Directories: oskit/linux Target: liboskit_linux_dev.a Documentation: doc/linux-dev.tex doc/linux-fs.tex Original Code Source: Flux Research Group, University of Utah Linux v2.2.12, Linux Project Description: This directory contains subdirectories containing all the of the OSKit, Linux-derived, assimilated code (fs and device drivers), as well as the locally developed infrastructure glue, adapting the drivers to the fdev interfaces. The dev/ and fs/ subdirectories contain glue code for the Linux device drivers and file systems. The shared/ subdirectory contains glue code shared between the dev/ and fs/ glue. The src/ directory contains a subset of the Linux v2.2.12 source code. All of the code in these subdirectories is covered by the GNU General Public License. As stipulated in the GPL, any code linked against this source is also covered under GPL and must be distributed according to its terms.