; /* Protect dead flag */
pthread_cond_t cond; /* Wait for dead flag=1 */
oskit_u32_t exitval; /* Exit value for joiner */
int dead; /* Thread is finally dead */
* Resource accounting stuff. Added for the demo!
long long rstamp; /* start of run timestamp */
long long cpucycles; /* accumulated CPU cycles */
int cputime; /* Total ticks consumed */
int cpticks; /* Ticks in last second */
oskit_u32_t pctcpu; /* Percent of CPU usage */
int childtime; /* Accumulation of child CPU */
* To implement cancelation and signals, must know the object
* the thread is blocked on. This set of fields is protected
* by its own lock to avoid having to take the pthread lock
* everywhere.
pthread_lock_t waitlock; /* Lock */
oskit_u32_t waitflags; /* Wait state flags */
pthread_cond_t *waitcond; /* Condition variable */
struct osenv_sleeprec *sleeprec; /* pthread in an osenv_sleep */
* IPC stuff.
struct {
void *msg; /* Message pointer */
oskit_size_t msg_size;
pthread_t tid;
void *reply;
oskit_size_t reply_size;
queue_head_t senders;
queue_chain_t senders_chain;
} ipc_state;
* Timed condition wait is implemented using a clock timer.
struct oskit_timer *condtimer;
* pthread sleep/wakeup is implemented using a separate clock timer.
struct oskit_timer *sleeptimer;
* Signal stuff.
pthread_lock_t siglock; /* Protect signal state */
sigset_t sigmask; /* Blocked signals */
sigset_t sigpending; /* Pending signals */
sigset_t sigwaiting; /* Waiting for signals */
oskit_u32_t eip; /* For page fault handling */
* Keys values are currently a fixed array.
void *keyvalues[PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX]; /* Key/Value */
* Cancelation state and cleanup handlers.
pthread_cleanup_t *cleanups; /* Cleanup handlers chain */
char cancelstate; /* Cancelation State */
char canceltype; /* Cancelation Type */
* The scheduler uses a separate lock.
pthread_lock_t schedlock;
void *rtai_priv;
int policy; /* Scheduling Policy */
int priority; /* Current Priority */
struct scheduler_entry *scheduler; /* Scheduler entry */
int policy; /* Scheduling Policy */
int priority; /* Current Priority */
int base_priority; /* Original priority */
int ticks; /* Scheduling ticks left */
int tickets;
int stride;
int remain;
long long pass;
long long start;
* Should do for most things, but add as needed.
oskit_timespec_t start; /* Time of next run */
oskit_timespec_t deadline; /* Time of next run */
oskit_timespec_t period; /* Delay between runs */
* Priority inheritance support.
queue_head_t waiters; /* Threads waiting on me */
queue_chain_t waiters_chain; /* Waiters queueing element */
struct pthread_thread *waiting_for; /* Thread being waited for */
struct pthread_thread *inherits_from; /* Thread inheriting from */
* CPU inheritance support.
struct pthread_thread *scheduler; /* The threads scheduler */
schedmsg_t unblockmsg;
schedmsg_queue_t *msgqueue;
sched_wakecond_t wakeup_cond; /* Wakeup condition */
schedflags_t schedflags; /* Flags */
int donate_rc; /* Return code from donation */
int timeout; /* In milliseconds */
queue_head_t donors; /* Threads donating to me */
queue_chain_t donors_chain; /* Donors queueing element */
struct pthread_thread *donating_to; /* Thread being donated to */
struct pthread_thread *inherits_from; /* Thread inheriting from */
struct pthread_thread *nextup; /* Next thread to run. Chain */
struct pthread_stats stats;
pcb_t pcb; /* Actual PCB */
} pthread_thread_t;
#define NULL_THREADPTR ((pthread_thread_t *) 0)
* These are generic flags. They can be modified once preemptions are
* disabled and the pthread lock is held.
#define THREAD_EXITING 0x00001
#define THREAD_DETACHED 0x00004
#define THREAD_CANCELED 0x00008
#define THREAD_KILLED 0x00010
#define THREAD_USERSTACK 0x00020
* These are the waitstate flags. They are modified from interrupt handlers,
* so interrupts must be disabled and the pthread waitlock held.
#define THREAD_WS_SLEEPING 0x00001 /* These must be disjoint */
#define THREAD_WS_TIMEDOUT 0x00002
#define THREAD_WS_TIMERSET 0x00004
#define THREAD_WS_SLEEPFLAGS 0x00007
#define THREAD_WS_CONDWAIT 0x00010
#define THREAD_WS_OSENVSLEEP 0x00020
#define THREAD_WS_SIGWAIT 0x00080
#define THREAD_WS_IPCSEND_WAIT 0x01000
#define THREAD_WS_IPCRECV_WAIT 0x02000
#define THREAD_WS_IPCREPL_WAIT 0x04000
#define THREAD_WS_IPCWAIT_FLAG 0x07000
#define THREAD_WS_SEMWAIT 0x08000
* When a thread gives up the CPU, tell the reschedule code why. This allows
* for more control with regards to scheduling policy.
typedef enum {
RESCHED_PREEMPT = 1, /* Time based preemption yield */
RESCHED_YIELD, /* Involuntary yield */
RESCHED_USERYIELD, /* User directed yield */
RESCHED_BLOCK, /* Waiting for a resource (mutex) */
RESCHED_INTERNAL, /* Internal rescheduling call */
} resched_flags_t;
/* Default scheduling interval for SCHED_RR (in ticks) */
* Currently executing thread and idlethreads.
extern pthread_thread_t *threads_curthreads[];
extern pthread_thread_t *threads_idlethreads[];
#ifdef SMP
#define CURPTHREAD() threads_curthreads[smp_find_cur_cpu()]
#define SETCURPTHREAD(p) threads_curthreads[smp_find_cur_cpu()] = (p)
#define IDLETHREAD threads_idlethreads[smp_find_cur_cpu()]
#define CURPTHREAD() threads_curthreads[0]
#define SETCURPTHREAD(p) threads_curthreads[0] = (p)
#define IDLETHREAD threads_idlethreads[0]
* Interrupts.
* Include machine dependent method for dealing with interrupt control
#include "machine/interrupt.h"
* Define INLINED_INTR_FLAGS and you get and you will get the inlinable
* versions of these functions used throughout the threads code, unless
* profiling or doing realtime. Breaks UNIX mode emulation, though.
#if !defined(INLINED_INTR_FLAGS) || defined(GPROF) || defined(PTHREAD_REALTIME)
#define disable_interrupts() osenv_intr_disable()
#define enable_interrupts() osenv_intr_enable()
#define interrupts_enabled() osenv_intr_enabled()
#define save_disable_interrupts() osenv_intr_save_disable()
#define save_interrupt_enable(f) (f) = osenv_intr_enabled()
#define restore_interrupt_enable(f) if (f) osenv_intr_enable()
#define assert_interrupts_enabled() assert(osenv_intr_enabled())
#define assert_interrupts_disabled() assert(!osenv_intr_enabled())
#define disable_interrupts() machine_intr_disable()
#define enable_interrupts() machine_intr_enable()
#define interrupts_enabled() machine_intr_enabled()
#define save_disable_interrupts() machine_intr_save_disable()
#define save_interrupt_enable(f) (f) = machine_intr_enabled()
#define restore_interrupt_enable(f) if (f) enable_interrupts()
#define assert_interrupts_enabled() assert(machine_intr_enabled())
#define assert_interrupts_disabled() assert(!machine_intr_enabled())
* Preemption.
extern int threads_preempt_enable[];
extern int threads_preempt_needed[];
extern int threads_preempt_ready;
#ifdef SMP
#define PREEMPT_ENABLE threads_preempt_enable[smp_find_cur_cpu()]
#define PREEMPT_NEEDED threads_preempt_needed[smp_find_cur_cpu()]
#define PREEMPT_ENABLE threads_preempt_enable[0]
#define PREEMPT_NEEDED threads_preempt_needed[0]
#define disable_preemption() \
#define enable_preemption() \
(PREEMPT_NEEDED && interrupts_enabled()) ? \
pthread_yield() : (void)0)
#define save_preemption_enable(flag) \
#define restore_preemption_enable(flag) \
((flag) ? enable_preemption() : (void)0)
#define check_preemption() \
(PREEMPT_ENABLE && PREEMPT_NEEDED && interrupts_enabled()) ? \
pthread_yield() : (void)0)
#define assert_preemption_disabled() \
assert(!threads_preempt_ready || !PREEMPT_ENABLE)
#define assert_preemption_enabled() \
assert(!threads_preempt_ready || PREEMPT_ENABLE)
* Scheduler definitions. The scheduler module needs to define these
* symbols.
void pthread_init_scheduler(void);
int pthread_sched_reschedule(resched_flags_t reason,
pthread_lock_t *lock);
void pthread_sched_init_schedstate(pthread_thread_t *pthread,
int policy, const struct sched_param *param);
int pthread_sched_setrunnable(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
int pthread_sched_change_state(pthread_thread_t *pthread,
int policy, const struct sched_param *param);
void pthread_sched_handoff(int waitstate,
pthread_thread_t *pnext);
void pthread_sched_priority_transfer_undo(pthread_thread_t *p);
void pthread_sched_priority_transfer_and_wait(pthread_thread_t *p,
pthread_lock_t *plock);
* The maximum number of allowed threads.
* The array of thread structure pointers, indexed by TID.
extern pthread_thread_t *threads_tidtothread[];
OSKIT_INLINE pthread_thread_t *
tidtothread(pthread_t tid)
int realid = (int) tid;
pthread_thread_t *pthread;
if (realid < 0 || realid >= THREADS_MAX_THREAD ||
((pthread = threads_tidtothread[realid]) == NULL_THREADPTR))
return NULL;
return pthread;
* Callouts.
extern void *(*threads_allocator)(size_t);
extern void (*threads_deallocator)(void *);
* Key table stuff.
struct keytable {
int inuse;
void (*destructor)(void *);
extern pthread_lock_t threads_key_lock;
extern struct keytable threads_key_table[];
validkey(int key)
return (key >= 0 && key < PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX &&
* The switch routine is dependent on user/real mode operation, so its a
* function pointer.
extern void (*thread_switch)(pthread_thread_t *pnext,
pthread_lock_t *l, pthread_thread_t *cur);
* Internal Prototypes.
pthread_thread_t *pthread_init_mainthread(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
void thread_setup(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
void thread_destroy(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
void *pthread_alloc_memory(size_t size);
int pthread_mprotect(oskit_addr_t addr, size_t length,
int writeable);
void pthread_dealloc_memory(void *pmem);
void *pthread_idle_function(void *argument);
pthread_thread_t *pthread_create_internal(void *(*function)(void *),
void *argument, const pthread_attr_t *pattr);
void pthread_destroy_internal(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
void pthread_block_onQ(queue_head_t *q, pthread_lock_t *plock);
pthread_thread_t *pthread_dequeue_fromQ(queue_head_t *q);
pthread_thread_t *pthread_remove_fromQ(queue_head_t *q, pthread_thread_t *pth);
void pthread_resume_allQ(queue_head_t *q);
void pthread_blockints(void);
void pthread_unblockints(void);
int pthread_wakeup_locked(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
int pthread_wakeup_unlocked(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
pthread_thread_t *pthread_current(void);
int pthread_setprio_internal(pthread_thread_t *pthread, int pri);
void pthread_preempt(void);
void pthread_yield(void);
int threads_stack_back_trace(int tid, int max_st_levels);
void thread_getstate(pthread_thread_t *pth, pthread_state_t *pst);
void pthread_call_key_destructors(void);
void pthread_call_cleanup_handlers(void);
void osenv_process_release(void);
void dump_all_threads(void);
void pthread_delay(void);
int pthread_cond_wait_safe(pthread_cond_t *c,
pthread_mutex_t *m);
void pthread_exit_locked(void *status) OSKIT_NORETURN;
void pthread_reap_threads(void);
int pthread_init_comlock(void);
void pthread_init_attributes(void);
void pthread_init_guard(void);
void pthread_init_libc_locks(void);
void pthread_init_osenv_sleep(void);
void pthread_init_osenv_intr(void);
void pthread_init_keytable(void);
void pthread_init_process_lock(void);
void pthread_init_fs_sleep(void);
void pthread_init_exit(void);
void pthread_init_signals(void);
void pthread_ipc_cancel(pthread_thread_t *pthread);
void oskit_init_libc(void);
void thread_machdep_init(void);
oskit_error_t pthread_register_interface(void);
int oskit_pthread_sleep_withflags(int waitflags,
const oskit_timespec_t *timeout);
int sigqueue_internal(pid_t pid, int signo,
const union sigval value, int code);
* Internal mutex prototypes.
void pthread_mutex_panic(pthread_mutex_t *m,
char *t, char *msg);
#ifndef PAGE_SIZE
#define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
#ifdef SMP
#define MAXCPUS 8
#define THISCPU (smp_find_cur_cpu())
#define MAXCPUS 1
#define THISCPU 0
* Deadlock detection.
extern int threads_sleepers;
extern pthread_lock_t threads_sleepers_lock;
extern int threads_debug;
extern pthread_thread_t threads_mainthread;
* Soft interrupt support.
* There are two situations in which a softint handler will be requested.
* The first is from the time-based preemption code. The second is
* when a wakeup operation (resume or timed condtion timeout) occurs,
* and the priorities have changed, requiring a reschedule operation.
extern int threads_switch_mode;
#define SOFTINT_TIMEOUT 0x01
* Seems kinda non-portable, don't ya think?
#include <oskit/machine/base_irq.h>
/* Ack */
#define IN_AN_INTERRUPT() \
softint_request(int type)
threads_switch_mode |= type;
queue_check(queue_head_t *queue, pthread_thread_t *pthread)
pthread_thread_t *pnext;
queue_iterate(queue, pnext, pthread_thread_t *, chain) {
if (pnext == pthread)
#define DPRINTF(fmt, args... ) \
{ \
if (threads_debug) \
printf(__FUNCTION__ ":" fmt , ## args); \
#define DPRINTF(fmt, args... )
#endif /* ASSEMBLER */
* Define assembly language constants.
#define THREAD_NEXT 0x0
#define THREAD_PREV 0x4
#define THREAD_PPCB 0x8
#endif /* _THREADS_INT_H_ */