Daniel Silverstone f365e75407 Dukky: Support console logging better
Add a polyfill for Array.from(), and fix the console formatter so that
it won't keep exploding.  This should improve matters in the tests.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Silverstone <dsilvers@digital-scurf.org>
2019-08-01 21:40:54 +01:00

61 lines
2.4 KiB

# NetSurf javascript source file inclusion
# Included by javascript/Makefile
content/handlers/javascript/duktape/dukky.c: \
$(OBJROOT)/duktape/binding.h \
$(OBJROOT)/duktape/generics.js.inc \
BINDINGS := $(wildcard content/handlers/javascript/duktape/*.bnd)
# Generator for the C include representing the generics.js
$(OBJROOT)/duktape/generics.js.inc: content/handlers/javascript/duktape/generics.js
$(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(OBJROOT)/duktape
$(VQ)echo " XXD: $<"
$(Q)xxd -i $< $@.tmp
$(Q)sed -e 's/content_handlers_javascript_duktape_generics_js/generics_js/' $@.tmp > $@
# Generator for the C include representing the polyfill.js
$(OBJROOT)/duktape/polyfill.js.inc: content/handlers/javascript/duktape/polyfill.js
$(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(OBJROOT)/duktape
$(VQ)echo " XXD: $<"
$(Q)xxd -i $< $@.tmp
$(Q)sed -e 's/content_handlers_javascript_duktape_polyfill_js/polyfill_js/' $@.tmp > $@
# ensure genbind generates debugging files
$(OBJROOT)/duktape/binding.h $(OBJROOT)/duktape/Makefile: content/handlers/javascript/duktape/netsurf.bnd $(BINDINGS)
$(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(OBJROOT)/duktape
$(VQ)echo " GENBIND: $<"
$(Q)nsgenbind $(GBFLAGS) -I content/handlers/javascript/WebIDL $< $(OBJROOT)/duktape
# create unimplemented report for doxygen
docs/UnimplementedJavascript.md: content/handlers/javascript/duktape/netsurf.bnd $(BINDINGS)
$(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(OBJROOT)/duktape
$(VQ)echo "Unimplemented javascript bindings {#unimplemented}" > $@
$(VQ)echo "=================================" >> $@
$(VQ)echo "" >> $@
$(VQ)echo "This is a list of all the binding methods, getters and setters without an implementation in a binding." >> $@
$(VQ)echo "" >> $@
$(VQ)echo "Type | Unimplemented binding" >> $@
$(VQ)echo "---- | ---------------------" >> $@
$(VQ)echo " GENBIND: $<"
$(Q)nsgenbind $(GBFLAGS) -Wunimplemented -I content/handlers/javascript/WebIDL $< $(OBJROOT)/duktape 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{count=0} /.*Unimplemented.*/{count++; out=$$4" |"; for(i=5;i<=NF;i++){out=out" "$$i}; print out} END{print "\n",count,"unimplemented bindings"}' >> $@
$(VQ)echo "" >> $@
ifeq ($(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),clean test coverage),)
-include $(OBJROOT)/duktape/Makefile
S_JAVASCRIPT += content.c duktape/dukky.c duktape/duktape.c