
611 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of the Flux OSKit. The OSKit is free software, also known
// as "open source;" you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2, as published by the Free
// Software Foundation (FSF). To explore alternate licensing terms, contact
// the University of Utah at csl-dist@cs.utah.edu or +1-801-585-3271.
// The OSKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GPL for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GPL along with the OSKit; see the file COPYING. If
// not, write to the FSF, 59 Temple Place #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Consoles (including stdin/stdout)
directory "${OSKITDIR}"
bundletype PutChar_T =
{ include "${OSKITDIR}/oskit/c/stdio.h",
} with flags libc
bundletype GetChar_T =
{ include "${OSKITDIR}/oskit/c/stdio.h",
} with flags libc
bundletype Console_T =
{ extends PutChar_T
, extends GetChar_T
bundletype Stdin_T =
{ getline
, gets
, extends GetChar_T
bundletype Stdout_T =
{ include "${OSKITDIR}/oskit/c/stdio.h",
extends PutChar_T
} with flags libc
// not sure this is ever used
bundletype StdIO_T =
{ extends Stdin_T
, extends Stdout_T
// ToDo: relate to getchar and stdin
bundletype DirectGetChar_T =
{ extends GetChar_T
, trygetchar
, set_flags
// The following interfaces are only used in building BaseConsole
// at the moment - but they should have their names regularised
// a bit.
bundletype TermIOS_T =
{ include "${OSKITDIR}/oskit/tty.h",
} with flags libc
bundletype DirectConsole_T =
{ include "${BUILDDIR}/oskit/machine/pc/direct_cons.h",
} with flags libc
bundletype COMConsole_T =
{ include "${BUILDDIR}/oskit/machine/pc/com_cons.h",
} with flags libc
bundletype GDBConsole_T =
{ include "${OSKITDIR}/oskit/gdb_serial.h",
} with flags libc
bundletype BaseConsole_T =
{ extends Console_T,
include "${BUILDDIR}/oskit/machine/pc/base_console.h",
fully_initialized // virtual
} with flags libc
// Consoles
ToDo: direct_cons_putchar is "self-initialising" - the first time you
call it, it initialises itself. Do we want to provide an explicit
initialisation point instead?
Warning: uses the PIT and the speaker - so (I imagine)
no-one else should be using them!
// mk_unit -o -n raw_VGA kern/direct_cons_putchar.o kern/direct_cons_bell.o kern/pc_speaker.o
unit raw_VGA = {
imports[ critical : Critical_T,
vm : VM_T,
string : String_T,
// The flags dependency should be removed!
// flags : { direct_cons_flags },
exports[ out : { putchar } ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/direct_cons_putchar.c",
} with flags kern;
rename{ out with prefix direct_cons_ };
unit putbytes = {
imports[ x : { putchar } ];
exports[ out : { putbytes } ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "knit/c/putbytes.c" }
with flags libc;
adds putbytes
(Sadly can't be done in the atomic unit because we have to rename things
a little.)
unit VGA = {
imports[ critical : Critical_T,
vm : VM_T,
string : String_T,
exports[ out : PutChar_T ];
link {
[vga] <- raw_VGA <- [critical, vm, string];
[putbytes] <- putbytes <- [vga];
out = vga + putbytes;
// mk_unit -o -n KBD kern/direct_cons_getchar.o kern/direct_cons_trygetchar.o
unit KBD = {
imports[ critical : Critical_T ];
exports[ out : DirectGetChar_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/direct_cons_getchar.c"
, "kern/x86/pc/direct_cons_trygetchar.c"
with flags kern;
rename{ out with prefix direct_cons_ };
A putchar/getchar pair - no more, no less.
If you're using the VGA, you probably want to use vga_console
instead (it has a more useful finalizer).
unit simple_console = {
imports[ vga : PutChar_T,
kbd : GetChar_T,
exports[ out : Console_T ];
link { out = vga+kbd; }
// ToDo: need to say that wait_for_key is a finalizer somewhere
This is a good finalizer for consoles which use the VGA.
unit waitForKey = {
imports[ stdin : GetChar_T,
stdout : Stdout_T,
exports[ out : { wait_for_key } ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "knit/c/wait_for_key.c" }
with flags libc;
Just like simple_console but its finalizer waits for a keypress
so you can read anything it says on the console before
the console is cleared (or whatever happens...).
unit vga_console = {
imports[ vga : PutChar_T,
kbd : GetChar_T,
stdout : Stdout_T,
exports[ simple : Console_T ];
finalizer wfk.wait_for_key for stdout;
[simple] <- simple_console <- [vga,kbd];
[wfk] <- waitForKey <- [kbd,stdout];
// mk_unit -o -n base_termios kern/base_cooked_termios.o kern/base_raw_termios.o
unit base_termios = {
exports[ out : TermIOS_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/base_cooked_termios.c"
, "kern/base_raw_termios.c"
with flags kern;
// mk_unit -o -n direct_console kern/direct_cons_getchar.o kern/direct_cons_trygetchar.o kern/direct_cons_putchar.o kern/direct_cons_bell.o kern/pc_speaker.o
unit direct_console = {
imports[ critical : Critical_T,
vm : VM_T,
string : String_T, // memcpy
exports[ console : DirectConsole_T ];
constraints{ context exports <= NoContext };
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/direct_cons_getchar.c",
} with flags kern;
// mk_unit -o -n com_console kern/com_cons.o
unit com_console = {
imports[ termios : TermIOS_T,
critical : Critical_T,
panic : Panic_T,
exports[ console : COMConsole_T ];
constraints{ context exports <= NoContext };
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/com_cons.c" } with flags kern;
// This console is hardwired at 115200 baud.
// If you want to change this, go hack on knit/c/com_init.c
// I doubt the panic will get very far...
unit serial_console = {
imports[ critical : Critical_T,
panic : Panic_T
exports[ console : Console_T ];
finalizer fini for console;
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
} with flags kern;
bundletype Killswitch_T = { set_killswitch }
bundletype Breakpoint_T = { set_breakpoint }
bundletype SetIRQHandler_T = { set_irq_handler }
// mk_unit -n killswitch kern/killswitch.o kern/com_kill_intr.o
unit killswitch = {
imports[ termios : TermIOS_T,
console : COMConsole_T,
set_irq : SetIRQHandler_T,
trap : Trap_T,
exports[ out : Killswitch_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/killswitch.c" } with flags kern;
files{ "kern/x86/pc/com_kill_intr.S" } with flags { flags kern, flags asm };
rename{ out with prefix gdb_pc_ };
// mk_unit -n set_breakpoint kern/set_breakpoint.o
unit breakpoint = {
imports[ gdt : { base_gdt_load } ];
exports[ out : Breakpoint_T];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/set_breakpoint.c" } with flags kern;
rename{ out.set_breakpoint to gdb_pc_set_bkpt };
// mk_unit -o -n set_irq_handler knit/c/set_irq_handler.o
unit set_irq_handler = {
imports[ irq : IRQ_T,
pic : PIC_T,
idt : { base_idt },
exports[ out : SetIRQHandler_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
// depends{ exports + inits + finis needs irq + pic };
files{ "knit/c/set_irq_handler.c" } with flags kern;
// mk_unit -o -n gdb_console kern/gdb_pc_com.o gdb_trap kern/gdb_trap.o kern/gdb_trap_ss.o kern/gdb_pc_com_intr.o kern/gdb_serial.o kern/gdb_copy.o kern/gdb_set_trace_flag.o
unit gdb_console = {
imports[ critical : Critical_T,
trap : Trap_T,
panic : Panic_T,
com : COMConsole_T,
stdout : Stdout_T, // probably should not be gdb console!
sprintf : Sprintf_T,
string : String_T, // memset, strtol, strtoul
termios : TermIOS_T,
set_irq : SetIRQHandler_T,
exports[ console : GDBConsole_T ];
constraints{ context exports <= NoContext };
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
} with flags kern;
} with flags { flags kern, flags asm };
The following documentation does you no good at all if you happen
to invoke your kernel via netboot over a serial line because
netboot messes with any flags you specify.
(The same goes for using mkmbimage - the multiboot adaptor takes it
into its head to delete some of the flags you use and maybe add
some of its own.)
Fortunately, neither messes with your environment variables so an
incantation like this: -h -f -d CONS_COM=1 GDB_COM=2 BAUD=115200 --
is likely to get through. Still, if strange things start happening,
the first thing to do is check to see exactly what flags were passed to
your kernel.
This unit used the environment and boot arguments to select various
aspects of gdb support.
Environment variables:
CONS_COM=<port> // enables serial line on <port> (default 1)
GDB_COM=<port> // enables gdb on <port> (default 1)
BAUD=<baud_rate> // sets serial/gdb baud rates, doesn't enable either
DIRECT_CONS // disable serial line
-f // same as BAUD=115200
-h // enable serial line
-d // enable gdb
-p // enable gprof
-k // enable killswitch
The initialization dependencies for this unit are a little strange.
The direct console doesn't need initialization.
Adding a dependency on console.fully_initialized is necessary if any part
of your kernel absolutely _must_ have working gdb, com, etc.
// mk_unit -o -nselect_console kern/gdb_console.o kern/com_console.o kern/direct_console.o kern/base_console_init.o kern/base_console.o com/trivial_stream.o
unit select_console = {
imports[ direct_console : DirectConsole_T,
com_console : COMConsole_T,
gdb_console : GDBConsole_T,
string : String_T, // atol
termios : TermIOS_T,
critical : Critical_T,
main : Main_T, // all we need is the address, we don't call it
// #endif
iids : { oskit_iunknown_iid, oskit_stream_iid },
env : GetEnv_T,
cmdline : CmdLine_T,
killswitch : Killswitch_T,
breakpoint : Breakpoint_T,
exports[ console : BaseConsole_T
constraints{ context exports <= context(direct_console + com_console + gdb_console) };
initializer init for {console.fully_initialized,console.enable_gdb,console.enable_gprof};
finalizer fini for {}; // ToDo: should be console;
// ToDo: several dependencies obviously missing from the following...
depends{ {console.getchar, console.putchar, console.putbytes, console.puts}
needs direct_console + critical + string + iids };
depends{ inits needs com_console + gdb_console + termios + env + cmdline };
depends{ finis needs {} };
files{ "kern/x86/pc/direct_console.c",
} with flags kern;
files{ "com/trivial_stream.c" } with flags com;
files{ "knit/c/console_init.c" } with flags kern;
rename{ killswitch with prefix gdb_pc_ };
rename{ breakpoint.set_breakpoint to gdb_pc_set_bkpt };
rename{ console.putchar to console_putchar };
rename{ console.putbytes to console_putbytes };
rename{ console.puts to console_puts };
rename{ console.getchar to console_getchar };
The base_console_w_direct unit exports both regular console
functions and the direct ones. Maybe we should get rid of it.
unit base_console_w_direct = {
imports[ string : String_T, // atol, strtol, strtoul
critical : Critical_T,
trap : Trap_T,
stdin : Stdin_T, // getchar
stdout : Stdout_T,
getenv : GetEnv_T,
main : Main_T,
// #endif
panic : Panic_T,
sprintf : Sprintf_T,
vm : VM_T,
iids : { oskit_iunknown_iid, oskit_stream_iid },
cmdline : CmdLine_T,
breakpoint : Breakpoint_T,
set_irq : SetIRQHandler_T,
exports[ console : BaseConsole_T,
direct : DirectConsole_T ];
[console]<- select_console <- [direct,com,gdb,string,termios,critical,main,
[termios] <- base_termios <- [];
[direct] <- direct_console <- [critical,vm,string];
[com] <- com_console <- [termios,critical,panic];
[gdb] <- gdb_console <- [critical,trap,panic,com,stdout,sprintf,string,termios,set_irq];
[killswitch] <- killswitch <- [termios,com,set_irq,trap];
This is the normal console unit.
unit base_console = {
imports[ string : String_T, // atol, strtol, strtoul
critical : Critical_T,
trap : Trap_T,
stdin : Stdin_T, // getchar
stdout : Stdout_T,
getenv : GetEnv_T,
main : Main_T,
// #endif
panic : Panic_T,
sprintf : Sprintf_T,
vm : VM_T,
iids : { oskit_iunknown_iid, oskit_stream_iid },
cmdline : CmdLine_T,
breakpoint : Breakpoint_T,
set_irq : SetIRQHandler_T,
exports[ console : BaseConsole_T ];
[console, _] <- base_console_w_direct <- {string, critical,
trap, stdin, stdout,
getenv, main, panic, sprintf, vm, iids,
cmdline, breakpoint, set_irq};
A simple printf implementation.
ToDo: puts should use putbytes (or maybe PutChar_T should include
puts as well as putbytes?)
// mk_unit -o -n libc_stdout libc/doprnt.o libc/printf.o libc/putchar.o libc/puts.o
unit libc_stdout = {
imports[ putchar : PutChar_T ];
exports[ stdout : Stdout_T ];
constraints{ context exports <= context imports };
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "libc/stdio/doprnt.c"
, "libc/stdio/printf.c"
, "libc/stdio/putchar.c"
, "libc/stdio/puts.c"
, "knit/c/putbytes.c" // ToDo: just reexport import
with flags libc;
rename{ putchar.putchar to console_putchar };
rename{ putchar.putbytes to console_putbytes };
A fairly complete printf implementation.
// freebsd/libc/putw.o
// mk_unit -n freebsd_stdout freebsd/libc/printf.o freebsd/libc/vprintf.o freebsd/libc/putchar.o freebsd/libc/puts.o
unit freebsd_stdout = {
imports[ cfiles : CFiles_T,
isthreaded : { __isthreaded },
exports[ stdout : Stdout_T ]; // actually doesn't export putbytes - ignoring that detail for now
constraints{ context exports <= context imports };
// depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports }; // hack, hack, todo, xxx
depends{ exports needs {} }; // yeah, right
// "freebsd/3.x/src/lib/libc/stdio/putw.c",
} with flags freebsd_libc;
// mk_unit -o -n libc_stdin libc/getline.o libc/getchar.o libc/gets.o
unit libc_stdin = {
imports[ console : Console_T,
stdout : Stdout_T
exports[ stdin : Stdin_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "libc/gen/getline.c",
with flags libc;
rename{ console.putchar to console_putchar };
rename{ console.putbytes to console_putbytes };
rename{ console.getchar to console_getchar };
A COM wrapper for the console.
unit console_obj = {
imports[ console : Console_T,
string : String_T,
iids : {
exports[ out : DefaultConsole_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "clientos/default_console.c",
} with flags clientos;
rename{ console.putchar to console_putchar };
rename{ console.putbytes to console_putbytes };
rename{ console.getchar to console_getchar };
A wrapper for stdout
unit wrap_stdout = {
imports[ in : Stdout_T, wrap : {pre,post} ];
exports[ out : Stdout_T ];
depends{ exports + inits + finis needs imports };
files{ "knit/c/wrap_stdout.c",
} with flags libc;
rename{ in with prefix in_ };
rename{ out with prefix out_ };
// End