John Mark Bell 9ef5ac0890 [project @ 2004-07-04 19:27:41 by jmb]
Fixup duplicated message key usage.

svn path=/import/netsurf/; revision=1047
2004-07-04 19:27:42 +00:00

256 lines
10 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# English messages for NetSurf
# Menus
AppHelp:Help... F1
PageInfo:Info ^F1
Save:Save F3
SaveComp:Full save F3
ExportAs:Export as
Draw:Draw ^F3
Text:Text ^F3
SaveURL:Save location
NewWindow:New window ^N
ViewSrc:View source... F8
Copy:Copy to clipboard ^C
SelectAll:Select all ^A
Clear:Clear selection ^Z
OpenURL:Open URL...
Home:Home page
Back:Back one page
Forward:Forward one page
Reload:Reload this page ^R
Stop:Stop loading this page
ScaleView:Scale view
ForeImg:Foreground images
BackImg:Background images
DitherImg:Dither images
FilterImg:Smooth images
ToolAddress:Address bar
ToolStatus:Status bar
OptDefault:Set as default
WindowSave:Set as default position
WindowStagr:Stagger window position
WindowSize:Maintain window size
WindowReset:Reset default position
HotlistAdd:Add page to hotlist
HotlistShow:Show hotlist F6
HelpContent:Contents F1
HelpGuide:User guide
HelpInfo:User information
HelpInter:Interactive help
HelpAbout:About NetSurf
# Hotlist window
HotlistURL:Address: %s
HotlistAdded:Added: %s
HotlistLast:Last visited: %s
HotlistVisits:Visits: %i
# Download window
Download:%s of %s <20> %s/s <20> %s remaining
DownloadU:%s of unknown <20> %s/s <20> %s total
Downloaded:%s complete <20> average %s/s <20> %s total
Unwritten:Writing data to file failed.
# Forms
Form_Drop:Drop file here
Not2xx:Server returned an error
ErrorPage:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><html><head><title>Page error</title></head><body><h1>Sorry, NetSurf was unable to display this page</h1><p><strong>%s</strong></p></body></html>
InvalidURL:The address <em>%s</em> could not be understood.
NoMemory:NetSurf is running out of memory. Please free some memory and try again.
FontBadInst:An error occurred when initialising fonts due to the presence of obsolete copies of the ROM fonts on disc. NetSurf will exit and launch a program which will attempt to fix this.
FontError:Failed to open font "Homerton.Medium" (%s).
Resolvers:No domain name servers are configured, so only browsing local files will be possible. Use Configure to set your name server(s).
PathToURL:An error occurred converting the file path to an URL:
SaveError:The file could not be saved due to an error:
MenuError:An error occurred when opening the menu:
DragError:An error occurred when dragging the icon:
TbarError:An error occurred when constructing the toolbar:
WimpError:An unexpected Window Manager error occurred:
Template:A window template is missing from the Templates file. Please reinstall NetSurf.
MiscError:An unexpected error occurred:
FileError:File does not exist:
HotlistSaveError:The hotlist was unable to be correctly saved.
HotlistLoadError:The hotlist was unable to be correctly loaded.
# Some general purpose words and phrases
Bytes: B
kBytes: kB
MBytes: MB
GBytes: GB
# Progress
Loading:Opening page...
RecPercent:Received %s of %s (%u%%)
Received:Received %s
Converting:Converting %lu bytes
BadRedirect:Bad redirect URL
FetchFailed:Unable to fetch document
Complete:Page complete (%gs)
Processing:Processing document
Formatting:Formatting document
FetchObjs:Loading %u objects
FetchObjs2:Loading %u objects: %s
Done:Document done
FetchStyle:Loading %u stylesheets
FetchStyle2:Loading %u stylesheets: %s
NotCSS:Warning: stylesheet is not CSS
BadObject:Warning: bad object type
ObjError:Error loading object: %s
ParsingFail:Parsing the document failed.
BadGIF:Reading GIF failed.
PNGError:PNG library error.
DrawTitle:Draw image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
GIFTitle:GIF image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
JPEGTitle:JPEG image (%ux%u, %lu bytes)
PNGTitle:PNG image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
SpriteTitle:Sprite image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
# Interactive help
HelpToolbar0:\Tback button.|M\Straverse back one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar1:\Tforward button.|M\Straverse forward one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar2:\Tstop button.|M\Sstop loading this page.
HelpToolbar3:\Treload button.|M\Sreload this page.|M\Areload this page and any objects it contains.
#HelpToolbar4:\Thome button.|M\Sgo to your home page.
HelpToolbar5:\Thistory button.|M\Sopen the local history \w.
HelpToolbar6:\Tsave button.|M\Ssave the current document.
#HelpToolbar7:\Tprint button.|M\Sprint this page.|MOpens a print dialogue box.
HelpToolbar8:\Thotlist button.|M\Sadd this address to the hotlist.|M\Aopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpToolbar9:\Tscale view button.|M\Sscale the page, affecting both text and images.
#HelpToolbar10:\Tsearch button.
#HelpToolbar11:\Tup button.|M\Smove up the directory structure.
HelpToolbar12:\TURL bar.|MType in the address of a site to visit and press Return to go there.
HelpToolbar13:\Tthrobber.|MIt animates while this \w is active.
HelpStatus0:\Tstatus bar.|MIt displays information on what the browser \w is doing.
HelpStatus1:\Tstatus bar resizer.|MDrag to alter the size of the status bar.
HelpIconMenu0:\Rview information about this software.
HelpIconMenu1:\Sview NetSurf's documentation.
HelpIconMenu2:\Sopen the Choices dialogue box.
HelpIconMenu3:\Squit NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu0:\Rsee the options relating to the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-0:\Rsee information about the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-1:\Rsave the current page as an HTML file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-2:\Rsave the current page including all the images and style sheets used.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-0:\Rexport the current page as a Drawfile.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-1:\Rexport the current page as a plain text file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4:\Rsave the address of the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-0:\Rsave the current address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-1:\Rsave the current address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-2:\Rsave the current address as plain text.
#HelpBrowserMenu0-5:\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpBrowserMenu0-6:\Sopen the current page in a new window.
HelpBrowserMenu0-7:\Sview the source code of the current page in a text editor.
HelpBrowserMenu1:\Rsee the options relating to the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-0:\Rsee information about the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-1:\Rsave the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2-0:\Rsave the image as a Sprite.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3:\Rsave the address of the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-0:\Rsave the current item's address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-1:\Rsave the current item's address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-2:\Rsave the current item's address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu1-4:\Sreload all the items on this page.
HelpBrowserMenu2:\Rsee the navigation options.
#HelpBrowserMenu2-0:\Sreturn to the configured home page.
HelpBrowserMenu2-1:\Sgo back a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-2:\Sstep forward a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Sfetch the current page again.
HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Sstop NetSurf from continuing to load this page.
HelpBrowserMenu3:\Rset the local display options.
HelpBrowserMenu3-0:\Rscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1:\Rset the local image options.
#HelpBrowserMenu3-1-0:\Stoggle the display of foreground images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-1:\Stoggle the display of background images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-2:\Stoggle the display of animations.|MIf turned off, the first frame is displayed.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-3:\Stoggle dithering of images.|MImproves display in sub true colour screen modes.
#HelpBrowserMenu3-1-4:\Stoggle smoothing of scaled images.|MUses bi-linear filtering to enhance display of scaled images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-1:\Stoggle the display of the address (URL) bar.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-2:\Stoggle the display of the throbber.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-3:\Stoggle the display of the status bar.|MHorizontal scroll bar uses the remaining width.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3:\Rcontrol the default window positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-0:\Sto make the current window position the default.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-3:\Sto return to the default window positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu3-4:\Smake your local display options the default options for NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu4:\Rto access NetSurf's built in utilities.|MUtilities are tools such as the hotlist, history tree and setup options.
HelpBrowserMenu5:\Rsee the help resources available.
HelpBrowserMenu5-0:\Sopen the documentation contents page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-1:\Sopen the user guide in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-2:\Sopen the user information page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-3:\Sopen the NetSurf about page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-4:\Srun Help.
HelpBrowser-1:Click \s on a link to follow it.|MClick \a on a link to open it in a new \w.
HelpIconbar:\TNetSurf icon.|M\Sopen a new browser window.
HelpHistory:Use this \w to navigate around the local history tree.|M\Son a thumbnail to return to that page.
HelpSaveAs0:Drag SELECT this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file.
HelpSaveAs1:This is the filename under which this document will be saved.
HelpSaveAs2:\Ssave the file with the current filename.|MIf a full path is not set, you must drag the icon to a directory.
HelpSaveAs3:\Sclose this \w without saving.
HelpScaleView:Use this \w to change the scale the page is displayed at.
HelpScaleView1:Enter the scale you wish the page to be displayed at.
HelpScaleView2:\Sreduce the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView3:\Sincrease the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView5:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 50%.
HelpScaleView6:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 80%.
HelpScaleView7:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 100%.
HelpScaleView8:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 120%.
HelpScaleView9:\Scancel changes.|MThe current scale will not be changed.
HelpScaleView10:\Schange the view to the scale you have chosen.