Ole Loots 9efb276f97 Copy (whole) URL on Copy key.
svn path=/trunk/netsurf/; revision=13211
2011-11-30 22:37:57 +00:00

733 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright 2010 Ole Loots <>
* This file is part of NetSurf,
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <windom.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "desktop/gui.h"
#include "desktop/history_core.h"
#include "desktop/netsurf.h"
#include "desktop/browser.h"
#include "desktop/mouse.h"
#include "desktop/plot_style.h"
#include "desktop/plotters.h"
#include "atari/clipboard.h"
#include "atari/gui.h"
#include "atari/toolbar.h"
#include "atari/browser_win.h"
#include "atari/browser.h"
#include "atari/clipboard.h"
#include "atari/misc.h"
#include "atari/global_evnt.h"
#include "atari/plot.h"
#include "cflib.h"
#include "atari/res/netsurf.rsh"
#include "atari/plot/plotter.h"
extern char * cfg_homepage_url;
extern short vdih;
extern void * h_gem_rsrc;
extern GEM_PLOTTER plotter;
static OBJECT * throbber_form = NULL;
static const plot_font_style_t font_style_url = {
.weight = 400,
.flags = FONTF_NONE,
.background = 0xffffff,
.foreground = 0x0
/* prototypes & order for button widgets: */
static struct s_tb_button tb_buttons[] =
{ TOOLBAR_BT_BACK, tb_back_click, NULL },
{ TOOLBAR_BT_HOME, tb_home_click, NULL },
{ TOOLBAR_BT_FORWARD, tb_forward_click, NULL },
{ TOOLBAR_BT_RELOAD, tb_reload_click, NULL },
{ TOOLBAR_BT_STOP, tb_stop_click, NULL },
{ 0, NULL, NULL }
static void tb_txt_request_redraw(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h);
static void __CDECL button_redraw( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8])
OBJECT *tree = (OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch( &app, c, CDT_OBJECT );
struct gui_window * gw = mt_CompDataSearch( &app, c, CDT_OWNER );
LGRECT work,clip;
GRECT todo,crect;
short pxy[4];
mt_CompGetLGrect(&app, c, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
clip = work;
/* return if component and redraw region does not intersect: */
if ( !rc_lintersect( (LGRECT*)&buff[4], &clip ) ) {
/* clip contains intersecting part: */
pxy[0] = clip.g_x;
pxy[1] = clip.g_y;
pxy[2] = clip.g_w + clip.g_x;
pxy[3] = clip.g_h + clip.g_y;
vs_clip( vdih, 1, (short*)&pxy );
tree->ob_x = work.g_x+1;
tree->ob_y = work.g_y+2;
tree->ob_width = work.g_w;
tree->ob_height = work.g_h;
vsf_interior( vdih , 1 );
vsf_color( vdih, LWHITE );
pxy[0] = (short)buff[4];
pxy[1] = (short)buff[5];
pxy[2] = (short)buff[4] + buff[6];
pxy[3] = MIN( (short)buff[5] + buff[7], work.g_y + work.g_h - 2);
vswr_mode( vdih, MD_REPLACE);
v_bar( vdih, (short*)&pxy );
/* go through the rectangle list, using classic AES methods. */
/* Windom ComGetLGrect is buggy for WF_FIRST/NEXTXYWH */
crect.g_x = clip.g_x;
crect.g_y = clip.g_y;
crect.g_w = clip.g_w;
crect.g_h = clip.g_h;
wind_get(gw->root->handle->handle, WF_FIRSTXYWH,
&todo.g_x, &todo.g_y, &todo.g_w, &todo.g_h );
while( (todo.g_w > 0) && (todo.g_h > 0) ){
if( rc_intersect(&crect, &todo) ){
objc_draw( tree, 0, 0, todo.g_x, todo.g_y, todo.g_w, todo.g_h );
wind_get(gw->root->handle->handle, WF_NEXTXYWH,
&todo.g_x, &todo.g_y, &todo.g_w, &todo.g_h );
if( gw->root->toolbar->buttons[0].comp == c && work.g_x == buff[4] ){
vsl_color( vdih, LWHITE );
pxy[0] = (short)buff[4];
pxy[1] = (short)buff[5];
pxy[2] = (short)buff[4];
pxy[3] = (short)buff[5] + buff[7];
v_pline( vdih, 2, (short*) pxy );
vs_clip( vdih, 0, (short*)&clip );
static void __CDECL button_enable( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8])
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, c, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED;
static void __CDECL button_disable( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8])
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, c, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state |= OS_DISABLED;
static void __CDECL button_click( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8])
int i = 0;
struct gui_window * gw = (struct gui_window *)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, c, CDT_OWNER);
assert( gw );
while( i < gw->root->toolbar->btcnt ) {
if(c == gw->root->toolbar->buttons[i].comp ) {
gw->root->toolbar->buttons[i].cb_click( gw );
static struct s_tb_button * find_button( struct gui_window * gw, int rsc_id )
int i = 0;
while( i < gw->root->toolbar->btcnt ) {
if( gw->root->toolbar->buttons[i].rsc_id == rsc_id ) {
return( &gw->root->toolbar->buttons[i] );
static COMPONENT *button_create( OBJECT *o, short type, long size, short flex )
COMPONENT *c = mt_CompCreate( &app, type, size, flex );
OBJECT *oc = mt_ObjcNDup( &app, o, NULL, 1);
oc->ob_next = oc->ob_head = oc->ob_tail = -1;
mt_CompDataAttach( &app, c, CDT_OBJECT, oc );
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, c, WM_REDRAW, button_redraw );
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, c, WM_XBUTTON, button_click );
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, c, CM_GETFOCUS, button_enable );
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, c, CM_LOSEFOCUS, button_disable );
return c;
void __CDECL evnt_throbber_redraw( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8])
LGRECT work, clip;
int idx;
short pxy[4];
struct gui_window * gw = (struct gui_window *)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, c, CDT_OWNER);
if( gw->root->toolbar->throbber.running == false ) {
} else {
idx = gw->root->toolbar->throbber.index;
mt_CompGetLGrect(&app, c, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
clip = work;
if ( !rc_lintersect( (LGRECT*)&buff[4], &clip ) ) return;
vsf_interior( vdih , 1 );
if(app.nplanes > 2 )
vsf_color( vdih, LWHITE );
vsf_color( vdih, WHITE );
pxy[0] = (short)buff[4];
pxy[1] = (short)buff[5];
pxy[2] = (short)buff[4] + buff[6]-1;
pxy[3] = (short)buff[5] + buff[7]-2;
v_bar( vdih, (short*)&pxy );
if( throbber_form != NULL ) {
throbber_form[idx].ob_x = work.g_x+1;
throbber_form[idx].ob_y = work.g_y+4;
mt_objc_draw( throbber_form, idx, 8, clip.g_x, clip.g_y, clip.g_w, clip.g_h, app.aes_global );
void __CDECL evnt_url_redraw( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8] )
LGRECT work, clip;
struct gui_window * gw;
short pxy[10];
gw = (struct gui_window *)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, c, CDT_OWNER);
if( gw == NULL )
CMP_TOOLBAR tb = gw->root->toolbar;
mt_CompGetLGrect(&app, tb->url.comp, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
// this last pixel is drawn by the root component of the toolbar:
// it's the black border, so we leave it out:
clip = work;
if ( !rc_lintersect( (LGRECT*)&buff[4], &clip ) ) return;
pxy[0] = clip.g_x;
pxy[1] = clip.g_y;
pxy[2] = clip.g_w + clip.g_x-1;
pxy[3] = clip.g_h + clip.g_y-1;
vs_clip( vdih, 1, (short*)&pxy );
vsf_perimeter( vdih, 0 );
vsf_interior( vdih , 1 );
vsf_color( vdih, LWHITE );
//left margin:
pxy[0] = work.g_x;
pxy[1] = work.g_y;
pxy[2] = work.g_x + TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_LEFT-1;
pxy[3] = work.g_y + work.g_h-1;
v_bar( vdih, pxy );
// right margin:
pxy[0] = work.g_x+work.g_w-TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_RIGHT;
pxy[1] = work.g_y;
pxy[2] = work.g_x+work.g_w-1;
pxy[3] = work.g_y+work.g_h-1;
v_bar( vdih, pxy );
// top margin:
pxy[0] = work.g_x;
pxy[1] = work.g_y;
pxy[2] = work.g_x+work.g_w-1;
pxy[3] = work.g_y+TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_TOP-1;
v_bar( vdih, pxy );
// bottom margin:
pxy[0] = work.g_x;
pxy[1] = work.g_y+work.g_h-TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_BOTTOM;
pxy[2] = work.g_x+work.g_w-1;
pxy[3] = work.g_y+work.g_h-1;
v_bar( vdih, pxy );
vs_clip( vdih, 0, (short*)&pxy );
// TBD: request redraw of textarea for specific region.
clip.g_x -= work.g_x+TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_LEFT;
clip.g_y -= work.g_y+TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_TOP;
tb_txt_request_redraw( tb, clip.g_x, clip.g_y, clip.g_w, clip.g_h );
void __CDECL evnt_url_click( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8] )
LGRECT work;
short pxy[4];
short mx, my, mb, kstat;
int old;
graf_mkstate( &mx, &my, &mb, &kstat );
struct gui_window * gw = (struct gui_window *)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, c, CDT_OWNER);
assert( gw != NULL );
CMP_TOOLBAR tb = gw->root->toolbar;
mt_CompGetLGrect(&app, c, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
mx = - (work.g_x + TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_LEFT);
my = - (work.g_y + TOOLBAR_URL_MARGIN_TOP);
/* TODO: reset mouse state of browser window? */
/* select whole text when newly focused, otherwise set caret to end of text */
if( !window_url_widget_has_focus(gw) ) {
window_set_focus( gw, URL_WIDGET, (void*)&tb->url );
} else {
if( mb & 1 ) {
/* TODO: if the button is dragging, report drag event */
} else {
/* TODO: recognize click + shift key */
int mstate = BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1;
if( (kstat & (K_LSHIFT|K_RSHIFT)) != 0 )
textarea_mouse_action( tb->url.textarea, BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1, mx, my );
// TODO: do not send an complete redraw!
ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_REDRAW, gw->root->handle->handle,
work.g_x, work.g_y, work.g_w, work.g_h );
void tb_adjust_size( struct gui_window * gw )
LGRECT work;
CMP_TOOLBAR t = gw->root->toolbar;
mt_CompGetLGrect( &app, t->url.comp, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
/* do not overwrite the black border, because of that, add 1 */
textarea_set_dimensions( t->url.textarea, work.g_w, work.g_h );
tb_txt_request_redraw( t, 0,0, work.g_w-1, work.g_h-1);
static void __CDECL evnt_toolbar_redraw( COMPONENT *c, long buff[8], void *data )
LGRECT work, clip;
short pxy[4];
mt_CompGetLGrect(&app, c, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
clip = work;
if( !rc_lintersect( (LGRECT*)&buff[4], &clip ) ) return;
if( work.g_y + work.g_h != clip.g_y + clip.g_h ) return;
vswr_mode( vdih, MD_REPLACE );
vsl_color( vdih, BLACK );
vsl_type( vdih, 1 );
vsl_width( vdih, 1 );
pxy[0] = clip.g_x;
pxy[1] = pxy[3] = work.g_y + work.g_h-1 ;
pxy[2] = clip.g_x + clip.g_w;
v_pline( vdih, 2, (short*)&pxy );
static void tb_txt_request_redraw(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h)
LGRECT work;
if( data == NULL )
CMP_TOOLBAR t = data;
if( t->url.redraw == false ){
t->url.redraw = true;
t->url.rdw_area.g_x = x;
t->url.rdw_area.g_y = y;
t->url.rdw_area.g_w = w;
t->url.rdw_area.g_h = h;
} else {
/* merge the redraw area to the new area.: */
int newx1 = x+w;
int newy1 = y+h;
int oldx1 = t->url.rdw_area.g_x + t->url.rdw_area.g_w;
int oldy1 = t->url.rdw_area.g_y + t->url.rdw_area.g_h;
t->url.rdw_area.g_x = MIN(t->url.rdw_area.g_x, x);
t->url.rdw_area.g_y = MIN(t->url.rdw_area.g_y, y);
t->url.rdw_area.g_w = ( oldx1 > newx1 ) ?
oldx1 - t->url.rdw_area.g_x : newx1 - t->url.rdw_area.g_x;
t->url.rdw_area.g_h = ( oldy1 > newy1 ) ?
oldy1 - t->url.rdw_area.g_y : newy1 - t->url.rdw_area.g_y;
void tb_url_redraw( struct gui_window * gw )
CMP_TOOLBAR t = gw->root->toolbar;
if (t != NULL) {
if( t->url.redraw && ((plotter->flags & PLOT_FLAG_OFFSCREEN) == 0) ) {
const struct redraw_context ctx = {
.interactive = true,
.plot = &atari_plotters
short todo[4];
LGRECT work;
mt_CompGetLGrect(&app, gw->root->toolbar->url.comp, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
plotter->resize(plotter, work.g_w, work.g_h );
plotter->move(plotter, work.g_x, work.g_y );
if( plotter->lock( plotter ) == 0 )
todo[0] = work.g_x;
todo[1] = work.g_y;
todo[2] = todo[0] + work.g_w-1;
todo[3] = todo[1] + work.g_h-1;
vs_clip(plotter->vdi_handle, 1, (short*)&todo );
if( wind_get(gw->root->handle->handle, WF_FIRSTXYWH,
&todo[0], &todo[1], &todo[2], &todo[3] )!=0 ) {
while (todo[2] && todo[3]) {
/* convert screen to relative coords: */
todo[0] = todo[0] - work.g_x;
todo[1] = todo[1] - work.g_y;
if( todo[0] < 0 ){
todo[2] = todo[2] + todo[0];
todo[0] = 0;
if( todo[1] < 0 ){
todo[3] = todo[3] + todo[1];
todo[1] = 0;
if (rc_intersect(&t->url.rdw_area,(GRECT *)&todo)) {
struct rect clip = {
.x0 = todo[0],
.y0 = todo[1],
.x1 = todo[0]+todo[2],
.y1 = todo[1]+todo[3]
textarea_redraw( t->url.textarea, 0, 0, &clip, &ctx );
if (wind_get(gw->root->handle->handle, WF_NEXTXYWH,
&todo[0], &todo[1], &todo[2], &todo[3])==0) {
} else {
plotter->unlock( plotter );
plotter->unlock( plotter );
vs_clip(plotter->vdi_handle, 0, (short*)&todo);
t->url.redraw = false;
t->url.rdw_area.g_x = 65000;
t->url.rdw_area.g_y = 65000;
t->url.rdw_area.g_w = -1;
t->url.rdw_area.g_h = -1;
} else {
/* just copy stuff from the offscreen buffer */
CMP_TOOLBAR tb_create( struct gui_window * gw )
int i;
OBJECT * tbut;
CMP_TOOLBAR t = malloc( sizeof(struct s_toolbar) );
if( t == NULL )
return( NULL );
t->owner = gw;
/* create the root component: */
t->comp = (COMPONENT*)mt_CompCreate(&app, CLT_HORIZONTAL, TOOLBAR_HEIGHT, 0);
t->comp->rect.g_h = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT;
t->comp->bounds.max_height = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT;
mt_CompEvntDataAdd(&app, t->comp, WM_REDRAW, evnt_toolbar_redraw, NULL, EV_BOT);
/* count buttons and add them as components: */
RsrcGaddr( h_gem_rsrc, R_TREE, TOOLBAR , &tbut );
t->btdim.g_x = 0;
t->btdim.g_y = 1;
t->btdim.g_w = 0;
t->btdim.g_h = TB_BUTTON_HEIGHT+1;
i = 0;
while( tb_buttons[i].rsc_id > 0 ) {
t->btcnt = i;
t->buttons = malloc( sizeof(struct s_tb_button) * t->btcnt );
for( i=0; i < t->btcnt; i++ ) {
t->buttons[i].rsc_id = tb_buttons[i].rsc_id;
t->buttons[i].cb_click = tb_buttons[i].cb_click;
t->buttons[i].comp = button_create( &tbut[t->buttons[i].rsc_id] , CLT_VERTICAL, TB_BUTTON_WIDTH+1, 0);
mt_CompDataAttach( &app, t->buttons[i].comp, CDT_OWNER, gw );
t->buttons[i].comp->bounds.max_width = TB_BUTTON_WIDTH+1;
mt_CompAttach( &app, t->comp, t->buttons[i].comp );
t->btdim.g_w += TB_BUTTON_WIDTH+1;
/* create the url widget: */
t->url.textarea = textarea_create( 300, TOOLBAR_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT, 0,
&font_style_url, tb_txt_request_redraw,
t );
if( t->url.textarea != NULL ){
textarea_set_text(t->url.textarea, "http://");
t->url.comp = (COMPONENT*)mt_CompCreate(&app, CLT_HORIZONTAL, TOOLBAR_HEIGHT, 1);
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, t->url.comp, WM_REDRAW, evnt_url_redraw );
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, t->url.comp, WM_XBUTTON, evnt_url_click );
mt_CompDataAttach( &app, t->url.comp, CDT_OWNER, gw );
mt_CompAttach( &app, t->comp, t->url.comp );
/* create the throbber widget: */
if( throbber_form == NULL ) {
RsrcGaddr( h_gem_rsrc, R_TREE, THROBBER , &throbber_form );
throbber_form->ob_x = 0;
throbber_form->ob_y = 0;
t->throbber.comp = (COMPONENT*)mt_CompCreate(&app, CLT_HORIZONTAL, TOOLBAR_HEIGHT, 0);
t->throbber.comp->rect.g_h = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT;
t->throbber.comp->rect.g_w = 32;
t->throbber.comp->bounds.max_height = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT;
t->throbber.comp->bounds.max_width = 32;
t->throbber.index = THROBBER_MIN_INDEX;
t->throbber.max_index = THROBBER_MAX_INDEX;
t->throbber.running = false;
mt_CompEvntAttach( &app, t->throbber.comp, WM_REDRAW, evnt_throbber_redraw );
mt_CompDataAttach( &app, t->throbber.comp, CDT_OWNER, gw );
mt_CompAttach( &app, t->comp, t->throbber.comp );
return( t );
void tb_destroy( CMP_TOOLBAR tb )
int i=0;
while( i < tb->btcnt ) {
mt_ObjcFree( &app, (OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, tb->buttons[i].comp, CDT_OBJECT) );
free( tb->buttons );
textarea_destroy( tb->url.textarea );
mt_CompDelete( &app, tb->comp);
free( tb );
struct gui_window * tb_gui_window( CMP_TOOLBAR tb )
struct gui_window * gw;
gw = window_list;
while( gw != NULL ) {
if( gw->root->toolbar == tb ) {
LOG(("found tb gw: %p (tb: %p) for tb: %p", gw, gw->root->toolbar, tb ));
return( gw );
gw = gw->next;
return( NULL );
void tb_update_buttons( struct gui_window * gw )
struct s_tb_button * bt;
return; /* not working correctly, buttons disabled, even if it shouldn't */
bt = find_button( gw, TOOLBAR_BT_BACK );
if( browser_window_back_available(gw->browser->bw) ) {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state |= OS_DISABLED;
} else {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED;
mt_CompEvntRedraw( &app, bt->comp );
bt = find_button( gw, TOOLBAR_BT_FORWARD );
if( browser_window_forward_available(gw->browser->bw) ) {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state |= OS_DISABLED;
} else {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED;
mt_CompEvntRedraw( &app, bt->comp );
bt = find_button( gw, TOOLBAR_BT_RELOAD );
if( browser_window_reload_available(gw->browser->bw) ) {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state |= OS_DISABLED;
} else {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED;
mt_CompEvntRedraw( &app, bt->comp );
bt = find_button( gw, TOOLBAR_BT_STOP );
if( browser_window_stop_available(gw->browser->bw) ) {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state |= OS_DISABLED;
} else {
((OBJECT*)mt_CompDataSearch(&app, bt->comp, CDT_OBJECT))->ob_state &= ~OS_DISABLED;
mt_CompEvntRedraw( &app, bt->comp );
void tb_url_set( struct gui_window * gw, char * text )
LGRECT work;
int len = strlen(text);
char * newtext;
int newsize;
if( gw->root->toolbar == NULL )
if( gw->browser->attached == false )
struct s_url_widget * url = &gw->root->toolbar->url;
assert( gw != NULL );
assert( gw->browser != NULL );
assert( gw->root != NULL );
assert( gw->browser->bw != NULL );
textarea_set_text(url->textarea, text);
mt_CompGetLGrect( &app, gw->root->toolbar->url.comp, WF_WORKXYWH, &work);
/* do not overwrite the black border, because of that, add 1 */
tb_txt_request_redraw( gw->root->toolbar, 0,0,work.g_w,work.g_h );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Public Module event handlers: */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool tb_url_input( struct gui_window * gw, short nkc )
CMP_TOOLBAR tb = gw->root->toolbar;
LGRECT work;
bool ret = false;
assert( gw != NULL );
long ucs4;
long ik = nkc_to_input_key( nkc, &ucs4 );
if( ik == 0 ){
if ( (nkc&0xFF) >= 9 ) {
ret = textarea_keypress( tb->url.textarea, ucs4 );
else if( ik == KEY_CR || ik == KEY_NL ){
char tmp_url[PATH_MAX];
if( textarea_get_text( tb->url.textarea, tmp_url, PATH_MAX) > 0 ) {
window_set_focus( gw, BROWSER, gw->browser->bw);
browser_window_go(gw->browser->bw, (const char*)&tmp_url, 0, true);
ret = true;
else if( ik == KEY_COPY_SELECTION ){
// copy whole text
char * text;
int len;
len = textarea_get_text( tb->url.textarea, NULL, 0 );
text = malloc( len+1 );
if( text ){
textarea_get_text( tb->url.textarea, text, len+1 );
scrap_txt_write( &app, text );
free( text );
else {
ret = textarea_keypress( tb->url.textarea, ik );
return( ret );
void tb_back_click( struct gui_window * gw )
struct browser_window *bw = gw->browser->bw;
if( history_back_available(bw->history) )
history_back(bw, bw->history);
void tb_reload_click( struct gui_window * gw )
browser_window_reload( gw->browser->bw, true );
void tb_forward_click( struct gui_window * gw )
struct browser_window *bw = gw->browser->bw;
if (history_forward_available(bw->history))
history_forward(bw, bw->history);
void tb_home_click( struct gui_window * gw )
browser_window_go(gw->browser->bw, cfg_homepage_url, 0, true);
void tb_stop_click( struct gui_window * gw )
browser_window_stop( gw->browser->bw );