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synced 2025-03-12 10:03:18 +03:00
NETSURF - NATIVE ATARI ALPHA Version 3.0 (Development Version) Ported by: m0n0 Release date: 09.09.2011 Contact: ole@monochrom.net WWW: http://netsurf-browser.org Table of Contents: ------------------ 0x01 - What is it? 0x02 - System Requirements 0x03 - Features 0x04 - Missing features 0x05 - Things to test 0x06 - Additional Notes 0x07 - Known bugs 0x08 - Technical information What is it? A web browser! -------------------------- NetSurf is a multi-platform web browser which is written with portability and speed in mind. This is the native Port for the FreeMiNT OS. More info at project website: www.netsurf-browser.org Minimum System Requirements: ---------------------------- - 32 MB RAM ( 48 MB recommended for demanding websites ) - 32 MHz ( 60 Mhz recommended ) - At least 15 Bit Graphics card. - FreeMiNT 1.17.0 release kernel (Please look at FAQ to read about TOS support) for full & correct network support. Main Features: -------------- - Very good HTML 4 & CSS 2.1 rendering - HTTPS - Freetype2 font rendering Missing Features: ----------------- This section describes Features that NetSurf-Core offers but which are not handled by the GEM frontend currently. - Grapical website history dialog Installation Notes: ------------------- Unpack the compressed archive that you downloaded, change into the new directory and run ns.prg. If something isn't working - run ns.prg within an console and enable logging: ./ns.prg -v that makes it possible, that you can identify the problem. Additional Notes ---------------- If you would like to see the above mentioned features or can't run NetSurf because you only have a 16 or 256 Color system get in contact. Please also check the FAQ document. Want to have other software ported? Get in contact and make me rich >;-) If you want to help with netsurf, contact me for further info or visit the netsurf svn and add something usefull :) This is "just an early" alpha release. I wanted to get things moving on and I think it is good to show the Atari-Users what has been archived so far. This release lacks some features and some of the code written was just coded with an "I have to get this done quickly" attitude. This is especially true for the drawin routines... It doesn't offer offscreen bitmaps, which was one of my goals for a release. But I dropped that in favor of an not-so-delayed release. Known Bugs ---------- - "View Source" only works when the configured editor is already launched. - Wrong redraw area when parts of the window move out of the screen area. Technical info & outlook ------------------------ Greetings & Thanks ------------------ - AtFact for providing help with resource files & images - The MiNT Mailing list, they all helped me a lot! - The NetSurf Mailing list guys, especially the Amiga guys. - The NetSurf developers that did a great job! - Everyone that tested this Browser! - Everyone that provides feedback! - The forum.atari-home.de members for giving me much help during setup of my atari! ---- M0N0 - 09.09.2011