
594 lines
20 KiB

* This file is part of NetSurf,
* Licensed under the GNU General Public License,
* Copyright 2004 John M Bell <>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unixlib/local.h> /* for __riscosify */
#include "libxml/HTMLtree.h"
#include "oslib/osfile.h"
#include "netsurf/utils/config.h"
#include "netsurf/content/content.h"
#include "netsurf/css/css.h"
#include "netsurf/render/form.h"
#include "netsurf/render/layout.h"
#include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h"
#include "netsurf/riscos/save_complete.h"
#include "netsurf/utils/log.h"
#include "netsurf/utils/url.h"
#include "netsurf/utils/utils.h"
/** \todo URL rewriting for @import rules
* Objects used by embedded html pages
struct url_entry {
char *url; /**< Fully qualified URL, as per url_join output */
char *par; /**< Base URL of parent object */
int ptr; /**< Pointer to object's location in memory */
struct url_entry *next; /**< Next entry in list */
static void save_imported_sheets(struct content *c, char *p, char* fn,
struct url_entry *imports);
/*static char *leafname(const char *url);
static int rewrite_stylesheet_urls(const char* sheet, int isize, char* buffer,
int osize, struct url_entry *head);*/
static int rewrite_document_urls(xmlDoc *doc, struct url_entry *head, char *fname);
static int rewrite_urls(xmlNode *n, struct url_entry *head, char *fname);
static void rewrite_url(xmlNode *n, struct url_entry *head, char *fname,
const char *attr);
/* this is temporary. */
const char * const SAVE_PATH = "<NetSurf$Dir>.savetest.";
const char * const OBJ_DIR = "_files";
/** \todo this will probably want to take a filename */
void save_complete(struct content *c) {
char *fname = 0, *spath;
unsigned int i;
struct url_entry urls = {0, 0, 0, 0}; /* sentinel at head */
struct url_entry *object;
htmlParserCtxtPtr toSave;
if (c->type != CONTENT_HTML)
fname = "test"; /*get_filename(c->data.html.base_url);*/
spath = xcalloc(strlen(SAVE_PATH)+strlen(OBJ_DIR)+strlen(fname)+50,
sprintf(spath, "%s%s%s", SAVE_PATH, fname, OBJ_DIR);
xosfile_create_dir(spath, 77);
/* save stylesheets, ignoring the base sheet and <style> elements */
for (i = 2; i != c->data.html.stylesheet_count; i++) {
struct content *css = c->data.html.stylesheet_content[i];
struct url_entry imports = {0, 0, 0, 0};
//char *source;
//int source_len;
if (!css)
save_imported_sheets(css, spath, fname, &imports);
/*source = xcalloc(css->source_size+100, sizeof(char));
source_len = rewrite_stylesheet_urls(css->source_data,
sprintf(spath, "%s%s%s.%p", SAVE_PATH, fname, OBJ_DIR, css);
/*if (source_len > 0) {
xosfile_save_stamped(spath, 0xf79, source,
source + source_len);
xosfile_save_stamped(spath, 0xf79, css->source_data,
css->source_data + css->source_size);
/* Now add the url of this sheet to the list
* of objects imported by the parent page
object = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct url_entry));
object->url = css->url;
object->par = url_normalize(c->data.html.base_url);
object->ptr = (int)css;
object->next =; = object;
/* save objects */
for (i = 0; i != c->data.html.object_count; i++) {
struct content *obj = c->data.html.object[i].content;
/* skip difficult content types */
if (!obj || obj->type >= CONTENT_PLUGIN) {
sprintf(spath, "%s%s%s.%p", SAVE_PATH, fname, OBJ_DIR, c->data.html.object[i].content);
obj->source_data + obj->source_size);
/* Add to list, as for stylesheets */
object = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct url_entry));
object->url = obj->url;
object->par = url_normalize(c->data.html.base_url);
object->ptr = (int)obj;
object->next =; = object;
/* make a copy of the document tree */
toSave = htmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(c->source_data, c->source_size);
/* rewrite all urls we know about */
if (rewrite_document_urls(toSave->myDoc, &urls, fname) == 0) {
/* save the html file out last of all */
sprintf(spath, "%s%s", SAVE_PATH, fname);
htmlSaveFile(spath, toSave->myDoc);
xosfile_set_type(spath, 0xfaf);
void save_imported_sheets(struct content *c, char *p, char *fn,
struct url_entry *imports)
unsigned int j;
//struct url_entry *this;
//char *source;
//int source_len;
for (j = 0; j != c->data.css.import_count; j++) {
struct content *css = c->data.css.import_content[j];
struct url_entry imp = {0, 0, 0, 0};
if (!css)
save_imported_sheets(css, p, fn, &imp);
/*source = xcalloc(css->source_size+100, sizeof(char));
source_len = rewrite_stylesheet_urls(css->source_data,
sprintf(p, "%s%s%s.%p", SAVE_PATH, fn, OBJ_DIR, css);
/*if (source_len > 0) {
xosfile_save_stamped(p, 0xf79, source, source + source_len);
xosfile_save_stamped(p, 0xf79, css->source_data,
css->source_data + css->source_size);
/* now add the url of this sheet to the list of
* sheets imported by the parent sheet.
/*this = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct url_entry));
this->url = css->url;
this->par = url_normalize(c->url);
this->ptr = (int)css;
this->next = imports->next;
imports->next = this;*/
#if 0
char *leafname(const char *url)
char *res, *temp;
/* the input URL is that produced by url_join,
* therefore, we can assume that this will work.
temp = strrchr(url, '/');
if ((temp - url) == (int)(strlen(url)-1)) { /* root dir */
res = xstrdup("index/html");
return res;
temp += 1;
res = xcalloc(strlen(temp), sizeof(char));
if (__riscosify_std(temp, 0, res, strlen(temp), 0)) {
return res;
return NULL;
* Rewrite stylesheet @import rules to use relative urls.
* @param sheet The source of the stylesheet
* @param isize The size of the input buffer
* @param buffer The buffer into which to write the modified sheet
* @param osize The size of the output buffer
* @param head Pointer to the head of the list containing imported urls
* @return The length of the output buffer, or 0 on error.
int rewrite_stylesheet_urls(const char *sheet, int isize, char *buffer,
int osize, struct url_entry *head)
struct url_entry *item, *next;
char *rule, *input = sheet, *temp, *end;
int out_size = 0, out = 0;
while (input < sheet+isize) {
/* find next occurrence of @import in input buffer */
rule = strstr(input, "@import");
if (!rule) {
if (out_size + ((sheet+isize)-input) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, ((sheet+isize)-input));
out_size += ((sheet+isize)-input);
/* find end of this rule */
end = strchr(rule, ';');
if (!end) { /* rule not closed - give up */
if (out_size + ((sheet+isize)-input) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, ((sheet+isize)-input));
out_size += ((sheet+isize)-input);
/* skip until after first set of double quotes */
temp = strchr(rule, '"');
if (!temp) { /* no quotes - try parentheses */
temp = strchr(rule, '(');
if (!temp) { /* no parentheses - give up */
if (out_size + (rule-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (rule-input+1));
buffer += rule-input+1;
out_size += rule-input+1;
input = rule + 1;
/* check we haven't gone past the end */
if (temp > end && *temp == '(') { /* tested both */
if (out_size + (end-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (end-input+1));
buffer += end-input+1;
out_size += end-input+1;
input = end + 1;
else if (temp > end) { /* not done parentheses yet */
temp = strchr(rule, '(');
if (!temp) { /* no parentheses - give up */
if (out_size + (rule-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (rule-input+1));
buffer += rule-input+1;
out_size += rule-input+1;
input = rule + 1;
if (temp > end) {
if (out_size + (end-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (end-input+1));
buffer += end-input+1;
out_size += end-input+1;
input = end + 1;
rule = temp + 1;
/* pointer to end of url */
temp = strchr(rule, '"');
if (!temp) {
temp = strchr(rule, ')');
if (!temp) {
if (out_size + (rule-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (rule-input+1));
buffer += rule-input+1;
out_size += rule-input+1;
input = rule + 1;
/* check we haven't gone past the end */
if (temp > end && *temp == ')') { /* tested both */
if (out_size + (end-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (end-input+1));
buffer += end-input+1;
out_size += end-input+1;
input = end + 1;
else if (temp > end) { /* not done parentheses yet */
temp = strchr(rule, ')');
if (!temp) { /* no parentheses - give up */
if (out_size + (rule-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (rule-input+1));
buffer += rule-input+1;
out_size += rule-input+1;
input = rule + 1;
if (temp > end) {
if (out_size + (end-input+1) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (end-input+1));
buffer += end-input+1;
out_size += end-input+1;
input = end + 1;
end = temp;
/* copy input up to @import rule to output buffer */
if (out_size + (rule-input) > osize) {
/* not enough space in buffer -> exit */
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, input, (out = (rule-input)));
input = rule;
buffer += out;
out_size += out;
/* copy url into temporary buffer */
temp = xcalloc((end-rule), sizeof(char));
strncpy(temp, rule, (end-rule));
/* iterate over list, looking for url */
/** \todo make url detection more accurate */
for (item=head; item->next; item=item->next) {
if (strstr(item->next->url, temp) != 0) {
/* url found -> rewrite it */
int len = 12;
char *url = xcalloc(len, sizeof(char));
sprintf(url, "./0x%x", item->next->ptr);
if (out_size + len > osize) {
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, url, len);
out = len;
if (item->next == 0) {
/* url not found -> write temp to buffer */
if ((int)(out_size + strlen(temp)) > osize) {
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, temp, strlen(temp));
out = strlen(temp);
/* free url */
input = end;
buffer += out;
out_size += out;
/* free list */
for (item = head; item->next; item = item->next) {
next = item->next;
item->next = item->next->next;
if (item->next == 0) {
return out_size;
* Rewrite URLs in a HTML document to be relative
* @param doc The root of the document tree
* @param head The head of the list of known URLs
* @param fname The name of the file to save as
* @return 0 on error. >0 otherwise
int rewrite_document_urls(xmlDoc *doc, struct url_entry *head, char *fname)
xmlNode *html;
struct url_entry *item, *next;
/* find the html element */
for (html = doc->children;
html!=0 && html->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
html = html->next)
if (html == 0 || strcmp((const char*)html->name, "html") != 0) {
return 0;
rewrite_urls(html, head, fname);
/* free list */
for (item = head; item->next; item = item->next) {
next = item->next;
item->next = item->next->next;
if (item->next == 0) {
return 1;
* Traverse tree, rewriting URLs as we go.
* @param n The root of the tree
* @param head The head of the list of known URLs
* @param fname The name of the file to save as
* @return 0 on error. >0 otherwise
int rewrite_urls(xmlNode *n, struct url_entry *head, char *fname)
xmlNode *this;
* We only need to consider the following cases:
* Attribute: Elements:
* 1) data <object>
* 2) href <a> <area> <link> <base>
* 3) src <script> <input> <frame> <iframe> <img>
if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
/* 1 */
if (strcmp(n->name, "object") == 0) {
rewrite_url(n, head, fname, "data");
/* 2 */
else if (strcmp(n->name, "a") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "area") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "link") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "base") == 0) {
rewrite_url(n, head, fname, "href");
/* 3 */
else if (strcmp(n->name, "frame") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "iframe") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "input") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "img") == 0 ||
strcmp(n->name, "script") == 0) {
rewrite_url(n, head, fname, "src");
else {
return 0;
/* now recurse */
for (this = n->children; this != 0; this = this->next) {
rewrite_urls(this, head, fname);
return 1;
* Rewrite an URL in a HTML document.
* @param n The node to modify
* @param head The head of the list of known URLs
* @param fname The name of the file to save as
* @param attr The html attribute to modify
void rewrite_url(xmlNode *n, struct url_entry *head, char *fname,
const char *attr)
char *url, *data, *rel;
struct url_entry *item;
int len = strlen(fname) + strlen(OBJ_DIR) + 13;
data = xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar*)attr);
if (!data) return;
url = url_join(data, head->next->par);
if (!url) {
for (item=head; item->next; item=item->next) {
if (strcmp(url, item->next->url) == 0) { /* found a match */
rel = xcalloc(len, sizeof(char));
sprintf(rel, "./%s%s/0x%x", fname, OBJ_DIR,
xmlSetProp(n, (const xmlChar*)attr,
(const xmlChar*) rel);
if (item->next == 0) { /* no match found */
xmlSetProp(n, (const xmlChar*)attr, (const xmlChar*)url);