mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 09:33:04 +03:00

This changes the LOG macro to be varadic removing the need for all callsites to have double bracketing and allows for future improvement on how we use the logging macros. The callsites were changed with coccinelle and the changes checked by hand. Compile tested for several frontends but not all. A formatting annotation has also been added which allows the compiler to check the parameters and types passed to the logging.
382 lines
10 KiB
382 lines
10 KiB
* Copyright 2005 Adrian Lees <adrianl@users.sourceforge.net>
* This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "utils/messages.h"
#include "utils/utf8.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "riscos/gui.h"
#include "riscos/query.h"
#include "riscos/wimp.h"
#include "riscos/wimp_event.h"
#include "riscos/ucstables.h"
#include "riscos/dialog.h"
#define ICON_QUERY_YES 1
#define ICON_QUERY_NO 2
/** Data for a query window */
struct gui_query_window
struct gui_query_window *prev; /** Previous query in list */
struct gui_query_window *next; /** Next query in list */
query_id id; /** unique ID number for this query */
wimp_w window; /** RISC OS window handle */
const query_callback *cb; /** Table of callback functions */
void *pw; /** Handle passed to callback functions */
bool default_confirm; /** Default action is to confirm */
/** Next unallocated query id */
static query_id next_id = (query_id)1;
/** List of all query windows. */
static struct gui_query_window *gui_query_window_list = 0;
/** Template for a query window. */
static struct wimp_window *query_template;
/** Widths of Yes and No buttons */
static int query_yes_width = 0;
static int query_no_width = 0;
static struct gui_query_window *ro_gui_query_window_lookup_id(query_id id);
static bool ro_gui_query_click(wimp_pointer *pointer);
static void ro_gui_query_close(wimp_w w);
static bool ro_gui_query_apply(wimp_w w);
void ro_gui_query_init(void)
query_template = ro_gui_dialog_load_template("query");
* Lookup a query window using its ID number
* \param id id to search for
* \return pointer to query window or NULL
struct gui_query_window *ro_gui_query_window_lookup_id(query_id id)
struct gui_query_window *qw = gui_query_window_list;
while (qw && qw->id != id)
qw = qw->next;
return qw;
* Display a query to the user, requesting a response, near the current
* pointer position to keep the required mouse travel small, but also
* protecting against spurious mouse clicks.
* \param query message token of query
* \param detail parameter used in expanding tokenised message
* \param cb table of callback functions to be called when user responds
* \param pw handle to be passed to callback functions
* \param yes text to use for 'Yes' button' (or NULL for default)
* \param no text to use for 'No' button (or NULL for default)
* \return id number of the query (or QUERY_INVALID if it failed)
query_id query_user(const char *query, const char *detail,
const query_callback *cb, void *pw,
const char *yes, const char *no)
wimp_pointer pointer;
if (xwimp_get_pointer_info(&pointer))
pointer.pos.y = pointer.pos.x = -1;
return query_user_xy(query, detail, cb, pw, yes, no,
pointer.pos.x, pointer.pos.y);
* Display a query to the user, requesting a response, at a specified
* screen position (x,y). The window is positioned relative to the given
* location such that the required mouse travel is small, but non-zero
* for protection spurious double-clicks.
* \param query message token of query
* \param detail parameter used in expanding tokenised message
* \param cb table of callback functions to be called when user responds
* \param pw handle to be passed to callback functions
* \param yes text to use for 'Yes' button' (or NULL for default)
* \param no text to use for 'No' button (or NULL for default)
* \param x x position in screen coordinates (-1 = centred on screen)
* \param y y position in screen coordinates (-1 = centred on screen)
* \return id number of the query (or QUERY_INVALID if it failed)
query_id query_user_xy(const char *query, const char *detail,
const query_callback *cb, void *pw,
const char *yes, const char *no,
int x, int y)
struct gui_query_window *qw;
char query_buffer[300];
os_error *error;
wimp_icon *icn;
int width;
int len;
int tx;
char *local_text = NULL;
nserror err;
qw = malloc(sizeof(struct gui_query_window));
if (!qw) {
warn_user("NoMemory", NULL);
qw->cb = cb;
qw->pw = pw;
qw->id = next_id++;
qw->default_confirm = false;
if (next_id == QUERY_INVALID)
if (!yes) yes = messages_get("Yes");
if (!no) no = messages_get("No");
/* set the text of the 'Yes' button and size accordingly */
err = utf8_to_local_encoding(yes, 0, &local_text);
if (err != NSERROR_OK) {
assert(err != NSERROR_BAD_ENCODING);
local_text = NULL;
icn = &query_template->icons[ICON_QUERY_YES];
len = strlen(local_text ? local_text : yes);
len = max(len, icn->data.indirected_text.size - 1);
local_text ? local_text: yes, len);
icn->data.indirected_text.text[len] = '\0';
local_text = NULL;
error = xwimptextop_string_width(icn->data.indirected_text.text, len, &width);
if (error) {
LOG("xwimptextop_string_width: 0x%x:%s", error->errnum, error->errmess);
width = len * 16;
if (!query_yes_width) query_yes_width = icn->extent.x1 - icn->extent.x0;
width += 44;
if (width < query_yes_width)
width = query_yes_width;
icn->extent.x0 = tx = icn->extent.x1 - width;
/* set the text of the 'No' button and size accordingly */
err = utf8_to_local_encoding(no, 0, &local_text);
if (err != NSERROR_OK) {
assert(err != NSERROR_BAD_ENCODING);
local_text = NULL;
icn = &query_template->icons[ICON_QUERY_NO];
len = strlen(local_text ? local_text : no);
len = max(len, icn->data.indirected_text.size - 1);
local_text ? local_text : no, len);
icn->data.indirected_text.text[len] = '\0';
local_text = NULL;
if (!query_no_width) query_no_width = icn->extent.x1 - icn->extent.x0;
icn->extent.x1 = tx - 16;
error = xwimptextop_string_width(icn->data.indirected_text.text, len, &width);
if (error) {
LOG("xwimptextop_string_width: 0x%x:%s", error->errnum, error->errmess);
width = len * 16;
width += 28;
if (width < query_no_width)
width = query_no_width;
icn->extent.x0 = icn->extent.x1 - width;
error = xwimp_create_window(query_template, &qw->window);
if (error) {
warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess);
snprintf(query_buffer, sizeof query_buffer, "%s %s",
messages_get(query), detail ? detail : "");
query_buffer[sizeof query_buffer - 1] = 0;
ro_gui_set_icon_string(qw->window, ICON_QUERY_MESSAGE,
query_buffer, true);
xwimp_set_icon_state(qw->window, ICON_QUERY_HELP,
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) {
x -= tx - 8;
y += (query_template->visible.y1 - query_template->visible.y0) / 2;
ro_gui_dialog_open_xy(qw->window, x, y);
ro_gui_wimp_event_set_user_data(qw->window, qw);
ro_gui_wimp_event_register_mouse_click(qw->window, ro_gui_query_click);
ro_gui_wimp_event_register_cancel(qw->window, ICON_QUERY_NO);
ro_gui_wimp_event_register_ok(qw->window, ICON_QUERY_YES, ro_gui_query_apply);
ro_gui_wimp_event_register_close_window(qw->window, ro_gui_query_close);
error = xwimp_set_caret_position(qw->window, (wimp_i)-1, 0, 0, 1 << 25, -1);
if (error) {
LOG("xwimp_get_caret_position: 0x%x : %s", error->errnum, error->errmess);
warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess);
/* put this query window at the head of our list */
if (gui_query_window_list)
gui_query_window_list->prev = qw;
qw->prev = NULL;
qw->next = gui_query_window_list;
gui_query_window_list = qw;
return qw->id;
* Close a query window without waiting for a response from the user.
* (should normally only be called if the user has responded in some other
* way of which the query window in unaware.)
* \param id id of query window to close
void query_close(query_id id)
struct gui_query_window *qw = ro_gui_query_window_lookup_id(id);
if (!qw)
void ro_gui_query_window_bring_to_front(query_id id)
struct gui_query_window *qw = ro_gui_query_window_lookup_id(id);
if (qw) {
os_error *error;
error = xwimp_set_caret_position(qw->window, (wimp_i)-1, 0, 0, 1 << 25, -1);
if (error) {
LOG("xwimp_get_caret_position: 0x%x : %s", error->errnum, error->errmess);
warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess);
* Handle closing of query dialog
void ro_gui_query_close(wimp_w w)
struct gui_query_window *qw;
os_error *error;
qw = (struct gui_query_window *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(w);
error = xwimp_delete_window(qw->window);
if (error) {
LOG("xwimp_delete_window: 0x%x:%s", error->errnum, error->errmess);
warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess);
/* remove from linked-list of query windows and release memory */
if (qw->prev)
qw->prev->next = qw->next;
gui_query_window_list = qw->next;
if (qw->next)
qw->next->prev = qw->prev;
* Handle acceptance of query dialog
bool ro_gui_query_apply(wimp_w w)
struct gui_query_window *qw;
const query_callback *cb;
qw = (struct gui_query_window *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(w);
cb = qw->cb;
cb->confirm(qw->id, QUERY_YES, qw->pw);
return true;
* Handle clicks in query dialog
bool ro_gui_query_click(wimp_pointer *pointer)
struct gui_query_window *qw;
const query_callback *cb;
qw = (struct gui_query_window *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(pointer->w);
cb = qw->cb;
switch (pointer->i) {
cb->cancel(qw->id, QUERY_NO, qw->pw);
return false;
return false;