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Build Instructions for Framebuffer NetSurf 12 February 2009
This document provides instructions for building the Framebuffer version of
NetSurf and provides guidance on obtaining NetSurf's build dependencies.
Framebuffer NetSurf has been tested on Ubuntu and Debian.
Building and executing NetSurf
First of all, you should examine the contents of Makefile.config and
enable and disable relevant features as you see fit in a
Makefile.config.override . Some of these options can be
automatically detected and used, and where this is the case they are
set to such. Others cannot be automatically detected from the
Makefile, so you will either need to install the dependencies, or
set them to NO.
One option it is vitally important to set is the Framebuffer ports
frontend type by setting the NETSURF_FB_FRONTEND variable. The port
can run on a number of simple framebuffer implementations including
the linux framebuffer and an SDL surface.
You should then obtain NetSurf's dependencies, keeping in mind which options
you have enabled in the configuration file. See the next section for
Once done, to build Framebuffer NetSurf on a UNIX-like platform, simply run:
$ make TARGET=framebuffer
If that produces errors, you probably don't have some of NetSurf's build
dependencies installed. See "Obtaining NetSurf's dependencies" below. Or turn
off the complaining features in Makefile.config. You may need to "make clean"
before attempting to build after installing the dependencies.
Run NetSurf by executing the "nsfb" shell script:
$ ./nsfb
This script makes it easy to run the nsfb binary from the build tree. It
sets up some environment variables which enable NetSurf to find its
Selecting a frontend and appropriate options
The framebuffer port can operate on a number of frontends. A
frontend in this context is simply the combination of input and
output devices. A frontend output device may be any linearly mapped
area of memory. The framebuffer may be treated as values at 32, 16
or 8 bits per pixel. The input device is typically selected to
complement the output device and is completely specific to the
There are several configuration options which may influence the
framebuffer frontends. These are:
fb_refresh - The refresh rate (for physical displays)
fb_depth - The depth (in bits per pixel) of the framebuffer
window_width - The width of the framebuffer
window_height - The height of the framebuffer
The defaults are for 800 by 600 pixels at 16bpp and 70Hz refresh rate.
There are currently four frontends:
linux Output to a Linux framebuffer and input from linux input
event device nodes. The output device is specified with
the fb_device option which defaults to /dev/fb0 . The
input nodes are searched for in the path specified by the
fb_input_devpath option which defaults to /dev/input/
sdl The SDL frontend is a straightforward port to the SDL library
which abstracts the input and output from the application and has
been targeted to several operating systems.
vnc The VNC server frontend uses the libvncserver library to
provide a straightforward unsecured VNC server, multiple
clients may connect.
able Output to the Simtec ABLE bootloader framebuffer and input
from its input device node.
The framebuffer port currently has two choices for font
handling. The font handler may be selected at compile time by using
the NETSURF_FB_FONTLIB configuration key. Currently supported values
are internal and freetype
The internal font system has a single built in monospaced face with
CP467 encoding. The internal font plotter requires no additional
resources and is very fast, it is also aesthetically unappealing.
The freetype font system (freetype version 2 API is used) has
support for a number of different font file formats and faces. The
framebuffer font handler takes advantage of the freetype library
caching system to give good performance.
The font glyphs are, by default, rendered as 256 level transparency
which gives excellent visual results even on small font sizes.
The default font is the Vera trutype font set. The default path they
are sourced from is /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/ .
The font selection may be changed by placing truetype font files
in the resources path. The resource files will be the generic names
sans_serif.ttf, sans_serif_bold.ttf etc. The selection may also be
overridden by setting options.
The font system is configured at runtime by several options. The
fb_font_monochrome option causes the renderer to use monochrome
glyph rendering which is faster but less visually appealing. The
remaining seven options control the files to be used for font faces.
fb_face_sans_serif - The sans serif face
fb_face_sans_serif_bold - The bold sans serif face
fb_face_sans_serif_italic - The italic sans serif face
fb_face_sans_serif_italic_bold - The bold italic sans serif face.
fb_face_monospace - The monospaced font
fb_face_serif - The serif font
fb_serif_bold - The bold serif font
Old Freetype
The framebuffer port Freetype font implementation was constructed
using a modern version of the library (2.3.5) to use versions 2.2.1
and prior the following patch is necessary.
Index: framebuffer/fb_font_freetype.c
--- framebuffer/fb_font_freetype.c (revision 6750)
+++ framebuffer/fb_font_freetype.c (working copy)
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
FT_Glyph glyph;
FT_Error error;
fb_faceid_t *fb_face;
+ FTC_ImageTypeRec trec;
fb_fill_scalar(style, &srec);
@@ -318,15 +319,24 @@
glyph_index = FTC_CMapCache_Lookup(ft_cmap_cache, srec.face_id, fb_face->cidx, ucs4);
- error = FTC_ImageCache_LookupScaler(ft_image_cache,
- &srec,
- ft_load_type,
- glyph_index,
- &glyph,
- NULL);
+ trec.face_id = srec.face_id;
+ if (srec.pixel) {
+ trec.width = srec.width;
+ trec.height = srec.height;
+ } else {
+ /* Convert from 1/64 pts to pixels */
+ trec.width = srec.width * css_screen_dpi / 64 / srec.x_res;
+ trec.height = srec.height * css_screen_dpi / 64 / srec.y_res;
+ }
+ trec.flags = FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT | ft_load_type;
+ error = FTC_ImageCache_Lookup(ft_image_cache,
+ &trec,
+ glyph_index,
+ &glyph,
+ NULL);
return glyph;
Obtaining NetSurf's build dependencies
Many of NetSurf's dependencies are packaged on various operating systems.
The remainder must be installed manually. Currently, some of the libraries
developed as part of the NetSurf project have not had official releases.
Hopefully they will soon be released with downloadable tarballs and packaged
in common distros. For now, you'll have to make do with svn checkouts.
Package installation
Debian-like OS:
$ apt-get install libglade2-dev libcurl3-dev libxml2-dev libmng-dev
$ apt-get install librsvg2-dev lemon re2c
Recent OS versions might need libcurl4-dev instead of libcurl3-dev but
note that when it has not been built with OpenSSL, the SSL_CTX is not
available and results that certification details won't be presented in case
they are invalid. But as this is currently unimplemented in the Framebuffer
flavour of NetSurf, this won't make a difference at all.
$ yum install libglade2-devel curl-devel libxml2-devel libmng-devel
$ yum install librsvg2-devel lcms-devel re2c
You'll need to install re2c, a tool which builds the CSS lexer, and the
development resources for libglade2, libcurl3, libxml2, libmng and librsvg.
Note that if you don't require MNG or JNG image support, NetSurf can be
configured to use libpng instead of libmng. If you wish to do this, install
the libpng development package instead.
NetSurf has its own library for decoding and rendering BMPs, ICOs, etc.
You can check it out from svn://svn.netsurf-browser.org/trunk/libnsbmp
To build and install it:
$ sudo make install
NetSurf has its own library for decoding and rendering GIFs. You can check
it out from svn://svn.netsurf-browser.org/trunk/libnsgif
To build and install it:
$ sudo make install
NetSurf can use Hubbub, the project's HTML parser, instead of using libxml2's
HTML parser. To build this, you will also require libparserutils. Firstly,
check out libparserutils from;
and do the usual "sudo make install". Once this is built and installed, you
can check out and build Hubbub. Check out hubbub from;
and again do the usual "sudo make install".
NetSurf uses James Shaw's librosprite for rendering RISC OS Sprite files on
non-RISC OS platforms. The Makefile will automatically use librosprite if
it is installed. You can disable it entirely by editing Makefile.config.
To build librosprite, check out from svn://svn.rjek.com/jshaw/libsprite/trunk
Build and install it:
$ sudo make install
Optionally, specify an install prefix:
$ PREFIX=/path/to/install make install
NetSurf can use Haru PDF to enable PDF export and printing in GTK. This
is currently enabled by default, and cannot be auto-detected by the Makefile.
If you wish to disable it, do so by editing Makefile.config.
Haru PDF can be obtained from http://libharu.org/, although we currently
depend on features that none of the official released versions does have.
The current development versions of libharu are fine and we anticipate
the libharu 2.2 release will be fine for NetSurf usage.
A recently taken snapshot of one of those libharu development versions can
be found at:
If your distribution does not package 'lemon' (Fedora doesn't) then you'll
need to download it and build it yourself. You may find it comes with the
SQLite packages (SQLite's parser is built with lemon). If not, try this:
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/share/lemon
$ wget http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/getfile/sqlite/tool/lemon.c
$ wget -O /usr/local/share/lemon/lempar.c http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/getfile/sqlite/tool/lempar.c
$ sed -e's!lempar.c!/usr/local/share/lemon/lempar.c!' lemon.c > lem.c
$ gcc -o /usr/local/bin/lemon lem.c
General requirements
Depending on the frontend selected the build may need specific
libraries installed, e.g. the SDL port requires SDL1.2 or later
Installing these libraries will often will pull in loads of things,
like the PNG and JPEG libraries, colour management libraries, zlib,
OpenSSL etc that NetSurf also depends on.