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# Nederlandstalige meldingen voor NetSurf
# =======================================
# gebaseerd op (Eng: 09/12/2004 en 01/01/2005) en (Ned.) 17/06/2005
# Description
# -----------
# This file contains lines of colon separated key-value pairs in the format:
# Key:Value
# Contents of Key _must_ be representable in the US-ASCII character set and
# should not be modified for translation purposes.
# Values must be UTF-8 encoded strings. When these strings are displayed in
# NetSurf's user interface, they are converted to the system's local character
# set. As a result of this conversion process, unrepresentable characters are
# stripped from the displayed string.
# Blank lines and lines starting with a # character are treated as comments and
# ignored.
# Menus
# =====
# This section defines the title and entry text for NetSurf's menus.
# Iconbar menu
AppHelp:Hulp... F1
# Iconbar -> Open menu
OpenURL:Open URL
# Main menu
# Main -> Page menu
PageInfo:Informatie ^F1
Save:Bewaar F3
SaveComp:Bewaar alles ⇑F3
SaveURL:Bewaar adres
Print:Afdrukken PRINT
NewWindow:Nieuw venster ^N
ViewSrc:Bekijk HTML... F8
# Main -> Page -> Export menu
Draw:Draw ⇑^F3
Text:Tekst ^F3
# Main -> Page -> Save location menu
# Main -> Object menu
# Main -> Object -> Export menu
# Main -> Navigate menu
Back:Vorige pagina
Forward:Volgende pagina
Reload:Pagina opnieuw laden ^F5
Stop:Pagina ophalen afbreken
# Main -> Display menu
ScaleView:Pagina schalen F11
OptDefault:Als standaard instellen
# Main -> Display -> Images menu
# Main -> Display -> Toolbars menu
ToolStatus:Status balk
# Main -> Display -> Render menu
RenderAnims:Buffer animaties
RenderAll:Buffer alle weergaven
# Main -> Utilities menu
FindText:Tekst zoeken F4
# Main -> Utilities -> Hotlist menu
HotlistAdd:Toevoegen aan bladwijzers
HotlistShow:Toon bladwijzers F6
# Main -> Utilities -> History menu
HistLocal:Toon historie (lokaal)... F7
HistGlobal:Toon historie (globaal)... ^F7
# Main -> Utilities -> Window menu
WindowSave:Als standaard positie opslaan
WindowStagr:Nieuw venster verplaatsen
WindowSize:Copieer venster positie
WindowReset:Venster positie terugzetten
# Main -> Help menu
HelpContent:Inhoud F1
HelpInfo:Gebruikers informatie
HelpAbout:Over NetSurf
HelpInter:Interactieve hulp
# Toolbar menu
EditToolbar:Werkbalk aanpassen
# Generic tree menus (currently Hotlist and Global history)
SelectAll:Selecteer alles ^A
Clear:Selectie opheffen ^Z
# Selection Menu
Launch:Openen RETURN
Delete:Verwijderen ^X
ResetUsage:Statistiek op nul zetten
# Hotlist/Global history menu
# New hotlist entry menu
# Tree expand/collapse menu
# Other menus
# URL suggestion menu
URLSuggest:Recente URLs
# Menus within the choices system
# Browser pane
# Network pane
ProxyType:Proxy type
ProxyNone:No proxy
ProxyNoAuth:Simple proxy
ProxyBasic:Basic authentication
ProxyNTLM:NTLM authentication
# Fonts pane
DefaultFonts:Font Families
# Images pane
ImgStyle0:RISC OS gebruiken
ImgStyle1:Direct weergave
# Treeview interface tokens
# =========================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the treeview
# component. (For example, in the main hotlist/global history windows)
# Tree URL text
TreeAdded:Toegevoegd: %s
TreeLast:Laatst bezocht: %s
TreeVisited:Bezocht: %s
TreeVisits:Bezichtigd: %i keer
TreeImport:Ge-importeerde URL
TreeNewFolder:Nieuwe map
# Hotlist user interface tokens
# =============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in various parts of
# the hotlist user interface.
# Hotlist sub-window titles
NewLink:Nieuw adres aanmaken
NewFolder:Nieuwe map aanmaken
EditLink:Bewerk adres
EditFolder:Map hernoemen
# Default hotlist page names
HotlistHomepage:NetSurf homepage
HotlistTestBuild:NetSurf test versie
HotlistDocumentation:NetSurf documentation
HotlistBugTracker:NetSurf bug tracker
HotlistFeatureRequest:NetSurf feature requests
# Global history user interface tokens
# ====================================
# This section contains tokens which are used in various parts of
# the global history user interface.
GlobalHistory:Historie (globaal)
Date1Week:vorige week
Date2Week:2 weken geleden
Date3Week:3 weken geleden
# Download user interface tokens
# ==============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the download
# window.
Download:%s van %s • %s/s • nog %s
DownloadU:%s van onbekend • %s/s • %s totaal
Downloaded:%s compleet • gemiddeld %s/s • %s totaal
Unwritten:Data naar bestand schrijven ging fout.
# Printing user interface tokens
# ==============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the printing
# dialog box.
# Find text user interface tokens
# ===============================
# This section contains tokens which are used in the find text
# dialog box.
NotFound:Vinden niet
# Content
# =======
# This section contains tokens used by contents
# Forms
Form_Drop:Kwak bestand hier
FormSelect:Klikken selekteert een form item
FormCheckbox:Klikken selekteert deze optie
FormRadio:Klikken kiest deze optie
FormSubmit:Verstuur data naar %s
FormBadSubmit:Waarschuwing: data kan niet verzonden worden
FormTextarea:Klikken om tekst te bewerken
FormTextbox:Klikken om dit veld te bewerken
FormReset:Reset form (not implemented)
FormFile:Plaats het bestand hier voor uploaden
# Content titles
DrawTitle:Draw image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
GIFTitle:GIF image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
BMPTitle:BMP image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
ICOTitle:ICO image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
JPEGTitle:JPEG image (%ux%u, %lu bytes)
PNGTitle:PNG image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
JNGTitle:JNG image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
MNGTitle:MNG image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
SpriteTitle:Sprite image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
ArtWorksTitle:ArtWorks image (%lux%lu, %lu bytes)
# HTML page character set
Encoding0:from HTTP headers
Encoding2:from <meta>
# Errors
# ======
# This section contains error and warning messages which
# are displayed to the user.
# Fetching errors - displayed as an HTML page
Not2xx:Server retourneert een fout
InvalidURL:The address <em>%s</em> could not be understood.
# HTML error page
ErrorPage:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Page error</title></head><body><h1>Sorry, NetSurf was unable to display this page</h1><p><strong>%s</strong></p></body></html>
# General errors - displayed in a dialog box
# These may be augmented with further relevant information, which
# is displayed after the contents of the relevant token.
PathToURL:An error occurred converting the file path to an URL:
SaveError:The file could not be saved due to an error:
LoadError:The file could not be loaded due to an error:
MenuError:An error occurred when opening the menu:
DragError:An error occurred when dragging the icon:
TbarError:An error occurred when constructing the toolbar:
WimpError:An unexpected Window Manager error occurred:
DownloadWarn:This download may not complete:
MiscError:An unexpected error occurred:
FileError:File does not exist:
PrintError:An error occurred when printing:
AWNotSeen:Please locate the AWViewer application and try again.
# Specific errors - displayed in a dialog box
NoMemory:NetSurf is running out of memory. Please free some memory and try again.
FontBadInst:An error occurred when initialising fonts due to the presence of obsolete copies of the ROM fonts on disc. NetSurf will exit and launch a program which will attempt to fix this.
FontError:Failed to open font "Homerton.Medium" (%s).
Resolvers:No domain name servers are configured, so only browsing local files will be possible. Use Configure to set your name server(s).
NoDiscSpace:Not enough space available on disc.
Template:A window template is missing from the Templates file. Please reinstall NetSurf.
HotlistSaveError:The hotlist was unable to be correctly saved.
HotlistLoadError:The hotlist was unable to be correctly loaded.
NoPathError:To save, drag the icon to a directory display
NoNameError:Please enter a name
NoURLError:Please enter a URL
URIError:NetSurf was unable to parse this URI file due to a syntax error.
EmptyError:file is empty.
PrintErrorRO2:It appears that the printer is busy.
# Queries
# =======
# This section contains queries which are displayed to the user
AbortDownload:Zeker weten dat u deze download af wilt breken?
QuitDownload:Een of meer downloads zijn nog bezig. Toch afbreken?
OverwriteFile:A file with that name already exists and would be lost.
# Page fetching
# =============
# This section contains messages which may be displayed whilst
# fetching a page or other content
# Fetch status messages - displayed in status bar
Progress:%s van %s
Loading:pagina ophalen...
RecPercent:ontvangen %s (%u%%)
Received:ontvangen %s
Converting:converteren van %lu bytes
Complete:pagina verwerkt (%gs)
Processing:verwerking van document
Formatting:document opmaken
FetchObjs:laden van %u objecten
FetchObjs2:laden van %u objecten: %s
FetchStyle:laden van %u stylesheets
FetchStyle2:laden van %u stylesheets: %s
# Fetch warning/error messages - displayed in status bar
BadRedirect:foutief doorverwijzen naar URL
FetchFailed:kan dit document niet ophalen
NotCSS:melding: stylesheet is geen CSS
BadObject:melding: fout object type
ObjError:fout bij laden object: %s
ParsingFail:fout bij ontleden van dit document.
BadGIF:fout bij lezen GIF.
BadBMP:fout bij lezen BMP.
BadICO:fout bij lezen ICO.
PNGError:PNG library fout.
MNGError:MNG library fout.
BadSprite:foutief sprite bestand.
# User interface
# ==============
# This section contains messages to deal with user interface
# features.
# Scrollbars - displayed in status bar
ScrollUp:Click the arrow to scroll up
ScrollPUp:Click to scroll up one page
ScrollV:Drag the bar to scroll vertically
ScrollPDown:Click to scroll down one page
ScrollDown:Click the arrow to scroll down
ScrollLeft:Click the arrow to scroll left
ScrollPLeft:Click to scroll left one page
ScrollH:Drag the bar to scroll horizontally
ScrollPRight:Click to scroll right one page
ScrollRight:Click the arrow to scroll right
# Saving
# ======
# Messages used when saving
# Themes
# ======
# Messages used when installing new themes
ThemeInstActive:A theme is currently being downloaded or installed. Please wait for it to finish or cancel it before installing more themes.
ThemeInstDown:Please wait for the theme to download.
ThemeInvalid:The downloaded theme is invalid or requires a newer version of NetSurf.
ThemeInstall:Would you like to install the theme '%s' by %s?
ThemeInstallErr:An error occurred whilst trying to install the downloaded theme.
ThemeApplyErr:An error occurred whilst trying to apply the downloaded theme.
# General
# =======
# Some general purpose words and phrases
Bytes: B
kBytes: kB
MBytes: MB
GBytes: GB
Replace:Replace file
DontReplace:Don't replace
# Interactive help
# ================
# This section contains interactive help messages
HelpToolbar0:\Tback button.|M\Straverse back one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar1:\Tforward button.|M\Straverse forward one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
HelpToolbar2:\Tstop button.|M\Sstop loading this page.
HelpToolbar3:\Treload button.|M\Sreload this page.|M\Areload this page and any objects it contains.
HelpToolbar4:\Thome button.|M\Sgo to your home page.
HelpToolbar5:\Thistory button.|M\Sopen the local history \w.|M\Aopen the global history \w.
HelpToolbar6:\Tsave button.|M\Ssave the current document.
HelpToolbar7:\Tprint button.|M\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpToolbar8:\Thotlist button.|M\Sopen the hotlist management \w.|M\Aadd this address to the hotlist.
HelpToolbar9:\Tscale view button.|M\Sscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpToolbar10:\Tsearch button.|M\Sfind instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpToolbar13:\TURL bar.|MType in the address of a site to visit and press Return to go there.
HelpToolbar15:\TURL suggestion icon.|M\Sopen a list of recently typed URLs.
HelpToolbar14:\Tthrobber.|MIt animates while this \w is active.
HelpStatus0:\Tstatus bar resizer.|MDrag to alter the size of the status bar.
HelpStatus1:\Tstatus bar.|MIt displays information on what the browser \w is doing.
HelpIconMenu0:\Rview information about this software.
HelpIconMenu1:\Sview NetSurf's documentation.
HelpIconMenu2:\Ropen a window.
HelpIconMenu2-0:\Renter an address to visit.
HelpIconMenu2-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpIconMenu2-2:\Sopen the global history \w.
HelpIconMenu3:\Sopen the Choices dialogue box.
HelpIconMenu4:\Squit NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu0:\Rsee the options relating to the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-0:\Rsee information about the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-1:\Rsave the current page as an HTML file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-2:\Rsave the current page including all the images and style sheets used.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-0:\Rexport the current page as a Drawfile.
HelpBrowserMenu0-3-1:\Rexport the current page as a plain text file.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4:\Rsave the address of the current page.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-0:\Rsave the current address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-1:\Rsave the current address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu0-4-2:\Rsave the current address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu0-5:\Sopen the print dialogue box.
HelpBrowserMenu0-6:\Sopen the current page in a new window.
HelpBrowserMenu0-7:\Sview the source code of the current page in a text editor.
HelpBrowserMenu1:\Rsee the options relating to the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-0:\Rsee information about the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-1:\Rsave the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2:\Rsee the export options.
HelpBrowserMenu1-2-0:\Rsave the image as a Sprite.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3:\Rsave the address of the current item.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-0:\Rsave the current item's address in Acorn URI format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-1:\Rsave the current item's address in Ant URL format.
HelpBrowserMenu1-3-2:\Rsave the current item's address as plain text.
HelpBrowserMenu1-4:\Sreload all the items on this page.
HelpBrowserMenu2:\Rsee the navigation options.
HelpBrowserMenu2-0:\Sreturn to the configured home page.
HelpBrowserMenu2-1:\Sgo back a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-2:\Sstep forward a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Sfetch the current page again.
HelpBrowserMenu2-4:\Sstop NetSurf from continuing to load this page.
HelpBrowserMenu3:\Rset the local display options.
HelpBrowserMenu3-0:\Rscale the page, affecting both text and images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1:\Rset the local image options.
#HelpBrowserMenu3-1-0:\Stoggle the display of foreground images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-1:\Stoggle the display of background images.
HelpBrowserMenu3-1-2:\Stoggle the display of animations.|MIf turned off, the first frame is displayed.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-1:\Stoggle the display of the address (URL) bar.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-2:\Stoggle the display of the throbber.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
HelpBrowserMenu3-2-3:\Stoggle the display of the status bar.|MHorizontal scroll bar uses the remaining width.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3:\Scontrol the manner in which the display is rendered.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-0:\Stoggle whether text is blended to the background.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-1:\Stoggle whether animations are not displayed until all calculations are complete.
HelpBrowserMenu3-3-2:\Stoggle whether everything is not displayed until all calculations are complete.
HelpBrowserMenu3-4:\Smake your local display options the default options for NetSurf.
HelpBrowserMenu4:\Rto access NetSurf's built in utilities.|MUtilities are tools such as the hotlist, history tree and various setup options.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0:\Rmanage the hotlist.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0-0:\Sadd the current page to the hotlist.
HelpBrowserMenu4-0-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1:\Rview the history options.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1-0:\Sopen the local history \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-1-1:\Sopen the global history \w.
HelpBrowserMenu4-2:\Rsearch for instances of a string of text on the page.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3:\Rcontrol the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-0:\Sto make the current \w position the default.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-1:\Sto toggle whether subsequent windows are staggered down the screen.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-2:\Sto toggle whether child windows copy the size and position of their parent.|MWhen off, all new windows open in the default position.
HelpBrowserMenu4-3-3:\Sto return to the default \w positioning.
HelpBrowserMenu5:\Rsee the help resources available.
HelpBrowserMenu5-0:\Sopen the documentation contents page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-1:\Sopen the user guide in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-2:\Sopen the user information page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-3:\Sopen the NetSurf about page in a new \w.
HelpBrowserMenu5-4:\Srun Help.
HelpBrowser-1:Click \s on a link to follow it.|MClick \a on a link to open it in a new \w.
HelpIconbar:\TNetSurf icon.|M\Sopen a new browser \w.|M\Aopen the hotlist management \w.
HelpHistory:Use this \w to navigate around the local history tree.|M\Son a thumbnail to return to that page.
HelpPrint:Use this \w to print the page.
HelpSaveAs0:Drag SELECT this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file.
HelpSaveAs1:This is the filename under which this document will be saved.
HelpSaveAs2:\Ssave the file with the current filename.|MIf a full path is not set, you must drag the icon to a directory.
HelpSaveAs3:\Sclose this \w without saving.
HelpScaleView:Use this \w to change the scale the page is displayed at.
HelpScaleView1:Enter the scale you wish the page to be displayed at.
HelpScaleView2:\Sreduce the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView3:\Sincrease the scale, 10% at a time.
HelpScaleView5:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 75%.
HelpScaleView6:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 100%.
HelpScaleView7:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 150%.
HelpScaleView8:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 200%.
HelpScaleView9:\Scancel changes.|MThe current scale will not be changed.
HelpScaleView10:\Schange the view to the scale you have chosen.
HelpSearch:Use this \w to search for text within the page.
HelpSearch0:Enter the search text. # matches any single character, * matches 0 or more characters.
HelpSearch1:Choose whether the search should regard upper and lower case characters as different.
HelpSearch2:\Smove to the next match.
HelpSearch3:\Smove to the previous match.
HelpSearch4:\Sstop searching and close this \w.
HelpHotFolder:Use this \w to set the directory name.
HelpHotEntry:Use this \w to set the entry details.
HelpHotlist:\Thotlist management window.
HelpHotlist0:\Sopen this directory.
HelpHotlist1:\Sclose this directory.
HelpHotlist2:\Sshow the entry details.
HelpHotlist3:\Shide the entry details.
HelpHotlist4:\Sselect this directory.|MDouble-click \s to open this directory.
HelpHotlist5:\Sselect this entry.|MDouble-click \s to launch this URL.
HelpHotlist6:Release the mouse buttons to complete your selection.
HelpHotlist7:Release the mouse buttons to move the selection.
HelpHotToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpHotToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
HelpHotToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotToolbar4:\Tcreate button.|M\Screate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0:\Rcreate a new item.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-0:\Rcreate a new directory.
HelpHotlistMenu0-0-1:\Rcreate a new address.
HelpHotlistMenu0-1:\Rexport the hotlist as an HTML file.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2:\Rexpand items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-1:\Sopen all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-2-2:\Sshow all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3:\Rcollapse items within the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-1:\Sclose all directories.
HelpHotlistMenu0-3-2:\Shide all entry details.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
HelpHotlistMenu0-4-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
HelpHotlistMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
HelpHotlistMenu1-0:\Redit the current item.
HelpHotlistMenu1-1:\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpHotlistMenu1-2:\Sdelete the current selection from the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu1-3:\Sreset statistics, such as visit count, for selected items.
HelpHotlistMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the hotlist.
HelpHotlistMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
HelpGHistory:\Tglobal history window.
HelpGHistoryToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
HelpGHistoryToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
HelpGHistoryToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
HelpGHistoryToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
HelpAppInfo:\TNetSurf information \w.|MSee the about page for the contributor list and credits.
HelpConfigure:\Tconfiguration \w for NetSurf
HelpConfigure0:Cache configuration tool
HelpConfigure1:Connection configuration tool
HelpConfigure2:Content configuration tool
HelpConfigure3:Font configuration tool
HelpConfigure4:Home page configuration tool
HelpConfigure5:Image configuration tool
HelpConfigure6:Interface configuration tool
HelpConfigure7:Language configuration tool
HelpConfigure8:Memory configuration tool
HelpConfigure9:Theme configuration tool
HelpConfigure10:Security and Privacy configuration tool
HelpCacheConfig:\Tcache configuration \w.
HelpCacheConfig3:\Tamount of memory to be used for caching content.
HelpCacheConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory.
HelpCacheConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory.
HelpCacheConfig10:\Tlength of time items are kept in the cache.
HelpCacheConfig11:\Sreduce the cache duration.
HelpCacheConfig12:\Sincrease the cache duration.
HelpCacheConfig14:\Sdelete any redundant files from NetSurf's disc cache.
HelpCacheConfig15:\Sreset the Cache options back to their default values.
HelpCacheConfig16:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpCacheConfig17:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpConnectConfig:\Tconnection configuration \w
HelpConnectConfig3:\Tcurrently selected proxy type.|MUse the menu to select a proxy type.
HelpConnectConfig4:\Sselect a proxy type.
HelpConnectConfig6:You can enter the proxy's host name here.
HelpConnectConfig8:You can enter the proxy's port number here.
HelpConnectConfig10:You can enter a username for proxies that require authentication here.
HelpConnectConfig12:You can enter a password for proxies that require authentication here.
HelpConnectConfig16:\Tmaximum number of simultanious fetches that NetSurf will perform.
HelpConnectConfig17:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultanious fetches.
HelpConnectConfig18:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultanious fetches.
HelpConnectConfig20:\Tmaximum number of simultanious fetches that NetSurf will perform per host.
HelpConnectConfig21:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultanious fetches per host.
HelpConnectConfig22:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultanious fetches per host.
HelpConnectConfig24:\Tmaximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig25:\Sreduce the maximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig26:\Sincrease the maximum number of persistent connections.
HelpConnectConfig27:\Sreset the Connection options back to their default values.
HelpConnectConfig28:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpConnectConfig29:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpContentConfig:\Tcontent configuration \w
HelpContentConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will atempt to block advertisements on web pages|MIn rare circumstances, this option may cause valid content to be blocked too.
HelpContentConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will stop web sites from automatically opening new windows on your desktop.
HelpContentConfig4:This indicates whether NetSurf will allow external plug-ins to handle additional types of content, such as Flash.
HelpContentConfig5:\Sreset the Content options back to their default values.
HelpContentConfig6:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpContentConfig7:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpFontConfig:\font configuration \w
HelpFontConfig3:\Tcurrently selected sans-serif font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a sans-serif typeface.
HelpFontConfig4:\Sselect a sans-serif font.
HelpFontConfig6:\Tcurrently selected serif font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a serif typeface.
HelpFontConfig7:\Sselect a sans-serif font.
HelpFontConfig9:\Tcurrently selected monospace font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a monospace typeface.
HelpFontConfig10:\Sselect a monospace font.
HelpFontConfig12:\Tcurrently selected cursive font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a cursive typeface.
HelpFontConfig13:\Sselect a cursive font.
HelpFontConfig15:\Tcurrently selected fantasy font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a fantasy typeface.
HelpFontConfig16:\Sselect a fantasy font.
HelpFontConfig18:\Tcurrently selected font family.|MNetSurf will use this wherever a web page does not specify a typeface.
HelpFontConfig19:\Sselect a default font family.
HelpFontConfig23:You can enter a default font size here.|MNetSurf will use this wherever a web page does not specify a font size of its own.
HelpFontConfig24:\Sreduce the default font size.
HelpFontConfig25:\Sincrease the default font size.
HelpFontConfig28:You can enter a minimum font size here.|MNetSurf will not allow web pages to display smaller text than this.
HelpFontConfig29:\Sreduce the minimum font size.
HelpFontConfig30:\Sincrease the minimum font size.
HelpFontConfig32:\Sreset the Font options back to their default values.
HelpFontConfig33:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpFontConfig34:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpHomeConfig:\Thome page configuration \w
HelpHomeConfig3:You can enter a default home page address here.
HelpHomeConfig4:\Sselect a recently typed URL.|MThese addresses have recently been typed into a NetSurf browser \w's URL bar.
HelpHomeConfig5:This indicates whether NetSurf will open a browser \w on start-up.
HelpHomeConfig6:\Sreset the Home page options back to their default values.
HelpHomeConfig7:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpHomeConfig8:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpImageConfig:\Timage configuration \w
HelpImageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected foreground image quality.
HelpImageConfig4:\Sselect a foreground image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
HelpImageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected background image quality.
HelpImageConfig7:\Sselect a background image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
HelpImageConfig8:\Timage quality preview image.|MThe optimum results are achived with both foreground and background image quality set to error diffused.|MThe user guide provides more information on the implications of these options.
HelpImageConfig12:You can enter the minimum time between animation frames here.|MA very low setting can cause your computer to slow down when rapid animations are displayed and is not suitable for slow computers.
HelpImageConfig13:\Sreduce the minimum time between animation frames.
HelpImageConfig14:\Sincrease the minimum time between animation frames.
HelpImageConfig16:This indicates whether NetSurf will disable animations on web pages.|MWhen animations are disabled, NetSurf will show the first frame as a static image.
HelpImageConfig17:\Sreset the Image options back to their default values.
HelpImageConfig18:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpImageConfig19:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpInterfaceConfig:\Tinterface configuration \w
HelpInterfaceConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will strip file extensions when saving files to disc.
HelpInterfaceConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will ask for confirmation before overwriting files of the same name.
HelpInterfaceConfig6:This indicates whether NetSurf's URL suggestion feature is enabled.|MURL suggestion shows options for completing URLs as you type into NetSurf's URL bar.
HelpInterfaceConfig7:This indicates whether the URL for the item under the pointer in NetSurf's local history \w will be displayed.
HelpInterfaceConfig8:\Sreset the Interface options back to their default values.
HelpInterfaceConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpInterfaceConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpLanguageConfig:\Tlanguage configuration \w
HelpLanguageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected interface language.|MThe interface language is the language used for NetSurf's messages and dialogue boxes.
HelpLanguageConfig4:\Sselect an interface language.
HelpLanguageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected web page language.|MIf a web site provides a choice of languages, NetSurf will request the page in your preferred language.
HelpLanguageConfig7:\Sselect a preferred web page language.
HelpLanguageConfig8:\Sreset the Language options back to their default values.
HelpLanguageConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpLanguageConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpMemoryConfig:\Tmemory configuration \w
HelpMemoryConfig3:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing uncompressed images here.
HelpMemoryConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig7:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig9:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing compressed images here.
HelpMemoryConfig10:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig11:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig13:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
HelpMemoryConfig14:\Sreset the Memory options back to their default values.
HelpMemoryConfig15:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpMemoryConfig16:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpSecurityConfig:\Tsecurity configuration \w
HelpSecurityConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will send site referral information to web servers.|MWhen this is enabled NetSurf will tell the web server of a new page the address of the site you came from, after following a link.
HelpSecurityConfig6:You can enter the length of time that items are stored in global history here.
HelpSecurityConfig7:\Sreduce the global history duration.
HelpSecurityConfig8:\Sincrease the global history duration.
HelpSecurityConfig10:\Sreset the Security options back to their default values.
HelpSecurityConfig11:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpSecurityConfig12:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpThemeConfig:\Ttheme configuration \w
HelpThemeConfig2:\Sreset the Theme options back to their default values.
HelpThemeConfig3:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
HelpThemeConfig4:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
HelpThemePConfig:This pane shows the available themes.|MThe selected icon theme is used for NetSurf browser \ws, the hotlist and global history.
# Configuration tokens
# ====================
# These tokens are used for the configuration icon text.
con_home:Home page
# Unused tokens
# =============
# These tokens appear to be unused at the current time.
# Tree export
TreeHotlist:NetSurf bladwijzers
TreeHistory:NetSurf historie
ExportAs:Exporteer als
Copy:Copieer naar prikbord ^C
DitherImg:Dither afbeelding
FilterImg:Smooth afbeelding
RenderText:Tekst met achtergrond mengen