Daniel Silverstone db370bfdb7
HTML: Complete content state machine after async script
The async script completion process needs to complete the
content state machine so that browser throbbers eventually
stop once async scripts have fetched and run, even if that
happens *after* conversion finishes.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Silverstone <>
2020-02-21 10:48:00 +00:00

443 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright 2004 James Bursa <>
* This file is part of NetSurf,
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* \file
* Private data for text/html content.
#include <libcss/libcss.h>
#include <dom/bindings/hubbub/parser.h>
#include "netsurf/types.h"
#include "content/content_protected.h"
#include "desktop/selection.h"
struct gui_layout_table;
struct scrollbar_msg_data;
struct content_redraw_data;
typedef enum {
HTML_DRAG_NONE, /** No drag */
HTML_DRAG_SELECTION, /** Own; Text selection */
HTML_DRAG_SCROLLBAR, /** Not own; drag in scrollbar widget */
HTML_DRAG_TEXTAREA_SELECTION, /** Not own; drag in textarea widget */
HTML_DRAG_TEXTAREA_SCROLLBAR, /** Not own; drag in textarea widget */
HTML_DRAG_CONTENT_SELECTION, /** Not own; drag in child content */
HTML_DRAG_CONTENT_SCROLL /** Not own; drag in child content */
} html_drag_type;
* For drags we don't own
union html_drag_owner {
bool no_owner;
struct box *content;
struct scrollbar *scrollbar;
struct box *textarea;
typedef enum {
HTML_SELECTION_NONE, /** No selection */
HTML_SELECTION_TEXTAREA, /** Selection in one of our textareas */
HTML_SELECTION_SELF, /** Selection in this html content */
HTML_SELECTION_CONTENT /** Selection in child content */
} html_selection_type;
* For getting at selections in this content or things in this content
union html_selection_owner {
bool none;
struct box *textarea;
struct box *content;
typedef enum {
HTML_FOCUS_SELF, /**< Focus is our own */
HTML_FOCUS_CONTENT, /**< Focus belongs to child content */
HTML_FOCUS_TEXTAREA /**< Focus belongs to textarea */
} html_focus_type;
* For directing input
union html_focus_owner {
bool self;
struct box *textarea;
struct box *content;
* Data specific to CONTENT_HTML.
typedef struct html_content {
struct content base;
dom_hubbub_parser *parser; /**< Parser object handle */
bool parse_completed; /**< Whether the parse has been completed */
bool conversion_begun; /**< Whether or not the conversion has begun */
/** Document tree */
dom_document *document;
/** Quirkyness of document */
dom_document_quirks_mode quirks;
/** Encoding of source, NULL if unknown. */
char *encoding;
/** Source of encoding information. */
dom_hubbub_encoding_source encoding_source;
/** Base URL (may be a copy of content->url). */
nsurl *base_url;
/** Base target */
char *base_target;
/** CSS length conversion context for document. */
nscss_len_ctx len_ctx;
/** Content has been aborted in the LOADING state */
bool aborted;
/** Whether a meta refresh has been handled */
bool refresh;
/** Whether a layout (reflow) is in progress */
bool reflowing;
/** Whether an initial layout has been done */
bool had_initial_layout;
/** Whether scripts are enabled for this content */
bool enable_scripting;
/* Title element node */
dom_node *title;
/** A talloc context purely for the render box tree */
int *bctx;
/** A context pointer for the box conversion, NULL if no conversion
* is in progress.
void *box_conversion_context;
/** Box tree, or NULL. */
struct box *layout;
/** Document background colour. */
colour background_colour;
/** Font callback table */
const struct gui_layout_table *font_func;
/** Number of entries in scripts */
unsigned int scripts_count;
/** Scripts */
struct html_script *scripts;
/** javascript context */
struct jscontext *jscontext;
/** Number of entries in stylesheet_content. */
unsigned int stylesheet_count;
/** Stylesheets. Each may be NULL. */
struct html_stylesheet *stylesheets;
/**< Style selection context */
css_select_ctx *select_ctx;
/**< Style selection media specification */
css_media media;
/**< Universal selector */
lwc_string *universal;
/** Number of entries in object_list. */
unsigned int num_objects;
/** List of objects. */
struct content_html_object *object_list;
/** Forms, in reverse order to document. */
struct form *forms;
/** Hash table of imagemaps. */
struct imagemap **imagemaps;
/** Browser window containing this document, or NULL if not open. */
struct browser_window *bw;
/** Frameset information */
struct content_html_frames *frameset;
/** Inline frame information */
struct content_html_iframe *iframe;
/** Content of type CONTENT_HTML containing this, or NULL if not an
* object within a page. */
struct html_content *page;
/** Current drag type */
html_drag_type drag_type;
/** Widget capturing all mouse events */
union html_drag_owner drag_owner;
/** Current selection state */
html_selection_type selection_type;
/** Current selection owner */
union html_selection_owner selection_owner;
/** Current input focus target type */
html_focus_type focus_type;
/** Current input focus target */
union html_focus_owner focus_owner;
/** HTML content's own text selection object */
struct selection sel;
/** Open core-handled form SELECT menu,
* or NULL if none currently open. */
struct form_control *visible_select_menu;
/** Context for free text search, or NULL if none */
struct search_context *search;
/** Search string or NULL */
char *search_string;
} html_content;
/** Render padding and margin box outlines in html_redraw(). */
extern bool html_redraw_debug;
void html__redraw_a_box(html_content *html, struct box *box);
* Set our drag status, and inform whatever owns the content
* \param html HTML content
* \param drag_type Type of drag
* \param drag_owner What owns the drag
* \param rect Pointer movement bounds
void html_set_drag_type(html_content *html, html_drag_type drag_type,
union html_drag_owner drag_owner, const struct rect *rect);
* Set our selection status, and inform whatever owns the content
* \param html HTML content
* \param selection_type Type of selection
* \param selection_owner What owns the selection
* \param read_only True iff selection is read only
void html_set_selection(html_content *html, html_selection_type selection_type,
union html_selection_owner selection_owner, bool read_only);
* Set our input focus, and inform whatever owns the content
* \param html HTML content
* \param focus_type Type of input focus
* \param focus_owner What owns the focus
* \param hide_caret True iff caret to be hidden
* \param x Carret x-coord rel to owner
* \param y Carret y-coord rel to owner
* \param height Carret height
* \param clip Carret clip rect
void html_set_focus(html_content *html, html_focus_type focus_type,
union html_focus_owner focus_owner, bool hide_caret,
int x, int y, int height, const struct rect *clip);
struct browser_window *html_get_browser_window(struct content *c);
* Complete conversion of an HTML document
* \param htmlc Content to convert
void html_finish_conversion(html_content *htmlc);
* Test if an HTML content conversion can begin
* \param htmlc html content to test
* \return true iff the html content conversion can begin
bool html_can_begin_conversion(html_content *htmlc);
* Begin conversion of an HTML document
* \param htmlc Content to convert
bool html_begin_conversion(html_content *htmlc);
/* in html/html_redraw.c */
bool html_redraw(struct content *c, struct content_redraw_data *data,
const struct rect *clip, const struct redraw_context *ctx);
/* in html/html_redraw_border.c */
bool html_redraw_borders(struct box *box, int x_parent, int y_parent,
int p_width, int p_height, const struct rect *clip, float scale,
const struct redraw_context *ctx);
bool html_redraw_inline_borders(struct box *box, struct rect b,
const struct rect *clip, float scale, bool first, bool last,
const struct redraw_context *ctx);
/* in html/html_script.c */
dom_hubbub_error html_process_script(void *ctx, dom_node *node);
* Attempt script execution for defer and async scripts
* execute scripts using algorithm found in:
* \param htmlc html content.
* \param allow_defer allow deferred execution, if not, only async scripts.
* \return NSERROR_OK error code.
nserror html_script_exec(html_content *htmlc, bool allow_defer);
* Free all script resources and references for a html content.
* \param htmlc html content.
* \return NSERROR_OK or error code.
nserror html_script_free(html_content *htmlc);
* Ensure the html content javascript context is invalidated.
* \param htmlc html content.
* \return NSERROR_OK or error code.
nserror html_script_invalidate_ctx(html_content *htmlc);
* Check if any of the scripts loaded were insecure
bool html_saw_insecure_scripts(html_content *htmlc);
/* in html/html_forms.c */
struct form *html_forms_get_forms(const char *docenc, dom_html_document *doc);
struct form_control *html_forms_get_control_for_node(struct form *forms,
dom_node *node);
/* in html/html_css.c */
nserror html_css_init(void);
void html_css_fini(void);
* Initialise core stylesheets for a content
* \param c content structure to update
* \return nserror
nserror html_css_new_stylesheets(html_content *c);
nserror html_css_quirks_stylesheets(html_content *c);
nserror html_css_free_stylesheets(html_content *html);
/** Return if any of the stylesheets were loaded insecurely */
bool html_saw_insecure_stylesheets(html_content *html);
bool html_css_process_link(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node);
bool html_css_process_style(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node);
bool html_css_update_style(html_content *c, dom_node *style);
nserror html_css_new_selection_context(html_content *c,
css_select_ctx **ret_select_ctx);
/* in html/html_css_fetcher.c */
* Register the fetcher for the pseudo x-ns-css scheme.
* \return NSERROR_OK on successful registration or error code on failure.
nserror html_css_fetcher_register(void);
nserror html_css_fetcher_add_item(dom_string *data, nsurl *base_url,
uint32_t *key);
/* in html/html_object.c */
* Start a fetch for an object required by a page.
* \param c content of type CONTENT_HTML
* \param url URL of object to fetch (copied)
* \param box box that will contain the object
* \param permitted_types bitmap of acceptable types
* \param available_width estimate of width of object
* \param available_height estimate of height of object
* \param background this is a background image
* \return true on success, false on memory exhaustion
bool html_fetch_object(html_content *c, nsurl *url, struct box *box,
content_type permitted_types,
int available_width, int available_height,
bool background);
nserror html_object_free_objects(html_content *html);
nserror html_object_close_objects(html_content *html);
nserror html_object_open_objects(html_content *html, struct browser_window *bw);
nserror html_object_abort_objects(html_content *html);
* Complete the HTML content state machine *iff* all scripts are finished
nserror html_proceed_to_done(html_content *html);
/* Events */
* Construct an event and fire it at the DOM
bool fire_generic_dom_event(dom_string *type, dom_node *target,
bool bubbles, bool cancelable);
* Construct a keyboard event and fire it at the DOM
bool fire_dom_keyboard_event(dom_string *type, dom_node *target,
bool bubbles, bool cancelable, uint32_t key);
/* Useful dom_string pointers */
struct dom_string;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_map;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_id;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_name;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_area;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_a;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_nohref;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_href;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_target;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_shape;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_default;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_rect;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_rectangle;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_coords;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_circle;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_poly;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_polygon;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_text_javascript;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_type;
extern struct dom_string *html_dom_string_src;