
108 lines
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* Copyright 2009 Chris Young <>
* This file is part of NetSurf,
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifdef WITH_NS_SVG
#ifndef AMIGA_IFF_DR2D_H
#define AMIGA_IFF_DR2D_H
#include <proto/iffparse.h>
#include <datatypes/pictureclass.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "content/content.h"
#include "amiga/download.h"
#define ID_DR2D MAKE_ID('D','R','2','D')
#define ID_DRHD MAKE_ID('D','R','H','D')
#define ID_ATTR MAKE_ID('A','T','T','R')
#define ID_CPLY MAKE_ID('C','P','L','Y')
#define ID_OPLY MAKE_ID('O','P','L','Y')
#define ID_STXT MAKE_ID('S','T','X','T')
#define ID_DASH MAKE_ID('D','A','S','H')
//#define ID_CMAP MAKE_ID('C','M','A','P') in dt/pictureclass
//#define ID_NAME MAKE_ID('N','A','M','E') in dt/datatypes
#define ID_ANNO MAKE_ID('A','N','N','O')
#define ID_FONS MAKE_ID('F','O','N','S')
struct drhd_struct {
float XLeft, YTop, XRight, YBot;
struct poly_struct {
USHORT NumPoints;
// float PolyPoints[]; // 2*numpoints
#define IND_SPLINE 0x00000001
#define IND_MOVETO 0x00000002
#define IND_CURVE 0x00000001
struct fons_struct {
UBYTE FontID; /* ID the font is referenced by */
UBYTE Pad1; /* Always 0 */
UBYTE Proportional; /* Is it proportional? */
UBYTE Serif; /* does it have serifs? */
struct stxt_struct {
UBYTE Pad0; /* Always 0 (for future expansion) */
UBYTE WhichFont; /* Which font to use */
float CharW, CharH, /* W/H of an individual char */
BaseX, BaseY, /* Start of baseline */
Rotation; /* Angle of text (in degrees) */
uint16 NumChars;
//char TextChars[NumChars];
/* Various fill types */
#define FT_NONE 0 /* No fill */
#define FT_COLOR 1 /* Fill with color from palette */
#define FT_OBJECTS 2 /* Fill with tiled objects */
struct attr_struct {
UBYTE FillType; /* One of FT_*, above */
UBYTE JoinType; /* One of JT_*, below */
UBYTE DashPattern; /* ID of edge dash pattern */
UBYTE ArrowHead; /* ID of arrowhead to use */
USHORT FillValue; /* Color or object with which to fill */
USHORT EdgeValue; /* Edge color index */
USHORT WhichLayer; /* ID of layer it's in */
float EdgeThick; /* Line width */
/* Join types */
#define JT_NONE 0 /* Don't do line joins */
#define JT_MITER 1 /* Mitered join */
#define JT_BEVEL 2 /* Beveled join */
#define JT_ROUND 3 /* Round join */
struct dash_struct {
USHORT DashID; /* ID of the dash pattern */
USHORT NumDashes; /* Should always be even */
// IEEE Dashes[NumDashes]; /* On-off pattern */
bool ami_svg_to_dr2d(struct IFFHandle *iffh, const char *buffer,
uint32 size, const char *url);
bool ami_save_svg(struct hlcache_handle *c, char *filename);
#endif // AMIGA_IFF_DR2D_H
#endif // WITH_NS_SVG